1.1 Element Selection archived

Issued: 4/27/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.14 Inconsistent Balance Attribute

This guidance is archived. See Components of Roll Forwards with Income and Expense Items for updated Best Practice Guidance. Issue In a number of cases the balance type of an element defined in the taxonomy is inconsistent with its definition. For example an element representing a gain for a durational period is defined with a debit balance […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 3/30/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.13 Threshold Percentage Concepts

Issue Filers have created a number of extension elements related to various financial reporting threshold percentage concepts. These concepts can pertain to different disclosure topics (accounting policy, income tax, segment reporting, pension and etc.). Below is a list of common concepts along with underlying disclosure: Threshold for ASC 740 income tax recognition for uncertain tax […more]

1.2 Member Selection

Issued: 2/27/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.2.5 Distinction between Parent Company Member and Parent Member

Issue There has been some confusion as to the difference between the ParentCompanyMember and the ParentMember. These two elements are distinct and defined as follows: ParentCompanyMember: The parent company member is the concept used to refer to the actual holding company (A separate legal entity), which is the consolidating entity on a stand-alone basis (i.e., […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 1/27/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.11 DEI disclosure for LLC’s

Issue Some LLC companies present the ownership units on DEI as follows: Example 1: Example 2: Recommendation When LLC companies present DEI in this format, the EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding element should not be tagged. If the presentation is described as in Example 1 above, an extension element MembershipInterestsDescription should be created with a data type of stringItemType […more]

1.2 Member Selection

Issued: 1/6/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.2.4 Share-Based Compensation Allocation Table

Issue The reporting of stock-based compensation split over various expense categories in the income statement is inconsistent across a number of filings.  The taxonomy provides a table[1] that allows a filer to dimensionally qualify the stock-based compensation between the following members: Cost of Sales Research and Development Selling and Marketing Restructuring General and Administrative However, […more]

1.4 Calculations

Issued: 8/26/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.4.2 Calculation of Cash Flow from Operations

Issue The items NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations and NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities do not have a balance type.  The reason for this is so that the adjustment expense and revenue items can be represented using the calculation linkbase.  If these items were to have a balance type, the calculation relationship would fail due to the XBRL specification rule that does not […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 7/29/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.9 Specific Non-controlling Interest Elements

Issue For disclosures related to non-controlling interests, there are a number of cases where companies either choose the more generic item (includes non-controlling interest) versus the more specific or narrow item (excludes non-controlling interest).  It would be preferable that companies use the same tags if they do not have non-controlling interests.  The following items were […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 5/27/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.7 Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Taxes

Issue What concept should be used to represent Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Taxes when modeling an income statement if income from equity method investments does not exist?  Should the filer use “Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes, Extraordinary Items, Non-controlling Interest, Total” or should they use “Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations […more]

1.4 Calculations

Issued: 4/29/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.4.1 Comprehensive Income – Reconciliations in Calculation Relationships

Issue Sometimes financial information is reported by filers in a way such that XBRL calculation relationships become invalid.  Typically, this occurs when filers reconcile between two numbers in a financial statement. See the table and examples below: Potential element selections for the above table: NetIncomeLoss (Balance Type: Credit) NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest (Balance Type: Debit) OtherComprehensiveIncomeDerivativesQualifyingAsHedgesNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecrease(No Balance Type) […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 4/29/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.6 Duplicate Elements in Pensions

A number of companies have created duplicate elements for pension-related transactions, such as benefits paid. The element DefinedBenefitPlanBenefitsPaid reduces the pension obligation.  It also reduces the fair value of pension plan assets.  This item is defined in the taxonomy as a debit item to reflect the reduction in pension obligation.  As a result, a number […more]