This list is ordered from most to least common occurrence in SEC filings. Download DQC_0015_ListOfElements.xslx
Rule element ID |
Element label |
Balance type |
Definition | Element name |
1367 | Interest Expense | debit | Amount of the cost of borrowed funds accounted for as interest expense. | InterestExpense |
623 | Deferred Tax Assets, Net | debit | Amount, after allocation of valuation allowances and deferred tax liability, of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible differences and carryforwards, before jurisdictional netting. | DeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesNet |
1191 | Financing Receivable, Allowance for Credit Losses, Write-downs | debit | Amount of direct write-downs of financing receivables charged against the allowance. | FinancingReceivableAllowanceForCreditLossesWriteOffs |
2378 | Selling, General and Administrative Expense | debit | The aggregate total costs related to selling a firm’s product and services, as well as all other general and administrative expenses. Direct selling expenses (for example, credit, warranty, and advertising) are expenses that can be directly linked to the sale of specific products. Indirect selling expenses are expenses that cannot be directly linked to the sale of specific products, for example telephone expenses, Internet, and postal charges. General and administrative expenses include salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, utilities, communication, etc. | SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
232 | Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization, Property, Plant, and Equipment | credit | Amount of accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization for physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services. | AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
633 | Deferred Tax Assets, Valuation Allowance | credit | Amount of deferred tax assets for which it is more likely than not that a tax benefit will not be realized. | DeferredTaxAssetsValuationAllowance |
1875 | Other Income | credit | Reflects the sum of all other revenue and income recognized by the entity in the period not otherwise specified in the income statement. | OtherIncome |
907 | Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation, at Federal Statutory Income Tax Rate, Percent | N/A | Percentage of domestic federal statutory tax rate applicable to pretax income (loss). | EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationAtFederalStatutoryIncomeTaxRate |
243 | Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Income Tax Benefit from Share-based Compensation | credit | Amount of increase in additional paid in capital (APIC) resulting from a tax benefit associated with share-based compensation plan other than an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Includes, but is not limited to, excess tax benefit. | AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalTaxEffectFromShareBasedCompensation |
322 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Less than 12 Months, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss on investments in available-for-sale securities that have been in a loss position for less than twelve months. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAggregateLosses |
645 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Net, Noncurrent | credit | Amount, after deferred tax asset, of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable differences, netted by jurisdiction and classified as noncurrent. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
1873 | Other Expenses | debit | This element represents a sum total of expenses not separately reflected on the income statement for the period. | OtherExpenses |
1439 | Investment Income, Interest | credit | Amount before accretion (amortization) of purchase discount (premium) of interest income on nonoperating securities. | InvestmentIncomeInterest |
248 | Allocated Share-based Compensation Expense | debit | Represents the expense recognized during the period arising from equity-based compensation arrangements (for example, shares of stock, unit, stock options or other equity instruments) with employees, directors and certain consultants qualifying for treatment as employees. | AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense |
317 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss on securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAggregateLosses |
1964 | Payments to Acquire Property, Plant, and Equipment | credit | The cash outflow associated with the acquisition of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale; includes cash outflows to pay for construction of self-constructed assets. | PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment |
314 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, 12 Months or Longer, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss on securities classified as available-for-sale that have been in a loss position for twelve months or longer. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAggregateLosses |
657 | Defined Benefit Plan, Benefits Paid | debit | The amount of payments made for which participants are entitled under a pension plan, including pension benefits, death benefits, and benefits due on termination of employment. Also includes payments made under a postretirement benefit plan, including prescription drug benefits, health care benefits, life insurance benefits, and legal, educational and advisory services. This item represents a periodic decrease to the plan obligations and a decrease to plan assets. | DefinedBenefitPlanBenefitsPaid |
2419 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Vested in Period | N/A | The number of equity-based payment instruments, excluding stock (or unit) options, that vested during the reporting period. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsVestedInPeriod |
2165 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Costs Capitalized Subsequent to Acquisition, Improvements | debit | Amount of land and buildings and improvements made to real estate investments and capitalized after acquisition for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCostsCapitalizedSubsequentToAcquisitionImprovements |
2435 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Forfeitures in Period | N/A | The number of shares under options that were cancelled during the reporting period as a result of occurrence of a terminating event specified in contractual agreements pertaining to the stock option plan. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresInPeriod |
282 | Assets, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by an entity as a result of past transactions or events. | AssetsFairValueDisclosure |
310 | Available-for-sale Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Loss, before Tax | debit | Amount before tax of unrealized loss in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in debt and equity securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedLossBeforeTax |
309 | Available-for-sale Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Gain, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of unrealized gain in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in debt and equity securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedGainBeforeTax |
242 | Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Stock Issued, Issuance Costs | debit | Amount of decrease in additional paid in capital (APIC) resulting from direct costs associated with issuing stock. Includes, but is not limited to, legal and accounting fees and direct costs associated with stock issues under a shelf registration. | AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalStockIssuedIssuanceCosts |
1881 | Other Nonoperating Income | credit | The aggregate amount of other income amounts, the components of which are not separately disclosed on the income statement, resulting from ancillary business-related activities (that is, excluding major activities considered part of the normal operations of the business) also known as other nonoperating income recognized for the period. Such amounts may include: (a) dividends, (b) interest on securities, (c) profits on securities (net of losses), and (d) miscellaneous other income items. | OtherNonoperatingIncome |
2124 | Provision for Loan Losses Expensed | debit | Amount of expense related to loss from loan transactions. | ProvisionForLoanLossesExpensed |
941 | Excess Tax Benefit from Share-based Compensation, Financing Activities | debit | Amount of cash inflow from realized tax benefit related to deductible compensation cost reported on the entity’s tax return for equity instruments in excess of the compensation cost for those instruments recognized for financial reporting purposes. | ExcessTaxBenefitFromShareBasedCompensationFinancingActivities |
721 | Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization | debit | The aggregate expense recognized in the current period that allocates the cost of tangible assets, intangible assets, or depleting assets to periods that benefit from use of the assets. | DepreciationDepletionAndAmortization |
2416 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeited in Period | N/A | The number of equity-based payment instruments, excluding stock (or unit) options, that were forfeited during the reporting period. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsForfeitedInPeriod |
253 | Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss, Recovery of Bad Debts | credit | Amount of recovery of loans and lease receivables which had previously been fully or partially written-off as bad debts. | AllowanceForLoanAndLeaseLossRecoveryOfBadDebts |
2112 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Production | N/A | Production of proved reserves. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesProduction |
1041 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Liability, Settlements | debit | Amount of settlements of financial instrument classified as a liability measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisLiabilitySettlements |
2433 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Forfeitures and Expirations in Period | N/A | For presentations that combine terminations, the number of shares under options that were cancelled during the reporting period as a result of occurrence of a terminating event specified in contractual agreements pertaining to the stock option plan or that expired. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresAndExpirationsInPeriod |
2432 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Expirations in Period | N/A | Number of options or other stock instruments for which the right to exercise has lapsed under the terms of the plan agreements. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExpirationsInPeriod |
2226 | Repayments of Related Party Debt | credit | The cash outflow for the payment of a long-term borrowing made from a related party where one party can exercise control or significant influence over another party; including affiliates, owners or officers and their immediate families, pension trusts, and so forth. Alternate caption: Payments for Advances from Affiliates. | RepaymentsOfRelatedPartyDebt |
2164 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Costs Capitalized Subsequent to Acquisition, Carrying Costs | debit | Amount of carrying costs of properties that were capitalized after acquisition, for example, but not limited to, real estate taxes and insurance for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes initial purchase price and improvements. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCostsCapitalizedSubsequentToAcquisitionCarryingCosts |
2478 | Stock Issued During Period, Value, Issued for Services | credit | Value of stock issued in lieu of cash for services contributed to the entity. Value of the stock issued includes, but is not limited to, services contributed by vendors and founders. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueIssuedForServices |
1787 | Noncontrolling Interest, Increase from Subsidiary Equity Issuance | credit | Amount of increase in noncontrolling interest from subsidiary issuance of equity interests to noncontrolling interest holders. | NoncontrollingInterestIncreaseFromSubsidiaryEquityIssuance |
1360 | Interest and Other Income | credit | The amount of interest income and other income recognized during the period. Included in this element is interest derived from investments in debt securities, cash and cash equivalents, and other investments which reflect the time value of money or transactions in which the payments are for the use or forbearance of money and other income from ancillary business-related activities (that is, excluding major activities considered part of the normal operations of the business). | InterestAndOtherIncome |
719 | Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization, Nonproduction | debit | The current period expense charged against earnings on long-lived, physical assets not used in production, and which are not intended for resale, to allocate or recognize the cost of such assets over their useful lives; or to record the reduction in book value of an intangible asset over the benefit period of such asset; or to reflect consumption during the period of an asset that is not used in production. | DepreciationAndAmortization |
1333 | Interest and Dividend Income, Operating | credit | Represents the total of interest and dividend income, including any amortization and accretion (as applicable) of discounts and premiums, earned from (1) loans and leases whether held-for-sale or held-in-portfolio; (2) investment securities; (3) federal funds sold; (4) securities purchased under agreements to resell; (5) investments in banker’s acceptances, commercial paper, or certificates of deposit; (6) dividend income; or (7) other investments not otherwise specified herein. | InterestAndDividendIncomeOperating |
1880 | Other Nonoperating Expense | debit | The aggregate amount of other expense amounts, the components of which are not separately disclosed on the income statement, resulting from ancillary business-related activities (that is, excluding major activities considered part of the normal operations of the business) also known as other nonoperating expense recognized during the period. Such amounts may include: (a) unusual costs, (b) loss on foreign exchange transactions, (c) losses on securities (net of profits), and (d) miscellaneous other expense items. | OtherNonoperatingExpense |
828 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Production Costs (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | debit | Amount of estimated future cost to be incurred in producing proved oil and gas reserves. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureProductionCosts1 |
1190 | Financing Receivable, Allowance for Credit Losses, Recovery | credit | Amount of recovery of financing receivables doubtful of collection that were previously charged off. | FinancingReceivableAllowanceForCreditLossesRecovery |
2098 | Property, Plant and Equipment, Additions | debit | Amount of acquisition of long-lived, physical assets used in the normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment. | PropertyPlantAndEquipmentAdditions |
1907 | Partners’ Capital Account, Distributions | debit | Total distributions to each class of partners (i.e., general, limited and preferred partners). | PartnersCapitalAccountDistributions |
1443 | Investment Owned, Balance, Contracts | N/A | Balance held at close of period in number of contracts. | InvestmentOwnedBalanceContracts |
1389 | Interest Expense, Related Party | debit | Amount of interest expense incurred on a debt or other obligation to related party. | InterestExpenseRelatedParty |
2225 | Repayments of Notes Payable | credit | The cash outflow for a borrowing supported by a written promise to pay an obligation. | RepaymentsOfNotesPayable |
427 | Capital Expenditures Incurred but Not yet Paid | credit | Future cash outflow to pay for purchases of fixed assets that have occurred. | CapitalExpendituresIncurredButNotYetPaid |
1791 | Noninterest Expense | debit | Total aggregate amount of all noninterest expense. | NoninterestExpense |
1421 | Interest Paid | credit | The amount of cash paid for interest during the period. | InterestPaid |
680 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Return on Plan Assets | credit | An amount calculated as a basis for determining the extent of delayed recognition of the effects of changes in the fair value of assets. The expected return on plan assets is determined based on the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets and the market-related value of plan assets. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedReturnOnPlanAssets |
2248 | Restructuring Reserve, Settled without Cash | credit | Amount of consideration other than cash used to fully or partially settle an accrued restructuring cost. | RestructuringReserveSettledWithoutCash1 |
1302 | Income Taxes Paid | credit | The amount of cash paid during the current period to foreign, federal, state, and local authorities as taxes on income. | IncomeTaxesPaid |
901 | Dividends, Preferred Stock, Cash | debit | Amount of paid and unpaid preferred stock dividends declared with the form of settlement in cash. | DividendsPreferredStockCash |
252 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Receivable, Write-offs | debit | Amount of direct write-downs of accounts receivable charged against the allowance. | AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableWriteOffs |
636 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Net | credit | Amount, after deferred tax asset, of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable differences, before jurisdictional netting. | DeferredTaxLiabilities |
368 | Benefits, Losses and Expenses | debit | The total amount of expense recognized during the period for future policy benefits, claims and claims adjustment costs, and for selling, general and administrative costs. | BenefitsLossesAndExpenses |
240 | Adjustments Related to Tax Withholding for Share-based Compensation | debit | The amount of adjustment to stockholders’ equity associated with an employee’s income tax withholding obligation as part of a net-share settlement of a share-based award. | AdjustmentsRelatedToTaxWithholdingForShareBasedCompensation |
647 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Property, Plant and Equipment | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from property, plant, and equipment. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
637 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Net, Current | credit | Amount, after deferred tax asset, of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable differences, netted by jurisdiction and classified as current. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesCurrent |
1799 | Noninterest Income, Other Operating Income | credit | Represents other forms of revenue earned, excluding interest, which is not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. | NoninterestIncomeOtherOperatingIncome |
2040 | Proceeds from Loan and Lease Originations and Principal Collections | debit | Cash inflow related to a loan origination (the process when securing a mortgage for a piece of real property), lease origination, and principal collections. | ProceedsFromLoanAndLeaseOriginationsAndPrincipalCollections1 |
624 | Deferred Tax Assets, Net, Current | debit | Amount, after allocation of valuation allowances and deferred tax liability, of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible differences and carryforwards, netted by jurisdiction and classified as current. | DeferredTaxAssetsLiabilitiesNetCurrent |
1508 | Liabilities, Fair Value Disclosure, Recurring | credit | Aggregation of the liabilities reported on the balance sheet measured at fair value on a recurring basis by the entity. | LiabilitiesFairValueDisclosureRecurring |
2050 | Proceeds from Related Party Debt | debit | The cash inflow from a long-term borrowing made from related parties where one party can exercise control or significant influence over another party; including affiliates, owners or officers and their immediate families, pension trusts, and so forth. Alternate caption: Proceeds from Advances from Affiliates. | ProceedsFromRelatedPartyDebt |
617 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Gross | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences. | DeferredIncomeTaxLiabilities |
2476 | Development Stage Entities, Stock Issued, Value, Issued for Cash (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | Value of shares issued as consideration for cash for development stage entities. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueIssuedForCash |
808 | Derivative, Number of Instruments Held | N/A | The number of derivative instruments of a particular group held by the entity. | DerivativeNumberOfInstrumentsHeld |
660 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Decrease on Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation | debit | Amount of effect of a one-percentage-point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for health care benefits. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointDecreaseOnAccumulatedPostretirementBenefitObligation1 |
1995 | Premiums Written, Gross | credit | Amount of direct and assumed premiums written. | PremiumsWrittenGross |
2115 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Sales of Minerals in Place | N/A | Sales of minerals in place. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesSalesOfMineralsInPlace |
626 | Deferred Tax Assets, Property, Plant and Equipment | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from property, plant, and equipment. | DeferredTaxAssetsPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
1899 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Loss, before Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest | debit | Amount before tax of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) loss on investments in available-for-sale and held-to-maturity debt securities, recognized in other comprehensive loss. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
1440 | Investment Income, Interest and Dividend | credit | Amount before accretion (amortization) of purchase discount (premium) of interest income and dividend income on nonoperating securities. | InvestmentIncomeInterestAndDividend |
1270 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Accumulated Unrecognized Holding Gain | credit | Amount of accumulated unrealized gain on investments in debt securities classified as held-to-maturity. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesAccumulatedUnrecognizedHoldingGain |
497 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Accretable Yield, Accretion | credit | Amount of decrease from accretion of the excess of a loan’s cash flows expected to be collected over the investor’s initial investment in acquired loans not accounted for as debt securities with evidence of deterioration of credit quality. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAccretableYieldAccretion |
1271 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Accumulated Unrecognized Holding Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt securities classified as held-to-maturity. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesAccumulatedUnrecognizedHoldingLoss |
1220 | Foreclosed Real Estate Expense | debit | Amount of expense recognized during the period for the foreclosure on real estate assets. | ForeclosedRealEstateExpense |
662 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Decrease on Service and Interest Cost Components | credit | Amount of effect of a one-percentage-point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the aggregate of the service and interest cost components of net periodic postretirement health care benefit costs. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointDecreaseOnServiceAndInterestCostComponents1 |
234 | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Other than Temporary Impairment, Not Credit Loss, Net of Tax, Available-for-sale, Debt Securities | debit | Accumulated other comprehensive loss related to portion of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) due to factors other than credit losses on debt securities categorized as available-for-sale that an entity does not intend to sell and which it is not more likely than not that the entity will be required to sell before recovery of the amortized cost basis of the debt security. The amount represented by this item is net of tax, as applicable. | AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentNotCreditLossNetOfTaxAvailableforsaleDebtSecurities |
1007 | Fair Value Inputs, Discount Rate | N/A | Interest rate used to find the present value of an amount to be paid or received in the future as an input to measure fair value. For example, but not limited to, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), cost of capital, cost of equity and cost of debt. | FairValueInputsDiscountRate |
800 | Derivative, Loss on Derivative | debit | Amount of decrease in the fair value of derivatives recognized in the income statement. | DerivativeLossOnDerivative |
635 | Deferred Tax Expense from Stock Options Exercised | debit | Amount of deferred tax expense from write-off of the deferred tax asset related to deductible stock options at exercise. | DeferredTaxExpenseFromStockOptionsExercised |
316 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt and equity securities classified as available-for-sale in a continuous loss position. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAccumulatedLoss |
1308 | Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation, Tax Exempt Income, Amount | credit | Amount of the difference between reported income tax expense (benefit) and expected income tax expense (benefit) computed by applying the domestic federal statutory income tax rates to pretax income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to income (loss) exempt from income taxes. | IncomeTaxReconciliationTaxExemptIncome |
261 | Amortization of ESOP Award | credit | Value of shares committed to be released under an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). | AmortizationOfESOPAward |
625 | Deferred Tax Assets, Operating Loss Carryforwards | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible operating loss carryforwards. | DeferredTaxAssetsOperatingLossCarryforwards |
321 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Less than 12 Months, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt and equity securities classified as available-for-sale that have been in a continuous loss position for less than twelve months. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAccumulatedLoss |
2159 | Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Accumulated Depreciation (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The amount of accumulated depreciation for the property as of the balance sheet date. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationAccumulatedDepreciation |
410 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Deferred Tax Liabilities Noncurrent | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedDeferredTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
393 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Assets | debit | Amount of assets acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedAssets |
877 | Distributed Earnings | debit | The total amount of dividends declared in the period for each class of stock and the contractual amount of dividends (or interest on participating income bonds) that must be paid for the period (for example, unpaid cumulative dividends). Dividends declared in the current period do not include dividends declared in respect of prior-period unpaid cumulative dividends. Preferred dividends that are cumulative only if earned are deducted only to the extent that they are earned. | DistributedEarnings |
930 | Proceeds from Equity Method Investment, Dividends or Distributions | debit | This item represents disclosure of the amount of dividends or other distributions received from unconsolidated subsidiaries, certain corporate joint ventures, and certain noncontrolled corporation; these investments are accounted for under the equity method of accounting. This element excludes distributions that constitute a return of investment, which are classified as investing activities. | EquityMethodInvestmentDividendsOrDistributions |
1039 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Liability, Purchases | credit | Amount of purchases of financial instrument classified as a liability measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisLiabilityPurchases |
244 | Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Warrant Issued | credit | Amount of increase in additional paid in capital (APIC) resulting from the issuance of warrants. Includes allocation of proceeds of debt securities issued with detachable stock purchase warrants. | AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalWarrantIssued |
1867 | Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, Net of Tax | credit | Amount after tax of reclassification adjustment from accumulated other comprehensive income for unrealized loss realized upon the write-down of available-for-sale securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesNetOfTax |
2094 | Professional Fees | debit | A fee charged for services from professionals such as doctors, lawyers and accountants. The term is often expanded to include other professions, for example, pharmacists charging to maintain a medicinal profile of a client or customer. | ProfessionalFees |
415 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Liabilities | credit | Amount of liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedLiabilities |
862 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Operating Expense | debit | Amount of operating expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOperatingExpense |
1918 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Redeemed | N/A | The number of units redeemed during the year of each class of partners’ capital account. Units represent shares of ownership of the general, limited, and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsRedeemed |
764 | Derivative, Collateral, Obligation to Return Securities | credit | Amount of obligation to return securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative assets. | DerivativeCollateralObligationToReturnSecurities |
1879 | Other Noninterest Expense | debit | Other noninterest expenses that are not separately presented in any other noninterest expense category. | OtherNoninterestExpense |
2069 | Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. | ProceedsFromSaleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
2216 | Related Party Transaction, Expenses from Transactions with Related Party | debit | Expenses recognized resulting from transactions (excluding transactions that are eliminated in consolidated or combined financial statements) with related party. | RelatedPartyTransactionExpensesFromTransactionsWithRelatedParty |
605 | Debt Issuance Cost | debit | Amount of debt issuance costs (for example, but not limited to, legal, accounting, broker, and regulatory fees). | DebtIssuanceCosts |
402 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities | credit | Amount of liabilities due within one year or within the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentLiabilities |
1874 | Other General and Administrative Expense | debit | The sum of expenses not otherwise specified in the taxonomy for managing and administering the affairs of an entity, including affiliates of the reporting entity, which are not directly or indirectly associated with the manufacture, sale or creation of a product or product line. | OtherGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
403 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Accounts Payable | credit | Amount of liabilities incurred for goods and services received that are used in an entity’s business and related party payables, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentLiabilitiesAccountsPayable |
1786 | Noncontrolling Interest, Increase from Sale of Parent Equity Interest | credit | Amount of increase in noncontrolling interest from sale of a portion of the parent’s controlling interest. | NoncontrollingInterestIncreaseFromSaleOfParentEquityInterest |
765 | Derivative, Collateral, Right to Reclaim Securities | debit | Amount of right to receive securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative liabilities. | DerivativeCollateralRightToReclaimSecurities |
1986 | Preferred Stock Dividends, Income Statement Impact | debit | The amount of preferred stock dividends that is an adjustment to net income apportioned to common stockholders. | PreferredStockDividendsIncomeStatementImpact |
2424 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Exercised | N/A | Number of non-option equity instruments exercised by participants. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsExercised |
1366 | Interest Credited to Policy Owner Accounts | credit | The adjustment required to reconcile net income to cash provided by (used in) operations related to the unpaid portion of interest credited to policy owner accounts. | InterestCreditedToPolicyOwnerAccounts |
1257 | Goodwill, Acquired During Period | debit | Amount of increase in asset representing future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized resulting from a business combination. | GoodwillAcquiredDuringPeriod |
320 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Fair Value | debit | This item represents the aggregate fair value of investments in debt and equity securities in an unrealized loss position which are categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionFairValue |
1407 | Interest Income, Other | credit | Amount of interest income earned from interest bearing assets not separately disclosed. | InterestIncomeOther |
511 | Common Stock, Value, Subscriptions | credit | Monetary value of common stock allocated to investors to buy shares of a new issue of common stock before they are offered to the public. When stock is sold on a subscription basis, the issuer does not initially receive the total proceeds. In general, the issuer does not issue the shares to the investor until it receives the entire proceeds. | CommonStockSharesSubscriptions |
685 | Defined Benefit Plan, Settlements, Benefit Obligation | debit | The amount of decrease that relates to an irrevocable action that relieves the employer (or the plan) of primary responsibility for a benefit obligation and eliminates significant risks related to the obligation and the assets used to effect the settlement. Examples of transactions that constitute a settlement include (a) making lump-sum cash payments to plan participants in exchange for their rights to receive specified benefits and (b) purchasing nonparticipating annuity contracts. | DefinedBenefitPlanSettlementsBenefitObligation |
1038 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Liability, Issuances | credit | Amount of issuances of financial instrument classified as a liability measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisLiabilityIssues |
913 | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Tax Benefit Realized from Exercise of Stock Options | credit | Disclosure of the aggregate tax benefit realized from the exercise of stock options and the conversion of similar instruments during the annual period. | EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationTaxBenefitRealizedFromExerciseOfStockOptions |
634 | Deferred Tax Assets, Valuation Allowance, Current | credit | Amount of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences and carryforwards expected to be realized or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer. | DeferredTaxAssetsValuationAllowanceCurrent |
319 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Aggregate Losses (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of the excess of amortized cost basis over fair value of securities in a loss position and categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAggregateLosses2 |
323 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Less than 12 Months, Aggregate Losses (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of the excess of amortized cost basis over fair value of securities that have been in a loss position for less than twelve months for securities categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAggregateLosses2 |
855 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Interest Expense | debit | Amount of interest expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInterestExpense |
780 | Derivative, Gain on Derivative | credit | Amount of increase in the fair value of derivatives recognized in the income statement. | DerivativeGainOnDerivative |
1040 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Liability, Sales | debit | Amount of sales of financial instrument classified as a liability measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisLiabilitySales |
1223 | Foreign Currency Transaction Loss, before Tax | debit | Amount before tax of foreign currency transaction realized and unrealized loss recognized in the income statement. | ForeignCurrencyTransactionLossBeforeTax |
2408 | Severance Costs | debit | Amount of expenses for special or contractual termination benefits provided to current employees involuntarily terminated under a benefit arrangement associated exit or disposal activities pursuant to an authorized plan. Excludes expenses related to one-time termination benefits, a discontinued operation or an asset retirement obligation. | SeveranceCosts1 |
313 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, 12 Months or Longer, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt and equity securities classified as available-for-sale that have been in a continuous loss position for twelve months or longer. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAccumulatedLoss |
429 | Capitalized Computer Software, Amortization | credit | For each income statement presented, the amount charged to expense for amortization of capitalized computer software costs. | CapitalizedComputerSoftwareAmortization |
2443 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested, Number of Shares | N/A | Number of options vested. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedNumberOfShares |
682 | Defined Benefit Plan, Other Costs | debit | Amount of other defined benefit plan costs. | DefinedBenefitPlanOtherCosts |
1307 | Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation, Tax Credit, Amount | credit | Amount of the difference between reported income tax expense (benefit) and expected income tax expense (benefit) computed by applying the domestic federal statutory income tax rates to pretax income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to tax credits. Including, but not limited to, research credit, foreign tax credit, investment tax credit, and other tax credits. | IncomeTaxReconciliationTaxCredits |
302 | Available-for-sale Debt Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Loss, before Tax | debit | Amount before tax of unrealized loss in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in debt securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedLossBeforeTax |
521 | Concentration Risk, Percentage | N/A | For an entity that discloses a concentration risk in relation to quantitative amount, which serves as the “benchmark” (or denominator) in the equation, this concept represents the concentration percentage derived from the division. | ConcentrationRiskPercentage1 |
2610 | Valuation Allowances and Reserves, Recoveries | credit | Total of recoveries of amounts due the Entity that had previously been written off as uncollectible using allowances (the valuation accounts that are netted against the cost of an asset to value it at its carrying value) and total of reestablishments of reserves (liabilities established to represent expected future costs) that had previously been utilized. | ValuationAllowancesAndReservesRecoveries |
1054 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Cash Payments Received | credit | Amount of decreases to the indemnification asset due to cash payments received relating to loss sharing agreements with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). | FDICIndemnificationAssetCashPaymentsReceived |
1317 | Insurance Commissions and Fees | credit | Income from agency and brokerage operations (includes sales of annuities and supplemental contracts); service charges, commissions, and fees from the sale of insurance and related services; and management fees from separate accounts, deferred annuities, and universal life products. | InsuranceCommissionsAndFees |
2032 | Proceeds from Equity Method Investment, Dividends or Distributions, Return of Capital | debit | Cash dividends or other distributions received from unconsolidated subsidiaries, certain corporate joint ventures, and certain noncontrolled corporations that are returns of capital. Excludes dividends or distributions from equity method investments classified as operating activities. | ProceedsFromEquityMethodInvestmentDividendsOrDistributionsReturnOfCapital |
301 | Available-for-sale Debt Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Gain, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of unrealized gain in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in debt securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedGainBeforeTax |
251 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Receivable, Recoveries | credit | Amount of recoveries of receivables doubtful of collection that were previously charged off. | AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableRecoveries |
641 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Intangible Assets | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from intangible assets other than goodwill. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesGoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsIntangibleAssets |
1058 | Federal Home Loan Bank Advances | debit | Amount of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) advances to member financial institutions. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvances |
1512 | Liabilities for Guarantees on Long-Duration Contracts, Incurred Benefits | debit | Amount of guaranteed minimum benefit expense incurred for expected guaranteed minimum benefits in excess of projected account values. | LiabilitiesForGuaranteesOnLongDurationContractsIncurredBenefits1 |
1275 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss on investments in held-to-maturity securities. | HeldtomaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAggregateLoss |
886 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Paid | credit | Amount of cash distribution paid to unit-holder of limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsPaid |
1458 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, at Fair Value | debit | Value of the investment at close of period. For investment in and advances to affiliates, if operations of any controlled companies are different in character from those of the company, group such affiliates within divisions and by type of activities. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesAtFairValue |
1866 | Other Comprehensive (Income) Loss, Reclassification Adjustment from AOCI for Write-down of Securities, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of reclassification adjustment from accumulated other comprehensive income for unrealized loss realized upon the write-down of available-for-sale securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentFromAOCIForWritedownOfSecuritiesBeforeTax |
496 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer, Accretable Yield | debit | The aggregate excess of a loan’s cash flows expected to be collected over the investor’s initial investment in the loan. This relates to loans with deteriorating of credit quality since origination that were acquired by completion of a transfer for which it is probable, at acquisition, that the investor will be unable to collect all contractually required payments receivable. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferAccretableYield |
1950 | Payments Related to Tax Withholding for Share-based Compensation | credit | Amount of cash outflow to satisfy an employee’s income tax withholding obligation as part of a net-share settlement of a share-based award. | PaymentsRelatedToTaxWithholdingForShareBasedCompensation |
2609 | Valuation Allowances and Reserves, Balance | credit | Total of allowances and reserves, the valuation and qualifying accounts that are either netted against the cost of an asset (in order to value it at its carrying value) or that reflect a liability established to represent expected future costs. | ValuationAllowancesAndReservesBalance |
865 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Other Income | credit | Amount of other income attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOtherIncome |
