Hear from government agency representatives and data standards experts in this practical 60-minute webinar on how the DATA Act will help agencies create more useful, transparent information. Earn CPE credit and find out how agencies can gain while implementing DATA Act requirements from the greater efficiencies enabled by standards.
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- DATA Act Deliverables for the Non-Technical
- Implementation Considerations: Getting Ready for DATA Act Requirements
- Mapping to Existing Agency Systems - an FDIC Case Study
- Validation and Quality - How Structured Data Can Facilitate Catching Errors and Creating Better Data
- Review of DATA Act Process Steps
- Herschel Chandler, Managing Principal, Information Unlimited, Inc, data standard expert
- Neeraj Gupta, Business Solutions Lead, Consumer Financial Protections Bureau
- Christina Ho, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Accounting Policy and Financial Transparency, U.S. Department of the Treasury
- Mark Montoya, Senior Business Analyst, FDIC
- Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
- Jeffrey Steinhoff, Executive Director, KPMG Government Institute
This program is conducted through a partnership between ACT-IAC, an objective, ethical and trusted forum where government and industry communicate, collaborate and learn, the Association for Government Accountants (AGA), the member organization for financial professionals in government, and XBRL US, the national consortium for the business reporting standard.