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Release Version | Rule element ID | namespace | Axis Name | Label | Members defined in standard taxonomy |
Members on additional UGT axes |
Additional UGT members | Extensions Allowed |
Extensions allowed |
2.0 | 51 | us-gaap | FairValueByFairValueHierarchyLevelAxis | Fair Value, Hierarchy [Axis] | Yes | Limited | FairValueInputsLevel1AndLevel2Member, FairValueInputsLevel2AndLevel3Member | ||
2.0 | 52 | us-gaap | ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeAxis | Reclassification out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Axis] | Yes | No | |||
2.0 | 53 | us-gaap | OtherOwnershipInterestsByNameAxis | Other Ownership Interests Name [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 54 | dei | LegalEntityAxis | Legal Entity [Axis] | Yes | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankAxis | PredecessorMember, CoVenturerMember, SpinOffMember, PartnershipMember, LimitedLiabilityCompanyMember, TrustForBenefitOfEmployeesMember | Yes | |
2.0 | 56 | us-gaap | NoncashOrPartNoncashDivestituresByUniqueNameAxis | Unique Name [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 57 | us-gaap | ScheduleOfEquityMethodInvestmentEquityMethodInvesteeNameAxis | Investment, Name [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 58 | us-gaap | CounterpartyNameAxis | Counterparty Name [Axis] | None | AffiliatedEntityMember, InvestorMember, VariableInterestEntityNotPrimaryBeneficiaryMember, ChiefFinancialOfficerMember, IndividualMember, GovernmentMember, GuarantorSubsidiariesMember, SubsidiaryIssuerMember, DirectorMember, ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember, ChiefOperatingOfficerMember, GeneralPartnerMember, CorporateJointVentureMember, SubsidiaryOfCommonParentMember, | Yes | ||
2.0 | 59 | us-gaap | PlanNameAxis | Plan Name [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 60 | us-gaap | DefinedContributionPlanNameAxis | Defined Contribution Plan Name [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 62 | sec | CurrencyAxis | Currency [Axis] | Yes | Limited | SICAD1Member, SICAD2Member, OtherCurrencyMember, NonUSDollarMember | ||
2.0 | 63 | us-gaap | PositionAxis | Position [Axis] | Yes | Limited | NetLongPositionMember, NetShortPositionMember | ||
2.0 | 64 | us-gaap | FairValueByMeasurementFrequencyAxis | Measurement Frequency [Axis] | Yes | No | |||
2.0 | 65 | us-gaap | FairValueByMeasurementBasisAxis | Measurement Basis [Axis] | Yes | No | |||
2.0 | 66 | us-gaap | HedgingDesignationAxis | Hedging Designation [Axis] | Yes | Limited | NotDesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentEconomicHedgesMember, NotDesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentNonQualifiedMember, NotDesignatedAsHedgingInstrumentTradingMember | ||
2.0 | 69 | us-gaap | ProductOrServiceAxis | Products and Services [Axis] | Yes | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentAxis, AircraftTypeAxis, ScheduleOfMalpracticeInsuranceTypeAndTierIdentifierAxis | AuctionRateSecuritiesMember, AutomobileLoanMember, CommercialLoanMember, CommercialRealEstateMember, ConstructionLoansMember, ConsumerLoanMember, CrudeOilMember, FuelMember, GeneralLiabilityMember, HeatingOilMember, HomeEquityLoanMember, HomeEquityMember, LetterOfCreditMember, LineOfCreditMember, LoansMember, MortgageLoansOnRealEstateMember, NaturalGasLiquidsReservesMember, NaturalGasReservesMember, OilReservesMember, ProfessionalMalpracticeLiabilityMember, RealEstateLoanMember, ResidentialMortgageMember, SyntheticOilMember | Yes | |
2.0 | 70 | us-gaap | ConsolidationItemsAxis | Consolidation Items [Axis] | Yes | Limited | CorporateReconcilingItemsAndEliminationsMember, CorporateAndReconcilingItemsMember, CorporateAndEliminationsMember, EliminationsAndReconcilingItemsMember | ||
2.0 | 71 | us-gaap | DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis | Defined Benefit Plan, Asset Categories [Axis] | Yes | All – except members on DefinedBenefitPlansDisclosuresDefinedBenefitPlansAxis | Yes | ||
2.0 | 72 | us-gaap | AwardDateAxis | Award Date [Axis] | None | Yes | |||
2.0 | 74 | us-gaap | SubsequentEventTypeAxis | Subsequent Event Type [Axis] | Yes | No |
Note 1 – Allowable US-GAAP members on the CounterpartyNameAxis | |||
Element Name | Label | Namespace | Documentation |
AffiliatedEntityMember | Affiliated Entity [Member] | us-gaap | An affiliate is a party that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the entity. |
InvestorMember | Investor [Member] | us-gaap | Business entity or individual that puts money, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, such as interest income or appreciation in value. |