1277 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Less than 12 Months, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss before deducting unrealized gain on investments in held-to-maturity securities that have been in a loss position for less than twelve months. | HeldtomaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAggregateLoss |
839 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Costs of Goods Sold | debit | Amount of costs of goods sold attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCostsOfGoodsSold |
304 | Available-for-sale Debt Securities, Gross Unrealized Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss before deducting unrealized gain on investments in available-for-sale debt securities. | AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesGrossUnrealizedLoss |
425 | Business Exit Costs | debit | Amount of expenses associated with exit or disposal activities pursuant to an authorized plan. Includes, but is not limited to, one-time termination benefits, termination of an operating lease or other contract, consolidating or closing facilities, and relocating employees, and termination benefits associated with an ongoing benefit arrangement. Excludes expenses associated with special or contractual termination benefits, a discontinued operation or an asset retirement obligation. | BusinessExitCosts1 |
390 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Liability | credit | Amount of liability recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationLiability |
2392 | Servicing Asset at Fair Value, Additions | debit | The value of new servicing assets, subsequently measured at fair value, acquired or created during the current period through purchases or from transfers of financial assets. | ServicingAssetAtFairValueAdditions |
1306 | Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation, Nondeductible Expense, Research and Development, Amount | debit | Amount of the difference between reported income tax expense (benefit) and expected income tax expense (benefit) computed by applying the domestic federal statutory income tax rates to pretax income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to nondeductible research and development expense. | IncomeTaxReconciliationNondeductibleExpenseResearchAndDevelopment |
413 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Intangible Assets, Other than Goodwill | debit | Amount of intangible assets, excluding goodwill, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
951 | Extinguishment of Debt, Amount | debit | Gross amount of debt extinguished. | ExtinguishmentOfDebtAmount |
880 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Cash Distributions Paid | credit | Amount of cash distribution paid to unit-holder of limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberCashDistributionsPaid |
238 | Acquisition Costs, Period Cost | debit | The capitalized costs incurred during the period (excluded from amortization) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire an unproved property, including costs of lease bonuses and options to purchase or lease properties, the portion of costs applicable to minerals when land including mineral rights is purchased in fee, brokers’ fees, recording fees, legal costs, and other costs incurred in acquiring properties. | AcquisitionCosts |
728 | Derivative Asset, Collateral, Obligation to Return Cash, Offset | credit | Amount of obligation to return cash collateral under master netting arrangements offset against derivative assets. | DerivativeAssetCollateralObligationToReturnCashOffset |
848 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, General and Administrative Expense | debit | Amount of general and administrative expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
2103 | Property Subject to or Available for Operating Lease, Net | debit | The amount of property, by major property class, net of accumulated depreciation, subject to or available for lease as of the balance sheet date. | PropertySubjectToOrAvailableForOperatingLeaseNet |
263 | Amortization of Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSRs) | debit | The periodic amortization (in proportion to and over the period of estimated net servicing income or loss) of capitalized servicing rights, which contractually entitle the servicer to receive fees and ancillary revenues for performing billing, collection, disbursement and recordkeeping services in connection with a mortgage portfolio. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method. | AmortizationOfMortgageServicingRightsMSRs |
419 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Noncurrent Liabilities, Other | credit | Amount of other liabilities due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedNoncurrentLiabilitiesOther |
420 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Other Noncurrent Assets | debit | Amount of other assets expected to be realized or consumed after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedOtherNoncurrentAssets |
498 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Accretable Yield, Disposals of Loans | credit | Amount of reduction, resulting from a sale or transfer of a loan, in the excess of a loan’s cash flows expected to be collected over the investor’s initial investment in acquired loans not accounted for as debt securities with evidence of deterioration of credit quality. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAccretableYieldDisposalsOfLoans |
646 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Prepaid Expenses | credit | Amount of deferred tax consequences attributable to taxable temporary differences derived from prepaid expenses. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesPrepaidExpenses |
2160 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Amount of Encumbrances | credit | Amount of lien or mortgage outstanding on real estate investment properties for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationAmountOfEncumbrances |
2427 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Forfeitures and Expirations | N/A | Number of shares under non-option equity instrument agreements that were either cancelled or expired. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsForfeituresAndExpirations |
811 | Derivative, Swap Type, Average Fixed Price | N/A | Average fixed price related to the group of price risk swap derivatives. | DerivativeSwapTypeAverageFixedPrice |
1410 | Interest Income, Related Party | credit | Amount of interest income earned from interest-bearing assets owed to the entity by related party. | InterestIncomeRelatedParty |
1380 | Interest Expense, Long-term Debt | debit | Aggregate amount of interest paid or due on all long-term debt. | InterestExpenseLongTermDebt |
406 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Other | credit | Amount of other liabilities due within one year or within the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentLiabilitiesOther |
502 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Allowance for Loan Losses, Decreases | debit | Amount of reduction in the reserve for loans impairments as a result of current information and events which result in it being probable that estimated cash flows will be significantly higher than previously expected or because actual cash flows are significantly greater than cash flows previously expected for loans not accounted for as debt securities, with evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination that was acquired by completion of a transfer for which it is probable, at acquisition, that the investor will be unable to collect all contractually required payments receivable. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAllowanceForLoanLossesDecreases1 |
315 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, 12 Months or Longer, Aggregate Losses (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of the excess of amortized cost basis over fair value of securities that have been in a loss position for twelve months or longer for securities which are categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAggregateLosses2 |
1267 | Guaranty Fee Income | credit | This item represents the portion of monthly guaranty fees collected representing the interest imputed and recognized under the prospective interest method on the present value of the contractually stipulated guarantee payments at inception of the contract. | GuarantyFeeIncome |
1544 | License Costs | debit | Costs incurred and are directly related to generating license revenue. Licensing arrangements include, but are not limited to, rights to use a patent, copyright, technology, manufacturing process, software or trademark. | LicenseCosts |
1841 | Operating Leases, Income Statement, Lease Revenue | credit | The total amount of revenue recognized for the period from operating leases, including minimum lease revenue, contingent revenue, percentage revenue and sublease revenue. | OperatingLeasesIncomeStatementLeaseRevenue |
401 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Receivables | debit | Amount due from customers or clients for goods or services, including trade receivables, that have been delivered or sold in the normal course of business, and amounts due from others, including related parties expected to be converted to cash, sold or exchanged within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsReceivables |
2038 | Proceeds from Issuance of Shares under Incentive and Share-based Compensation Plans, Including Stock Options | debit | The total cash inflow associated with the amount received from holders to acquire the entity’s shares under incentive and share awards, including stock option exercises. This item inherently excludes any excess tax benefit, which the entity may have realized and reported separately. | ProceedsFromIssuanceOfSharesUnderIncentiveAndShareBasedCompensationPlansIncludingStockOptions |
1684 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Payments | debit | Amount of payments made reducing loss contingency liability. | LossContingencyAccrualCarryingValuePayments |
524 | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Changes, Purchase of Interest by Parent | debit | Represents the purchase by the parent of an additional equity interest in a subsidiary during the period, thereby effecting a change in total (consolidated) equity attributable to the parent. The purchase of the additional equity interest represented by this element increases the parent’s controlling interest in the subsidiary. | ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestChangesPurchaseOfInterestByParent |
1615 | Loans and Leases Receivable, Related Parties, Collections | credit | Reflects the amount of collections received from related parties to reduce the carrying amounts of loans and leases receivable due from them. | LoansAndLeasesReceivableRelatedPartiesCollections |
2449 | Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Forfeitures in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price | N/A | Weighted average price at which grantees could have acquired the underlying shares with respect to stock options that were terminated. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
2447 | Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Exercises in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price | N/A | Weighted average price at which option holders acquired shares when converting their stock options into shares. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisesInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
1051 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Accretion of Discount | debit | Increases to the indemnification asset due to accretion of the loan discount relating to loss sharing agreements with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). | FDICIndemnificationAssetAccretionOfDiscount |
2022 | Proceeds from Collection of Long-term Loans to Related Parties | debit | The cash inflow associated with collection, whether partial or full, of long-term loans to a related party. Alternate caption: Proceeds from Advances to Affiliates. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfLongtermLoansToRelatedParties |
2169 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate, Improvements | debit | Amount of increase in real estate investments related to improvements for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | RealEstateImprovements |
2223 | Repayments of Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings | credit | The cash outflow for the payment of loan drawn from Federal Home Loan. | RepaymentsOfFederalHomeLoanBankBorrowings |
2508 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs | debit | Amount of amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs recognized. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationAmortizationOfDeferredPolicyAcquisitionCosts |
864 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Other Expense | debit | Amount of other expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOtherExpense |
2387 | Servicing Asset at Amortized Cost, Amortization | debit | Amount of amortization of contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer. | ServicingAssetAtAmortizedValueAmortization1 |
2426 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Forfeitures | N/A | Number of shares under non-option equity instrument agreements that were cancelled as a result of occurrence of a terminating event. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsForfeitures |
2509 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Benefits, Claims, Losses and Settlement Expense | debit | Amount of insurance benefits, claims, losses and settlement expenses incurred. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationBenefitsClaimsLossesAndSettlementExpense |
1032 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Liability, Transfers Into Level 3 | credit | Amount of transfers of financial instrument classified as a liability into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationLiabilityTransfersIntoLevel3 |
311 | Available-for-sale Securities, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | This item represents the cost of debt and equity securities, which are categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading, net of adjustments including accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments recognized in earnings (less any cumulative-effect adjustments recognized, as defined), and fair value hedge accounting adjustments, if any. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesAmortizedCost |
2042 | Proceeds from Loan Originations | debit | Cash inflow associated with loan origination (the process when securing a mortgage for a piece of real property) or lease origination. | ProceedsFromLoanOriginations1 |
1369 | Interest Expense, Borrowings | debit | Aggregate amount of interest expense on all borrowings. | InterestExpenseBorrowings |
1008 | Fair Value Inputs, Entity Credit Risk | N/A | Risk associated with risk of default, credit spread risk and downgrade risk, expressed as a percentage, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsEntityCreditRisk |
1480 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Percent of Net Assets | N/A | For schedules of investments sold, not yet purchased (short sales) that are categorized, each category would be expected to have a percent of net assets for the aggregated value of the investments sold short in the category. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedPercentOfNetAssets |
1365 | Interest Credited to Policyholders Account Balances | debit | Interest allocated to policyholders holding contracts under which the insurer must provide a guaranteed yield. | InterestCreditedToPolicyholdersAccountBalances |
1904 | Partners’ Capital Account, Contributions | credit | Total contributions made by each class of partners (i.e., general, limited and preferred partners). | PartnersCapitalAccountContributions |
2417 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Forfeitures, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value | N/A | Weighted average fair value as of the grant date of equity-based award plans other than stock (unit) option plans that were not exercised or put into effect as a result of the occurrence of a terminating event. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsForfeituresWeightedAverageGrantDateFairValue |
2020 | Proceeds from Collection of Advance to Affiliate | debit | The cash inflow from the collection of money previously advanced to an entity that is related to it but not strictly controlled. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfAdvanceToAffiliate |
1948 | Payments of Debt Extinguishment Costs | credit | The cash outflow for incremental, external costs directly pertaining to an early extinguishment of debt, including legal costs and prepayment penalties, and excluding interest and repayment of debt principal. | PaymentsOfDebtExtinguishmentCosts |
2425 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Expirations | N/A | Number of shares under non-option equity instrument agreements for which rights to exercise lapsed. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsExpirations |
2437 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Nonvested Options Forfeited, Number of Shares | N/A | Number of non-vested options forfeited. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsNonvestedOptionsForfeitedNumberOfShares |
788 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value, Net (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Fair value of the gross liabilities less the gross assets of a derivative liability or group of derivative liabilities. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueNet1 |
2019 | Proceeds from Bank Debt | debit | The cash inflow from bank borrowing during the year. | ProceedsFromBankDebt |
1276 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Less than 12 Months, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt securities classified as held-to-maturity that have been in a continuous loss position for less than twelve months. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionLessThan12MonthsAccumulatedLoss |
2513 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Other Operating Expense | debit | Amount of other operating expense incurred. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationOtherOperatingExpense |
457 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Interest Included in Payments | debit | Amount necessary to reduce net minimum lease payments to present value for capital leases. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsInterestIncludedInPayments |
1203 | Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired | debit | Amount of increase in assets, excluding financial assets, lacking physical substance with a definite life, resulting from a business combination. | FinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired1 |
1915 | Partners’ Capital Account, Unit-based Compensation | credit | Total change in each class of partners’ capital accounts during the year due to unit-based compensation. All partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitBasedCompensation |
804 | Derivative, Nonmonetary Notional Amount, Energy Measure | N/A | Nominal energy measure used to calculate payments on a derivative instrument. | DerivativeNonmonetaryNotionalAmountEnergyMeasure |
1053 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Additional Estimated Losses | debit | Amount of increases to the indemnification asset due to additional estimated losses assumed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), relating to loss sharing agreements with the FDIC. | FDICIndemnificationAssetAdditionalEstimatedLosses |
1339 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases | credit | The aggregate interest and fee income generated by: (1) loans the Entity has positive intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future, or until maturity or payoff, including commercial and consumer loans, whether domestic or foreign, which may consist of: (a) industrial and agricultural; (b) real estate; and (c) real estate construction loans; (d) trade financing; (e) lease financing; (f) home equity lines-of-credit; (g) automobile and other vehicle loans; and (h) credit card and other revolving-type loans and (2) loans and leases held-for-sale which may include mortgage loans, direct financing, and sales-type leases. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeases |
921 | Equipment Expense | debit | This element represents equipment expense including depreciation, repairs, rentals, and service contract costs. This item also includes equipment purchases which do not qualify for capitalization in accordance with the entity’s accounting policy. This item may also include furniture expenses. | EquipmentExpense |
1139 | Fees and Commissions, Transfer Agent | credit | Revenues from providing transfer agent services to corporations. Such services include maintaining records of investors and account balances and transactions, canceling and issuing certificates, processing investor mailings and dealing with any associated problems (i.e. lost or stolen certificates). | FeesAndCommissionsTransferAgent |
2036 | Proceeds from Issuance of Debt | debit | The cash inflow during the period from additional borrowings in aggregate debt. Includes proceeds from short-term and long-term debt. | ProceedsFromIssuanceOfDebt |
628 | Deferred Tax Assets, State Taxes | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from state taxes. | DeferredTaxAssetsStateTaxes |
1138 | Fees and Commissions, Other | credit | Fee and commission revenue earned from sources not otherwise specified in the existing taxonomy. | FeesAndCommissionsOther |
383 | Business Combination, Consideration Transferred | credit | Amount of consideration transferred, consisting of acquisition-date fair value of assets transferred by the acquirer, liabilities incurred by the acquirer, and equity interest issued by the acquirer. | BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferred1 |
396 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Cash and Equivalents | debit | Amount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, acquired at the acquisition date. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Also includes short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCashAndEquivalents |
2321 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Costs Capitalized Subsequent to Acquisition, Land | debit | Amount of land costs capitalized since acquisition for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | SECScheduleIIIRealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCostsCapitalizedSubsequentToAcquisitionLand |
2448 | Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Expirations in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price | N/A | Weighted average price at which grantees could have acquired the underlying shares with respect to stock options of the plan that expired. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExpirationsInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
2592 | Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Decrease Resulting from Foreign Currency Translation | debit | Amount of decrease in unrecognized tax benefits resulting from foreign currency translation. | UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsDecreasesResultingFromForeignCurrencyTranslation |
2594 | Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Increase Resulting from Foreign Currency Translation | credit | Amount of increase in unrecognized tax benefits resulting from foreign currency translation. | UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIncreasesResultingFromForeignCurrencyTranslation |
731 | Derivative Asset, Fair Value of Collateral | credit | Fair value of securities received as collateral against derivative assets. | DerivativeAssetFairValueOfCollateral |
1890 | Other Real Estate, Disposals | credit | Disposals of other real estate not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations may also be included in real estate owned. This excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure. | OtherRealEstateDisposals |
2320 | SEC Schedule III Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Costs Capitalized Subsequent to Acquisition, Buildings and Improvements | debit | Amount of building and improvement costs capitalized since acquisition for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | SECScheduleIIIRealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCostsCapitalizedSubsequentToAcquisitionBuildingsAndImprovements |
408 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Deferred Tax Assets Noncurrent | debit | Amount of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences and carryforwards that are expected to be realized or consumed after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedDeferredTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
1318 | Insurance Services Revenue | credit | Revenue from insurance services, including net premiums earned, gain on sale of insurance block, agency management fees and insurance contract fees and commissions. | InsuranceServicesRevenue |
1468 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Dividends or Interest | credit | Amount of dividends or interest. Give totals for each group. If operations of any controlled companies are different in character from those of the company, group such affiliates (1) within divisions and (2) by type of activities. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesDividendsOrInterest |
1717 | Management Fee Expense | debit | Amount of expenses related to the managing member or general partner for management of the day-to-day business functions of the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | ManagementFeeExpense |
1289 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with No Related Allowance, Interest Income, Accrual Method | credit | Amount of interest income, recognized on accrual basis, on financing receivables that are recognized as impaired, for which there is no related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithNoRelatedAllowanceInterestIncomeAccrualMethod |
2102 | Property Subject to or Available for Operating Lease, Accumulated Depreciation | credit | The amount of accumulated depreciation, by major property class, recorded on property subject to or available for lease as of the balance sheet date. | PropertySubjectToOrAvailableForOperatingLeaseAccumulatedDepreciation |
2571 | Real Estate Owned, Transfer from Real Estate Owned | credit | Value transferred out of real estate owned (REO) in noncash transactions. | TransferOfOtherRealEstate |
222 | Accrued Liabilities and Other Liabilities | credit | Amount of obligations incurred and payable, pertaining to costs that are statutory in nature, incurred on contractual obligations, or accumulate over time and for which invoices have not yet been received or will not be rendered. Examples include, but not limited to, taxes, interest, rent and utilities. Also includes the aggregate carrying amount of liabilities not separately disclosed. | AccruedLiabilitiesAndOtherLiabilities |
575 | Costs Incurred, Acquisition of Oil and Gas Properties | debit | Cost incurred, including capitalized costs and costs charged to expense, in acquisition of oil and gas properties. | CostsIncurredAcquisitionOfOilAndGasProperties |
643 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Gross, Noncurrent | credit | Gross amount of noncurrent deferred tax liabilities, which result from applying the applicable tax rate to taxable temporary differences pertaining to each jurisdiction to which the entity is obligated to pay income tax. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesGrossNoncurrent |
1509 | Liabilities for Guarantees on Long-Duration Contracts, Guaranteed Benefit Liability, Gross | credit | Amount of expected guaranteed benefits in excess of the projected account balances for minimum guaranteed benefit contracts, as of the balance sheet date. | LiabilitiesForGuaranteesOnLongDurationContractsGuaranteedBenefitLiabilityGross |
1273 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, 12 Months or Longer, Aggregate Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss on investments in held-to-maturity securities that have been in a loss position for twelve months or longer. | HeldtomaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAggregateLoss |
1215 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Three | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized during the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearThree |
1240 | Gain on Derivative Instruments, Pretax | credit | Aggregate gain on all derivative instruments recognized in earnings during the period, before tax effects. | GainOnDerivativeInstrumentsPretax |
1214 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Four | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized during the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFour |
1272 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, 12 Months or Longer, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt securities classified as held-to-maturity that have been in a continuous loss position for twelve months or longer. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPosition12MonthsOrLongerAccumulatedLoss |
233 | Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization, Property, Plant, and Equipment, Excluding Capital Leased Assets | credit | Cumulative amount of depreciation, depletion and amortization (related to property, plant and equipment, but not including land or leased assets). | AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExcludingCapitalLeasedAssets |
308 | Available-for-sale Equity Securities, Gross Unrealized Loss | debit | Amount of unrealized loss before deducting unrealized gain on investments in available-for-sale equity securities. | AvailableForSaleEquitySecuritiesGrossUnrealizedLoss |
397 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets | debit | Amount of assets that are expected to be realized or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssets |
1216 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Two | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized during the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearTwo |
1261 | Gross Investment Income, Operating | credit | Amount, before investment expense, of income earned from investments in securities and real estate. Includes, but is not limited to, real estate investment, policy loans, dividends, and interest. Excludes realized gain (loss) on investments. | GrossInvestmentIncomeOperating |
1783 | Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisition, Value of Liabilities Assumed | credit | The total amount of [all] liabilities that an Entity assumes in acquiring a business or in consideration for an asset received in a noncash (or part noncash) acquisition. Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. “Part noncash” refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. | NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionValueOfLiabilitiesAssumed1 |
2510 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs | debit | Net amount of deferred policy acquisition costs capitalized on contracts remaining in force on the balance sheet date. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationDeferredPolicyAcquisitionCosts |
2512 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Net Investment Income | credit | Amount of net investment income earned. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationNetInvestmentIncome |
902 | Due from Officers or Stockholders, Current | debit | Amounts due from owners or owners with a beneficial interest of more than 10 percent of the voting interests or officers of the company, which are usually due within 1 year (or 1 business cycle). | DueFromOfficersOrStockholdersCurrent |
1049 | Fair Value, Option, Loans Held as Assets, Aggregate Amount in Nonaccrual Status | debit | This item represents the aggregate fair value of loans held as assets that are in nonaccrual status for which the fair value option has been elected, if the entity’s policy is to recognize interest income separately from other changes in fair value. | FairValueOptionLoansHeldAsAssetsAggregateAmountInNonaccrualStatus |
235 | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Other than Temporary Impairment, Not Credit Loss, Net of Tax, Debt Securities | debit | Total of accumulated other comprehensive loss related to that portion of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) due to factors other than credit losses on debt securities categorized either as available-for-sale or held-to-maturity that an entity does not intend to sell and which it is not more likely than not that the entity will be required to sell before recovery of the amortized cost basis of the debt security. The amount represented by this item is net of tax, as applicable. | AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentNotCreditLossNetOfTaxDebtSecurities |
1241 | Gain on Sale of Investments | credit | The difference between the carrying value and the sale price of an investment. A gain would be recognized when the sale price of the investment is greater than the carrying value of the investment. This element refers to the Gain included in earnings and not to the cash proceeds of the sale. | GainOnSaleOfInvestments |
1274 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Accumulated Loss | debit | Amount of accumulated unrealized loss on investments in debt securities classified as held-to-maturity in a continuous loss position. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAccumulatedLoss |
418 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Noncurrent Liabilities, Long-term Debt | credit | Amount of long-term debt due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedNoncurrentLiabilitiesLongTermDebt |
730 | Derivative Asset, Fair Value, Gross Liability and Obligation to Return Cash, Offset | credit | Fair value of liability associated with financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, and obligation to return cash collateral under master netting arrangements. | DerivativeAssetFairValueGrossLiabilityAndObligationToReturnCashOffset |
789 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value of Collateral | debit | Fair value of securities pledged as collateral against derivative liabilities. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueOfCollateral |
1928 | Payment for Management Fee | credit | Amount paid to managing member or general partner for management of the day-to-day business functions of the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | PaymentForManagementFee |
1979 | Policyholder Benefits and Claims Incurred, Net, Health | debit | Amount, after effect of policies assumed or ceded, of expense related to provision for policy benefits and costs incurred for health insurance contracts. | PolicyholderBenefitsAndClaimsIncurredHealthCare |
642 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Gross, Current | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences expected to be realized or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesGrossCurrent |
1780 | Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisition, Intangible Assets Acquired | debit | The amount of intangibles that an Entity acquires in a noncash (or part noncash) acquisition. Noncash is defined as information about all investing and financing activities of an enterprise during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. “Part noncash” refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. | NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionIntangibleAssetsAcquired1 |
896 | Dividend Income, Operating | credit | Amount of operating dividend income on securities. | DividendIncomeOperating |
1213 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized during the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFive |
1294 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with Related Allowance, Interest Income, Accrual Method | credit | Amount of interest income, recognized on accrual basis, on financing receivables, for which there is a related allowance for credit losses and are recognized as impaired. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithRelatedAllowanceInterestIncomeAccrualMethod |
426 | Capital | credit | The amount of total capital as defined in the regulations. | Capital |
655 | Defined Benefit Plan, Administration Expenses | debit | Amount of plan administration expenses deducted from total plan assets. | DefinedBenefitPlanAdministrationExpenses |
2391 | Servicing Asset at Amortized Cost, Valuation Allowance | debit | Amount of valuation allowance applied to contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer. | ServicingAssetAtAmortizedValueValuationAllowance |
303 | Available-for-sale Debt Securities Gross Unrealized Gain | credit | Amount of unrealized gain before deducting unrealized loss on investments in debt securities classified as available-for-sale securities. | AvailableForSaleDebtSecuritiesGrossUnrealizedGain |
398 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Marketable Securities | debit | Amount of investments in debt and equity securities, including, but not limited to, held-to-maturity, trading and available-for-sale expected to be converted to cash, sold or exchanged within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsMarketableSecurities |
1309 | Increase in Restricted Cash | credit | Amount of cash outflow associated with funds that are not available for withdrawal or use (such as funds held in escrow) and are associated with underlying transactions that are classified as investing activities. | IncreaseInRestrictedCash |
2319 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate Accumulated Depreciation, Depreciation Expense | debit | Amount of depreciation expense of real estate investments for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | SECScheduleIIIRealEstateAccumulatedDepreciationDepreciationExpense |
250 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Receivable, Charge-offs (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of direct write-downs of receivables charged against the allowance for doubtful accounts. | AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableChargeOffs |
1189 | Financing Receivable, Allowance for Credit Losses, Individually Evaluated for Impairment | credit | Amount of valuation allowance for financing receivables that are expected to be uncollectible that were individually evaluated for impairment. | FinancingReceivableAllowanceForCreditLossesIndividuallyEvaluatedForImpairment1 |
428 | Capitalization, Long-term Debt and Equity | credit | This element represents the total consolidated (as applicable) capitalization of the entity which is comprised of its long-term debt and equity instruments. The table may be detailed by subsidiary (legal entity) and include information by type of debt or equity detailed by instrument. | CapitalizationLongtermDebtAndEquity |
431 | Capitalized Costs, Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Valuation Allowance Relating to Oil and Gas Producing Activities | credit | Amount of accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortization and valuation allowance relating to oil and gas producing activities. | CapitalizedCostsAccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAmortizationAndValuationAllowanceForRelatingToOilAndGasProducingActivities |
1721 | Members’ Equity Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest | credit | Amount of ownership interest in limited liability company (LLC) directly or indirectly attributable to noncontrolling interests. | MembersEquityAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
384 | Business Combination, Consideration Transferred, Equity Interests Issued and Issuable | credit | Amount of equity interests of the acquirer, including instruments or interests issued or issuable in consideration for the business combination. | BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferredEquityInterestsIssuedAndIssuable |
399 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Other | debit | Amount of other assets expected to be realized or consumed before one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsOther |
430 | Capitalized Computer Software, Impairments | credit | For each income statement presented, the amount charged to expense for write-downs of capitalized computer software costs to net realizable value. | CapitalizedComputerSoftwareImpairments |
1206 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized during the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths |
1613 | Loans and Leases Receivable, Net Reported Amount, Covered | debit | Net carrying amount of loans and leases receivable covered by loss sharing agreements. | LoansAndLeasesReceivableNetReportedAmountCovered |
1934 | Payments for Loans | credit | Cash payments for and related to principal collection on loans related to operating activities. | PaymentsForLoans |
2477 | Development Stage Entities, Stock Issued, Value, Issued for Noncash Consideration (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | Value of shares issued for noncash consideration for development stage entities. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueIssuedForNoncashConsiderations |
262 | Amortization of Lease Incentives | debit | Amount of amortization of lease incentive costs incurred by the lessor for the benefit of the lessee. | AmortizationOfLeaseIncentives |
336 | Available-for-sale Securities, Gross Unrealized Loss (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | This item represents the gross unrealized losses for securities which are categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. Such gross unrealized losses are the excess of the carrying value of the Available-for-sale Securities over their fair value as of the reporting date. Such gross unrealized losses are included in other comprehensive income in the statement of shareholders’ equity, unless the Available-for-sale Security is designated as a hedge or is determined to have had an other than temporary decline in fair value below its amortized cost basis. All or a portion of the unrealized holding loss of an Available-for-sale Security that is designated as being hedged in a fair value hedge is recognized in earnings during the period of the hedge, as are other than temporary declines in fair value below costs basis. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesGrossUnrealizedLosses |
653 | Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | This represents the noncurrent liability recognized in the balance sheet that is associated with the defined benefit pension plans. | DefinedBenefitPensionPlanLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
1782 | Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisition, Net Nonmonetary Assets Acquired (Liabilities Assumed) | debit | The net book value of a nonmonetary asset transferred or exchanged in connection with the acquisition of a business or asset in a noncash transaction. Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. “Part noncash” refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. Nonmonetary assets and liabilities are assets and liabilities that will not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the future. | NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionNetNonmonetaryAssetsAcquiredLiabilitiesAssumed1 |
2043 | Proceeds from Loans | debit | Cash received from principal payments made on loans related to operating activities. | ProceedsFromLoans |
2564 | Trade Receivables Held-for-sale, Reconciliation to Cash Flow, Additions to Held-for-sale | debit | Reconcile the changes in trade receivables held for sale balances to the amounts presented in the consolidated statement of cash flows. Enter the additions to trade accounts that will be sold to other entities for the period. | TradeReceivablesHeldForSaleReconciliationToCashFlowAdditionsToHeldForSale |
620 | Deferred Sales Inducements, Amortization Expense | debit | The amount of deferred sales inducement costs charged against earnings during the period. | DeferredSalesInducementsAmortizationExpense |
1905 | Partners’ Capital Account, Deferred Compensation | debit | Total change in each class of partners’ capital accounts during the year due to deferred compensation. Partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountDeferredCompensation |
2220 | Related Party Transaction, Selling, General and Administrative Expenses from Transactions with Related Party | debit | Amount of selling, general and administrative expenses resulting from transactions, excluding transactions that are eliminated in consolidated or combined financial statements, with related party. | RelatedPartyTransactionSellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpensesFromTransactionsWithRelatedParty |
640 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Derivatives | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from derivatives. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesDerivatives |
