XBRL US Launches Podcast Series on Interactive Data

XBRL US, Inc., the nonprofit consortium dedicated to the adoption of XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), a technology standard for the reporting of financial and business information in the U.S., initiated its first two podcasts featuring important stakeholders.  The programs featured Jeff Diermeier, CFA, president and CEO of CFA Institute, and Barry Melancon, president and […more]

XBRL US Standards Consortium Completes Creation of US GAAP Taxonomies

Market Acceptance Testing with Key Stakeholders Initiated New York, September 25, 2007 — U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox announced a major step forward in fulfilling a vision for interactive data and more transparent financial reporting with the completion of all development work on data tags for financial reporting in accordance with U.S. […more]


Record of Credit Ratings Legal Notice

Notice Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2009 – 2010 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, the “Record of Credit Ratings Taxonomy” may be used by the public, royalty-free and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or assist in the use […more]


US GAAP Taxonomies 2008, 2009 Legal Notice

Notice: Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2007-2009 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, the U.S. GAAP Financial Statement Taxonomy may be used by the public, royalty-free, in U.S. GAAP reporting, and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or assist […more]


Schedule of Investments Legal Notice

Notice Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2008 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, the “XBRL US Schedule of Investments Taxonomy” may be used by the public, royalty-free, in Investment Fund reporting, and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or […more]


Mutual Fund Risk/Return Legal Notice

Notice Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2008 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, the “XBRL US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy” may be used by the public, royalty-free, in Mutual Fund reporting, and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, […more]


US GAAP Taxonomy V1.0 Legal Notice

Notice: Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2007 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, the U.S. GAAP Financial Statement Taxonomy may be used by the public, royalty-free, in U.S. GAAP reporting, and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or assist […more]


Terms and Conditions: US GAAP Taxonomies Comments

No Restrictions on Dissemination or Use of Information and Technology Submitted in Response to Solicitation In order to meet the SEC’s mission requirements, it is vital that the U.S. GAAP Financial Statement Taxonomy, any subsequent modifications to it, and any future taxonomies derived from it can be used by the public, royalty-free, in U.S. GAAP […more]


Privacy Policy

Updated April, 2021 XBRL US, Inc. is a jurisdiction of XBRL International, responsible for implementation of the data reporting standard in the United States. We are committed to protecting your privacy and this policy explains when and why we collect personal information about people who contact us, visit our website, and/or attend our events, how we […more]


XBRL US Comment on SEC Data Collection Extension Rule 17g-7

XBRL US Comment on SEC Data Collection Extension Rule 17g-7