VariableInterestEntityNotPrimaryBeneficiaryMember | Variable Interest Entity, Not Primary Beneficiary [Member] | us-gaap | Variable Interest Entities (VIE) in which the entity does not have a controlling financial interest (as defined) and of which it is therefore not the primary beneficiary. VIEs of which the entity is not the primary beneficiary because it does not have the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and for which it does not have the obligation to absorb losses of the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE or the right to receive benefits from the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE are not included in the consolidated financial statements of the entity. |
ChiefFinancialOfficerMember | Chief Financial Officer [Member] | us-gaap | Senior executive officer responsible for overseeing the financial activities of the entity. |
IndividualMember | Individual Counterparty [Member] | us-gaap | Individual person that is legally permitted to enter into a contract and be sued if that person fails to meet the obligations imposed by a contract. |
GovernmentMember | Government [Member] | us-gaap | Organization that is the governing authority of a community. |
GuarantorSubsidiariesMember | Guarantor Subsidiaries [Member] | us-gaap | Entity owned or controlled by another entity which has guaranteed the issue of securities by another subsidiary of the parent or has guaranteed the issue of securities by the parent. |
SubsidiaryIssuerMember | Subsidiary Issuer [Member] | us-gaap | A company controlled, directly or indirectly, by its parent, which has issued securities and those securities are guaranteed by its parent and another subsidiary of the parent. |
DirectorMember | Director [Member] | us-gaap | Person serving on the board of directors (who collectively have responsibility for governing the entity). |
ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember | Chief Executive Officer [Member] | us-gaap | Highest ranking executive officer, who has ultimate managerial responsibility for the entity and who reports to the board of directors. In addition, the chief executive officer (CEO) may also be the chairman of the board or president. |
ChiefOperatingOfficerMember | Chief Operating Officer [Member] | us-gaap | Senior executive officer responsible for management of day-to-day activities of the entity. |
GeneralPartnerMember | General Partner [Member] | us-gaap | Party to a partnership business who has unlimited liability. |
CorporateJointVentureMember | Corporate Joint Venture [Member] | us-gaap | Corporation owned and operated by a small group of ventures to accomplish a mutually beneficial venture or project. |
SubsidiaryOfCommonParentMember | Subsidiary of Common Parent [Member] | us-gaap | Refers to an entity under the control of the same parent as another entity (that is, a sister company). |
Note 2 – Allowable extension members on the CurrencyAxis | |||
Element Name | Label | Namespace | Documentation |
SICAD1Member | SICA D1 [Member] | extension | Venezuelan complementary currency exchange system, Sistema Complementario de Administracion de Divisas 1 |
SICAD2Member | SICA D2 [Member] | extension | Venezuelan complementary currency exchange system, Sistema Complementario de Administracion de Divisas 2 |
OtherCurrencyMember | Other [Member] | extension | Represents all other currencies not specifically defined. |
NonUSDollarMember | Non-U.S. Dollar [Member] | extension | Represents all other currencies that are not USD. |
Note 3 – Allowable US-GAAP members on the ProductOrServiceAxis | |||
Element Name | Label | Namespace | Documentation |
AuctionRateSecuritiesMember | Auction Rate Securities [Member] | us-gaap | Debt instrument securities (for example, but not limited to, corporate or municipal bonds) that typically have long-term nominal maturities for which the interest rate is reset through an auction process. |
AutomobileLoanMember | Automobile Loan [Member] | us-gaap | Loan to finance the purchase of a vehicle. |
CommercialLoanMember | Commercial Loan [Member] | us-gaap | A loan, whether secured or unsecured, to a company for purposes such as seasonal working capital needs, inventory financing, equipment purchases and acquisitions. |
CommercialRealEstateMember | Commercial Real Estate [Member] | us-gaap | Property that is solely used for business purposes. |
ConstructionLoansMember | Construction Loans [Member] | us-gaap | A borrowing arrangement which provides the entity constructing a facility (such as a building and a landfill) with funds to effect construction, generally on a draw down, or as needed, basis. |
ConsumerLoanMember | Consumer Loan [Member] | us-gaap | Loan or extension of credit for personal, family, or household use excluding real estate. |