1822 | Oil and Gas Property, Successful Effort Method, Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion Amortization and Impairment | credit | Amount of accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment of oil and gas property carried under the successful effort method. | OilAndGasPropertySuccessfulEffortMethodAccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAmortizationAndImpairment |
2312 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Reductions of Gross Claim Liability | debit | This element represents the aggregate reductions related to financial guarantee insurance contracts presented in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationReductionsOfGrossClaimLiability |
2318 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Statement of Financial Position, Unearned Premium Revenue | credit | This element represents the amount of unearned premium revenue, reported on or included in the statement of financial position, related to financial guarantee insurance contracts and presented in the schedule of insured financial obligations with credit deterioration in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationStatementOfFinancialPositionUnearnedPremiumRevenue |
271 | Asset Management Fees | credit | Amount of fixed fee revenue for the management of an investment fund portfolio. Excludes investment advisory, distribution and servicing, and performance fees. | AssetManagementFees1 |
1912 | Partners’ Capital Account, Return of Capital | debit | Total change in each class of partners’ capital accounts during the year due to the return of partner’s capital. That is, excess distributions over earnings to partners. All partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountReturnOfCapital |
1936 | Payments for Origination and Purchases of Loans Held-for-sale | credit | The aggregate amount of cash outflow for loans purchased and created with the intention to resell them in the near future. | PaymentsForOriginationAndPurchasesOfLoansHeldForSale |
2527 | Tax Benefit from Stock Options Exercised (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Tax benefits realized from the exercise of stock options resulting in reductions in the entity’s income taxes, which increases net cash provided by operating activities. | TaxBenefitFromStockOptionsExercised1 |
249 | Allowance for Credit Losses, Change in Method of Calculating Impairment | credit | Amount of allowance for credit losses related to receivables which had been measured under a general allowance for credit losses methodology that are now identified as troubled debt restructurings. | AllowanceForCreditLossesChangeInMethodOfCalculatingImpairment |
630 | Deferred Tax Assets, Tax Deferred Expense, Reserves and Accruals, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from the allowance for doubtful accounts. | DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpenseReservesAndAccrualsAllowanceForDoubtfulAccounts |
1982 | Policyholder Dividends, Expense | debit | Amount of expense for dividends to policyholders. | PolicyholderDividends |
2258 | Results of Operations, Revenue, Other | credit | Other revenues from oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsRevenueOther |
2336 | Securities for Reverse Repurchase Agreements | debit | The carrying value of securities purchased to be resold in reverse repurchase transactions as of the balance sheet date. | SecuritiesForReverseRepurchaseAgreements |
1401 | Interest Income, Deposits with Financial Institutions | credit | Interest income derived from funds deposited with both domestic and foreign financial institutions including funds in money market and other accounts. | InterestIncomeDepositsWithFinancialInstitutions |
1414 | Interest Income, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell | credit | Interest income derived from securities purchased under agreements to resell. The difference in the price at which the institution buys the securities and resells the securities represents interest for the use of the funds by the other party. Most repurchase and sale agreements involve obligations of the federal government or its agencies, but other financial instruments, such as commercial paper, banker’s acceptances and negotiable certificates of deposits are sometimes used in such transactions. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
1459 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, at Fair Value, Gross Additions | debit | Gross additions to the investment in and advance to the affiliate. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesAtFairValueGrossAdditions |
1966 | Payments to Acquire Real Estate Held-for-investment | credit | The cash outflow associated with the purchase of real estate held for investment purposes. | PaymentsToAcquireRealEstateHeldForInvestment |
2107 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserve, Production (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of decrease in quantity of proved reserve of oil and gas resulting from production, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReserveProductionEnergy |
2532 | Temporary Equity, Carrying Amount, Attributable to Parent | credit | Carrying amount, attributable to parent, of an entity’s issued and outstanding stock which is not included within permanent equity. Temporary equity is a security with redemption features that are outside the control of the issuer, is not classified as an asset or liability in conformity with GAAP, and is not mandatorily redeemable. Includes any type of security that is redeemable at a fixed or determinable price or on a fixed or determinable date or dates, is redeemable at the option of the holder, or has conditions for redemption which are not solely within the control of the issuer. Includes stock with a put option held by an ESOP and stock redeemable by a holder only in the event of a change in control of the issuer. | TemporaryEquityCarryingAmountAttributableToParent |
2572 | Transfer of Portfolio Loans and Leases to Held-for-sale | credit | Value of loans and leases held in the entity’s portfolio transferred to loans and leases held-for-sale in noncash transactions. | TransferOfPortfolioLoansAndLeasesToHeldForSale1 |
247 | Administrative Services Revenue | credit | Amount of revenue from providing administrative services, including, but not limited to, accounting, tax, legal, regulatory filing, and share registration activities of managed funds and investment accounts of independent third parties and related and affiliated entities. | AdministrativeServicesRevenue |
386 | Business Combination, Consideration Transferred, Other | credit | Amount of tangible or intangible assets, including a business or subsidiary of the acquirer transferred by the entity to the former owners of the acquiree. Excludes cash. | BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferredOther1 |
417 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Noncurrent Liabilities | credit | Amount of liabilities due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedNoncurrentLiabilities |
1201 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Subsequent Default, Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of investment related to financing receivables modified by troubled debt restructurings within the previous 12 months, for which there was a payment default. | FinancingReceivableModificationsSubsequentDefaultRecordedInvestment1 |
1941 | Payments for Repurchase of Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest | credit | The cash outflow during the period for redemption of redeemable noncontrolling interests. | PaymentsForRepurchaseOfRedeemableNoncontrollingInterest |
2393 | Servicing Asset at Fair Value, Disposals | credit | Decrease in servicing assets subsequently measured at fair value resulting from conveyance of servicing rights to unrelated parties. | ServicingAssetAtFairValueDisposals |
400 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Assets, Prepaid Expense and Other Assets | debit | Amount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits in future periods, and amount of other assets that are expected to be realized or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsPrepaidExpenseAndOtherAssets |
523 | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Changes, Issuance of Equity by Subsidiary to Noncontrolling Interests | credit | Represents a sale (new stock issuance) by a subsidiary to noncontrolling interests (third parties, parties directly or indirectly unrelated to parent) during the period. The capital transaction by subsidiary does not result in a loss of control by the parent, but does effect a change in total (consolidated) equity attributable to the parent. | ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestChangesIssuanceOfEquityBySubsidiaryToNoncontrollingInterests |
618 | Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs and Present Value of Future Profits, Amortization | debit | Amount of deferred policy acquisition costs and capitalized present value of the future profits (PVFP) expensed. Acquisition costs are costs that are related directly to the successful acquisition of new or renewal insurance contracts. | DeferredPolicyAcquisitionCostsAndPresentValueOfFutureProfitsAmortization1 |
900 | Dividends and Interest Paid | debit | The contractual amount of dividends (or interest on participating income bonds) that must be paid for the current period (for example, unpaid cumulative dividends). | DividendsAndInterestPaid |
1876 | Other Interest and Dividend Income | credit | Includes all other interest income, net of discount accretion and premium amortization, and dividend income. It may include dividend income from equity securities that do not have readily determinable fair values that are reportable in Other Assets, and interest income on interest-only strips receivable (not in the form of a security) that are included in Other Assets. | OtherInterestAndDividendIncome |
2611 | Valuation Allowances and Reserves, Reserves of Businesses Acquired | credit | Total of allowances and reserves, the valuation and qualifying accounts that are either netted against the cost of an asset (in order to value it at its carrying value) or that reflect a liability established to represent expected future costs, acquired in a business combination. | ValuationAllowancesAndReservesReservesOfBusinessesAcquired |
779 | Derivative, Forward Price | N/A | The forward price on the price risk forward or futures contract, such as a gas futures contract. | DerivativeForwardPrice |
1204 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, after Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseAfterYearFive |
1368 | Interest Expense, Beneficial Interests Issued by Consolidated Variable Interest Entities | debit | Interest expense on beneficial interests issued by consolidated variable interest entities. | InterestExpenseBeneficialInterestsIssuedByConsolidatedVariableInterestEntities |
1705 | Loss on Sale of Investments | debit | The difference between the carrying value and the sale price of an investment. A loss would be recognized when the sale price of the investment is less than the carrying value of the investment. This element refers to the Loss included in earnings and not to the cash proceeds of the sale. | LossOnSaleOfInvestments |
2585 | Underlying, Derivative Liability | N/A | Specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates for a derivative liability contract but not the derivative contract itself. | UnderlyingDerivativeLiability |
370 | Brokerage Commissions Revenue | credit | Amount of commission revenue from buying and selling securities on behalf of customers. | BrokerageCommissionsRevenue |
785 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value, Gross Asset and Right to Reclaim Cash, Offset | debit | Fair value of asset associated with financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, and right to receive cash collateral under master netting arrangements. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueGrossAssetAndRightToReclaimCashOffset |
1056 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Net Write Offs | credit | Amount of decreases to the indemnification asset due to write offs of loans, net of recoveries, relating to loss sharing agreements with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). | FDICIndemnificationAssetNetWriteOffs |
2033 | Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings | debit | The cash inflow from a borrowing made from Federal Home Loan Bank. | ProceedsFromFederalHomeLoanBankBorrowings |
2162 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Carrying Amount of Land | debit | Amount of land for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCarryingAmountOfLand |
2251 | Results of Operations, Dry Hole Costs | debit | Dry hole costs from oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsDryHoleCosts |
305 | Available-for-sale Equity Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Gain, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of unrealized gain in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in equity securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleEquitySecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedGainBeforeTax |
931 | Equity Method Investment, Summarized Financial Information, Liabilities | credit | The amount of liabilities reported by an equity method investment of the entity. | EquityMethodInvestmentSummarizedFinancialInformationLiabilities |
1137 | Fees and Commissions, Mortgage Banking and Servicing | credit | Income from mortgage banking activities (fees and commissions) and servicing real estate mortgages, credit cards, and other financial assets held by others net of any related impairment of capitalized service costs. Also includes any premiums received in lieu of regular servicing fees on such loans only as earned over the life of the loans. | FeesAndCommissionsMortgageBankingAndServicing |
1795 | Noninterest Expense Offering Cost | debit | Includes offering costs of open-end investment companies, and closed-end funds with a continuous offering period. | NoninterestExpenseOfferingCost |
2514 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Other Policy Claims and Benefits Payable | credit | Amount of claims and benefits payable not included within other categories. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationOtherPolicyClaimsAndBenefitsPayable |
289 | Assumed Premiums Earned | credit | Amount of earned premiums assumed from other entities. | AssumedPremiumsEarned |
405 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Long-term Debt | credit | Amount of long-term debt due within one year or within the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentLiabilitiesLongTermDebt |
443 | Capitalized Exploratory Well Cost, Charged to Expense | credit | Capitalized exploratory well costs that were expensed during the year because proved reserves were not found at the exploratory well. | CapitalizedExploratoryWellCostChargedToExpense |
948 | Exploration Costs, Period Cost | debit | The capitalized costs incurred during the period (excluded from amortization) in identifying areas that may warrant examination and in examining specific areas that are considered to have prospects of containing oil and gas reserves, including costs of drilling exploratory wells and exploratory-type stratigraphic test wells. Exploration costs may be incurred both before acquiring the related property (sometimes referred to in part as prospecting costs) and after acquiring the property. Principal types of exploration costs, which include depreciation and applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of exploration activities, are: costs of topographical, geographical and geophysical studies, rights of access to properties to conduct those studies, and salaries and other expenses of geologists, geophysical crews, and others conducting those studies. Collectively, these are sometimes referred to as geological and geophysical or “G&G” costs. Exploration costs also include costs of carrying and retaining undeveloped properties, such as delay rentals, ad valorem taxes on properties, legal costs for title defense, the maintenance of land and lease records, dry hole contributions and bottom hole contributions, costs of drilling and equipping exploratory wells and costs of drilling exploratory-type stratigraphic test wells. | ExplorationCosts |
1540 | Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense, Claims Paid, Current Year | credit | Amount of payments to settle claims incurred in the current period and related claims settlement costs. | LiabilityForUnpaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustmentExpenseClaimsPaidCurrentYear1 |
1610 | Loan Processing Fee | debit | Expenses paid for obtaining loans which includes expenses such as application and origination fees. | LoanProcessingFee |
1929 | Payments for Brokerage Fees | credit | The amount of cash paid for brokerage fees during the current period. This element is intended to represent the brokerage fees paid by and between financial industry participants. | PaymentsForBrokerageFees |
1956 | Payments to Acquire Loans Held-for-investment | credit | The cash outflow associated with purchasing loans held for investment purposes during the period. | PaymentsToAcquireLoansHeldForInvestment |
2474 | Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Issued for Services | N/A | Number of shares issued in lieu of cash for services contributed to the entity. Number of shares includes, but is not limited to, shares issued for services contributed by vendors and founders. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesIssuedForServices |
2511 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Liability for Future Policy Benefits, Losses, Claims and Loss Expense Reserves | credit | Amount of reserves for future policy claims payable and loss expenses to be incurred. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationLiabilityForFuturePolicyBenefitsLossesClaimsAndLossExpenseReserves |
2619 | Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic and Diluted | N/A | Average number of shares or units issued and outstanding that are used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS). | WeightedAverageNumberOfShareOutstandingBasicAndDiluted |
236 | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Other than Temporary Impairment, Not Credit Loss, Net of Tax, Held-to-maturity, Debt Securities | debit | Accumulated other comprehensive loss related to portion of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) due to factors other than credit losses on debt securities categorized as held-to-maturity that an entity does not intend to sell and which it is not more likely than not that the entity will be required to sell before recovery of the amortized cost basis of the debt security. The amount represented by this item is net of tax, as applicable. | AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossOtherThanTemporaryImpairmentNotCreditLossNetOfTaxHeldtomaturityDebtSecurities |
385 | Business Combination, Consideration Transferred, Liabilities Incurred | credit | Amount of liabilities incurred by the acquirer as part of consideration transferred in a business combination. | BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferredLiabilitiesIncurred |
578 | Costs Incurred, Asset Retirement Obligation Incurred | debit | Amount of asset retirement obligations (ARO) costs incurred (whether capitalized or charged to expense) during the period. | CostsIncurredAssetRetirementObligationIncurred |
1394 | Interest Expense, Subordinated Notes and Debentures | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on subordinated notes and debentures. Includes amortization of expenses incurred in the issuance of subordinated notes and debentures. | InterestExpenseSubordinatedNotesAndDebentures |
1815 | Occupancy, Net | debit | Amount of net occupancy expense that may include items, such as depreciation of facilities and equipment, lease expenses, property taxes and property and casualty insurance expense. | OccupancyNet |
1935 | Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense, Claims Paid | credit | Amount of payments to settle insured claims and pay costs incurred in the claims settlement process. | PaymentsForLossesAndLossAdjustmentExpense |
2048 | Proceeds from Principal Repayments on Loans and Leases Held-for-investment | debit | The cash inflow from repayments of the balance excluding interest (principal) on loans receivable and leases held for investment purposes. | ProceedsFromPrincipalRepaymentsOnLoansAndLeasesHeldForInvestment |
2365 | Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | credit | Amount of funds outstanding borrowed in the form of a security repurchase agreement between the entity and another party for the sale and repurchase of identical or substantially the same securities at a date certain for a specified price, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
2570 | Transfer of Loans Held-for-sale to Portfolio Loans | credit | Value of loans held-for-sale transferred to loans held in the entity’s portfolio in noncash transactions. | TransferOfLoansHeldForSaleToPortfolioLoans1 |
792 | Derivative Liability, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | credit | Fair value of financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | DerivativeLiabilityNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
1412 | Interest Income, Securities, Mortgage Backed | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securitized, pass-through debt securities collateralized by real estate mortgage loans. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesMortgageBacked |
1438 | Investment Income, Dividend | credit | Amount of dividend income on nonoperating securities. | InvestmentIncomeDividend |
2093 | Professional and Contract Services Expense | debit | Professional and contract service expense includes cost reimbursements for support services related to contracted projects, outsourced management, technical and staff support. | ProfessionalAndContractServicesExpense |
2607 | Valuation Allowance for Impairment of Recognized Servicing Assets, Balance | credit | Reflects the estimated amount of impairment as of the balance sheet date of recognized servicing assets that are being amortized in proportion to and over the period of estimated net servicing income or loss. | ValuationAllowanceForImpairmentOfRecognizedServicingAssetsBalance |
350 | Bank Owned Life Insurance Income | credit | Earnings on or other increases in the value of the cash surrender value of bank owned life insurance policies. | BankOwnedLifeInsuranceIncome |
490 | Ceded Premiums Earned | debit | Amount of earned premiums ceded to other entities. | CededPremiumsEarned |
622 | Deferred Tax Assets, Investments | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from investments (excludes investments in subsidiaries and equity method investments). | DeferredTaxAssetsInvestments |
816 | Development Costs, Period Cost | debit | The capitalized costs incurred during the period (excluded from amortization) to obtain access to proved reserves and to provide facilities for extracting, treating, gathering and storing the oil and gas. | DevelopmentCosts |
1256 | General Partners’ Capital Account, Period Distribution Amount | debit | The total amount of distributions to the general partner during the period. | GeneralPartnersCapitalAccountDistributionAmount |
2059 | Proceeds from Sale of Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow resulting from the sale of loans classified as held-for-sale, including proceeds from loans sold through mortgage securitization. | ProceedsFromSaleOfLoansHeldForSale |
2066 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Real Estate | debit | The cash inflow associated with the sale of other real estate not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherRealEstate |
2211 | Related Party Deposit Liabilities | credit | Amount of deposits held by the entity for a related party (entity, shareholder, employee). | RelatedPartyDepositLiabilities |
2530 | Taxes, Other | debit | Taxes, excluding payroll, income and excise taxes, if not included elsewhere, that could include production, real and personal property, and other selling and distribution-related taxes. | TaxesOther |
2533 | Temporary Equity, Carrying Amount, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests | credit | Carrying amount, attributable to parent and noncontrolling interests, of an entity’s issued and outstanding stock which is not included within permanent equity. Temporary equity is a security with redemption features that are outside the control of the issuer, is not classified as an asset or liability in conformity with GAAP, and is not mandatorily redeemable. Includes any type of security that is redeemable at a fixed or determinable price or on a fixed or determinable date or dates, is redeemable at the option of the holder, or has conditions for redemption which are not solely within the control of the issuer. Includes stock with a put option held by an ESOP and stock redeemable by a holder only in the event of a change in control of the issuer. | TemporaryEquityCarryingAmountIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterests |
513 | Common Stocks, Including Additional Paid in Capital | credit | Amount of par value plus amounts in excess of par value or issuance value for common stock issued. | CommonStocksIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapital |
582 | Credit Derivative, Maximum Exposure, Undiscounted | credit | Maximum potential amount of future undiscounted payments that could be required under the credit derivative, before reduction for potential recoveries under recourse or collateralization provisions. | CreditDerivativeMaximumExposureUndiscounted |
734 | Derivative Asset, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | debit | Fair value of financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | DerivativeAssetNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
837 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Cash and Cash Equivalents | debit | Amount classified as cash and cash equivalents attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCashAndCashEquivalents |
1003 | Fair Value Inputs, Cap Rate | N/A | Ratio of the net operating income produced by an asset and its capital cost (original prices paid to buy the asset), used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsCapRate |
1057 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Premium Expense | debit | Amount of expense for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance. | FederalDepositInsuranceCorporationPremiumExpense |
1777 | Net Credit Loss on Loans Managed or Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement | debit | Amount of credit loss after recoveries for transferred financial assets that continue to be recognized in the statement of financial position. | NetCreditLossOnLoansManagedOrSecuritizedOrAssetbackedFinancingArrangement |
1944 | Payments for Software | credit | The cash outflow associated with the development, modification or acquisition of software programs or applications for internal use (that is, not to be sold, leased or otherwise marketed to others) that qualify for capitalization. | PaymentsForSoftware |
1960 | Payments to Acquire Mortgage Notes Receivable | credit | The cash outflow from the purchase of receivables arising from the mortgage note on real estate. | PaymentsToAcquireMortgageNotesReceivable |
2257 | Results of Operations, Revenue from Oil and Gas Producing Activities | credit | Total revenues from oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsRevenueFromOilAndGasProducingActivities |
205 | Accounts Payable, Related Parties, Noncurrent | credit | Amount of accounts payable to related parties, due after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. | AccountsPayableRelatedPartiesNoncurrent |
209 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Payments | debit | The aggregate amount disbursed during the reporting period to settle environmental loss contingencies. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesPayments |
522 | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Changes, Additional Interest Issued to Parent | debit | Represents a (noncash) issuance of additional equity interests to the parent by a subsidiary during the period, thereby effecting a change in total (consolidated) equity attributable to the parent. The additional equity interest represented by this element increases the parent’s controlling interest in the subsidiary. | ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestChangesAdditionalInterestIssuedToParent |
787 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value, Net (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | Fair value as of the balance sheet date of the gross assets less the gross liabilities of a derivative liability or group of derivative liabilities. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueNet |
823 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Cash Inflows (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | debit | Amount of estimated future cash inflows from sale of proved oil and gas reserves. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureCashInflows |
826 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Net Cash Flows (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | debit | Amount of estimated net future cash inflows, after subtracting future development and production costs and future income tax expenses, from sale of proved oil and gas reserves. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureNetCashFlows |
1930 | Payments for Construction in Process | credit | The cash outflow from construction costs to date on capital projects that have not been completed and assets being constructed that are not ready to be placed into service. | PaymentsForConstructionInProcess |
1970 | Payments to Develop Real Estate Assets | credit | Payments to develop real estate assets is the process of adding improvements on or to a parcel of land. Such improvements may include drainage, utilities, subdividing, access, buildings, and any combination of these elements; and are generally classified as cash flow from investing activities. | PaymentsToDevelopRealEstateAssets |
2431 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Exercises in Period (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | The decrease in the number of reserved shares that could potentially be issued attributable to the exercise or conversion during the reporting period of previously issued stock options under the option plan. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExercisesInPeriod |
525 | Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Changes, Sale of Interest by Parent | credit | Represents a sale by the parent of a portion of its equity interest in a subsidiary during the period, thereby effecting a change in total (consolidated) equity attributable to the parent. The sale of the equity interest represented by this element does not result in a loss of control by the parent. | ConsolidationLessThanWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryParentOwnershipInterestChangesSaleOfInterestByParent |
807 | Derivative, Nonmonetary Notional Amount, Volume | N/A | Nominal volume used to calculate payments on a derivative instrument. | DerivativeNonmonetaryNotionalAmountVolume |
1535 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Net, Claims Paid | debit | Amount of asbestos claims paid in the current period, net of reinsurance recoveries. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsNetClaimsPaid |
1541 | Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense, Claims Paid, Prior Years | credit | Amount of payments to settle claims incurred in prior periods and related claims settlement costs. | LiabilityForUnpaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustmentExpenseClaimsPaidPriorYears1 |
404 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Current Liabilities, Deferred Revenue | credit | Amount of deferred revenue expected to be recognized as such within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentLiabilitiesDeferredRevenue |
579 | Costs Incurred, Oil and Gas Property Acquisition, Exploration, and Development Activities | debit | Amount of costs incurred related to oil and gas property acquisition, exploration and development activities, including capitalized costs and costs charged to expense. | CostsIncurredOilAndGasPropertyAcquisitionExplorationAndDevelopmentActivities |
621 | Deferred Tax Assets, Capital Loss Carryforwards | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible capital loss carryforwards. | DeferredTaxAssetsCapitalLossCarryforwards |
720 | Depreciation and Amortization, Discontinued Operations | debit | Amount of deprecation and amortization expense attributable to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of discontinued operations. | DepreciationAndAmortizationDiscontinuedOperations |
813 | Derivative, Swap Type, Fixed Price | N/A | Fixed price related to the price risk swap derivative. | DerivativeSwapTypeFixedPrice |
856 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Interest Income | credit | Amount of interest income attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInterestIncome |
1013 | Fair Value Inputs, Prepayment Rate | N/A | Rate at which loans or a loan portfolio are expected to prepay principal balances, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsPrepaymentRate |
1255 | General Partner Distributions | debit | Distributions from earnings to the general partner of a partnership included in the consolidated financial statements. | GeneralPartnerDistributions |
1313 | Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired | debit | Amount of increase in assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with an indefinite life, resulting from a business combination. | IndefinitelivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired |
1336 | Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Held-to-maturity | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on held-to-maturity securities. | InterestAndDividendIncomeSecuritiesHeldToMaturity |
1911 | Partners’ Capital Account, Public Sale of Units Net of Offering Costs | credit | Monetary value of the issuance of new units of limited partnership interest in a public offering, net of offering costs. This is a parenthetical disclosure. | PartnersCapitalAccountPublicSaleOfUnitsNetOfOfferingCosts |
2173 | Real Estate Owned, Valuation Allowance, Provision | debit | Amount of expense recognized in the income statement for a decrease in valuation of real estate owned (REO). | RealEstateOwnedValuationAllowanceProvision1 |
2310 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Net Claim Liability | credit | This element represents the net claim liability related to financial guarantee insurance contracts presented in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationNetClaimLiability |
2356 | Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | debit | Amount of funds outstanding loaned in the form of a security resale agreement between the entity and another party for the purchase and resale of identical or substantially the same securities at a date certain for a specified price, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | SecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
2541 | Tier One Risk Based Capital | credit | Tier 1 Risk Based Capital as defined in the regulations. | TierOneRiskBasedCapital |
2587 | Underlying, Derivative Volume | N/A | Specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates for a derivative contract measured in volume but not the derivative contract itself. | UnderlyingDerivativeVolume |
283 | Assets Held-for-sale, Long Lived, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of assets classified as held for sale. | AssetsHeldForSaleLongLivedFairValueDisclosure |
422 | Business Combination, Step Acquisition, Equity Interest in Acquiree, Fair Value | credit | Fair value at acquisition-date of the equity interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer, immediately before the acquisition date for businesses combined in stages. | BusinessCombinationStepAcquisitionEquityInterestInAcquireeFairValue1 |
435 | Capitalized Costs of Unproved Properties Excluded from Amortization, Period Cost | debit | The sum of the capitalized costs incurred during the period of unproved properties excluded from amortization including acquisition costs, exploration costs, development costs, and production costs. | CapitalizedCostsOfUnprovedPropertiesExcludedFromAmortization |
663 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Increase on Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation | credit | The effect of a one-percentage-point increase in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for health care benefits. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointIncreaseOnAccumulatedPostretirementBenefitObligation |
667 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Five Fiscal Years Thereafter | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the five fiscal years after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsFiveFiscalYearsThereafter |
670 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Next Twelve Months | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsNextTwelveMonths |
795 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Collateral, Right to Reclaim Securities | debit | Amount of right to receive securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedCollateralRightToReclaimSecurities |
879 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Cash Distributions Declared | debit | Amount of equity impact of cash distributions declared to unit-holder of limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberCashDistributionsDeclared |
1030 | Subordinated Debt Obligations, Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value of subordinated debt obligations including, but not limited to, subordinated loan, subordinated bond, subordinated debenture or junior debt. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisSubordinatedDebtObligations |
1258 | Goodwill, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. | GoodwillFairValueDisclosure |
1335 | Interest and Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Available-for-sale | credit | Amount of operating dividend and interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on available-for-sale securities. | InterestAndDividendIncomeSecuritiesAvailableForSale |
1996 | Prepaid Expense and Other Assets, Noncurrent | debit | Amount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits in future periods, and amount of other assets that are expected to be realized or consumed after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | PrepaidExpenseAndOtherAssetsNoncurrent |
2051 | Proceeds from Repayment of Loans to Purchase Common Stock | debit | Cash inflow from repayment of loans for purchasing common stock. | ProceedsFromRepaymentOfLoansToPurchaseCommonStock |
2161 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Carrying Amount of Buildings and Improvements | debit | Amount before accumulated depreciation of buildings and improvements for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCarryingAmountOfBuildingsAndImprovements |
2285 | Sale Leaseback Transaction, Current Period Gain Recognized | credit | The portion of the deferred gain that was recognized in the current period. | SaleLeasebackTransactionCurrentPeriodGainRecognized |
2407 | Settlement of Asset Retirement Obligations Through Noncash Payments, Amount | debit | Amount of asset retirement obligations settled through noncash transactions. An asset retirement obligation is a legal obligation associated with the disposal or retirement from service of a tangible long-lived asset. | SettlementOfAssetRetirementObligationsThroughNoncashPaymentsAmount |
2455 | Share Price | N/A | Price of a single share of a number of saleable stocks of a company. | SharePrice |
306 | Available-for-sale Equity Securities, Accumulated Gross Unrealized Loss, before Tax | debit | Amount before tax of unrealized loss in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) on investments in equity securities classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleEquitySecuritiesAccumulatedGrossUnrealizedLossBeforeTax |
372 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Assets Acquired (Liabilities Assumed), Net (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | The total purchase price of the acquired entity. This includes cash paid to equity interest holders of the acquired entity, fair value of debt and equity securities issued to equity holders of the acquired entity, and transaction costs paid to third parties to consummate the acquisition. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationAssetsAcquiredLiabilitiesAssumedNet |
677 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Year Four | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsYearFour |
767 | Derivative Credit Risk Valuation Adjustment, Derivative Liabilities | debit | Amount of credit risk valuation adjustment to derivative liabilities to properly reflect the credit quality of the entity. | DerivativeCreditRiskValuationAdjustmentDerivativeLiabilities |
1207 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1338 | Interest and Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Trading or Measured at Fair Value | credit | Amount of operating dividend and interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on trading securities and other forms of securities that provide ownership interests. | InterestAndDividendIncomeSecuritiesTradingOrMeasuredAtFairValue |
1392 | Interest Expense, Short-term Borrowings | debit | The aggregate interest expense incurred on short-term borrowings including commercial paper and Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase. | InterestExpenseShortTermBorrowings |
1514 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise | credit | Total amount of liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromise |
1733 | Minimum Net Capital Required for Broker-Dealer Subsidiary | credit | Minimum amount of net capital required to be maintained by entity’s broker-dealer subsidiary to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequiredForBrokerDealerSubsidiary1 |
1865 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, Tax (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Tax effect of the income statement impact of the reclassification adjustment for unrealized (losses) realized upon the write-down of available-for-sale securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeTax |
1926 | Payment for Administrative Fees | credit | Amount paid to managing member or general partner, affiliate of managing member or general partner, or affiliate of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP) for administrative services provided to the LLC or LP, for example, but not limited to, salaries, rent, or overhead costs. | PaymentForAdministrativeFees |
2222 | Repayments of Construction Loans Payable | credit | The cash outflow from repayment of borrowings to finance the cost of construction. | RepaymentsOfConstructionLoansPayable |
2361 | Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Collateral, Right to Reclaim Securities | debit | Amount of right to receive securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against securities sold under agreement to repurchase. | SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseCollateralRightToReclaimSecurities |
208 | Accretion Expense, Including Asset Retirement Obligations | debit | Amount of accretion expense, which includes, but is not limited to, accretion expense from asset retirement obligations, environmental remediation obligations, and other contingencies. | AccretionExpenseIncludingAssetRetirementObligations |
607 | Decrease in Restricted Cash | debit | Amount of cash inflow associated with funds that are not available for withdrawal or use (such as funds held in escrow) and are associated with underlying transactions that are classified as investing activities. | DecreaseInRestrictedCash |
644 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Investments | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from investments (excludes investments in subsidiaries and equity method investments). | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesInvestments |
676 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Year Five | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsYearFive |
678 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Year Three | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsYearThree |
679 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Year Two | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsYearTwo |
827 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Production Costs (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The future cost of producing oil and gas from proved reserves located in this geographic region. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureProductionCosts |
1262 | Ground Leases, Accumulated Amortization | credit | Accumulated amortization on long-term land leases capitalized as part of real property. | GroundLeasesAccumulatedAmortization |
2114 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Sale of Mineral in Place (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of decrease in quantity of proved reserve of oil and gas resulting from sale of mineral in place, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesSaleOfMineralInPlaceEnergy |
481 | Cash Flows Between Transferor and Transferee, Servicing Fees | debit | Cash Flows between a transferee and a transferor attributable to servicing fees related to a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the transferred financial assets underlying the transaction (including, but not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor’s interests in the transferred financial assets). | CashFlowsBetweenTransfereeAndTransferorServicingFees |
572 | Cost of Goods Sold, Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization | debit | Aggregate depreciation, depletion and amortization expense in the current period for the cost of tangible assets, intangible assets, or depleting assets directly related to goods produced and sold during the reporting period. | CostOfGoodsSoldDepreciationDepletionAndAmortization |
638 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Deferred Expense, Capitalized Interest | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from capitalized interest. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesDeferredExpenseCapitalizedInterest |
654 | Defined Benefit Plan, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Minimum Pension Liability, after Tax | debit | After tax amount of additional minimum pension liability not yet recognized as a net periodic pension cost. | DefinedBenefitPlanAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMinimumPensionLiabilityAfterTax |
885 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Declared | debit | Amount of equity impact of cash distribution declared to unit-holder of limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsDeclared |
1364 | Interest Costs Capitalized Adjustment | credit | Amount of interest costs capitalized disclosed as an adjusting item to interest costs incurred. | InterestCostsCapitalizedAdjustment |
1706 | Loss Ratio | N/A | Ratio of non-life losses and loss expenses to non-life net premiums earned. | LossRatio |
1947 | Payments for Underwriting Expense | credit | Cash paid for expenses incurred during underwriting activities (the process to review insurance applications, evaluate risks, accept or reject applications, and determine the premiums to be charged) for insurance companies. | PaymentsForUnderwritingExpense |
2064 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Investments | debit | The cash inflow associated with the sale of other investments not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherInvestments |
2261 | Results of Operations, Transportation Costs | debit | Includes the cost to prepare and move liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas to their points of sale. | ResultsOfOperationsTransportationCosts |
2492 | Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, Noncontrolling Interest in Income of Subsidiary | debit | The dividends from redeemable preferred stock of a subsidiary that are accounted for as a noncontrolling interest in income of a subsidiary in a parent’s consolidated financial statements. | SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeMinorityInterestInIncomeOfSubsidiary |
2515 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Premium Revenue | credit | Amount of premium revenue earned. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationPremiumRevenue |
2529 | Taxes, Miscellaneous | debit | All taxes not related to income of the entity or excise or sales taxes levied on the revenue of the entity that are not reported elsewhere. These taxes could include production, real estate, personal property, and pump tax. | TaxesExcludingIncomeAndExciseTaxes |
493 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Accounted for as Debt Securities, Accretable Yield, Accretion | credit | Current period recognition due to accretion of the excess of a loan’s cash flows expected to be collected over the investor’s initial investment in the loan for loans accounted for as debt securities, with evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination that were acquired by completion of a transfer for which it is probable, at acquisition, that the investor will be unable to collect all contractually required payments receivable. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAccretableYieldAccretion |
499 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Acquired During Period, at Acquisition, at Fair Value | debit | Fair value at acquisition of acquired loans not accounted for as debt securities with evidence of deterioration of credit quality. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAcquiredDuringPeriodAtAcquisitionAtFairValue |
824 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Development Costs (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The future cost of developing oil and gas from proved reserves located in this geographic region. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureDevelopmentCosts |
876 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Rental Income | credit | Amount of rental income attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationRentalIncome |
969 | Fair Value Assumptions, Weighted Average Volatility Rate | N/A | Weighted average expected volatility of stock price. | FairValueAssumptionsWeightedAverageVolatilityRate |
1136 | Fees and Commissions, Mortgage Banking | credit | The noninterest income derived from mortgage banking activities (fees and commissions), excluding fees earned from servicing third-party assets. | FeesAndCommissionsMortgageBanking |
1219 | Floor Brokerage, Exchange and Clearance Fees | debit | The amount of expense during the period for floor brokerage fees paid to other broker-dealers to execute trades on their behalf, stock exchange fees, order flow fees, and clearance fees. | FloorBrokerageExchangeAndClearanceFees |
1794 | Noninterest Expense Investment Advisory Fees | debit | This represents the company’s cost incurred during an accounting period for managing the money in a fund, which will be billed back to the client and is a component of noninterest expenses. | NoninterestExpenseInvestmentAdvisoryFees |
1903 | Other Underwriting Expense | debit | Costs incurred during the period, such as those relating to general administration and policy maintenance that do not vary with and are not primarily related to the acquisition or renewal of insurance contracts. | OtherUnderwritingExpense |
1949 | Payments of Derivative Issuance Costs | credit | The cash outflow for cost incurred directly with the issuance of a derivative security. | PaymentsOfDerivativeIssuanceCosts |
1955 | Payments to Acquire Land | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of real estate intended to generate income for the owner; excludes land acquired for use by the owner. | PaymentsToAcquireLand |
2109 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Extensions, Discoveries, and Additions | N/A | Additions to proved reserves that result from (1) extension of the proved acreage of previously discovered (old) reservoirs through additional drilling in periods after discovery and (2) discovery of new fields with proved reserves or of new reservoirs of proved reserves in old fields. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesExtensionsDiscoveriesAndAdditions |
2581 | Underlying, Derivative | N/A | Specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates for a derivative contract but not the derivative contract itself. | UnderlyingDerivative |
474 | Capital to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | Total Capital divided by risk weighted assets as defined in the regulations. | CapitalToRiskWeightedAssets |
548 | Contractual Obligation | credit | Amount of contractual obligation, including but not limited to, long-term debt, capital lease obligations, operating lease obligations, purchase obligations, and other commitments. | ContractualObligation |
648 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Unrealized Currency Transaction Gains | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from unrealized gains on foreign currency transactions. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesUnrealizedCurrencyTransactionGains |
664 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Increase on Service and Interest Cost Components | debit | The effect of a one-percentage-point increase in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the aggregate of the service and interest cost components of net periodic postretirement health care benefit costs. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointIncreaseOnServiceAndInterestCostComponents |
766 | Derivative Credit Risk Valuation Adjustment, Derivative Assets | credit | Amount of credit risk valuation adjustment to derivative assets to properly reflect the credit quality of the counterparties. | DerivativeCreditRiskValuationAdjustmentDerivativeAssets |
1048 | Fair Value, Option, Loans Held as Assets, 90 Days or More Past Due | debit | This item represents the aggregate fair value of loans held as assets that are 90 days or more past due for which the fair value option has been elected. | FairValueOptionLoansHeldAsAssets90DaysOrMorePastDue |
1179 | Financial Instruments Sold, Not yet Purchased, Derivatives and Other Contracts | credit | Fair value of obligations arising from derivatives and other contracts sold short. | FinancialInstrumentsSoldNotYetPurchasedDerivativesAndOtherContracts |
1316 | Insurance Commissions | debit | The expense incurred by an insurance company to persons or entities for generating or placing insurance or investment contracts with the company, usually determined as a percentage of policy or contract premiums. Excludes advances or draws to be applied against commissions earned. | InsuranceCommissions |
1375 | Interest Expense, Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase | debit | The aggregate expense incurred on federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase. If amounts recognized as payables under repurchase agreements have been offset against amounts recognized as receivables under reverse repurchase agreements and reported as a net amount on the balance sheet, the income and expense from these agreements may be reported on a net basis. | InterestExpenseFederalFundsPurchasedAndSecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
1533 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Gross, Incurred Loss | credit | Increase in asbestos and environmental reserve based on known and estimated costs of settling insured claims and costs incurred in the claims settlement process, before estimated recoveries from reinsurers. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsGrossIncurredLoss |
1864 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, Net of Tax (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Net of tax amount of the income statement impact of the reclassification adjustment for unrealized (losses) realized upon the write-down of available-for-sale securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentForWritedownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeNetOfTax |
2029 | Proceeds from Derivative Instrument, Investing Activities | debit | The cash inflow provided by derivative instruments during the period, which are classified as investing activities, excluding those designated as hedging instruments. | ProceedsFromDerivativeInstrumentInvestingActivities |
2083 | Production Tax Expense | debit | A tax assessed on oil and gas production. | ProductionTaxExpense |
2434 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Forfeitures and Expirations in Period, Weighted Average Intrinsic Value | N/A | The combined weighted average of the accumulated differences between the fair values on underlying shares and exercises prices to acquire such shares as of the grant date on options that were either forfeited or lapsed. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsForfeituresAndExpirationsInPeriodWeightedAverageIntrinsicValue |
2535 | Tier One Leverage Capital | credit | Tier 1 Leverage Capital as defined in the regulations. Also called Core Capital. | TierOneLeverageCapital |
2540 | Tier One Leverage Capital to Average Assets | N/A | Tier 1 Leverage Capital divided by average assets as defined in the regulations. | TierOneLeverageCapitalToAverageAssets |
2546 | Tier One Risk Based Capital to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | Tier 1 capital divided by risk weighted assets as defined by regulations. | TierOneRiskBasedCapitalToRiskWeightedAssets |
558 | Contributions from Noncontrolling Interests (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash inflow from contributions from noncontrolling interests in an investment. | ContributionsFromNoncontrollingInterests |
688 | Defined Benefit Plan, Target Plan Asset Allocations Range Minimum | N/A | Target allocation minimum percentage of investments of this type to total plan assets presented on a weighted average basis. | DefinedBenefitPlanTargetPlanAssetAllocationsRangeMinimum |
847 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Depreciation and Amortization | debit | Amount of depreciation and amortization expense attributable to disposal group, including, but not limited to, discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDepreciationAndAmortization |
1305 | Income Tax Holiday, Income Tax Benefits Per Share | N/A | Per share amount effect of the income tax benefit resulting from the income tax holidays granted by taxing jurisdictions. | IncomeTaxHolidayIncomeTaxBenefitsPerShare |
1344 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Loans | credit | Interest and fee income generated from all commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialIndustrialAndAgriculturalLoans |
1345 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial, Real Estate | credit | Interest and fee income generated from loans secured by commercial properties. Examples of properties commonly securing commercial real estate loans may include office buildings, apartment buildings, shopping centers, industrial property, and hotels. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialRealEstate |
1536 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Net, Incurred Loss | credit | Increase in asbestos and environmental reserve based on known and estimated costs of settling insured claims and costs incurred in the claims settlement process, net of estimated reinsurance recoveries. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsNetIncurredLoss |
1542 | Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense, Incurred Claims | debit | Amount of expense for claims incurred and costs incurred in the claim settlement process. | LiabilityForUnpaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustmentExpenseIncurredClaims1 |
1673 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1965 | Payments to Acquire Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of a piece of land, anything permanently fixed to it, including buildings, structures on it and so forth; includes real estate intended to generate income for the owner; excludes real estate acquired for use by the owner. | PaymentsToAcquireRealEstate |
2362 | Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Fair Value of Collateral | debit | Fair value of securities pledged as collateral against securities sold under agreement to repurchase. | SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseFairValueOfCollateral |
414 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Land | debit | Amount of real estate acquired, at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedLand |
608 | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Allocated Share-based Compensation Expense | debit | Amount of expense recognized from equity-based compensation arrangements (for example, shares of stock, unit, stock options or other equity instruments), awarded to key employees or individuals. Excludes amount related to plans that cover generally all employees (for example, but not limited to, qualified pension plans). | DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualAllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense |
629 | Deferred Tax Assets, Tax Deferred Expense | debit | Amount, before allocation of valuation allowances, of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible differences from reserves and accruals, compensation and benefit costs, and other provisions, reserves, and allowances. | DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpense |
658 | Defined Benefit Plan, Cost of Providing Special or Contractual Termination Benefits Recognized During Period | debit | If applicable, the cost of providing special or contractual termination benefits recognized during the period on the projected benefit obligation. | DefinedBenefitPlanCostOfProvidingSpecialOrContractualTerminationBenefitRecognizedDuringPeriod |
1050 | FDIC Indemnification Asset | debit | Carrying amount of receivable assets originating from the indemnification agreement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), in which the FDIC is to partially cover losses. | FDICIndemnificationAsset |
1134 | Fees and Commissions, Depositor Accounts | credit | Includes amounts charged depositors for: (1) maintenance of their accounts (maintenance charges); (2) failure to maintain specified minimum balances on account; (3) exceeding the number of checks or transactions allowed to be processed in a given period; (4) checks drawn on no minimum balance deposit accounts; (5) withdrawals from nontransaction deposit accounts; (6) closing savings accounts before a specified minimum period of time has elapsed; (7) accounts which have remained inactive for extended periods of time or which have become dormant; (8) use of automated teller machines or remote service units; (9) checks drawn against insufficient funds that the bank assesses regardless of whether it decides to pay, return or hold the check; (10) issuing stop payment orders; (11) certifying checks; and (12) accumulating or disbursing funds deposited in IRAs or Keogh Plan accounts when not handled by the bank’s trust department. This item does not include penalties assessed on the early withdrawal of time deposits. | FeesAndCommissionsDepositorAccounts |
1312 | Policyholder Benefits and Claims Incurred, Net, Property, Casualty and Liability | debit | Amount, after effect of policies assumed or ceded, of expense related to provision for policy benefits and costs incurred for property and casualty insurance contracts. | IncurredClaimsPropertyCasualtyAndLiability |
1467 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Dividend or Interest, Other | credit | All other dividends and interest. Explain in the “Schedule of Investments, Investment Notes” the treatment accorded each item. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesDividendOrInterestOther |
1531 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Gross | credit | Carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of reserves for the costs of settling insured claims and costs incurred in the claims settlement process attributable to asbestos and environmental claims, before estimated recoveries from reinsurers. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsGross |
1532 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Gross, Claims Paid | debit | Amount of asbestos claims paid in the current period, before estimated recoveries from reinsurers. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsGrossClaimsPaid |
1910 | Partners’ Capital Account, Public Sale of Units | credit | Monetary value of the issuance of new units of limited partnership interest in a public offering. | PartnersCapitalAccountPublicSaleOfUnits |
1924 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Unit-based Compensation | N/A | The number of units issued due to unit-based compensation. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsUnitbasedCompensation |
1938 | Payments for Purchase of Other Assets | credit | Amount of cash paid to purchase other assets as part of operating activities. | PaymentsForPurchaseOfOtherAssets1 |
1939 | Payments for Reinsurance | credit | Cash payments made for reinsurance during the current period. | PaymentsForReinsurance |
1954 | Payments to Acquire Held-for-sale Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of a piece of land held for sale, anything permanently fixed to it, including buildings, structures on it, and so forth. | PaymentsToAcquireHeldForSaleRealEstate |
2058 | Proceeds from Sale of Loans Held-for-investment | debit | The cash inflow from Sales of Loans Held For Investment. | ProceedsFromSaleOfLoansHeldForInvestment |
2113 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Purchases of Minerals in Place | N/A | Purchase of minerals in place. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesPurchasesOfMineralsInPlace |
2188 | Regulatory Assets | debit | The amount for the individual regulatory asset as itemized in a table of regulatory assets as of the end of the period. | RegulatoryAssets |
2190 | Regulatory Liabilities | credit | The amount for the individual regulatory liability as itemized in a table of regulatory liabilities as of the end of the period. | RegulatoryLiabilities |
2314 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Reductions of Gross Claim Liability, Net Discount | debit | This element represents the net discount consisting of the difference between the discount related to the claim liability for and potential recoveries thereof related to financial guarantee insurance contracts presented in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationReductionsOfGrossClaimLiabilityNetDiscount |
2316 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Statement of Financial Position, Claim Liability | credit | This element represents the claim liability, reported on or included in the statement of financial position, related to financial guarantee insurance contracts and presented in the schedule of insured financial obligations with credit deterioration in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationStatementOfFinancialPositionClaimLiability |
2333 | Securities Borrowed, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | debit | Amount of securities borrowed from entities in exchange for collateral, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | SecuritiesBorrowedNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
2345 | Securities Loaned, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | credit | Amount of securities loaned to entities in exchange for collateral, not subject to a master netting arrangement. | SecuritiesLoanedNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
387 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Asset | debit | Amount of asset recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationAsset |
395 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Capital Lease Obligation | credit | Amount of capital lease obligation, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCapitalLeaseObligation |
639 | Deferred Tax Liabilities, Deferred Expense, Reserves and Accruals | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences from reserves and accruals. | DeferredTaxLiabilitiesDeferredExpenseReservesAndAccruals |
892 | Distribution Made to Member or Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Paid (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The amount of cash distributions paid to a common shareholder or unit-holder by a LLC or LP. | DistributionMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsPaid |
1052 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Acquisitions | debit | Amount of increases to the indemnification asset due to acquisitions of assets relating to loss sharing agreements with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). | FDICIndemnificationAssetAcquisitions |
1295 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with Related Allowance, Interest Income, Cash Basis Method | credit | Amount of interest income on financing receivables, for which there is a related allowance for credit losses, recognized on a cash-basis method of accounting that the financing receivables were impaired. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithRelatedAllowanceInterestIncomeCashBasisMethod |
1331 | Intangible Assets, Net (Including Goodwill) | debit | Carrying amount of finite-lived intangible assets, indefinite-lived intangible assets and goodwill. Goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. Intangible assets are assets, not including financial assets, lacking physical substance. | IntangibleAssetsNetIncludingGoodwill |
1784 | Noncash or Part Noncash Divestiture, Amount of Consideration Received | debit | Amount of noncash consideration received for selling an asset or business through a noncash (or part noncash) transaction. | NoncashOrPartNoncashDivestitureAmountOfConsiderationReceived1 |
1913 | Partners’ Capital Account, Sale of Units | credit | Total change in each class of partners’ capital accounts during the year due to the sale of units. All partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountSaleOfUnits |
1922 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Treasury Units Purchased | N/A | Units that were previously issued and have been repurchased during the year. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsTreasury |
1945 | Payments for Tenant Improvements | credit | Amount of cash outflow for the allowance granted to lessee and/or direct costs incurred by lessor used to prepare the leased premises for tenant’s occupancy. | PaymentsForTenantImprovements |
2053 | Proceeds from Sale and Collection of Mortgage Notes Receivable | debit | The cash inflow from proceeds from sale of receivables arising from the mortgage note on real estate; includes collections on mortgage notes receivable that are not classified as operating cash flows. | ProceedsFromSaleAndCollectionOfMortgageNotesReceivable |
2163 | Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Carrying Amount of Land and Buildings and Improvements (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Gross amount at which land and buildings and improvements are carried at the end of the period for each property. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationCarryingAmountOfLandAndBuildingsAndImprovements |
2442 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested in Period, Fair Value | credit | Fair value of options vested. Excludes equity instruments other than options, for example, but not limited to, share units, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedInPeriodFairValue1 |
2451 | Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Other Share Increase (Decrease) in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price | N/A | Weighted average price at which grantees could acquire or could have acquired the underlying shares with respect to any other type of change in shares reserved for issuance. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsOtherShareIncreaseDecreaseInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
2468 | Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments with Regulatory Approval | credit | Amount of dividends that can be declared or paid with approval of regulatory agency. | StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPaymentsWithRegulatoryApproval |
237 | Acquisition Cost Ratio | N/A | Ratio of non-life acquisition costs to non-life net premiums earned. | AcquisitionCostRatio |
284 | Assets Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Carrying Amount | credit | Carrying amount of assets sold under agreements to repurchase when the carrying amount (or market value, if higher than the carrying amount) of securities or other assets sold under repurchase agreements exceeds 10 percent of total assets. | AssetsSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseCarryingAmounts |
424 | Business Development | debit | Business development involves the development of products and services, their delivery, design and their implementation. Business development includes a number of techniques designed to grow an economic enterprise. Such techniques include, but are not limited to, assessments of marketing opportunities and target markets, intelligence gathering on customers and competitors, generating leads for possible sales, follow-up sales activity, formal proposal writing and business model design. Business development involves evaluating a business and then realizing its full potential, using such tools as marketing, sales, information management and customer service. | BusinessDevelopment |
476 | Cash Acquired in Excess of Payments to Acquire Business | debit | The cash inflow associated with the acquisition of a business when the cash held by the acquired business exceeds the cash payments to acquire the business. | CashAcquiredInExcessOfPaymentsToAcquireBusiness |
509 | Combined Ratio | N/A | Ratio of non-life losses and loss expenses, non-life acquisition expenses and non-life general and administrative expenses, to non-life net premiums earned. | CombinedRatio |
631 | Deferred Tax Assets, Tax Deferred Expense, Reserves and Accruals, Legal Settlements | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from the estimated loss from legal settlements. | DeferredTaxAssetsTaxDeferredExpenseReservesAndAccrualsLegalSettlements |
774 | Derivative, Floor Price | N/A | Floor rate on a price risk derivative such as a floor or a collar. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate falls below the floor rate on the contract. | DerivativeFloorPrice |
947 | Expense Related to Distribution or Servicing and Underwriting Fees | debit | Expense related to distribution, servicing and underwriting fees. | ExpenseRelatedToDistributionOrServicingAndUnderwritingFees |
1398 | Interest Expense, Trading Liabilities | debit | Interest expense incurred on short positions arising from sales of securities and other assets, which the entity does not own, to other parties. Trading liabilities includes the fair value of derivative contracts held for trading that are in loss positions. | InterestExpenseTradingLiabilities |
1423 | Inventory, Net of Allowances, Customer Advances and Progress Billings | debit | Carrying amount (lower of cost or market) of inventories less all valuation, other allowances, and progress payments or customer advances received on long-term contracts or programs. Excludes noncurrent inventory balances (expected to remain on hand past one year or one operating cycle, if longer). | InventoryNetOfAllowancesCustomerAdvancesAndProgressBillings |
1457 | Investments in Affiliates, Subsidiaries, Associates, and Joint Ventures, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of investments in an entity not consolidated. Includes, but is not limited to, investments in an entity that is affiliated with the reporting entity by means of direct or indirect ownership, an entity in which the reporting entity shares control of the entity with another party or group, an entity which the company has significant influence, but does not have control and subsidiaries that are not required to be consolidated and are accounted for using the equity or cost method. | InvestmentsInAffiliatesSubsidiariesAssociatesAndJointVenturesFairValueDisclosure |
1504 | Leveraged Leases, Income (Loss) | credit | The total recognized during the period for income on leases meeting the criteria for classification as leveraged leases. | LeveragedLeasesIncomeStatementNetIncomeFromLeveragedLeases |
1771 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Separate Account Value | credit | Value of the separate accounts corresponding to the specified product, guarantee type and subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeSeparateAccountValue |
1851 | Other Commitment | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in the taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitment |
1909 | Partners’ Capital Account, Private Placement of Units | credit | Monetary value of the issuance of new units of limited partnership interest in a private placement. | PartnersCapitalAccountPrivatePlacementOfUnits |
1951 | Payments to Acquire and Develop Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of a piece of land and anything permanently fixed to it, including buildings, structures on it and so forth, and payments to develop real estate assets by adding improvements on or to a parcel of land. Such improvements may include drainage, utilities, subdividing, access, buildings, and any combination of these elements. Including real estate intended to generate income for the owner; excluding real estate acquired for use by the owner. | PaymentsToAcquireAndDevelopRealEstate |
2052 | Proceeds from Sale and Collection of Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from sale proceeds and collection of repayments from borrowers on loans classified as held-for-sale, including proceeds from loans sold through mortgage securitization; includes mortgages and other types of loans. | ProceedsFromSaleAndCollectionOfLoansHeldforsale |
2062 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Assets | debit | Amount of cash inflow from the sale of other assets as part of operating activities. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherAssets1 |
2096 | Program Rights Obligations, Current | credit | Amount of obligations related to rights to programming, including, but not limited to, feature films and episodic series, acquired under license agreements that will be paid within the next twelve months. | ProgramRightsObligationsCurrent |
2243 | Restructuring and Related Cost, Cost Incurred to Date | debit | Amount of costs incurred to date for the specified restructuring cost. | RestructuringAndRelatedCostCostIncurredToDate1 |
2348 | Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell | debit | Amount, after the effects of master netting arrangements, of funds outstanding loaned in the form of a security resale agreement between the entity and another party for the purchase and resale of identical or substantially the same securities at a date certain for a specified price. Includes purchases of participations in pools of securities that are subject to a resale agreement, assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and not elected to be offset. | SecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
2569 | Transfer from Investments | credit | Value of investments transferred from the entity’s investments in noncash transactions. | TransferOfInvestments |
2614 | Warrants Not Settleable in Cash, Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value portion of warrants not settleable in cash classified as equity. | WarrantsNotSettleableInCashFairValueDisclosure |
264 | Amortization of Value of Business Acquired (VOBA) | debit | The adjustment that represents the periodic charge against earnings to reduce the value of business acquired (VOBA) over the expected life of the underlying insurance contracts. VOBA reflects the estimated fair value of a life insurance business in force and represents the portion of the cost to acquire the business that is allocated to the value of the right to receive future cash flows from insurance contracts existing at the date of acquisition. Such value is the present value of the actuarially determined projected cash flows for the acquired policies. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method. | AmortizationOfValueOfBusinessAcquiredVOBA |
348 | Bad Debt Reserve forTax Purposes of Qualified Lender | credit | Amount of bad debt reserves for tax purposes of qualified lenders excluded in calculating deferred taxes. | BadDebtReserveForTaxPurposesOfQualifiedLender |
468 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
480 | Cash Flows Between Transferor and Transferee, Servicing Fee Advances | credit | Cash flows between transferor and transferee in payment of service fees in advance, prior to or in contemplation of a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer in which the transferor will have continuing involvement with the transferred financial assets underlying the transaction (including, but not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor’s interests in the transferred financial assets). | CashFlowsBetweenTransfereeAndTransferorServicingFeeAdvances |
526 | Contingent Consideration Classified as Equity, Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value of contingent consideration in a business combination that is classified in shareholders’ equity. | ContingentConsiderationClassifiedAsEquityFairValueDisclosure |
649 | Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized, Amount of Unrecognized Deferred Tax Liability, Bad Debt Reserve for Tax Purposes of Qualified Lender | debit | Amount of deferred tax liability not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes related to bad debt reserve for tax purposes of a qualified lender. | DeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedAmountOfUnrecognizedDeferredTaxLiabilityBadDebtReserveForTaxPurposesOfQualifiedLender |
738 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Collateral, Obligation to Return Securities | credit | Amount of obligation to return securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedCollateralObligationToReturnSecurities |
1042 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Value of Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity | credit | Fair value of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisValueOfInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquity |
1341 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases Held-in-portfolio | credit | Interest and fee income generated by loans the Entity intends and has the ability to hold for the foreseeable future, or until maturity or payoff, including commercial and consumer loans, whether domestic or foreign, which may consist of: (1) industrial and agricultural; (2) real estate; and (3) real estate construction loans; (4) trade financing; (5) lease financing; (6) home equity lines-of-credit; (7) automobile and other vehicle loans; and (8) credit card and other revolving-type loans. Also includes interest income for leases held by the Entity. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeasesHeldInPortfolio |
1925 | Patronage Source Earnings | credit | Amount of revenue in excess of cost resulting from transactions for or with patrons. | PatronageSourceEarnings |
1953 | Payments to Acquire Federal Home Loan Bank Stock | credit | Amount of cash outflow to acquire Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock. | PaymentsToAcquireFederalHomeLoanBankStock |
2047 | Proceeds from Other Deposits | debit | Cash inflow related to receipts of other deposits not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | ProceedsFromOtherDeposits |
2049 | Proceeds from Recoveries of Loans Previously Charged off | debit | The cash inflow from loans reinstated and recovered that were previously deemed uncollectible. | ProceedsFromRecoveriesOfLoanPreviouslyChargedOff |
2070 | Proceeds from Sale of Real Estate Held-for-investment | debit | Cash received from the sale of real estate that is held for investment, that is, it is part of an investing activity during the period. | ProceedsFromSaleOfRealEstateHeldforinvestment |
2099 | Property, Plant, and Equipment, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures. | PropertyPlantAndEquipmentFairValueDisclosure |
2166 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Initial Cost of Buildings and Improvements | debit | Initial cost of buildings and improvements for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationInitialCostOfBuildingsAndImprovements |
2394 | Servicing Fees | credit | Amount of fees from providing shareholder services, including, but not limited to, answering shareholder inquiries and providing shareholders with information about their investments. | ServicingFees |
2428 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Granted | N/A | Net number of non-option equity instruments granted to participants. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsGranted |
2521 | Tangible Capital Required for Capital Adequacy | credit | The minimum amount of tangible capital required under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. | TangibleCapitalRequiredForCapitalAdequacy |
366 | Below Market Lease, Gross | credit | Amount before amortization of leases acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate with a finite life. | BelowMarketLeaseGross |
378 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Noncontrolling Interest (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to noncontrolling interests. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationNoncontrollingInterest |
583 | Credit Derivative, Purchased Credit Protection | debit | Amount of purchased credit protection expected to cover future payments under the credit risk derivative. | CreditDerivativePurchasedCreditProtection |
632 | Deferred Tax Assets, Unrealized Losses on Trading Securities | debit | Amount before allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences from unrealized losses on trading securities. | DeferredTaxAssetsUnrealizedLossesOnTradingSecurities |
706 | Deposit Assets | debit | The carrying amount of the asset transferred to a third party to serve as a deposit, which typically serves as security against failure by the transferor to perform under terms of an agreement. | DepositAssets |
933 | Escrow Deposit Disbursements Related to Property Acquisition | credit | Amount of escrow deposit disbursements related to property acquisition in noncash investing or financing transactions. | EscrowDepositDisbursementsRelatedToPropertyAcquisition1 |
934 | Excess Capital | credit | The amount by which the company’s Total Capital exceeds the minimum required for capital adequacy purposes. | ExcessCapital |
1006 | Fair Value Inputs, Discount for Lack of Marketability | N/A | Adjustment to the discount rate used to measure fair value for lack of ability to convert business interests into cash quickly. | FairValueInputsDiscountForLackOfMarketability |
1090 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Interest Rate | N/A | Interest rate of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesInterestRate |
1266 | Guaranteed Benefits Paid (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Total amount of guaranteed minimum benefit payments to policyholders and contract holders, during the period presented, resulting in a decrease to the liability for expected guaranteed minimum benefits in excess of projected account values, for all guaranteed benefit types. | GuaranteedBenefitsPaid |
1290 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with No Related Allowance, Interest Income, Cash Basis Method | credit | Amount of interest income, recognized on cash basis, on financing receivables, for which there is no related allowance for credit losses and are recognized as impaired. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithNoRelatedAllowanceInterestIncomeCashBasisMethod |
1301 | Incentive Fee Expense | debit | Amount of expense for incentive rights held by the managing member or general partner, of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | IncentiveFeeExpense |
1358 | Interest and Fee Income, Other Loans | credit | Interest and fee income derived from loans not otherwise specified in the existing taxonomy. | InterestAndFeeIncomeOtherLoans |
1402 | Interest Income, Domestic Deposits | credit | Interest earned on deposits in United States money market accounts and other United States interest earning accounts. | InterestIncomeDomesticDeposits |
1614 | Loans and Leases Receivable, Net Reported Amount, Covered and Not Covered | debit | Amount after allowance and deduction of deferred interest and fees, unamortized costs and premiums over and discounts from face amounts, of loans and leases held in portfolio, including but not limited to, commercial and consumer loans. Includes loans and leases covered under loss sharing agreements. | LoansAndLeasesReceivableNetReportedAmountCoveredAndNotCovered |
1702 | Loss Contingency, Receivable, Noncurrent | debit | Amount of receivable related to a loss contingency accrual that is expected to be collected after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. For example, an insurance recovery receivable. | LossContingencyReceivableNoncurrent |
1797 | Noninterest Expense Related to Performance Fees | debit | Incentive fees which are compensation paid to a trading advisor or to any practitioner who achieves investment results above a specified contractual level. | NoninterestExpenseRelatedToPerformanceFees |
