XULE is an expression syntax that allows the querying of XBRL reports and taxonomies using a XULE processor. The primary purpose of XULE is to provide a user friendly syntax to query and manipulate XBRL data. Unlike XBRL Formula XULE does not have the ability create facts or define new XBRL reports.

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Central Data Repository

FFIEC’s CDR provides Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) and Uniform Bank Performance Reports (UBPRs) for most FDIC-insured institutions. The information available on this site is updated to reflect the most recent data for both prior and current periods. The earliest data provided is from March 31, 2001.


The XBRL API (Application Program Interface) is a set of endpoints developed to help data users access timely, highly granular, structured XBRL data. The XBRL API works with any database that contains XBRL data, as demonstrated with the XBRL US Database of Public Filings.

Database of Public Filings

The XBRL US Database of Public Filings mirrors the structure of the XBRL standard so that an XBRL instance document and associated schema can be loaded and stored. This structure makes it very flexible for use in any XBRL data collection environment. XBRL US populates the public database with XBRL filings submitted to the SEC […more]