Guidance - Legal Entities & Consolidations
Public Review Ended
Sep 10, 2018

Dimensional Modeling Guidance – Legal Entities & Consolidation Guidance

This document is intended to add additional explanation to the FASB implementation guide on Dimensional Modeling for Disclosures of Consolidated and Nonconsolidated Entities. In addition this document identifies DQC rules to ensure that that the practices defined in the FASB implementation guide are implemented.


Intro to XULE Training

XULE is an XBRL processing syntax that lets users manipulate and evaluate XBRL content, including facts, reports, and taxonomies, so that the information can be normalized, verified and displayed consistently. 1. Get started with XULE How XULE works Compiled XULE files (.zip format) read XBRL instance documents through XBRL processing software. Arelle is an open-source […more]


Achievement Evidence

If there is an XBRL Achievement displayed above, the image includes embedded details unique to the recipient of this XBRL Achievement – right click on the image to copy the URL or download the file. The image or its URL can be validated publicly and/or uploaded to an Open Badges-capable service by the person who […more]

FASB Call for Comment – the 2024 SRT and DQCRT

Wednesday, September 5, 2023 - Monday, November 6, 2023
Comment Period hosted by FASB
Visit FASB's XBRL page

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following: Proposed technical and other conforming improvements for the 2024 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) (File Reference No. 2024-1000) The comment period for the proposed technical and other conforming improvements for the SRT ends on November 6, 2023. Interested parties may provide comments on […more]


XBRL Taxonomy Creation (XODEL)

XODEL is an expression syntax that allows the creation of  XBRL taxonomies using a XULE processor. XODEL uses the XULE syntax to create new taxonomy objects and redefine existing taxonomy objects. The diagram below shows how XODEL can be used to redefine existing taxonomies into new taxonomies, how taxonomies can be created from alternative data […more]


Academic Institution Benefits

Not yet a Member? Get started today(Learn more) Your school’s XBRL US Membership offers a number of significant benefits – timely communication, tools and resources, and networking with faculty and other segments of our diverse membership – to help you with research and introduce your students to the wealth of standardized data available for educational […more]


A member of our Software and Services community since September, 2013.

Altova®, the creator of XMLSpy®, MapForce®, and other leading XML, SQL, and UML tools, is the choice of over 4.8 million clients worldwide. The company is committed to providing its customers with easy-to-use tools for data management, software and application development, mobile development, and data integration. Altova has extended the reach of its XML development tools […more]

Data Quality Certification

The US SEC knows a good thing when it sees it. They support the Data Quality Committee rules in the 2022 US GAAP Taxonomy.

Are you using a tool or service that checks your filing with these rules? Finding and fixing issues identified prior to filing gives the markets a clear picture of your company financials.

See real-time company-specific data quality filing results.

February, 2021 Newsletter

February, 2021 SEC EDGAR System supports XBRL US DQC rules. In its draft EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II), the Commission announced that EDGAR Release 21.1 will support XBRL US Data Quality Committee (DQC) rules in the US GAAP Taxonomy Release 2021, noting: EDGAR will support new data quality-enhancing checks included by FASB in the US-GAAP […more]

SEC Announces EDGAR BETA Test Environment

On February 3, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that they will be releasing a limited access pilot test environment for beta-testers, to help filers and vendors try out the impact of a new URL that will be used for EDGAR submissions.  The test environment, EDGAR BETA, will give filers and vendors early […more]