1891 | Other Real Estate, Improvements | debit | Improvements to other real estate not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations may also be included in real estate owned. This excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure. | OtherRealEstateImprovements |
1900 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Reclassification Adjustment of Noncredit Portion from Held-to-maturity to Available-for-sale Securities, before Tax | debit | Amount before tax of other than temporary impairment (OTTI) related to factors other than credit loss transferred from held-to-maturity to available-for-sale securities. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsReclassificationAdjustmentOfNoncreditPortionFromHeldtomaturityToAvailableforsaleSecuritiesBeforeTax |
1943 | Payments for Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell | credit | The cash outflow associated with agreements to purchase and then resell securities to counterparties (reverse repurchase agreements). | PaymentsForSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
2111 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Net | N/A | The net quantity of proved reserves as of the balance sheet date. Proved oil reserves are the estimated quantities of crude oil and natural gas liquids which geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesNet |
2130 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Accumulated Depreciation | credit | Period end book value of accumulated depreciation on property, plant and equipment (PPE) that is owned by the regulated operations of the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAccumulatedDepreciation |
2139 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Net | debit | Period end amount of total net PPE. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
2141 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Plant in Service | debit | Period end amount of total gross PPE. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentPlantInService |
2255 | Results of Operations, Impairment of Oil and Gas Properties | debit | Costs related to the impairment of oil and gas properties. | ResultsOfOperationsImpairmentOfOilAndGasProperties |
2396 | Servicing Liability at Amortized Cost, Amortization | credit | Amount of amortization of contract to service financial assets under which estimated future revenue from contractually specified servicing fees, late charges, and other ancillary revenues are not expected to adequately compensate the servicer for performing the servicing. | ServicingLiabilityAtAmortizedCostAmortization |
2472 | Development Stage Entities, Stock Issued, Shares, Issued for Cash (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Number of shares issued as consideration for cash for development stage entities. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesIssuedForCash |
2604 | Unusual or Infrequent Item, Gain, Gross | credit | Amount of gain recognized in the income statement for an event or transaction, that is unusual in nature or occurs infrequently, but not both. | UnusualOrInfrequentItemGainGross |
259 | Amortization of Capitalized Value of Business Acquired Asset (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | Represents total amortization expense with respect to capitalized value of business asset acquired (present value of future profits) reflected in the income statement for the period, generally on the same basis for amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs. | AmortizationOfCapitalizedValueOfBusinessAcquiredAsset |
416 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Noncurrent Assets | debit | Amount of assets expected to be realized or consumed after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedNoncurrentAssets |
584 | Cumulative Dividends | debit | Amount of cumulative cash dividends distributed to shareholders. | CumulativeDividends |
619 | Deferred Sales Commission | debit | Carrying amount of advanced commission payments. | DeferredSalesCommission |
863 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Other Liabilities, Current | credit | Amount classified as other liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOtherCurrentLiabilities |
919 | Environmental Costs Recognized, Recovery Credited to Expense | credit | Amount of any recovery from third parties that is credited to environmental remediation costs. | EnvironmentalCostsRecognizedRecoveryCreditedToExpense |
1005 | Fair Value Inputs, Counterparty Credit Risk | N/A | Risk that one party to the contract will default expressed as a percentage, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsCounterpartyCreditRisk |
1035 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity, Settlements | debit | Amount of settlements of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquitySettlements |
1259 | Goodwill, Impaired, Adjustment to Initial Estimate Amount | debit | The amount of an adjustment to a previously reported goodwill impairment charge, which will be recognized in the subsequent reporting period. | GoodwillImpairedAdjustmentToInitialEstimateAmount |
1265 | Guaranteed Benefits Incurred (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Total of amount of guaranteed minimum benefit expense incurred during the period presented, resulting in an increase to the liability for expected guaranteed minimum benefits in excess of projected account values, for all guaranteed benefit types. | GuaranteedBenefitsIncurred |
1268 | Health Care Organization, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, Percentage of Accounts Receivable | N/A | Ratio of the allowance for doubtful accounts to accounts receivable, expressed as a percentage, for health care organizations. | HealthCareOrganizationAllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsPercentageOfAccountsReceivable |
1416 | Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Taxable | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securities subject to state, federal and other income tax. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxable |
1863 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, before Tax (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Before tax amount of the income statement impact of the reclassification adjustment for unrealized (losses) realized upon the write-down of available-for-sale securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossReclassificationAdjustmentForWritedownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeBeforeTax |
1972 | Payments to Purchase Loans Held-for-sale | credit | The aggregate cash outflow used to purchase all loans that are held with the intention to resell in the near future. | PaymentsToPurchaseLoansHeldForSale |
1973 | Payments to Purchase Mortgage Loans Held-for-sale | credit | The cash outflow used to purchase loans that are secured with real estate mortgage and are held with the intention to resell in the near future. | PaymentsToPurchaseMortgageLoansHeldForSale |
1978 | Policyholder Benefits and Claims Incurred, Direct | debit | Amount, before effect of policies assumed or ceded, of expense related to provision for policy benefits and costs incurred. | PolicyholderBenefitsAndClaimsIncurredGross |
1992 | Premiums, Percentage Assumed to Net | N/A | Percentage of assumed premiums earned by the entity to net premiums earned. | PremiumsPercentageAssumedToNet |
2037 | Proceeds from Issuance of Preferred Stock, Preference Stock, and Warrants | debit | Proceeds from issuance of capital stock which provides for a specific dividend that is paid to the shareholders before any dividends to common stockholder, which takes precedence over common stockholders in the event of liquidation and from issuance of rights to purchase common shares at a predetermined price. | ProceedsFromIssuanceOfPreferredStockPreferenceStockAndWarrants |
2077 | Proceeds from Time Deposits Accepted | debit | Cash received from customers who deposit money in checking and similar accounts at a financial institution. | ProceedsFromTimeDepositsAccepted |
2101 | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, Excluding Capital Leased Assets | debit | Amount, net of accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization, of long-lived physical assets excluding assets held under lease agreements used in the normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment. | PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetExcludingCapitalLeasedAssets |
2217 | Related Party Transaction, Purchases from Related Party | debit | Purchases during the period (excluding transactions that are eliminated in consolidated or combined financial statements) with related party. | RelatedPartyTransactionPurchasesFromRelatedParty |
2444 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value | N/A | Weighted average grant-date fair value of options vested. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsVestedWeightedAverageGrantDateFairValue |
2517 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Unearned Premiums | credit | Amount of premiums not yet earned. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationUnearnedPremiums |
246 | Administrative Fees Expense | debit | Amount of expense for administrative services provided to the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP) by the managing member or general partner, affiliate of managing member or general partner, or affiliate of LLC or LP, for example, but not limited to, salaries, rent, or overhead costs. | AdministrativeFeesExpense |
258 | Amortization of Below Market Lease | credit | Amount of amortization of acquired leases acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate with a finite life. | AmortizationOfBelowMarketLease |
349 | Banking Fees and Commissions | credit | Those fees and commissions generated from corporate and retail banking related operations of the Broker Dealer. | BankingFeesAndCommissions |
375 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Deferred Tax Liabilities, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Gross amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to noncurrent deferred tax liabilities. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationDeferredTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
407 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Deferred Tax Assets, Current | debit | Amount after allocation of valuation allowances of deferred tax asset attributable to deductible temporary differences and carryforwards that are expected to be realized or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedDeferredTaxAssetsCurrent |
437 | Capitalized Costs, Oil and Gas Producing Activities, Net | debit | Net amount of capitalized costs relating to oil and gas producing activities. | CapitalizedCostsOilAndGasProducingActivitiesNet |
512 | Common Stock, Share Subscriptions but Unissued, Value (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Dollar amount of common stock allocated to investors to buy shares of a new issue of common stock. When stock is sold on a subscription basis, the issuer does not initially receive the total proceeds. In general, the issuer does not issue the shares to the investor until it receives the entire proceeds. | CommonStockShareSubscriptionsButUnissuedValue |
736 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Amount Offset Against Collateral | debit | Amount, after effects of master netting arrangements, of derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed offset against an obligation to return collateral under a master netting arrangement. Includes assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and not elected to be offset. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedAmountOffsetAgainstCollateral |
761 | Derivative, Basis Spread on Variable Rate | N/A | The percentage points added to the reference rate to compute the variable rate on the interest rate derivative. | DerivativeBasisSpreadOnVariableRate |
825 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Future Income Tax Expense (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The estimated future income tax expenses that will be incurred based on the future income less future expenses derived from production and sale of proved oil and gas reserves in this geographic region. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesFutureIncomeTaxExpense |
849 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Goodwill | debit | Amount classified as goodwill attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGoodwill1 |
889 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Unit Distribution | N/A | Number of units distributed for payment of a unit distribution to unit-holder of limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerUnitDistribution |
1011 | Fair Value Inputs, Loss Severity | N/A | Loss, including interest and principal, incurred on a defaulted security, expressed as a percentage of the original principal balance, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsLossSeverity |
1217 | Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of assets, excluding financial assets, that lack physical substance, having a limited useful life. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFairValueDisclosure |
1379 | Interest Expense, Junior Subordinated Debentures | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on junior subordinated debentures. Includes amortization of expenses incurred in the issuance of subordinated notes and debentures. | InterestExpenseJuniorSubordinatedDebentures |
1388 | Interest Expense, Other Short-term Borrowings | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on other short-term borrowings. | InterestExpenseOtherShortTermBorrowings |
1391 | Interest Expense, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase | debit | Gross expenses on securities sold coupled with an agreement to repurchase the same from the same counterparty at a fixed or determinable price within a fixed or variable time period. | InterestExpenseSecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
1740 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Carrying Amount of Mortgages | debit | The carrying amount of the outstanding balance due under the mortgage loan. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateCarryingAmountOfMortgages |
1940 | Payments for Repurchase of Common Stock for Employee Tax Withholding Obligations (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of cash outflow for repurchase of common stock to satisfy employee tax withholding obligations for stock issued as part of an employee benefit plan. | PaymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStockForEmployeeTaxWithholdingObligations |
1999 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsNextTwelveMonths |
2075 | Proceeds from Securitizations of Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from securitizing loans held with the intention to resell in the near future. | ProceedsFromSecuritizationsOfLoansHeldForSale |
2082 | Production Costs, Period Cost | debit | The capitalized costs incurred during the period (excluded from amortization) to operate and maintain wells and related equipment and facilities, including depreciation and applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of operating and maintaining those wells and related equipment and facilities. They become part of the cost of oil and gas produced. Examples of production costs (sometimes called lifting costs) are: costs of labor to operate the wells and related equipment and facilities; repairs and maintenance; materials, supplies, and fuel consumed and supplies utilized in operating the wells and related equipment and facilities; property taxes and insurance applicable to proved properties and wells and related equipment and facilities; severance taxes; some support equipment or facilities may serve two or more oil and gas producing activities and may also serve transportation, refining, and marketing activities. To the extent that the support equipment and facilities are used in oil and gas producing activities, their depreciation and applicable operating costs become exploration, development or production costs, as appropriate. Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of capitalized acquisition, exploration, and development costs are not production costs but also become part of the cost of oil and gas produced along with production (lifting) costs identified above. | ProductionCosts |
2118 | Proved Developed Reserves (Volume) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved developed reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities does not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. The unit of measure for reserve quantities is defined as “barrels” for oil and synthetic oil reserves or “cubic feet” or “cubic meters” for natural gas and synthetic gas reserves. | ProvedDevelopedReservesVolume |
2123 | Proved Undeveloped Reserve (Volume) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved undeveloped reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other renewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities does not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. The unit of measure for reserve quantities is defined as “barrels” for oil and synthetic oil reserves or “cubic feet” or “cubic meters” for natural gas and synthetic gas reserves. | ProvedUndevelopedReserveVolume |
2194 | Reinsurance Premiums for Insurance Companies, by Product Segment, Gross Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Gross amount of premium revenue. | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentGrossAmount |
2247 | Restructuring and Related Cost, Accelerated Depreciation | debit | Amount of accelerated depreciation charged against earnings associated with exit from or disposal of business activities or restructuring plan. | RestructuringReserveAcceleratedDepreciation |
2287 | Sale Leaseback Transaction, Deferred Gain, Net | credit | The portion of the gain that will be recorded as income or a reduction in rent expense in future periods less amounts recognized in the current period. | SaleLeasebackTransactionDeferredGainNet |
2317 | Schedule of Insured Financial Obligations with Credit Deterioration, Statement of Financial Position, Reinsurance Recoverable | debit | This element represents the amount of reinsurance recoverable, reported on or included in the statement of financial position, related to financial guarantee insurance contracts and presented in the schedule of insured financial obligations with credit deterioration in the context of each surveillance grouping or category used by management to monitor and track potential deterioration in the credit worthiness of the insured party’s ability to meet its financial obligations related to the contracts underlying financial guarantee insurance contracts the entity has issued. | ScheduleOfInsuredFinancialObligationsWithCreditDeteriorationStatementOfFinancialPositionReinsuranceRecoverable |
2415 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Aggregate Intrinsic Value, Vested | debit | Intrinsic value of equity-based compensation awards vested. Excludes stock and unit options. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsAggregateIntrinsicValueVested |
2520 | Tangible Capital | credit | Tangible capital as defined in the regulations (generally includes outstanding stock plus retained earnings) for banking institutions subject to Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) capital requirements. | TangibleCapital |
2575 | Transfer to Investments | debit | Value of investments transferred to the entity’s investments in noncash transactions. | TransferToInvestments |
2576 | Real Estate Owned, Transfer to Real Estate Owned | debit | Value transferred from mortgage loans to real estate owned (REO) in noncash transactions. | TransferToOtherRealEstate |
2588 | Underwriting Expense Ratio | N/A | Ratio of non-life acquisition expenses and certain non-life general and administrative expenses, to non-life net premiums earned. | UnderwritingExpenseRatio |
2590 | Undistributed Earnings of Foreign Subsidiaries | credit | Amount of undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries intended to be permanently reinvested outside the country of domicile. | UndistributedEarningsOfForeignSubsidiaries |
2603 | Unused Commitments to Extend Credit | credit | Unused amount of commitments to extend credit to customers. | UnusedCommitmentsToExtendCredit |
267 | Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Net Income, Per Outstanding Unit, Amount | N/A | Securities (including those issuable pursuant to contingent stock agreements) that could potentially dilute basic net Income or Loss per outstanding limited partnership unit in the future and that were not included in the computation of diluted net income per limited partnership unit, because to do so would increase net income per unit amounts or decrease loss per unit amounts for the period presented. | AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfNetIncomePerOutstandingUnitAmount |
367 | Below Market Lease, Net | credit | Amount after amortization of leases acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate with a finite life. | BelowMarketLeaseNet |
394 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Buildings | debit | Amount of facility held for productive use including, but not limited to, office, production, storage and distribution facilities, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedBuildings |
409 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Deferred Tax Liabilities, Current | credit | Amount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary difference due within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, assumed at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedDeferredTaxLiabilitiesCurrent |
555 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Second Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInSecondYear |
577 | Costs Incurred, Acquisition of Unproved Oil and Gas Properties | debit | Costs incurred, including capitalized costs and costs charged to expense, associated with the acquisition of oil and gas properties that have unproved reserves. | CostsIncurredAcquisitionOfUnprovedOilAndGasProperties |
737 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Collateral, Obligation to Return Cash | credit | Amount of obligation to return cash collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedCollateralObligationToReturnCash |
760 | Derivative, Average Variable Interest Rate | N/A | Average variable interest rate related to the group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeAverageVariableInterestRate |
790 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value, Offset Against Collateral, Net of Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement, Policy Election | credit | Fair value, after effects of master netting arrangements, deduction of liabilities not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset, of financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, offset against the right to receive collateral. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection |
829 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities | credit | Amount classified as accounts payable and accrued liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilities |
831 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accounts Payable, Current | credit | Amount classified as accounts payable attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccountsPayableCurrent |
834 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accrued Liabilities, Current | credit | Amount classified as accrued liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
846 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Tax Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as deferred tax liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
866 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Other Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as other liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationOtherNoncurrentLiabilities |
966 | Fair Value Assumptions, Expected Volatility Rate | N/A | Measure of dispersion, in percentage terms (for instance, the standard deviation or variance), for a given stock price. | FairValueAssumptionsExpectedVolatilityRate |
1012 | Fair Value Inputs, Offered Quotes | N/A | Price at which a dealer is willing to buy an instrument, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsOfferedQuotes |
1296 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with Related Allowance, Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of investment in impaired financing receivables for which there is a related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithRelatedAllowanceRecordedInvestment |
1315 | Information Technology and Data Processing | debit | The amount of expenses incurred in the period for information technology and data processing products and services. | InformationTechnologyAndDataProcessing |
1370 | Interest Expense, Capital Securities | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on capital securities issued by the reporting entity. | InterestExpenseCapitalSecurities |
1404 | Interest Income, Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell | credit | The aggregate interest income earned from (1) the lending of excess federal funds to another commercial bank requiring such for its legal reserve requirements and (2) securities purchased under agreements to resell. | InterestIncomeFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
1507 | Liabilities, Fair Value Disclosure, Nonrecurring | credit | Aggregation of the liabilities reported on the balance sheet measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis by the entity. | LiabilitiesFairValueDisclosureNonrecurring |
1739 | Noncontrolling Interest, Ownership Percentage by Parent | N/A | The parent entity’s interest in net assets of the subsidiary, expressed as a percentage. | MinorityInterestOwnershipPercentageByParent |
1785 | Noncash Project Abandonment Costs | debit | The expense charged against earnings to eliminate the capitalized costs of projects that have been terminated during the reporting period, which is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by (used in) operations using the indirect method. | NoncashProjectAbandonmentCosts |
1840 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1952 | Payments to Acquire Commercial Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of property as primarily intended to generate income for its owner. | PaymentsToAcquireCommercialRealEstate |
1997 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, after Year Five | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsAfterYearFive |
2006 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Year Five | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsYearFive1 |
2007 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Year Four | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsYearFour1 |
2008 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Year Three | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsYearThree1 |
2009 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Year Two | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsYearTwo1 |
2018 | Proceeds from Annuities and Investment Certificates | debit | The cash inflow from an insurance contract under which the policy holder make a lump sum payment or a series of payments in exchange for periodic payments to the policyholder beginning immediately or at some future date. | ProceedsFromAnnuitiesAndInvestmentCertificates |
2110 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserves, Improved Recovery | N/A | Changes in proved reserve estimates resulting from application of improved recovery techniques. | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservesImprovedRecovery |
2351 | Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Fair Value of Collateral | credit | Fair value of securities received as collateral against securities purchased under agreement to resell. | SecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellFairValueOfCollateral |
2354 | Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Liability | credit | Amount of liability associated with funds outstanding loaned in the form of a security resale agreement between the entity and another party for the purchase and resale of identical or substantially the same securities at a date certain for a specified price. | SecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellLiability |
2359 | Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Asset | debit | Amount of asset associated with funds outstanding borrowed in the form of a security repurchase agreement between the entity and another party for the sale and repurchase of identical or substantially the same securities at a date certain for a specified price. | SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseAsset |
2384 | Servicing Asset at Amortized Cost, Other than Temporary Impairments | debit | Amount of other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) applied to contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer. | ServicingAssetAtAmortizedCostOtherThanTemporaryImpairments |
2412 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Compensation Cost | debit | Amount of capitalized and expensed compensation cost from equity-based compensation arrangements. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardCompensationCost1 |
2565 | Trade Receivables Held-for-sale, Reconciliation to Cash Flow, Deductions from Held-for-sale | credit | Reconcile the changes in trade receivables that will be sold to other entities balances to the amounts presented in the consolidated statement of cash flows. Enter the deductions to trade accounts that will be sold to other entities for the period. | TradeReceivablesHeldForSaleReconciliationToCashFlowDeductionsFromHeldForSale |
2583 | Underlying, Derivative Energy Measure | N/A | Specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates for a derivative contract measured in energy volume but not the derivative contract itself. | UnderlyingDerivativeEnergyMeasure |
231 | Accumulated Capitalized Interest Costs | debit | Amount of accumulated interest costs capitalized as part of property, plant and equipment cost basis. | AccumulatedCapitalizedInterestCosts |
411 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Equipment | debit | Amount of tangible personal property used to produce goods and services, including, but is not limited to, tools, dies and molds, computer and office equipment, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedEquipment |
456 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Executory Costs | debit | Amounts to be paid by lessee to lessor for maintenance, insurance, and tax expenses related to the leased asset. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsExecutoryCosts |
482 | Cash Flows Between Transferor and Transferee, Beneficial Interest | debit | Cash flows between transferee and transferor in payment of the transferor’s beneficial interest related to a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the transferred financial assets underlying the transaction. | CashFlowsBetweenTransferorAndTransfereeBeneficialInterest |
573 | Cost of Transmission | debit | Cost incurred for transmission operations and maintenance by total kilowatt-hours paid to sources. | CostOfTransmission |
576 | Costs Incurred, Acquisition of Oil and Gas Properties with Proved Reserves | debit | Costs incurred, including capitalized costs and costs charged to expense, associated with the acquisition of oil and gas properties that have proved reserves. | CostsIncurredAcquisitionOfOilAndGasPropertiesWithProvedReserves |
733 | Derivative Asset, Not Offset, Policy Election Deduction | credit | Fair value of financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, elected not to be offset, deducted from derivative assets. | DerivativeAssetNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction |
750 | Derivative, Average Fixed Interest Rate | N/A | Average fixed interest rate related to the group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeAverageFixedInterestRate |
791 | Derivative Liability, Not Offset, Policy Election Deduction | debit | Fair value of financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, elected not to be offset, deducted from derivative liabilities. | DerivativeLiabilityNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction |
872 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Prepaid and Other Assets, Current | debit | Amount classified as prepaid and other assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPrepaidAndOtherAssetsCurrent |
878 | Distribution Fees | credit | Amount of fees from providing distribution services, including but not limited to, marketing and selling fund shares, advertising, printing and mailing of prospectuses and sales literature to investors. | DistributionFees |
932 | Escrow Deposit Disbursements Related to Property Acquisition (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Escrow deposit disbursements related to property acquisition in noncash investing or financing transactions. | EscrowDepositDisbursementsRelatedToPropertyAcquisition |
1017 | Fair Value Inputs, Probability of Default | N/A | Percentage of likelihood a loan will not be repaid and instead default, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsProbabilityOfDefault |
1027 | Obligations, Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value of obligations measured on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisObligations |
1036 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity, Transfers Into Level 3 | credit | Amount of transfers of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity into level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquityTransfersIntoLevel3 |
1130 | Fees and Commissions, Correspondent Clearing | credit | Service revenue earned by a depository institution that holds the account balances of other financial institutions and provides services thereto. Such services include check collection and item processing. | FeesAndCommissionsCorrespondentClearing |
1236 | Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Production Costs | credit | Amount of estimated future accumulated cash outflow for costs to be incurred in producing proved oil and gas reserves. | FutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesProductionCosts |
1330 | Intangible Assets, Gross (Excluding Goodwill) | debit | Amount before accumulated amortization of intangible assets, excluding goodwill. | IntangibleAssetsGrossExcludingGoodwill |
1340 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans and Leases Held-for-sale | credit | The amount of interest and fee income earned from loans held-for-sale, including mortgage loans, and interest earned from direct financing and sales-type leases held-for-sale. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeasesHeldForSale |
1352 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans Held-for-sale, Mortgages | credit | Interest and fee income from mortgage loans considered to be held-for-sale. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansHeldForSaleMortgages |
1376 | Interest Expense, Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank Advances, Long-term | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on long-term borrowings associated with Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank advances. | InterestExpenseFederalHomeLoanBankAndFederalReserveBankAdvancesLongTerm |
1383 | Interest Expense, Money Market Deposits | debit | Interest expense incurred on all money market deposits. | InterestExpenseMoneyMarketDeposits |
1510 | Liabilities for Guarantees on Long-Duration Contracts, Guaranteed Benefit Liability, Net | credit | Amount of expected guaranteed benefits in excess of the projected account balances for minimum guaranteed benefit contracts, net of reinsurance recoverables, as of the balance sheet date. | LiabilitiesForGuaranteesOnLongDurationContractsGuaranteedBenefitLiabilityNet |
1778 | Net Rentable Area | N/A | Net rentable area for properties owned. | NetRentableArea |
1844 | Option Indexed to Issuer’s Equity, Redeemable Stock, Redemption Requirements, Amount | credit | Amount of redeemable stock for issue of capital stock that are redeemable at fixed or determinable prices on fixed or determinable dates in each of the five years following the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. | OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityRedeemableStockRedemptionRequirementsAmount1 |
1856 | Other Commitment, Due in Next Twelve Months | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInNextTwelveMonths |
1933 | Payments for Leasing Costs | credit | Amount of cash outflow for costs that are essential to originate the lease and would not otherwise have been incurred without the lease agreement. Amount includes, but is not limited to, cash outflows to evaluate the lessee’s credit condition, guarantees, and collateral and cash outflows for costs incurred in negotiating, processing, and executing the lease agreement. | PaymentsForLeasingCosts |
1942 | Payments for Repurchase of Trust Preferred Securities | credit | The cash outflow to reacquire preferred stocks issued by a business trust or other special purpose entity, mainly established by a bank holding entity, to third party investors. The trust’s assets are deeply subordinated debentures of the bank holding entity. Most trust preferred securities are subject to a mandatory redemption upon the repayment of the debentures. | PaymentsForRepurchaseOfTrustPreferredSecurities |
1962 | Payments to Acquire Other Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow associated with the purchase of other real estate investments held by the entity for investment purposes not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | PaymentsToAcquireOtherRealEstate |
1980 | Policyholder Benefits and Claims Incurred, Net, Life and Annuity | debit | Amount, after effect of policies assumed or ceded, of expense related to provision for policy benefits and costs incurred for life and annuity insurance contracts. | PolicyholderBenefitsAndClaimsIncurredLifeAndAnnuity |
2017 | Principal Amount Outstanding on Loans Managed and Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement | debit | This is the sum of principal amount outstanding for both securitized and unsecuritized loans of all types. | PrincipalAmountOutstandingOnLoansManagedAndSecuritized |
2044 | Proceeds from Maturities, Prepayments and Calls of Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) | debit | The cash inflow from the maturity (principal due), prepayment and call (request of early payment) of a loan financed by home mortgage payments classified as held to maturity. | ProceedsFromMaturitiesPrepaymentsAndCallsOfMortgageBackedSecuritiesMBS |
2065 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow resulting from the sale of loans (other than mortgage loans) that are held with the intention to resell in the near future. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherLoansHeldForSale |
2071 | Proceeds from Sale of Securities, Operating Activities | debit | Cash received from sale of investments in debt and equity securities, classified as operating activities, during the period; includes trading securities and any other investments classified as operating. | ProceedsFromSaleOfSecuritiesOperatingActivities |
2074 | Proceeds from Secured Notes Payable | debit | The cash inflow from borrowings supported by a written promise to pay an obligation that is collateralized (backed by pledge, mortgage or other lien in the entity’s assets). | ProceedsFromSecuredNotesPayable |
2076 | Proceeds from Short-term Capital Lease Obligations | debit | The cash inflow from proceeds received from lessor related to capital lease obligation. | ProceedsFromShortTermCapitalLeaseObligations |
2250 | Results of Operations, Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization, and Valuation Provisions | debit | Depreciation, depletion and amortization, and valuation provisions (impairments) related to oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsDepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationAndValuationProvisions |
2252 | Results of Operations, Expense, Other | debit | Other costs for oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsExpenseOther |
2279 | Salaries, Wages and Officers’ Compensation | debit | Expenditures for salaries for officers and non-officers. Does not include allocated share-based compensation, pension and post-retirement benefit expense or other labor-related non-salary expense. For commercial and industrial companies, excludes any direct and overhead labor that is included in cost of goods sold. | SalariesWagesAndOfficersCompensation |
2350 | Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Collateral, Obligation to Return Securities | credit | Amount of obligation to return securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against securities purchased under agreement to resell. | SecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellCollateralObligationToReturnSecurities |
2385 | Servicing Asset at Amortized Cost, Additions | debit | Amount of additions from purchases, assumption or transfer to contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer. | ServicingAssetAtAmortizedValueAdditions |
2531 | Temporary Equity, Carrying Amount, Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount, attributable to noncontrolling interests, of an entity’s issued and outstanding stock which is not included within permanent equity. Temporary equity is a security with redemption features that are outside the control of the issuer, is not classified as an asset or liability in conformity with GAAP, and is not mandatorily redeemable. Includes any type of security that is redeemable at a fixed or determinable price or on a fixed or determinable date or dates, is redeemable at the option of the holder, or has conditions for redemption which are not solely within the control of the issuer. Includes stock with a put option held by an ESOP and stock redeemable by a holder only in the event of a change in control of the issuer. | TemporaryEquityCarryingAmountAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest |
2606 | Valuation Allowance for Impairment of Recognized Servicing Assets, Aggregate Write-Downs | debit | The charge against the valuation allowance related to a servicing asset that is subsequently measured using the amortization method. | ValuationAllowanceForImpairmentOfRecognizedServicingAssetsAggregateWriteDowns |
270 | Asset Management Fees (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Revenue recognized in the period for (1) performance (incentive) fees based on the investment results achieved for management of certain institutional accounts and hedge funds, (2) schedule-based fees earned for management of mutual funds and closed-end funds, based either on average daily net assets or on a combination of the average daily net assets and gross income, and (3) other investment management and advisory fees. | AssetManagementFees |
307 | Available-for-sale Equity Securities, Gross Unrealized Gain | credit | Amount of unrealized gain before deducting unrealized loss on investments in equity securities classified as available-for-sale securities. | AvailableForSaleEquitySecuritiesGrossUnrealizedGain |
351 | Below Market Lease, Accumulated Amortization | debit | Amount of accumulated amortization of leases acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate with a finite life. | BelowMarketLeaseAccumulatedAmortization |
380 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Other Liabilities (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to other liabilities not separately disclosed in the balance sheet. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationOtherLiabilities |
412 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets | debit | Amount of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, that lack physical substance, having a projected indefinite period of benefit, acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedIndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssets |
438 | Capitalized Costs, Proved Properties | debit | Capitalized costs of proved properties incurred for any combination mineral interests acquisitions; wells and related equipment; support equipment and facilities; and uncompleted wells and equipment and other costs not previously disclosed within this table. | CapitalizedCostsProvedProperties |
446 | Capital Leased Assets, Noncurrent, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of the lessor’s net investment in nonoperating or leveraged leases expected to be realized or consumed after one year or normal operating cycle, if longer. | CapitalLeasedAssetsNoncurrentFairValueDisclosure |
458 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Net Minimum Payments | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases net of executory costs, which include amounts paid by the lessee to the lessor for insurance, maintenance and taxes. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsNetMinimumPayments1 |