CrudeOilMember | Crude Oil [Member] | us-gaap | Unrefined, unprocessed oil, which may be used in a variety of applications, and from which, petroleum-based products are produced. |
FuelMember | Fuel [Member] | us-gaap | Represents material used for the production of energy in the form of heat or power. Examples may include, but not be limited to heating, transpiration, etc. |
GeneralLiabilityMember | General Liability [Member] | us-gaap | Type of business insurance which provides insurance coverage for a wide variety of liability exposures including, but not limited to, contractual liability, product liability and personal injury liability. |
HeatingOilMember | Heating Oil [Member] | us-gaap | Fuel oil used to produce heat in an office, plant, or any other location where temperature is controlled or managed. |
HomeEquityLoanMember | Home Equity Loan [Member] | us-gaap | Loan based on the equity of the borrower’s residential property in which the borrower receives the loan amount upfront. Excludes home equity lines of credit. |
HomeEquityMember | Home Equity Line of Credit [Member] | us-gaap | Revolving, open-end loan extended under a line of credit and secured by the borrower’s residential property. |
LetterOfCreditMember | Letter of Credit [Member] | us-gaap | A document typically issued by a financial institution which acts as a guarantee of payment to a beneficiary, or as the source of payment for a specific transaction (for example, wiring funds to a foreign exporter if and when specified merchandise is accepted pursuant to the terms of the letter of credit). |
LineOfCreditMember | Line of Credit [Member] | us-gaap | A contractual arrangement with a lender under which borrowings can be made up to a specific amount at any point in time, and under which borrowings outstanding may be either short-term or long-term, depending upon the particulars. |
LoansMember | Loans [Member] | us-gaap | When a lender gives money or property over other debt securities sold by the issuer. In the event the issuer goes bankrupt, senior debt holders receive priority for [must receive] repayment [prior] relative to junior and unsecured (general) creditors. |
MortgageLoansOnRealEstateMember | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate [Member] (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | us-gaap | A loan to finance the purchase of real estate where the lender has a lien on the property as collateral for the loan. |
NaturalGasLiquidsReservesMember | Natural Gas Liquids [Member] | us-gaap | Natural gas liquids that include, but are not limited to, ethane, propane, natural gasoline, butane and isobutane. |
NaturalGasReservesMember | Natural Gas [Member] | us-gaap | Natural gas composed primarily of methane gas, excluding liquid or condensate natural gas. |
OilReservesMember | Oil [Member] | us-gaap | Crude oil, which may also include condensate and natural gas liquids. |
ProfessionalMalpracticeLiabilityMember | Professional Malpractice Liability Insurance [Member] | us-gaap | Business insurance coverage for professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, accountants, real estate agents, veterinarians, and others. This liability coverage insures losses for claims arising from mistakes and errors or omissions in the course of professional activities. |
RealEstateLoanMember | Real Estate Loan [Member] | us-gaap | Loan to finance the purchase of real estate, including but not limited to, land or building. |
ResidentialMortgageMember | Residential Mortgage [Member] | us-gaap | Loan to purchase or refinance residential real estate for example, but not limited to, a home, in which the real estate itself serves as collateral for the loan. |
SyntheticOilMember | Synthetic Oil [Member] | us-gaap | Lubricant consisting of chemical compounds that are synthetically made. |
Note 4 – Allowable US-GAAP Members on the ConsolidationItemsAxis | |||
Element Name | Label | Namespace | Documentation |
CorporateReconcilingItemsAndEliminationsMember | Eliminations, Corporate and Reconciling Items [Member] | extension | Represents the aggregate total of adjustments for non operating corporate items, reconciling items and eliminations. |
CorporateAndReconcilingItemsMember | Corporate and Reconciling Items [Member] | extension | Represents the aggregate total of non operating corporate items and reconciling items |
CorporateAndEliminationsMember | Corporate and Eliminations [Member] | extension | Represents the aggregate total of non operating corporate items and elimination items |
EliminationsAndReconcilingItemsMember | Eliminations and Reconciling Items [Member] | extension | Represents the aggregate total of reconciling items and elimination items |
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