486 | Ceded Credit Risk, Claims, Loss Adjustment Expense Incurred (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amounts for the processing of insurance claims, such as legal fees and estimator fees that have been assumed by and are receivable from the identified reinsurer with respect to disclosure of a concentration of credit risk. | CededCreditRiskClaimsLossAdjustmentExpenseIncurred |
494 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Accounted for as Debt Securities, Other-than-Temporary Impairment Charges, Credit Loss | debit | Amount of expense to write-down the amortized cost basis of loans, after acquisition, to fair value when the decline in the fair value is determined to be other than temporary (OTTI) for loans accounted for as debt securities. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesOtherthanTemporaryImpairmentChargesCreditLoss |
503 | Class of Warrant or Right, Exercise Price of Warrants or Rights | N/A | Exercise price per share or per unit of warrants or rights outstanding. | ClassOfWarrantOrRightExercisePriceOfWarrantsOrRights1 |
556 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Third Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInThirdYear |
615 | Deferred Costs and Other Assets | debit | Aggregate carrying amount of deferred costs and other assets not separately disclosed. | DeferredCostsAndOtherAssets |
705 | Depletion | debit | The noncash expense charged against earnings to recognize the consumption of natural resources. | Depletion |
830 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Current | credit | Amount classified as accounts payable and accrued liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
835 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Assets, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAssetsNoncurrent |
836 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Cash | debit | Amount of currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits, held by a disposal group. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationCash |
882 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Distributions Paid, Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of cash distributions paid to unit-holder of a limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDistributionsPaidPerUnit |
967 | Fair Value Assumptions, Risk Free Interest Rate | N/A | Risk-free interest rate assumption used in valuing an instrument. | FairValueAssumptionsRiskFreeInterestRate |
1009 | Fair Value Inputs, Long-term Net of Tax Operating Income Margin, Percent | N/A | Ratio of an entity’s operating income net of tax to its revenue, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsLongTermNetOfTaxOperatingIncomeMarginPercent |
1055 | FDIC Indemnification Asset, Disposals | credit | Amount of decreases to the indemnification asset due to disposals relating to loss sharing agreements with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). | FDICIndemnificationAssetDisposals |
1060 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Branch of FHLB Bank, Amount of Advances | credit | Amount of advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankAmountOfAdvancesByBranch |
1133 | Fees and Commissions, Debit Cards | credit | Amount of income earned from debit card services, including interchange fees, annual fees and other fees. | FeesAndCommissionsDebitCards |
1386 | Interest Expense, Other Domestic Deposits | debit | Interest expense incurred on other deposits in domestic offices. | InterestExpenseOtherDomesticDeposits |
1387 | Interest Expense, Other Long-term Debt | debit | Interest expense incurred on all other long-term debt, which may include (1) interest on long-term notes, and (2) amortization of issuance costs not otherwise separately disclosed. | InterestExpenseOtherLongTermDebt |
1445 | Investment Owned, Balance, Principal Amount | debit | For investments which are quantified by principal amount, the principle balance held at close of period. | InvestmentOwnedBalancePrincipalAmount |
1466 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Dividend or Interest Credited to Income | credit | At the close of the period, the dividends or interest included in caption 1 of the statement of operations. In addition, show as the final item the aggregate of dividends and interest included in the statement of operations in respect of investments in affiliates not held at the close of the period. The total of this column would be expected to agree with the correlative amount shown on the related statement of operations. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesDividendOrInterestCreditedToIncome |
1527 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Other Liabilities | credit | The amount of other obligations included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseOtherLiabilities |
1616 | Loans Receivable with Fixed Rates of Interest | debit | Amount of loan with fixed rate of interest. | LoansReceivableWithFixedRatesOfInterest1 |
1617 | Loans Receivable with Variable Rates of Interest | debit | Amount of loan with variable or adjustable rate of interest. | LoansReceivableWithVariableRatesOfInterest1 |
1718 | Management Fee Payable | credit | Carrying amount of the unpaid portion of the fee payable to the managing member or general partner for management of the fund or trust. | ManagementFeePayable |
1729 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1736 | Minimum Net Worth Required for Compliance | credit | The lowest amount of net worth (total assets minus total liabilities) required by secondary market investors or state-imposed regulatory mandates. | MinimumNetWorthRequiredForCompliance |
1781 | Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisition, Net Nonmonetary Assets Acquired (Liabilities Assumed) (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | The net book value of a nonmonetary asset transferred or exchanged in connection with the acquisition of a business or asset in a noncash transaction. Noncash is defined as transactions during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. “Part noncash” refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. Nonmonetary assets and liabilities are assets and liabilities that will not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the future. | NoncashOrPartNoncashAcquisitionNetNonmonetaryAssetsAcquiredLiabilitiesAssumed |
1798 | Noninterest Expense Transfer Agent and Custodian Fees | debit | Fees paid to an agent employed by a corporation or mutual fund to maintain shareholder records, including purchases, sales, and account balances. Also includes custodian fees incurred during an accounting period from an agent, bank, trust company, or other organization that holds and safeguards an individual’s, mutual fund’s, or investment company’s assets for them. These fees will be billed back to the client and are a component of noninterest expense. | NoninterestExpenseTransferAgentAndCustodianFees |
1839 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of required minimum rental payments receivable in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable letter-terms in excess of one year. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1853 | Other Commitment, Due in Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInFifthYear |
1855 | Other Commitment, Due in Fourth Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInFourthYear |
1858 | Other Commitment, Due in Second Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInSecondYear |
1859 | Other Commitment, Due in Third Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInThirdYear |
1884 | Other Premium Revenue, Net (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Premiums recognized as revenue in the period earned on all types of insurance and reinsurance contracts not otherwise specified in the taxonomy after subtracting any amounts ceded to another insurer. | OtherPremiumRevenueNet |
1901 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Reclassification Adjustment of Noncredit Portion Included in Net Income, Availabe-for-sale Securities, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of reclassification adjustment for other than temporary impairment (OTTI) related to factors other than credit loss on a previously impaired investment in available-for-sale debt security. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsReclassificationAdjustmentOfNoncreditPortionIncludedInNetIncomeAvailabeforsaleSecuritiesBeforeTax |
1990 | Premiums Earned, Net, Property and Casualty | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of property and casualty premiums earned. | PremiumsEarnedNetPropertyAndCasualty |
1993 | Premiums Receivable, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, Provision Charged to Expense (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The amount charged against earnings during the period to provide for known and estimated losses on collections of premiums receivable. | PremiumsReceivableAllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsProvisionChargedToExpense |
2013 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Interest Accrued | credit | Amount of interest earned on present value of future insurance profits. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsInterestAccrued1 |
2061 | Proceeds from Sale of Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of servicing rights, which contractually entitle the servicer to receive fees and ancillary revenues for performing billing, collection, disbursement and recordkeeping services in connection with a mortgage portfolio. Rights may be obtained via (1) acquisition or assumption of a servicing obligation that does not relate to financial assets of the servicer or its consolidated affiliates; or (2) by originating mortgage loans and then (a) transferring the loans to a Variable Interest Entity (VIE) in a transaction that meets the necessary transfer and classification requirements, or (b) transferring the loans in a transaction that meets the requirements for sale accounting. | ProceedsFromSaleOfMortgageServicingRightsMSR |
2167 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Initial Cost of Land | debit | Initial cost of land for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. Excludes real estate not held as an investment or interest. | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationInitialCostOfLand |
2244 | Restructuring and Related Cost, Expected Cost | debit | Amount expected to be recognized in earnings for the specified restructuring cost. | RestructuringAndRelatedCostExpectedCost1 |
2383 | Servicing Asset | debit | Aggregate amount of servicing assets that are subsequently measured at fair value and servicing assets that are subsequently measured using the amortization method. | ServicingAsset |
2388 | Servicing Asset at Amortized Cost, Disposals | credit | Amount conveyed to unrelated parties of contract to contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer. | ServicingAssetAtAmortizedValueDisposals |
2467 | Statutory Accounting Practices, Statutory Amount Available for Dividend Payments without Regulatory Approval | credit | Amount of dividends that can be declared or paid without approval of regulatory agency. | StatutoryAccountingPracticesStatutoryAmountAvailableForDividendPaymentsWithoutRegulatoryApproval |
2473 | Development Stage Entities, Stock Issued, Shares, Issued for Noncash Consideration (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Number of shares issued for noncash consideration for development stage entities. | StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesIssuedForNoncashConsideration |
285 | Assets Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Interest Rate | N/A | Interest rate on the amount to be repaid to the counterparty to the repurchase agreement when the carrying amount (or market value, if higher than the carrying amount) of securities or other assets sold under the repurchase agreement exceeds 10 percent of total assets. | AssetsSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseInterestRate |
459 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
460 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableCurrent |
479 | Cash Flows Between Transferor and Transferee, Repayments of Servicing Fee Advances | debit | Cash flows between transferee and transferor in repayment of service fee advances, in advance of a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the transferred financial assets underlying the transaction (including, but not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor’s interests in the transferred financial assets). | CashFlowsBetweenTransfereeAndTransferorRepaymentsOfServicingFeeAdvances |
514 | Common Stocks, Including Additional Paid in Capital, Net of Discount | credit | Amount after discount on shares of par value plus amounts in excess of par value or issuance value for common stock held by shareholders. Includes common stock repurchased and held as treasury stock. | CommonStocksIncludingAdditionalPaidInCapitalNetOfDiscount |
549 | Contractual Obligation, Due after Fifth Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueAfterFifthYear |
550 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Fifth Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInFifthYear |
552 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Fourth Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInFourthYear |
553 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Next Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInNextTwelveMonths |
593 | Debt Instrument, Convertible, Stock Price Trigger | N/A | Price of the entity’s common stock which would be required to be attained for the conversion feature embedded in the debt instrument to become effective. | DebtInstrumentConvertibleStockPriceTrigger |
599 | Debt Instrument, Periodic Payment Terms, Balloon Payment to be Paid | credit | Amount of payment greater than the preceding installment payments to be paid at final maturity date of debt. | DebtInstrumentPeriodicPaymentTermsBalloonPaymentToBePaid |
656 | Defined Benefit Plan, Assumptions Used Calculating Benefit Obligation, Rate of Compensation Increase | N/A | Expected rate of compensation increases (for pay-related plans). | DefinedBenefitPlanAssumptionsUsedCalculatingBenefitObligationRateOfCompensationIncrease |
684 | Defined Benefit Plans, Estimated Future Employer Contributions in Next Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of employer’s best estimate of contributions expected to be paid to the plan during the next fiscal year beginning after the date of the latest statement of financial position. | DefinedBenefitPlansEstimatedFutureEmployerContributionsInNextFiscalYear |
687 | Defined Benefit Plan, Target Plan Asset Allocations Range Maximum | N/A | Target allocation maximum percentage of investments of this type to total plan assets presented on a weighted average basis. | DefinedBenefitPlanTargetPlanAssetAllocationsRangeMaximum |
690 | Defined Contribution Plan, Administrative Expenses | debit | Amount of administrative expenses incurred by a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanAdministrativeExpenses |
758 | Derivative, Average Price Risk Option Strike Price | N/A | The average strike price on the group of price risk option contracts such as put options or call options. | DerivativeAveragePriceRiskOptionStrikePrice |
786 | Derivative Liability, Fair Value, Gross Liability Including Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | credit | Fair value, before effects of master netting arrangements, of a financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset. Includes liabilities not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset. | DerivativeLiabilityFairValueGrossLiabilityIncludingNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
806 | Derivative, Nonmonetary Notional Amount, Mass | N/A | Nominal mass used to calculate payments on a derivative instrument. | DerivativeNonmonetaryNotionalAmountMass |
832 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accrued Income Tax Payable | credit | Amount classified as income tax obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccruedIncomeTaxPayable |
844 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Tax Assets, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as deferred tax assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
873 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Property, Plant and Equipment | debit | Amount classified as property, plant and equipment attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
875 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Property, Plant and Equipment, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as property, plant and equipment attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPropertyPlantAndEquipmentNoncurrent |
946 | Exchange Fees | debit | The amount of expense in the period for fees charged by securities exchanges for the privilege of trading securities listed on that exchange. Some fees vary with the related volume, while others are fixed. | ExchangeFees |
1093 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due after Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueAfterRollingYearFive |
1094 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1096 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInRollingYearFive |
1097 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInRollingYearFour |
1098 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInRollingYearThree |
1099 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInRollingYearTwo |
1235 | Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Development Costs | credit | Amount of estimated future accumulated cash outflow for costs to be incurred in developing proved oil and gas reserves. | FutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesDevelopmentCosts |
1293 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with Related Allowance, Average Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of average investment of impaired financing receivables for which there is a related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithRelatedAllowanceAverageRecordedInvestment |
1298 | Impairment Effect on Earnings Per Share, after Tax | N/A | After tax earnings per share or per unit impact arising from asset impairment. | ImpairmentEffectOnEarningsPerShareAfterTax |
1303 | Income Tax Examination, Estimate of Possible Loss | debit | Estimated amount of loss resulting from an adverse tax position. | IncomeTaxExaminationEstimateOfPossibleLoss |
1350 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer, Real Estate | credit | Interest and fee income generated from loans secured by one- to four-family residential properties. This item excludes home equity lines-of-credit. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerRealEstate |
1354 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Other Consumer | credit | Interest and fee income from other loans extended to individual consumers. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansOtherConsumer |
1390 | Interest Expense, Savings Deposits | debit | Interest expense incurred on all savings account deposits. | InterestExpenseSavingsDeposits |
1418 | Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Exempt | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securities exempt from state, federal and other income tax. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxExempt |
1453 | Investment Owned, Unrealized Appreciation (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents the excess of the fair value of an investment (security, contract) over its cost (face amount, notional amount) which excess value has not been recognized in earnings of the entity. | InvestmentOwnedUnrealizedAppreciation |
1489 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Ownership Amount of Construction Work in Progress | debit | The period end amount of construction work in progress at a jointly owned electricity generation plant. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantOwnershipAmountOfConstructionWorkInProgress |
1517 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Asbestos Obligations | credit | The amount of asbestos related liabilities included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseAsbestosObligations |
1520 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Debt and Accrued Interest | credit | The amount of debt and related accrued interest included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseDebtAndAccruedInterest |
1524 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Environmental Contingencies | credit | The amount of environmental remediation liabilities included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseEnvironmentalContingencies |
1528 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Pension and Other Postretirement Obligations | credit | The amount of pension and other postretirement obligations included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromisePensionAndOtherPostretirementObligations |
1700 | Loss Contingency, Receivable | debit | Amount of receivable related to a loss contingency accrual. For example, an insurance recovery receivable. | LossContingencyReceivable |
1701 | Loss Contingency, Receivable, Current | debit | Amount of receivable related to a loss contingency accrual that is expected to be collected within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. For example, an insurance recovery receivable. | LossContingencyReceivableCurrent |
1710 | Malpractice Insurance, Deductible | debit | Amount of risk retained by the entity before the insurance arrangement begins to provide coverage. | MalpracticeInsuranceDeductible1 |
1747 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Minimum Interest Rate in Range | N/A | The lowest stated interest rate within the mortgage loans included in the loan grouping. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateMinimumInterestRateInRange |
1756 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Write-down or Reserve, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The amount of any write-down or reserve provided in the period on a mortgage loan on real estate. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateWriteDownOrReserveAmount |
1757 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Write-down or Reserve, Amount | credit | Amount of reserve for write-down of a mortgage loan on real estate. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateWritedownOrReserveAmount1 |
1792 | Noninterest Expense Commission Expense | debit | Amount of fees incurred for commissions on mutual funds and insurance products. | NoninterestExpenseCommissionExpense |
1849 | Origination of Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSRs) (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | The increase during the reporting period in the cumulative value of servicing rights. This increase is the result of new servicing rights that are created when mortgages are sold or transferred. | OriginationOfMortgageServicingRightsMSRs |
1908 | Partners’ Capital Account, Option Exercise | credit | Total change in each class of partners’ capital accounts during the year due to option exercise. All partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountOptionExercise |
1917 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Contributed | N/A | Units contributed by each class of partners during the year. Units represent shares of ownership of the general, limited, and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsContributed |
1931 | Payments for Deposits with Other Institutions | credit | Cash paid to make deposits at other institutions during the period. | PaymentsForDepositsWithOtherInstitutions |
1937 | Payments for (Proceeds from) Federal Reserve Bank Stock | credit | Amount of cash outflow (inflow) from acquisition or sale of Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) stock. | PaymentsForProceedsFromFederalReserveBankStock |
1946 | Payments for Time Deposits | credit | Cash paid to customers who withdraw money in checking and similar accounts at a financial institution. | PaymentsForTimeDeposits |
1961 | Payments to Acquire Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) | credit | The cash outflow to obtain servicing rights, which contractually entitle the servicer to receive fees and ancillary revenues for performing billing, collection, disbursement and recordkeeping services in connection with a mortgage portfolio. Rights may be obtained via (1) acquisition or assumption of a servicing obligation that does not relate to financial assets of the servicer or its consolidated affiliates; or (2) by originating mortgage loans and then (a) transferring the loans to a Variable Interest Entity (VIE) in a transaction that meets the necessary transfer and classification requirements, or (b) transferring the loans in a transaction that meets the requirements for sale accounting. | PaymentsToAcquireMortgageServicingRightsMSR |
2034 | Proceeds from Insurance Premiums Collected | debit | Cash received as payments for insurance premiums during the current period. | ProceedsFromInsurancePremiumsCollected |
2035 | Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock, Dividend Reinvestment Plan | debit | Amount of cash inflow from capital contributions to an entity associated with a dividend reinvestment plan. | ProceedsFromIssuanceOfCommonStockDividendReinvestmentPlan |
2063 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Assets, Investing Activities | debit | Amount of cash inflow from the sale of other assets recognized in investing activities. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherAssetsInvestingActivities |
2137 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Generation or Processing | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to generation or processing owned by public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentGenerationOrProcessing |
2148 | Purchase Obligation | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement in which the entity has agreed to expend funds to procure goods or services from a supplier. | PurchaseObligation |
2149 | Purchase Obligation, Due after Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueAfterFifthYear |
2150 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInFifthYear |
2152 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Fourth Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInFourthYear |
2153 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Next Twelve Months | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInNextTwelveMonths |
2155 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Second Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInSecondYear |
2156 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Third Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInThirdYear |
2170 | Real Estate Investment Partnership Cost of Sales | debit | Amount of cost of sales related to investments in real estate partnerships and variable interest entities. | RealEstateInvestmentPartnershipCostOfSales |
2171 | Real Estate Investment Partnership Revenue | credit | Amount of revenue recognized from investments in real estate partnerships and variable interest entities. | RealEstateInvestmentPartnershipRevenue |
2187 | Reduction of Short-term Capital Lease Obligations | credit | The cash outflow for a borrowing recorded for a lease meeting the criteria for capitalization (with maturities within one year or the normal operating cycle of the entity, if longer). | ReductionOfShortTermCapitalLeaseObligations |
2214 | Related Party Tax Expense, Due to Affiliates, Current | debit | The amount of any current tax-related balances due to affiliates as of the date of each statement of financial position presented. | RelatedPartyTaxExpenseDueToAffiliatesCurrent |
2246 | Restructuring and Related Cost, Expected Cost Remaining | debit | Amount of expected cost remaining for the specified restructuring cost. | RestructuringAndRelatedCostExpectedCostRemaining1 |
2254 | Results of Operations, General and Administrative Related to Oil and Gas Producing Activities | debit | General and administrative costs from oil & gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsGeneralAndAdministrativeRelatedToOilAndGasProducingActivities |
2256 | Results of Operations, Production or Lifting Costs | debit | Production (lifting) costs from oil and gas producing activities, including but not limited to lease operating expense, production and ad valorem taxes, and transportation expense. | ResultsOfOperationsProductionOrLiftingCosts |
2327 | Securities Borrowed, Collateral, Obligation to Return Securities | credit | Amount of obligation to return securities collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against securities borrowed. | SecuritiesBorrowedCollateralObligationToReturnSecurities |
2328 | Securities Borrowed, Fair Value of Collateral | credit | Fair value of the securities received as collateral against securities borrowed. | SecuritiesBorrowedFairValueOfCollateral |
2331 | Securities Borrowed, Liability | credit | Amount of liability associated with securities borrowed from entities in exchange for collateral. | SecuritiesBorrowedLiability |
2338 | Securities Loaned, Asset | debit | Amount of asset associated with securities loaned to entities in exchange for collateral. | SecuritiesLoanedAsset |
2341 | Securities Loaned, Fair Value of Collateral | debit | Fair value of the securities pledged as collateral against securities loaned. | SecuritiesLoanedFairValueOfCollateral |
2409 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award Accelerated Compensation Cost | debit | Additional share-based compensation cost recognized as a result of an occurrence of an event that accelerates its recognition. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardAcceleratedCompensationCost |
2429 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Non-Option Equity Instruments, Outstanding, Number | N/A | Number of equity instruments other than options outstanding, including both vested and non-vested instruments. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNonOptionEquityInstrumentsOutstandingNumber |
2450 | Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Exercise Price | N/A | Weighted average per share amount at which grantees can acquire shares of common stock by exercise of options. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodWeightedAverageExercisePrice |
2452 | Shareholder Loans to Finance Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Proceeds from shareholder loans used to finance leveraged buyout transaction. | ShareholderLoansToFinanceLeveragedBuyout |
2496 | Supplemental Information for Property, Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs | debit | Amount of amortization expense on deferred policy acquisition cost. | SupplementalInformationForPropertyCasualtyInsuranceUnderwritersAmortizationOfDeferredPolicyAcquisitionCosts |
2516 | Supplementary Insurance Information, Premiums Written | credit | Amount of actual written premiums, including, as applicable, premiums from reinsurance assumed and net of premiums on reinsurance ceded. | SupplementaryInsuranceInformationPremiumsWritten |
2589 | Undistributed Earnings of Domestic Subsidiaries | credit | Amount of undistributed earnings of domestic subsidiaries or domestic joint ventures intended to be permanent. | UndistributedEarningsOfDomesticSubsidiaries |
2605 | Unusual or Infrequent Item, Loss, Gross | debit | Amount of loss recognized in the income statement for an event or transaction, that is unusual in nature or occurs infrequently, but not both. | UnusualOrInfrequentItemLossGross |
2608 | Valuation Allowance for Impairment of Recognized Servicing Assets, Sales and Disposals | debit | Reduction in valuation allowance of servicing assets based on sales and disposals. | ValuationAllowanceForImpairmentOfRecognizedServicingAssetsSalesAndDisposals |
2623 | Withdrawal from Contract Holders Funds | credit | The cash outflow for a segregated fund account during the period. | WithdrawalFromContractHoldersFunds |
254 | Alternative Excess Net Capital | credit | The amount of net capital in excess of the alternative minimum required net capital. | AlternativeExcessNetCapital |
268 | Area of Land | N/A | Area of land held. | AreaOfLand |
352 | Below Market Lease, Acquired | credit | Amount of acquired leases acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate with a finite life. | BelowMarketLeaseAcquired |
363 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Four | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized during the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearFour |
374 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Deferred Tax Assets, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Gross amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to noncurrent deferred tax assets. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationDeferredTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
377 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Land (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to land included in real estate. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationLand |
391 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Liability, Current | credit | Amount of liability recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination, expected to be settled within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationLiabilityCurrent |
433 | Capitalized Costs, Mineral Interests in Proved Properties | debit | Capitalized costs of proved properties that include fee ownership or a lease, concession, or other interest representing the right to extract oil or gas subject to such terms as may be imposed by the conveyance of that interest. | CapitalizedCostsMineralInterestsInProvedProperties |
475 | Capital Units, Net Amount | credit | Net amount applicable to investors of capital units or shares. | CapitalUnitsNetAmount |
564 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Issued (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | Total number of nonredeemable convertible preferred shares that have been sold (or granted) to the entity’s shareholders. Shares issued includes shares outstanding and shares held in treasury. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesIssued |
567 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued, Subscription Receivable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Dollar amount of subscriptions to be received from investors who have been allocated convertible preferred stock to buy. When stock is sold on a subscription basis, the issuer does not initially receive the total proceeds. In general, the issuer does not issue the shares to the investor until it receives the entire proceeds. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissuedSubscriptionReceivable |
589 | Debt Instrument, Collateral Amount | debit | Amount of assets pledged to secure a debt instrument. | DebtInstrumentCollateralAmount |
590 | Debt Instrument, Collateral Fee | debit | Amount of fees associated with providing collateral for the debt instrument. | DebtInstrumentCollateralFee |
591 | Debt Instrument, Convertible, Conversion Ratio (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | The ratio applied to the debt for purposes of determining the number of shares of the equity security into which the debt will be converted. | DebtInstrumentConvertibleConversionRatio |
602 | Debt Instrument, Repurchase Amount | debit | Fair value amount of debt instrument that was repurchased. | DebtInstrumentRepurchaseAmount |
650 | Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized, Amount of Unrecognized Deferred Tax Liability, Policyholders’ Surplus | debit | Amount of deferred tax liability not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes related to a policyholders’ surplus. | DeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedAmountOfUnrecognizedDeferredTaxLiabilityPolicyholdersSurplus |
668 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Five Rolling Years Thereafter | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the five rolling twelve months after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsFiveRollingYearsThereafter |
672 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsRollingYearFive |
673 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsRollingYearFour |
674 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsRollingYearThree |
675 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsRollingYearTwo |
689 | Defined Benefit Plan, Ultimate Health Care Cost Trend Rate | N/A | The ultimate trend rate for health care costs. | DefinedBenefitPlanUltimateHealthCareCostTrendRate |
707 | Deposit Assets, Amortizaton Expense from Expirations | debit | Amount of amortization expense from expiration of contracts underlying deposit assets. | DepositAssetsAmortizatonExpenseFromExpirations |
713 | Deposit Liabilities, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Recorded as Expense | debit | Amount of expense due to change in the present value assumptions on expected recoveries. | DepositLiabilitiesEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsRecordedAsExpense |
722 | Depreciation Expense (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Amount of total depreciation expense for property, plant and equipment. Includes production and non-production related depreciation. | DepreciationExpense |
757 | Derivative, Average Forward Price | N/A | The average forward price on the group of price risk forward or futures contracts, such as gas futures contracts. | DerivativeAverageForwardPrice |
802 | Derivative, Lower Range of Basis Spread on Variable Rate | N/A | Low end of the range of percentage points added to the reference rate to compute the variable rate on the group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeLowerRangeOfBasisSpreadOnVariableRate |
821 | Discontinued Operation, Amounts of Material Contingent Liabilities Remaining | credit | Amounts of material contingent liabilities, for example, but not limited to, product or environmental liabilities or litigation, that remain with the entity despite the disposal of the disposal group that is classified as a component of the entity. | DiscontinuedOperationAmountsOfMaterialContingentLiabilitiesRemaining |
840 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Revenue | credit | Amount classified as deferred revenue attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredRevenue |
841 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Revenue, Current | credit | Amount classified as deferred revenue attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredRevenueCurrent |
845 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Tax Liabilities, Current | credit | Amount classified as deferred tax liabilities attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredTaxLiabilitiesCurrent |
854 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Intangible Assets, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as intangible assets, excluding goodwill, attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationIntangibleAssetsNoncurrent |
861 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Long Lived Assets, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | Amount classified as long lived assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationLongLivedAssetsNoncurrent |
871 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Prepaid and Other Assets | debit | Amount classified as prepaid and other assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPrepaidAndOtherAssets |
929 | Equity Issued in Business Combination, Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value of equity issued in a business combination. | EquityIssuedInBusinessCombinationFairValueDisclosure |
1010 | Fair Value Inputs, Long-term Pre-tax Operating Margin, Percent | N/A | Long-term pre-tax operating income as a percentage of net sales, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsLongtermPreTaxOperatingMarginPercent |
1205 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1208 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling after Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingAfterYearFive |
1209 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFive |
1210 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFour |
1211 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearThree |
1212 | Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of amortization expense for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life expected to be recognized in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseRollingYearTwo |
1291 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with No Related Allowance, Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of investment in impaired financing receivables for which there is no related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithNoRelatedAllowanceRecordedInvestment |
1337 | Interest and Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Other | credit | Amount of other operating dividend and interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securities. | InterestAndDividendIncomeSecuritiesOther |
1373 | Interest Expense, Domestic Deposits | debit | The aggregate interest expense incurred on all domestic deposits. | InterestExpenseDomesticDeposits |
1408 | Interest Income, Other Domestic Deposits | credit | Interest earned on US domestic deposits other than funds deposited in money market accounts. | InterestIncomeOtherDomesticDeposits |
1442 | Investment Owned, at Cost | debit | Cost of the investment. | InvestmentOwnedAtCost |
1525 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Income Tax Contingencies | credit | The amount of income taxes included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseIncomeTaxContingencies |
1526 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Increase (Decrease) in Interest on Prepetition Liabilities | credit | Amount of interest on prepetition liabilities since bankruptcy filing date. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseIncreaseDecreaseInInterestOnPrepetitionLiabilities |
1607 | Line of Credit Facility, Decrease, Forgiveness | debit | Amount of decrease in line of credit facility from forgiveness by the holder of the line of credit. | LineOfCreditFacilityDecreaseForgiveness1 |
1608 | Liquidation Basis of Accounting, Accrued Costs to Dispose of Assets and Liabilities | credit | Amount of estimated accrued costs to dispose of assets or other items expected to be sold in liquidation. | LiquidationBasisOfAccountingAccruedCostsToDisposeOfAssetsAndLiabilities |
1609 | Liquidation Basis of Accounting, Items Previously Not Recognized | debit | Amount of items not previously recognized that are expected to be sold in liquidation. | LiquidationBasisofAccountingItemsPreviouslyNotRecognized |
1703 | Loss Contingency, Receivable, Receipts | credit | Amount of collections of receivables pertaining to a loss contingency. | LossContingencyRelatedReceivableCarryingValueReceipts |
1743 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Federal Income Tax Basis (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The total amount of the Federal income tax bases of mortgage loans on real estate. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateFederalIncomeTaxBasis |
1750 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Periodic Payment Terms, Balloon Payment to be Received | debit | Amount of large payment to be received at final maturity date of mortgage loans. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstatePeriodicPaymentTermsBalloonPaymentToBeReceived |
1763 | Multiemployer Plans, Minimum Contribution | credit | Amount of minimum contribution(s) required for future periods to a multiemployer plan by collective bargaining arrangements, statutory obligations, or other contractual obligations. A multiemployer plan is a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansMinimumContribution |
1766 | Multiemployer Plans, Withdrawal Obligation | credit | Amount of the obligation recognized by withdrawing from a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansWithdrawalObligation |
1793 | Noninterest Expense Directors Fees | debit | Noninterest expense related to directors’ fees which are fees paid by an Entity to its directors. Directors’ fees may be paid in addition to salary and other benefits. | NoninterestExpenseDirectorsFees |
1800 | Non Investment Assets Less Non Investment Liabilities, Percent of Net Assets | N/A | The percent of net assets of non investment assets and liabilities. This represents the percentage difference between the investments, including long and short positions, and net assets. | NonInvestmentAssetsLessNonInvestmentLiabilitiesPercentOfNetAssets |
1806 | Notional Amount of Nonderivative Instruments | N/A | Nominal or face amount used to calculate payments on a nonderivative instrument. | NotionalAmountOfNonderivativeInstruments |
1974 | Payments to Purchase Other Loans Held-for-sale | credit | The cash outflow used to purchase loans (other than mortgage loans) that are held with the intention to resell in the near future. | PaymentsToPurchaseOtherLoansHeldForSale |
1985 | Preferred Stock, Dividend (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Total dividends declared for each class of preferred stock. | PreferredStockDividend |
1994 | Premiums Receivable, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, Provision Charged to Expense | debit | Amount of expense for known and estimated loss on collection of premiums receivable. | PremiumsReceivableAllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsProvisionChargedToExpense1 |
2010 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Amortization Expense | debit | Amount of the present value of future profits asset amortized. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsAmortizationExpense1 |
2014 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Unrealized Investment Gains | credit | Amount of unrealized investment gains recognized in the income statement from the increase in the present value of future insurance profits asset. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsUnrealizedInvestmentGains1 |
2021 | Proceeds from Collection of Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from collection of repayments from borrowers on loans that are held with the intention to resell in the near future; includes mortgages and other types of loans. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfLoansHeldForSale |
2028 | Proceeds from Deposits with Other Institutions | debit | Cash received from refund of deposits with other institutions during the period. | ProceedsFromDepositsWithOtherInstitutions |
2041 | Proceeds from Loan Originations (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | The cash inflow associated with loan origination (the process when securing a mortgage for a piece of real property) or lease origination. It is through this process that the terms of the mortgage agreement (amount of loan, interest rate, compounding frequency, and so forth) or lease are established and the involved parties legally bind themselves to the transaction. | ProceedsFromLoanOriginations |
2045 | Proceeds from Maturities, Prepayments and Calls of Other Investments | debit | The cash inflow associated with the maturity (principal being due), prepayment and call (request of early payment) of other investments not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | ProceedsFromMaturitiesPrepaymentsAndCallsOfOtherInvestments |
2055 | Proceeds from Sale of Federal Home Loan Bank Stock | debit | Amount of cash inflow from sale of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock. | ProceedsFromSaleOfFederalHomeLoanBankStock |
2081 | Production, Barrels of Oil Equivalents | N/A | Energy measure of oil and natural gas production reserves. | ProductionBarrelsOfOilEquivalents1 |
2197 | Reinsurance Recoverable for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustments | debit | Amount after valuation allowance recoverable under reinsurance contracts for claims and claims adjustments. | ReinsuranceRecoverableForUnpaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustments |
2228 | Reporting Unit, Percentage of Fair Value in Excess of Carrying Amount | N/A | Percentage of fair value of reporting unit in excess of carrying amount. | ReportingUnitPercentageOfFairValueInExcessOfCarryingAmount |
2249 | Results of Operations, Accretion of Asset Retirement Obligations | debit | Accretion expense of asset retirement obligations related to oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsAccretionOfAssetRetirementObligations |
2253 | Results of Operations, Exploration Expense | debit | Exploration costs from oil and gas producing activities. | ResultsOfOperationsExplorationExpense |
2268 | Retained Patronage Allocations | credit | Amount of patronage earnings retained within the agricultural cooperative. | RetainedPatronageAllocations |
2277 | Revolving Loan Facility to Finance Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Borrowings from a revolving loan facility used to finance leveraged buyout transaction. | RevolvingLoanFacilityToFinanceLeveragedBuyout |
2286 | Sale Leaseback Transaction, Deferred Gain, Gross | credit | The amount of the gain recorded in connection with the transaction involving the sale of property to another party and the lease of the property back to the seller to be recognized in future periods. | SaleLeasebackTransactionDeferredGainGross |
2293 | Sale Leaseback Transaction, Monthly Rental Payments | credit | The amount of the monthly rental payments due under the lease entered into in connection with the transactions involving the sale of property to another party and the lease of the property back to the seller. | SaleLeasebackTransactionMonthlyRentalPayments |
2298 | Sale Leaseback Transaction, Other Payments Required | credit | Other amounts the seller-lessee is required to pay under the terms of the transaction involving the sale of property to another party and lease of the property back to the seller, including reimbursements for such items, as utilities, taxes, insurance and common area maintenance. | SaleLeasebackTransactionOtherPaymentsRequired |
2322 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate Investment Property, Net | debit | Amount after accumulated depreciation of real estate held for investment for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | SECScheduleIIIRealEstateInvestmentPropertyNet |
2324 | SEC Schedule III, Real Estate, Write-down or Reserve, Amount | debit | Amount of write-down or reserve recognized in the income statement on real estate investments for entities with a substantial portion of business acquiring and holding investment real estate. | SECScheduleIIIRealEstateWritedownOrReserveAmount |
2325 | Securities Borrowed, Amount Offset Against Collateral | debit | Amount, after effects of master netting arrangements, of securities borrowed from entities in exchange for collateral offset against an obligation to return collateral under a master netting arrangement. Includes assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and not elected to be offset. | SecuritiesBorrowedAmountOffsetAgainstCollateral |
2337 | Securities Loaned, Amount Offset Against Collateral | credit | Amount, after effects of master netting arrangements, of securities loaned to entities in exchange for collateral offset against a right to receive collateral. Includes liabilities not subject to a master netting arrangement and not elected to be offset. | SecuritiesLoanedAmountOffsetAgainstCollateral |
2360 | Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Collateral, Right to Reclaim Cash | debit | Amount of right to receive cash collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against securities sold under agreement to repurchase. | SecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseCollateralRightToReclaimCash |
2418 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Share-based Liabilities Paid | credit | Amount of cash paid related to share-based compensation liabilities. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsShareBasedLiabilitiesPaid |
2421 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Fair Value Assumptions, Exercise Price | N/A | Agreed-upon price for the exchange of the underlying asset relating to the share-based payment award. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardFairValueAssumptionsExercisePrice |
2422 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Fair Value Assumptions, Expected Volatility Rate | N/A | The estimated measure of the percentage by which a share price is expected to fluctuate during a period. Volatility also may be defined as a probability-weighted measure of the dispersion of returns about the mean. The volatility of a share price is the standard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return on the share over a specified period. That is the same as the standard deviation of the differences in the natural logarithms of the stock prices plus dividends, if any, over the period. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardFairValueAssumptionsExpectedVolatilityRate |
2430 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Number of Additional Shares Authorized | N/A | Number of additional shares authorized for issuance under an established share-based compensation plan. | ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNumberOfAdditionalSharesAuthorized |
2438 | Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Nonvested Options Forfeited, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value | N/A | Weighted average grant-date fair value of non-vested options forfeited. | SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardOptionsNonvestedOptionsForfeitedWeightedAverageGrantDateFairValue |
2471 | Stock Issued (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | The fair value of stock issued in noncash financing activities. | StockIssued |
2481 | Stock Repurchase Program, Authorized Amount | credit | Amount of stock repurchase plan authorized. | StockRepurchaseProgramAuthorizedAmount1 |
2499 | Supplemental Information for Property, Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Earned Premiums | credit | Amount of property-casualty insurance premium revenue earned on insurance policies. | SupplementalInformationForPropertyCasualtyInsuranceUnderwritersEarnedPremiums |
2504 | Supplemental Information for Property, Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Paid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense | debit | Payments of claims and claims adjustment expenses during the period of a property-casualty insurance entity. | SupplementalInformationForPropertyCasualtyInsuranceUnderwritersPaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustmentExpense |
2505 | Supplemental Information for Property, Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Premiums Written | credit | Amount of actual premium written by property-casualty insurance underwriter. | SupplementalInformationForPropertyCasualtyInsuranceUnderwritersPremiumsWritten |
2593 | Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Increase Resulting from Acquisition | credit | Amount of increase in unrecognized tax benefits resulting from acquisitions. | UnrecognizedTaxBenefitsIncreasesResultingFromAcquisition |
2602 | Unsolicited Tender Offer Costs | debit | Costs incurred in connection with an unsolicited tender offer (one where the Entity being sought has not requested the offer). These would include costs relating to evaluation and dissemination of information regarding an unsolicited tender offer. A tender offer is a broad solicitation by an Entity or a third party to purchase a substantial percentage of another entity’s shares or units for a limited period of time. The offer is at a fixed price, usually at a premium over the current market price, and is contingent on shareholders’ tendering a fixed number of their shares or units. | UnsolicitedTenderOfferCosts |
2616 | Weighted Average Discount Rate, Percent | N/A | The average discount rate applied to insurance contracts to determine future policy benefits to be paid to or on behalf of policyholders. | WeightedAverageDiscountRatePercent |
200 | Accelerated Share Repurchases, Final Price Paid Per Share | N/A | Final price paid per share for the purchase of the targeted number of shares, determined by an average market price over a fixed period of time. | AcceleratedShareRepurchasesFinalPricePaidPerShare |
201 | Accelerated Share Repurchases, Initial Price Paid Per Share | N/A | The price paid per share to immediately purchase the targeted number of shares on the date of executing the accelerated share repurchase agreement. | AcceleratedShareRepurchasesInitialPricePaidPerShare |
202 | Accounts Payable, Interest-bearing (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable to vendors that bear interest at either a stated or an imputed rate. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccountsPayableInterestBearing |
203 | Accounts Payable, Other (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable, which are not elsewhere specified in the taxonomy. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccountsPayableOther |
204 | Accounts Payable, Related Parties (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Amount for accounts payable to related parties. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccountsPayableRelatedParties |
206 | Accounts Payable, Trade (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred (and for which invoices have typically been received) and payable to vendors for goods and services received that are used in an entity’s business. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccountsPayableTrade |
207 | Accounts Payable, Underwriters, Promoters, and Employees (Other than Salaries and Wages) (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable to underwriters, promoters, and employees (other than salaries and wages) which are not included in the affiliated or other related party element. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccountsPayableUnderwritersPromotersAndEmployeesOtherThanSalariesAndWages |
210 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, after Rolling Year Five | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueAfterRollingYearFive |
211 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
212 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
213 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Rolling Year Five | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInRollingYearFive |
214 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Rolling Year Four | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInRollingYearFour |
215 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Rolling Year Three | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInRollingYearThree |
216 | Accrual for Environmental Loss Contingencies, Undiscounted, Rolling Year Two | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for environmental loss contingencies expected to be paid in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesUndiscountedDueInRollingYearTwo |
217 | Accrued Advertising (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for advertising of the entity’s goods and services. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedAdvertising |
218 | Accrued Bonuses (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable for incentive compensation awarded to employees and directors or earned by them based on the terms of one or more relevant arrangements. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedBonuses |
219 | Accrued Employee Benefits (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations, excluding pension and other postretirement benefits, incurred through that date and payable for perquisites provided to employees pertaining to services received from them. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedEmployeeBenefits |
220 | Accrued Exchange Fee Rebate (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for rebates of an exchange fee some mutual funds impose on shareholders if they exchange (transfer) to another fund within the same fund group. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedExchangeFeeRebate |
221 | Accrued Insurance (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable to insurance entities to mitigate potential loss from various risks or to satisfy a promise to provide certain coverage’s to employees. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedInsurance |
223 | Accrued Payroll Taxes (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable for statutory payroll taxes incurred through that date and withheld from employees pertaining to services received from them, including entity’s matching share of the employees FICA taxes and contributions to the state and federal unemployment insurance programs. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedPayrollTaxes |
224 | Accrued Professional Fees (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for professional fees, such as for legal and accounting services received. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedProfessionalFees |
225 | Accrued Rent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for contractual rent under lease arrangements. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedRent |
226 | Accrued Royalties (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for royalties. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedRoyalties |
227 | Accrued Salaries (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the obligations incurred through that date and payable for employees’ services provided. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedSalaries |
228 | Accrued Sales Commission (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for sales commissions. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedSalesCommission |
229 | Accrued Utilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for utilities, such as electrical power, heating oil, natural gas, and water. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedUtilities |
230 | Accrued Vacation (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable for unused vacation time owed to employees based on the entity’s vacation benefit given to its employees. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | AccruedVacation |
239 | Additions to Contract Holders Funds | debit | The cash inflow from a segregated fund account during the period. | AdditionsToContractHoldersFunds |
241 | Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Debt with Detachable Stock Purchase Warrant Issued (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | The proceeds of debt securities issued during the period with detachable common and preferred stock purchase warrants which are allocable to the purchase warrants. | AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalDebtWithDetachableStockPurchaseWarrantIssued |
245 | Administrative Fees, Amount Paid (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount paid to managing member or general partner, affiliate of managing member or general partner, or affiliate of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP) for administrative services provided to the LLC or LP, for example, but not limited to, salaries, rent, or other overhead costs. | AdministrativeFeesAmountPaid |
255 | Alternative Net Capital Requirement | credit | Amount of net capital requirement computed under the alternative method allowed under regulatory reporting requirements. | AlternativeNetCapitalRequirement1 |
256 | Amortization Expense Per Dollar of Gross Revenue | debit | Amortization computed on the basis of current gross revenues (excluding royalty payments and net profits disbursements) from production in relation to future gross revenues, based on current prices (including consideration of changes in existing prices provided only by contractual arrangements), from estimated production of proved oil and gas reserves. | AmortizationExpensePerDollarOfGrossRevenue |
257 | Amortization Expense Per Physical Unit of Production | N/A | Amortization computed on the basis of physical units, with oil and gas converted to a common unit of measure on the basis of their approximate relative energy content. | AmortizationExpensePerPhysicalUnitOfProduction |
260 | Amortization of Deferred Acquisition Costs (DAC) (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | The periodic expense charged against earnings that represents the sales costs that are associated with acquiring a new customer over the term of the insurance contract. | AmortizationOfDeferredAcquisitionCostsDAC |
265 | Amount of Regulatory Assistance Received (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of regulatory assistance received, including the settlement of claims with the federal government, assistance in connection with a business combination, and capital forbearance. | AmountOfRegulatoryAssistanceReceived |
266 | Amount of Regulatory Assistance Received | debit | Amount of regulatory assistance received from a federal regulatory agency in conjunction with either an acquisition of a troubled financial institution, transfer of nonperforming assets to a newly-formed entity, or other reorganization. | AmountOfRegulatoryAssistanceReceived1 |
269 | Area of Real Estate Property | N/A | Area of a real estate property. | AreaOfRealEstateProperty |
272 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Accrued Investment Income | debit | Amount of accrued investment income held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockAccruedInvestmentIncome |
273 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Deferred Tax Asset, Net | debit | Amount, after valuation allowance and deferred tax liability, of deferred tax asset pertaining to the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockDeferredTaxAssetNet |
274 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Income Tax Receivable | debit | Amount of tax refunds receivable held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockIncomeTaxReceivable |
275 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Investments | debit | Amount of investments held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockInvestments |
276 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Other Closed Block Assets | debit | Amount of other assets held by the closed block. Excludes other investments. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockOtherClosedBlockAssets1 |
277 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Other Investments | debit | Amount of other investments held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockOtherInvestments |
278 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Other Long-term Investments | debit | Amount of other long-term investments held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockOtherLongTermInvestments |
279 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Other Short-term Investments | debit | Amount of other short-term investments held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockOtherShortTermInvestments |
280 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Premiums and Other Receivables, Net | debit | Amount, after the allowance for doubtful accounts, of premium and other receivables held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockPremiumsAndOtherReceivablesNet |
281 | Assets Designated to Closed Block, Trading Securities, Debt | debit | Amount of investments in debt securities classified as trading that are held by the closed block. | AssetsDesignatedToClosedBlockTradingSecuritiesDebt |
286 | Assets Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Market Value | credit | Market value of assets sold under agreements to repurchase when the carrying amount (or market value, if higher than the carrying amount) of securities or other assets sold under repurchase agreements exceeds 10 percent of total assets. | AssetsSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseMarketValue |
287 | Assets Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Repurchase Liability | credit | Amount to be repaid to the counterparty to the repurchase agreement when the carrying amount (or market value, if higher than the carrying amount) of securities or other assets sold under the repurchase agreement exceeds 10 percent of total assets. | AssetsSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchaseRepurchaseLiability |
288 | Assets that Continue to be Recognized, Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement Assets and any Other Financial Assets Managed Together, Net Credit Losses During Period | debit | Amount of net credit losses charged off. | AssetsThatContinueToBeRecognizedSecuritizedOrAssetBackedFinancingArrangementAssetsAndAnyOtherFinancialAssetsManagedTogetherNetCreditLossesDuringPeriod |
290 | Assumed Premiums, Life Insurance in Force (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of life insurance in force premiums assumed from other entities. | AssumedPremiumsLifeInsuranceInForce |
291 | Assumption for Fair Value of Assets or Liabilities that relate to Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Discount Rate | N/A | Discount rate which is used to value residual cash flows generated by financial assets of a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer regardless of when the transfer occurred. | AssumptionForFairValueOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesDiscountRate |
292 | Assumption for Fair Value of Assets or Liabilities that relate to Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Expected Credit Losses | N/A | Rate at which principal will not be repaid on securitized financial assets regardless of when the transfer occurred. | AssumptionForFairValueOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesExpectedCreditLosses |
293 | Assumption for Fair Value of Assets or Liabilities that relate to Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Prepayment Speed | N/A | Estimated rate of prepayment of principal on financial assets regardless of when the transfer occurred. | AssumptionForFairValueOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesPrepaymentSpeed |
294 | Assumption for Fair Value of Assets or Liabilities that relate to Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Static Pool Losses | N/A | The effect of expected static pool losses on the fair value of interests that continue to be held by the transferor. Expected static pool losses can be calculated by summing the actual and projected future credit losses and dividing the sum by the original balance of the pool of assets. | AssumptionForFairValueOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesStaticPoolLosses |
295 | Assumption for Fair Value of Assets or Liabilities that relate to Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Weighted Average Life (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The weighted average life of securitized assets. This is used as a key input and assumption in measuring the fair value of assets or liabilities that relate to a transferor’s continuing involvement, if any, as of the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. | AssumptionForFairValueOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesWeightedAverageLife |
296 | Fair Value Assumption, Date of Securitization or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement, Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Servicing Assets or Liabilities, Discount Rate | N/A | Discount rate which is used to value residual cash flows generated by financial assets of the securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer for initial fair value measurement. | AssumptionForFairValueOnSecuritizationDateOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesDiscountRate |
297 | Fair Value Assumption, Date of Securitization or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement, Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Servicing Assets or Liabilities, Expected Credit Losses | N/A | Rate at which principal will not be repaid on securitized financial assets, including for example, but not limited to, expected static pool losses for initial fair value measurement. | AssumptionForFairValueOnSecuritizationDateOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesExpectedCreditLosses |
298 | Fair Value Assumption, Date of Securitization or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement, Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Servicing Assets or Liabilities, Prepayment Speed | N/A | Estimated rate of prepayment of principal on financial assets for initial fair value measurement. | AssumptionForFairValueOnSecuritizationDateOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesPrepaymentSpeed |
299 | Fair Value Assumption, Date of Securitization or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement, Transferor’s Continuing Involvement, Servicing Assets or Liabilities, Weighted Average Life (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The weighted average life of securitized assets. This is used as a key input and assumption in measuring the fair value of assets obtained or liabilities incurred that relate to a transferor’s continuing involvement, if any, at the time of securitization, asset-backed financing, or similar transfer. | AssumptionForFairValueOnSecuritizationDateOfInterestsContinuedToBeHeldByTransferorServicingAssetsOrLiabilitiesWeightedAverageLife |
300 | Auction Rate Securities, Noncurrent | debit | Amount of securities that are debt instruments (corporate or municipal bonds) that typically have long-term nominal maturities for which the interest rate is reset through an auction process. | AuctionRateSecuritiesNoncurrent |
312 | Available-for-sale Securities and Held-to-maturity Securities | debit | Amount of debt and equity financial instruments classified as either held-to-maturity or available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesAndHeldToMaturitySecurities |
318 | Available-for-sale Securities, Continuous Unrealized Loss Position, Aggregate Losses (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | This item represents the excess of amortized cost basis over fair value of securities in a loss position and which are categorized neither as held-to-maturity nor trading securities. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesContinuousUnrealizedLossPositionAggregateLosses1 |
324 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Next Rolling Twelve Months, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount after adjustments of available-for-sale debt securities at cost, maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Adjustments include, but are not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in earnings less cumulative-effect adjustments and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesNextRollingTwelveMonthsAmortizedCostBasis |
325 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Next Rolling Twelve Months, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of available-for-sale debt securities maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesNextRollingTwelveMonthsFairValue |
326 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Remainder of Fiscal Year, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount after adjustments of available-for-sale debt securities at cost, maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Adjustments include, but are not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in earnings less cumulative-effect adjustments, and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRemainderOfFiscalYearAmortizedCostBasis |
327 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Remainder of Fiscal Year, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of available-for-sale debt securities maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRemainderOfFiscalYearFairValue |
328 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling after Year Ten, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount after adjustments of available-for-sale debt securities at cost, maturing after the tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Adjustments include, but are not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in earnings less cumulative-effect adjustments, and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingAfterYearTenAmortizedCostBasis |
329 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling after Year Ten, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of available-for-sale debt securities maturing after the tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingAfterYearTenFairValue |
330 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Six Through Ten, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount after adjustments of available-for-sale debt securities at cost, maturing in the sixth through tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Adjustments include, but are not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in earnings less cumulative-effect adjustments, and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearSixThroughTenAmortizedCostBasis |
331 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Six Through Ten, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of available-for-sale debt securities maturing in the sixth through tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearSixThroughTenFairValue |
332 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Two Through Five, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount after adjustments of available-for-sale debt securities at cost, maturing in the second through fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Adjustments include, but are not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in earnings less cumulative-effect adjustments, and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearTwoThroughFiveAmortizedCostBasis |
333 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Two Through Five, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of available-for-sale debt securities maturing in the second through fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearTwoThroughFiveFairValue |
334 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Single Maturity Date | debit | Fair value of investment in available-for-sale debt securities with a single maturity date. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesSingleMaturityDate |
335 | Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Single Maturity Date, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount of investment in available-for-sale debt securities with a single maturity date at cost, after adjustments, including, but not limited to, accretion, amortization, collection of cash, previous other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI) recognized in the statement of income and fair value hedge accounting adjustments. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebtMaturitiesSingleMaturityDateAmortizedCostBasis |
337 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Number of Positions | N/A | Number of investment positions in available-for-sale investments in a continuous unrealized loss position for which an other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) has not been recognized in the income statement. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureNumberOfPositions1 |
338 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Number of Positions, Greater than or Equal to One Year | N/A | Number of investment positions in available-for-sale investments that have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for greater than or equal to a year for which an other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) has not been recognized in the income statement. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureNumberOfPositionsGreaterThanOrEqualToOneYear |
339 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Number of Positions, Less than One Year | N/A | Number of investment positions in available-for-sale investments in a continuous unrealized loss position for less than one year or normal operating cycle, if longer, for which an other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) has not been recognized in the income statement. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureNumberOfPositionsLessThanOneYear |
340 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Default Rate | N/A | This item represents the default rate of the underlying assets in the security that were considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherDefaultRate |
341 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Delinquency Rate | N/A | This item represents the delinquency rate of the underlying assets in the security that were considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherDelinquencyRate |
342 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Fair Value Volatility, Rate | N/A | This item represents the volatility of the security’s fair value, represented as a percentage, which was considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherFairValueVolatilityRate |
343 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Loan to Collateral Value | N/A | This item represents the loan to collateral ratio of the underlying assets in the security, represented as a percentage, which was considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherLoanToCollateralValue |
344 | Available-for-sale, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Percentage of Nonperforming Assets | N/A | This item represents the percentage of nonperforming assets that the underlying assets in the security represent and which were considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | AvailableforsaleSecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherPercentageOfNonperformingAssets |
345 | Available-for-sale Securities, Short-term Investments, Amortized Cost | debit | Amortized cost of short-term investments in debt and equity securities and other forms of securities that provide ownership interests classified as available-for-sale. | AvailableForSaleSecuritiesShortTermInvestmentsAmortizedCost |
346 | Average Production Costs Per Barrel of Oil Equivalents (BOE) | N/A | Production costs incurred in lifting the oil and gas to the surface during the reporting period divided by the number of barrels of oil equivalents (BOE) produced. Production (or lifting costs) are costs incurred in lifting the oil and gas to the surface and generally include gathering, treating, primary processing, field storage, property taxes and insurance on proved properties, but do not include depreciation, depletion, accretion, amortization, royalties, income taxes, interest, general and administrative and other expenses. | AverageProductionCostsPerBarrelOfOilEquivalentsBOE |
347 | Average Sales Prices | N/A | The revenues derived from sales of oil or gas in each geographic area during the reporting period divided by the number of barrels of oil produced or thousands of cubic feet of gas produced. | AverageSalesPrices |
353 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, after Year Five | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeAfterYearFive |
354 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeNextRollingTwelveMonths |
355 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Next Twelve Months | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized during the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeNextTwelveMonths |
356 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRemainderOfFiscalYear |
357 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingAfterYearFive |
358 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearFive |
359 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearFour |
360 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearThree |
361 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeRollingYearTwo |
362 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Five | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized during the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearFive |
364 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Three | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized during the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearThree |
365 | Below Market Lease, Amortization Income, Year Two | credit | Amount of amortization income for leases with a finite life acquired as part of a real property acquisition at below market lease rate expected to be recognized during the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | BelowMarketLeaseAmortizationIncomeYearTwo |
369 | Borrowings to Finance Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Total borrowings to finance leveraged buyout transaction. | BorrowingsToFinanceLeveragedBuyout |
371 | Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Revenue (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | The pro forma revenue for a period as if the business combination or combinations had been completed at the beginning of the period. | BusinessAcquisitionProFormaRevenue |
373 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Buildings (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to buildings included in real estate. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationBuildings |
376 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
379 | Business Acquisition, Purchase Price Allocation, Other Assets (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of acquisition cost of a business combination allocated to other assets not separately disclosed in the balance sheet. | BusinessAcquisitionPurchasePriceAllocationOtherAssets |
381 | Business Acquisition, Share Price | N/A | Price of a single share of a number of saleable stocks paid or offered to be paid in a business combination. | BusinessAcquisitionSharePrice |
382 | Business Acquisition, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code) for Acquired Entity | N/A | SEC Standard Industrial Classification code for the acquired entity. | BusinessAcquisitionStandardIndustrialClassificationSICCodeForAcquiredEntity |
388 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Asset, Current | debit | Amount of asset recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination, expected to be realized within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationAssetCurrent |
389 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Asset, Noncurrent | debit | Amount of asset recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination, expected to be realized beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationAssetNoncurrent |
392 | Business Combination, Contingent Consideration, Liability, Noncurrent | credit | Amount of liability recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination, expected to be settled beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationLiabilityNoncurrent |
421 | Business Combination, Recognized Identifiable Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed, Restructuring Liabilities | credit | This item represents liabilities associated with restructuring or exit activities of the acquiree, existing at the acquisition date (present liabilities of the acquiree). | BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedRestructuringLiabilities |
423 | Business Combination, Step Acquisition, Equity Interest in Acquiree, Including Subsequent Acquisition, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of voting equity interests acquired in a business combination achieved in stages, including equity interests in the acquiree held by the acquirer immediately before the acquisition date and acquired at the acquisition date. | BusinessCombinationStepAcquisitionEquityInterestInAcquireeIncludingSubsequentAcquisitionPercentage |
432 | Capitalized Costs, Asset Retirement Costs | debit | The amount of asset retirement costs previously incurred and capitalized separately from the capitalized amount of the associated long-lived assets. | CapitalizedCostsAssetRetirementCosts |
434 | Capitalized Costs, Mineral Interests in Unproved Properties | debit | Capitalized costs of unproven properties that include fee ownership or a lease, concession, or other interest representing the right to extract oil or gas subject to such terms as may be imposed by the conveyance of that interest. | CapitalizedCostsMineralInterestsInUnprovedProperties |
436 | Capitalized Costs, Oil and Gas Producing Activities, Gross | debit | The sum of capitalized costs relating to oil and gas producing activities before accounting for accumulated depreciation. | CapitalizedCostsOilAndGasProducingActivitiesGross |
439 | Capitalized Costs, Support Equipment and Facilities | debit | Capitalized costs incurred for support equipment and facilities used in oil and gas producing activities (such as seismic equipment, drilling equipment, construction and grading equipment, vehicles, repair shops, warehouses, supply points, camps, and division, district, or field offices). | CapitalizedCostsSupportEquipmentAndFacilities |
440 | Capitalized Costs, Uncompleted Wells, Equipment and Facilities | debit | Capitalized costs of which include those incurred to (1) drill and equip wells that are not yet completed (2) acquire or construct equipment and facilities that are not yet installed. | CapitalizedCostsUncompletedWellsEquipmentAndFacilities |
441 | Capitalized Costs, Unproved Properties | debit | Capitalized costs of unproved properties incurred for any combination mineral interests acquisitions and other costs not previously disclosed within this table. | CapitalizedCostsUnprovedProperties |
442 | Capitalized Costs, Wells and Related Equipment and Facilities | debit | Capitalized costs which include those incurred to (1) to drill and equip those exploratory wells and exploratory-type stratigraphic test wells that have found proved reserves and (2) obtain access to proved reserves and provide facilities for extracting, treating, gathering, storing the oil and gas, including the drilling and equipping of development wells and development-type stratigraphic wells and service wells. | CapitalizedCostsWellsAndRelatedEquipmentAndFacilities |
444 | Capitalized Exploratory Well Costs, Additions Pending Determination of Proved Reserves (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Additions to capitalized exploratory well costs that were added during the reporting period pending the determination of proved reserves. | CapitalizedExploratoryWellCostsAdditionsPendingDeterminationOfProvedReserves |
445 | Capitalized Exploratory Well Costs, Charged to Expense (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Capitalized exploratory well costs that were expensed during the year because proved reserves were not found at the exploratory well. | CapitalizedExploratoryWellCostsChargedToExpense |
447 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Due in Four and Five Years | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the fourth and fifth fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFourAndFiveYears |
448 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
449 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFive |
450 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFour |
451 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Four and Five | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the fourth and fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFourAndFive |
452 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearThree |
453 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearTwo |
454 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Two and Three | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the second and third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearTwoAndThree |
455 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Due in Two and Three Years | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for capital leases due in the second and third fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInTwoAndThreeYears |
461 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Rolling after Year Five | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
462 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableDueInRollingYearFive |
463 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableDueInRollingYearFour |
464 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableDueInRollingYearThree |
465 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableDueInRollingYearTwo |
466 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableNextRollingTwelveMonths |
467 | Capital Leases, Future Minimum Payments Receivable, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of minimum lease payments to be received by the lessor for capital leases in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | CapitalLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsReceivableRemainderOfFiscalYear |
469 | Capital Leases, Lessee Balance Sheet, Assets by Major Class, Gross (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | The total gross amount of assets subject to a lease meeting the criteria for capitalization. | CapitalLeasesLesseeBalanceSheetAssetsByMajorClassGross |
470 | Capital Required for Capital Adequacy | credit | The minimum amount of Total Capital required for capital adequacy purposes under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. | CapitalRequiredForCapitalAdequacy |
471 | Capital Required for Capital Adequacy to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | The minimum Total risk based capital ratio (total capital divided by risk weighted assets) required for capital adequacy purposes under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. | CapitalRequiredForCapitalAdequacyToRiskWeightedAssets |
472 | Capital Required to be Well Capitalized | credit | The amount of Total Capital required to be categorized as well as capitalized under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. | CapitalRequiredToBeWellCapitalized |
473 | Capital Required to be Well Capitalized to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | The Total risk based capital ratio (total capital divided by risk weighted assets) required to be categorized as “well capitalized”, in the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. | CapitalRequiredToBeWellCapitalizedToRiskWeightedAssets |
477 | Cash Available for Distributions | debit | Amount of cash eligible for distribution to members or limited partners of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP), subject to reserves to be maintained as defined in operating or partnership agreement, or in a credit facility agreement. | CashAvailableForDistributions |
478 | Cash Dividends (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Cash dividend declared by an entity to shareholders during the period. This element includes paid and unpaid dividends declared during the period. | CashDividends |
483 | Cash for Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Total sources of cash from debt and equity to finance the leveraged buyout transaction. | CashForLeveragedBuyout |
484 | Cash, Including Discontinued Operations | debit | Amount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Includes cash within disposal group or discontinued operation. | CashIncludingDiscontinuedOperations |
485 | Ceded Credit Risk, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Sum of amounts at risk of not being collected pertaining to a specified reinsurer with respect to disclosure of a concentration of credit risk. | CededCreditRiskAmount |
487 | Ceded Credit Risk, Claims Receivable (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of reported and estimated unreported claims assumed by and receivable from the identified reinsurer with respect to disclosure of a concentration of credit risk. | CededCreditRiskClaimsReceivable |
488 | Ceded Credit Risk, Other Risks (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amounts receivable or due pertaining to other risks that have been assumed by a specified reinsurer with respect to disclosure of a concentration of credit risk. | CededCreditRiskOtherRisks |
489 | Ceded Credit Risk, Premiums Earned (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amounts for insurance premiums received or receivable from policyholders on ceded insurance contracts that are due the reinsurer with respect to disclosure of a concentration of credit risk. | CededCreditRiskPremiumsEarned |
491 | Ceded Premiums, Life Insurance in Force (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | debit | Amount of life insurance in force premiums ceded to other entities. | CededPremiumsLifeInsuranceInForce |
492 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Accounted for as Available-for-sale Debt Securities, Other-than-Temporary Impairment Charges, Credit Loss | debit | Amount of expense to write-down the amortized cost basis of loans, after acquisition, to fair value when the decline in the fair value is determined to be other than temporary (OTTI) for loans accounted for as available-for-sale debt securities. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferAccountedForAsAvailableforsaleDebtSecuritiesOtherthanTemporaryImpairmentChargesCreditLoss |
495 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Accounted for as Held-to-maturity Debt Securities, Other-than-Temporary Impairment Charges, Credit Loss | debit | Amount of expense to write-down the amortized cost basis of loans, after acquisition, to fair value when the decline in the fair value is determined to be other than temporary (OTTI) for loans accounted for as held-to-maturity debt securities. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferAccountedForAsHeldtomaturityDebtSecuritiesOtherthanTemporaryImpairmentChargesCreditLoss |
500 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Acquired During Period, Commercial, at Acquisition, at Fair Value | debit | Fair value at acquisition of acquired commercial loans not accounted for as debt securities with evidence of deterioration of credit quality. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAcquiredDuringPeriodCommercialAtAcquisitionAtFairValue |
501 | Certain Loans Acquired in Transfer Not Accounted for as Debt Securities, Acquired During Period, Consumer, at Acquisition, at Fair Value | debit | Fair value at acquisition of acquired consumer loans not accounted for as debt securities with evidence of deterioration of credit quality. | CertainLoansAcquiredInTransferNotAccountedForAsDebtSecuritiesAcquiredDuringPeriodConsumerAtAcquisitionAtFairValue |
504 | Class of Warrant or Right, Number of Securities Called by Each Warrant or Right | N/A | Number of securities into which each warrant or right may be converted. For example, but not limited to, each warrant may be converted into two shares. | ClassOfWarrantOrRightNumberOfSecuritiesCalledByEachWarrantOrRight |
505 | Clearance Fees | debit | The amount of expense in the period for clearance fees. | ClearanceFees |
506 | Closed Block Liabilities, Other Policyholder Funds | credit | Amount of closed block policyholder funds held, which are refundable. | ClosedBlockLiabilitiesOtherPolicyholderFunds |
507 | Closed Block Operations, Change in Policyholder Dividend Obligation (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Difference between prior period and current period policyholder dividend obligation designated to policies in an insurance entity’s segregated group of participating or dividend-paying policies and contracts along with the assets allocated to them (known as a closed block). | ClosedBlockOperationsChangeInPolicyholderDividendObligation |
508 | Collateral Securities Repledged, Delivered, or Used | credit | The carrying value as of the balance sheet date of securities received as collateral from a counterparty that were re-pledged, sold, delivered or otherwise reused by the entity. | CollateralSecuritiesRepledgedDeliveredOrUsed |
510 | Common Stock, Dividend (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Total dividends declared during the period for each class of common stock. | CommonStockDividend |
515 | Common Unit, Authorized | N/A | Maximum number of common units of ownership permitted to be issued by a limited liability company (LLC). | CommonUnitAuthorized |
516 | Common Unit, Issuance Value | credit | Stated value of common units of ownership issued by a limited liability company (LLC). | CommonUnitIssuanceValue |
517 | Common Unit, Issued | N/A | Number of common units issued of limited liability company (LLC). | CommonUnitIssued |
518 | Common Unit, Outstanding | N/A | Number of common units of ownership outstanding of a limited liability company (LLC). | CommonUnitOutstanding |
519 | Communication | debit | The amount of expense incurred in the period for communication, which is the exchange of information by several methods. | Communication |
520 | Communications, Information Technology and Occupancy | debit | The aggregate amount of communications, data processing and occupancy expenses. | CommunicationsInformationTechnologyAndOccupancy |
527 | Continuing Involvement with Transferred Financial Assets, Principal Amount Outstanding | debit | Principal amount of transferred financial assets in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the assets underlying the transaction. Continuing involvement includes, but is not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor’s interests in transferred financial assets. | ContinuingInvolvementWithTransferredFinancialAssetsPrincipalAmountOutstanding |
528 | Contract Receivable, Due after Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected after the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueAfterNextRollingTwelveMonths |
529 | Contract Receivable, Due after Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueAfterRollingYearFive |
530 | Contract Receivable, Due in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
531 | Contract Receivable, Due in Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
532 | Contract Receivable, Due in Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInRollingYearFive |
533 | Contract Receivable, Due in Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInRollingYearFour |
534 | Contract Receivable, Due in Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInRollingYearThree |
535 | Contract Receivable, Due in Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs to be collected in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. Excludes amounts due that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableDueInRollingYearTwo |
536 | Contract Receivable Retainage, after Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected after the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueAfterNextRollingTwelveMonths |
537 | Contract Receivable Retainage, after Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueAfterRollingYearFive |
538 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
539 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
540 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInRollingYearFive |
541 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInRollingYearFour |
542 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInRollingYearThree |
543 | Contract Receivable Retainage, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract to be collected in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractReceivableRetainageDueInRollingYearTwo |
544 | Contracts Receivable, Claims and Uncertain Amounts, Expected to be Collected after Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of billed or unbilled claims or similar items subject to uncertainty concerning their determination or ultimate realization under long-term contracts that are expected to be collected after the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractsReceivableClaimsAndUncertainAmountsExpectedToBeCollectedAfterNextRollingTwelveMonths |
545 | Contracts Receivable, Claims and Uncertain Amounts, Expected to be Collected in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of billed or unbilled claims or similar items subject to uncertainty concerning their determination or ultimate realization under long-term contracts that are expected to be collected in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractsReceivableClaimsAndUncertainAmountsExpectedToBeCollectedInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
546 | Contracts Receivable, Claims and Uncertain Amounts, Expected to be Collected in Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of billed or unbilled claims or similar items subject to uncertainty concerning their determination or ultimate realization under long-term contracts that are expected to be collected in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractsReceivableClaimsAndUncertainAmountsExpectedToBeCollectedInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
547 | Contractual Maturities, Time Deposits, $100,000 or More (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | The aggregate amount of domestic and foreign time deposits (including certificates of deposits, individual retirement accounts and open accounts) in denominations of $100,000 or more. | ContractualMaturitiesTimeDeposits100000OrMore |
551 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Fourth and Fifth Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the fourth and fifth fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInFourthAndFifthYear |
554 | Contractual Obligation, Due in Second and Third Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation due in the second and third fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | ContractualObligationDueInSecondAndThirdYear |
557 | Contractual Obligation, Future Minimum Payments Due, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of contractual obligation maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended. | ContractualObligationFutureMinimumPaymentsDueRemainderOfFiscalYear |
559 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Amount of Preferred Dividends in Arrears (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Aggregate amount of cumulative preferred dividends in arrears. | ConvertiblePreferredStockAmountOfPreferredDividendsInArrears |
560 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Par or Stated Value Per Share (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | Face amount or stated value per share of nonredeemable convertible preferred stock; generally not indicative of the fair market value per share. | ConvertiblePreferredStockParStatedValuePerShare |
561 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Per Share Amounts of Preferred Dividends in Arrears (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | Per share amount of cumulative preferred dividends in arrears. | ConvertiblePreferredStockPerShareAmountsOfPreferredDividendsInArrears |
562 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Redemption Price Per Share (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | The price per share at which the convertible preferred stock of an entity that has priority over common stock in the distribution of dividends and in the event of liquidation of the entity is redeemed at. The redemption features of this convertible preferred stock that are solely within the control of the issuer. | ConvertiblePreferredStockRedemptionPricePerShare |
563 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Authorized (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | The maximum number of nonredeemable convertible preferred shares permitted to be issued by an entity’s charter and bylaws. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesAuthorized |
565 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | The number of nonredeemable convertible preferred shares that have been issued and are held by the entity’s shareholders. Shares outstanding equals shares issued minus shares held in treasury. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesOutstanding |
566 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | Amount of convertible nonredeemable preferred stock allocated to an entity’s existing shareholders to buy shares of a new issue of convertible preferred stock before it is offered to the public. Convertible preferred stock can be converted into another security. These shares have not yet been issued to the shareholders. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissued |
568 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Shares Subscribed but Unissued, Value (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Dollar amount of convertible preferred stock allocated to investors to buy shares of a new issue of convertible preferred stock. When stock is sold on a subscription basis, the issuer does not initially receive the total proceeds. In general, the issuer does not issue the shares to the investor until it receives the entire proceeds. | ConvertiblePreferredStockSharesSubscribedButUnissuedValue |
569 | Convertible Preferred Stock, Share Subscriptions (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | N/A | The number of nonredeemable convertible preferred stock allocated to investors to buy shares of a new issue of preferred stock before it is offered to the public. | ConvertiblePreferredStockShareSubscriptions |
570 | Cooperative Advertising Expense | debit | Amount of expense under a cooperative advertising arrangement. | CooperativeAdvertisingExpense |
571 | Cost Method Investments, Original Cost | debit | Original amount of cost-method investments at the acquisition date. | CostMethodInvestmentsOriginalCost |
574 | Cost of Trust Assets Sold to Pay Expenses | debit | Cost of trust assets sold to pay trust expenses (includes commodities, but is not limited to, gold and silver). | CostOfTrustAssetsSoldToPayExpenses |
580 | Credit Derivative, Liquidation Proceeds, Monetary Amount | debit | Estimated amount to which the maximum potential amount of future payments under the credit derivative would be covered by the proceeds from liquidation of assets held either as collateral or by third parties. | CreditDerivativeLiquidationProceedsMonetaryAmount |
581 | Credit Derivative, Liquidation Proceeds, Percentage | N/A | Estimated percentage to which the maximum potential amount of future payments under the credit derivative would be covered by the proceeds from liquidation of assets held either as collateral or by third parties. | CreditDerivativeLiquidationProceedsPercentage |
585 | Customer Loyalty Program Liability, Current | credit | Value of deferred revenue or cost to provide products or services, which is expected to be recognized in income or incurred within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, resulting from customer loyalty program. Excludes liability associated with frequent flier programs. Includes liability associated with customer loyalty programs for other businesses, for example, but is not limited to, hotels, supermarkets, credit card companies, automobile rental companies, and book sellers. | CustomerLoyaltyProgramLiabilityCurrent |
586 | Customer Loyalty Program Liability, Noncurrent | credit | Value of deferred revenue or cost to provide products or services, which is expected to be recognized in income or incurred after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer, resulting from customer loyalty program. Excludes liability associated with frequent flier programs. Includes liability associated with customer loyalty programs for other businesses, for example, but is not limited to, hotels, supermarkets, credit card companies, automobile rental companies, and book sellers. | CustomerLoyaltyProgramLiabilityNoncurrent |
587 | Customer Securities for which Entity has Right to Sell or Repledge, Fair Value | credit | Fair value as of the balance sheet date of customer securities accepted as collateral by the entity that it is permitted by contract or custom to sell or re-pledge to counterparties as collateral. | CustomerSecuritiesForWhichEntityHasRightToSellOrRepledgeFairValue |
588 | Customer Securities for which Entity has Right to Sell or Repledge, Fair Value of Securities Sold or Repledged | credit | Fair value as of the balance sheet date of customer securities accepted as collateral by the entity that it has sold or re-pledged to counterparties as collateral. | CustomerSecuritiesForWhichEntityHasRightToSellOrRepledgeFairValueOfSecuritiesSoldOrRepledged |
592 | Debt Instrument, Convertible, Conversion Ratio | N/A | Ratio applied to the conversion of debt instrument into equity with equity shares divided by debt principal amount. | DebtInstrumentConvertibleConversionRatio1 |
594 | Debt Instrument, Convertible, Threshold Percentage of Stock Price Trigger | N/A | Minimum percentage of common stock price to conversion price of convertible debt instruments to determine eligibility of conversion. | DebtInstrumentConvertibleThresholdPercentageOfStockPriceTrigger |
595 | Debt Instrument, Convertible, Threshold Trading Days | N/A | Threshold number of specified trading days that common stock price to conversion price of convertible debt instruments must exceed threshold percentage within a specified consecutive trading period to trigger conversion feature. | DebtInstrumentConvertibleThresholdTradingDays |
596 | Debt Instrument, Cumulative Sinking Fund Payments | debit | Cumulative amount paid into a fund, which is used to retire the debt instrument. | DebtInstrumentCumulativeSinkingFundPayments |
597 | Debt Instrument, Interest Rate Increase (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Increase in basis points of the stated interest rate on the debt instrument. | DebtInstrumentInterestRateIncrease |
598 | Debt Instrument, Interest Rate, Stated Percentage Rate Range, Maximum | N/A | Maximum contractual interest rate for funds borrowed, under the debt agreement. | DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentageRateRangeMaximum |
600 | Debt Instrument, Redemption Price, Percentage | N/A | Percentage price of original principal amount of debt at which debt can be redeemed by the issuer. | DebtInstrumentRedemptionPricePercentage |
601 | Debt Instrument, Redemption Price, Percentage of Principal Amount Redeemed | N/A | Percentage of principal amount of debt redeemed. | DebtInstrumentRedemptionPricePercentageOfPrincipalAmountRedeemed |
603 | Debt Instrument, Repurchased Face Amount | debit | Face (par) amount of the original debt instrument that was repurchased. | DebtInstrumentRepurchasedFaceAmount |
604 | Debt Instrument, Sinking Fund Payment | credit | Amount paid into a fund, which is used to retire the debt instrument. | DebtInstrumentSinkingFundPayment |
606 | Debtor Reorganization Items, Interest Income on Accumulated Cash | credit | Amount of interest income on accumulated cash, reported as a reorganization item. | DebtorReorganizationItemsInterestIncomeOnAccumulatedCash1 |
609 | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Cash Award Granted, Amount | credit | Amount of commitment made to pay deferred cash remuneration. | DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualCashAwardGrantedAmount |
610 | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Cash Awards Granted, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of commitment made to pay deferred cash remuneration. | DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualCashAwardsGrantedAmount |
611 | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Cash Awards Granted, Percentage | N/A | Commitment made to pay deferred cash remuneration expressed as a percentage of the individual’s base salary. | DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualCashAwardsGrantedPercentage |
612 | Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Common Stock Reserved for Future Issuance | N/A | Number of common shares reserved for future issuance related to deferred compensation arrangements with individuals. | DeferredCompensationArrangementWithIndividualCommonStockReservedForFutureIssuance |
613 | Deferred Compensation Cash-based Arrangements, Liability, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Aggregate carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the liabilities for deferred compensation arrangements payable after one year (or the normal operating cycle, if longer). Represents currently earned compensation under cash arrangements (such as a profit-sharing plan, rabbi trust, and employee contract–excluding equity-based arrangements) that is not actually paid until a later date. For an unclassified balance sheet, represents the entire liability. | DeferredCompensationCashBasedArrangementsLiabilityNoncurrent |
614 | Deferred Compensation Share-based Arrangements, Liability, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Aggregate carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the liabilities for stock option plans and other equity-based compensation arrangements payable after one year (or the operating cycle, if longer). For an unclassified balance sheet, represents the entire liability. | DeferredCompensationShareBasedArrangementsLiabilityNoncurrent |
616 | Deferred Finance Cost, Amortization Expense (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | The charge during the period representing the systematic and rational allocation of deferred finance costs over the term of the debt arrangement to which it pertains. | DeferredFinanceCostAmortizationExpense |
651 | Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized, Amount of Unrecognized Deferred Tax Liability, Undistributed Earnings of Domestic Subsidiaries | debit | Amount of deferred tax liability not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes related to undistributed earnings of domestic subsidiaries. | DeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedAmountOfUnrecognizedDeferredTaxLiabilityUndistributedEarningsOfDomesticSubsidiaries |
652 | Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized, Amount of Unrecognized Deferred Tax Liability, Undistributed Earnings of Foreign Subsidiaries | debit | Amount of deferred tax liability not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes related to undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries. | DeferredTaxLiabilityNotRecognizedAmountOfUnrecognizedDeferredTaxLiabilityUndistributedEarningsOfForeignSubsidiaries |
659 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Decrease on Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | The effect of a one-percentage-point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation for health care benefits. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointDecreaseOnAccumulatedPostretirementBenefitObligation |
661 | Defined Benefit Plan, Effect of One Percentage Point Decrease on Service and Interest Cost Components (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | The effect of a one-percentage- point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rates on the aggregate of the service and interest cost components of net periodic postretirement health care benefit costs. | DefinedBenefitPlanEffectOfOnePercentagePointDecreaseOnServiceAndInterestCostComponents |
665 | Defined Benefit Plan, Estimated Amount of Plan Participants’ Future Benefits Covered by Insurance Contracts Issued by Employer or Related Parties | debit | The amount of estimated future defined benefit annual plan participant benefits covered by insurance contracts issued by the employer or its related parties. | DefinedBenefitPlanEstimatedAmountOfPlanParticipantsFutureBenefitsCoveredByInsuranceContractsIssuedByEmployerOrRelatedParties |
666 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Contributions in Current Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of the employer’s best estimate of contributions expected to be paid to the plan in the current fiscal period. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedContributionsInCurrentFiscalYear |
669 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
671 | Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Future Benefit Payments, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of benefits from a defined benefit plan expected to be paid in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | DefinedBenefitPlanExpectedFutureBenefitPaymentsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
681 | Defined Benefit Plan, Funded Percentage | N/A | Plan assets of a defined benefit plan, as a percentage of projected benefit obligation. | DefinedBenefitPlanFundedPercentage |
683 | Defined Benefit Plans, Estimated Future Employer Contributions in Current Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of employer’s best estimate of contributions expected to be paid to the plan in the current remaining fiscal period. | DefinedBenefitPlansEstimatedFutureEmployerContributionsInCurrentFiscalYear |
686 | Defined Benefit Plan, Target Plan Asset Allocations | N/A | Target allocation of investments of this type to total plan assets presented on a weighted average basis. | DefinedBenefitPlanTargetPlanAssetAllocations |
691 | Defined Contribution Plan, Employer Matching Contribution, Percent of Employees’ Gross Pay | N/A | Percentage of employees’ gross pay for which the employer contributes a matching contribution to a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanEmployerMatchingContributionPercent |
692 | Defined Contribution Plan, Employer Matching Contribution, Percent of Match | N/A | Percentage employer matches of the employee’s percentage contribution matched. | DefinedContributionPlanEmployerMatchingContributionPercentOfMatch |
693 | Defined Contribution Plan, Employers Matching Contribution, Annual Vesting Percentage | N/A | Percentage of employer’s matching contributions to a defined contribution plan that vests in a given year. | DefinedContributionPlanEmployersMatchingContributionAnnualVestingPercentage |
694 | Defined Contribution Plan, Maximum Annual Contribution Per Employee, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Maximum amount per employee, by the terms of the plan, that the employer may contribute to a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanMaximumAnnualContributionPerEmployeeAmount |
695 | Defined Contribution Plan, Maximum Annual Contribution Per Employee, Percent (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Maximum percentage of employee gross pay, by the terms of the plan, that the employer may contribute to a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanMaximumAnnualContributionPerEmployeePercent |
696 | Defined Contribution Plan, Maximum Annual Contributions Per Employee, Amount | debit | Maximum amount the employee may contribute to a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanMaximumAnnualContributionsPerEmployeeAmount |
697 | Defined Contribution Plan, Maximum Annual Contributions Per Employee, Percent | N/A | Maximum percentage of employee gross pay the employee may contribute to a defined contribution plan. | DefinedContributionPlanMaximumAnnualContributionsPerEmployeePercent |
698 | Defined Contribution Plan, Number of Employees Covered | N/A | Number of employees eligible to participate in the defined contribution plan or plans described. | DefinedContributionPlanNumberOfEmployeesCovered |
699 | Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding | N/A | Indicate number of shares or other units outstanding of each of registrant’s classes of capital or common stock or other ownership interests, if and as stated on cover of related periodic report. Where multiple classes or units exist define each class/interest by adding class of stock items such as Common Class A [Member], Common Class B [Member] or Partnership Interest [Member] onto the Instrument [Domain] of the Entity Listings, Instrument. | EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding |
700 | Entity Listing, Depository Receipt Ratio | N/A | The number of underlying shares represented by one American Depository Receipt (ADR) or Global Depository Receipt (GDR). A value of “3” means that one ADR represents 3 underlying shares. If one underlying share represents 2 ADR’s then the value would be represented as “0.5”. | EntityListingDepositoryReceiptRatio |
701 | Entity Listing, Par Value Per Share | N/A | The par value per share of security quoted in same currency as Trading currency. Example: “0.01”. | EntityListingParValuePerShare |
702 | Entity Number of Employees | N/A | Number of persons employed by the Entity | EntityNumberOfEmployees |
703 | Entity Public Float | credit | State aggregate market value of voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates computed by reference to price at which the common equity was last sold, or average bid and asked price of such common equity, as of the last business day of registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter. The public float should be reported on the cover page of the registrants form 10K. | EntityPublicFloat |
704 | Demutualization Cost and Expense | debit | The costs and expenses incurred pertaining to the reorganization process to convert a mutual entity to a stock company. | DemutualizationCostAndExpense |
708 | Deposit Assets, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Recorded as Expense | debit | Amount of expense due to change in present value assumptions used to value deposit assets. | DepositAssetsEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsRecordedAsExpense |
709 | Deposit Assets, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Resulting in Additions to Expected Recoveries | credit | Amount of decrease in expense due to change in present value assumptions used to value deposit assets. | DepositAssetsEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsResultingInAdditionsToExpectedRecoveries |
710 | Deposit Assets, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Resulting in Reductions to Expected Recoveries | debit | Amount of increase in expense due to change in present value assumptions used to value deposit assets. | DepositAssetsEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsResultingInReductionsToExpectedRecoveries |
711 | Deposit Assets or Liabilities, Present Value of Expected Recoveries (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The present value of initial expected recoveries that will be reimbursed under the insurance or reinsurance contracts that have been recorded as an adjustment to incurred losses. | DepositAssetsOrLiabilitiesPresentValueOfExpectedRecoveries |
712 | Deposit Assets, Present Value of Expected Recoveries | debit | Present value of initial expected recoveries that will be reimbursed under the insurance or reinsurance contracts. | DepositAssetsPresentValueOfExpectedRecoveries |
714 | Deposit Liabilities, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Resulting in Additions to Expected Recoveries | debit | Amount of expense from increase in deposit liabilities due to change in present value assumptions used to value expected recoveries. | DepositLiabilitiesEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsResultingInAdditionsToExpectedRecoveries |
715 | Deposit Liabilities, Effect of Change in Present Value Assumptions Resulting in Reductions to Expected Recoveries | credit | Amount of decrease in expense from decrease in deposit liabilities due to change in present value assumptions used to value expected recoveries. | DepositLiabilitiesEffectOfChangeInPresentValueAssumptionsResultingInReductionsToExpectedRecoveries |
716 | Deposit Liabilities Reclassified as Loans Receivable (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | Amount of deposits held by the entity that have been reclassified as loan balances receivable, such as overdrafts receivable, at the balance sheet date. | DepositLiabilitiesReclassifiedAsLoansReceivable |
717 | Deposit Liabilities Reclassified as Loans Receivable | debit | Amount of deposits held by the entity that have been reclassified as loan balances receivable, for example, but not limited to, overdrafts receivable. | DepositLiabilitiesReclassifiedAsLoansReceivable1 |
718 | Deposits, Money Market Deposits and Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) | credit | Amount of deposits in accounts that offer many of the same services as checking accounts although transactions may be somewhat more limited, share some of the characteristics of a money market fund and are insured by the Federal government, also known as money market accounts. Also includes amount of deposits in interest-bearing transaction accounts at banks or savings and loans, that are restricted in regard to ownership and can usually only be held by individuals, nonprofit entities and governments. Negotiable order of withdrawal accounts differ from money market demand accounts as they typically have higher reserve requirements and no limit on the number of checks that can be written. | DepositsMoneyMarketDepositsAndNegotiableOrderOfWithdrawalNOW |
723 | Depreciation Premises and Equipment (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | The amount of expense charged against earnings in the period to allocate the cost, net of salvage value, of premises and equipment over their remaining estimated productive lives. | DepreciationPremisesAndEquipment |
724 | Derecognized Assets, Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement Assets and any Other Financial Assets Managed Together, Average Balance During Period (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | debit | This is the average principal amount (during the year) of the securitized and unsecuritized financial assets. | DerecognizedAssetsSecuritizedOrAssetbackedFinancingArrangementAssetsAndAnyOtherFinancialAssetsManagedTogetherAverageBalanceDuringPeriod |
725 | Derecognized Assets, Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement Assets and any Other Financial Assets Managed Together, Delinquent Amount at End of Period | debit | This is the amount of the financial instruments that are considered delinquent (past due) at the end of the period. | DerecognizedAssetsSecuritizedOrAssetbackedFinancingArrangementAssetsAndAnyOtherFinancialAssetsManagedTogetherDelinquentAmountAtEndOfPeriod |
726 | Derecognized Assets, Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement Assets and any Other Financial Assets Managed Together, Net Credit Losses During Period | debit | Net credit losses are charge-offs and are based on total loans outstanding during the period. | DerecognizedAssetsSecuritizedOrAssetbackedFinancingArrangementAssetsAndAnyOtherFinancialAssetsManagedTogetherNetCreditLossesDuringPeriod |
727 | Continuing Involvement with Derecognized Transferred Financial Assets, Amount Outstanding | debit | Amount of transferred financial assets in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the assets underlying the transaction that have been derecognized. Continuing involvement includes, but is not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor’s interests in transferred financial assets. | DerecognizedAssetsSecuritizedOrAssetbackedFinancingArrangementAssetsAndAnyOtherFinancialAssetsManagedTogetherPrincipalAmountOutstanding |
729 | Derivative Asset, Fair Value, Gross Asset Including Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | debit | Fair value, before effects of master netting arrangements, of a financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset. Includes assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset. | DerivativeAssetFairValueGrossAssetIncludingNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
732 | Derivative Asset, Fair Value, Offset Against Collateral, Net of Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement, Policy Election | debit | Fair value, after effects of master netting arrangements, deduction of assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset, of financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, offset against an obligation to return collateral. | DerivativeAssetFairValueOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection |
735 | Derivative Asset, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement Deduction | credit | Fair value of financial asset or other contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, not subject to a master netting arrangement, deducted from derivative assets. | DerivativeAssetNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementDeduction |
739 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Gross Including Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | debit | Amount, before effects of master netting arrangements, of derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed. Includes assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedGrossIncludingNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
740 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Not Offset, Policy Election Deduction | credit | Amount of derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed, elected not to be offset, deducted from derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction |
741 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement Deduction | credit | Amount of derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed, not subject to a master netting arrangement, deducted from derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementDeduction |
742 | Derivative Asset, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, Securities Borrowed, Offset Against Collateral, Net of Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement, Policy Election | debit | Amount, after effects of master netting arrangements, deduction of assets not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset, of derivative assets, securities purchased under agreements to resell and securities borrowed, offset against an obligation to return collateral under a master netting arrangement. | DerivativeAssetSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesBorrowedOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection |
743 | Derivative, Average Basis Spread on Variable Rate | N/A | The average percentage points added to the reference rate to compute the variable rate on the group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeAverageBasisSpreadOnVariableRate |
744 | Derivative, Average Cap Interest Rate | N/A | Average cap rate on a group of interest rate derivatives, such as interest rate caps or collars. If market rates exceed the cap rate, a payment or receipt is triggered on the contract. | DerivativeAverageCapInterestRate |
745 | Derivative, Average Cap Price | N/A | The average cap rate on a group of price risk derivatives such as caps or collars. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate exceeds the cap rate on the contract. | DerivativeAverageCapPrice |
746 | Derivative, Average Exchange Rate Cap (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Average cap rate on a group of foreign currency derivatives such as caps or collars. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate exceeds the cap rate on the contract. | DerivativeAverageExchangeRateCap |
747 | Derivative, Average Exchange Rate Cap | N/A | Average cap rate on a group of foreign currency derivatives for example, but not limited to, caps or collars. | DerivativeAverageExchangeRateCap1 |
748 | Derivative, Average Exchange Rate Floor (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Average floor rate on a group of foreign currency derivatives such as floors or collars. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate falls below the floor rate on the contract. | DerivativeAverageExchangeRateFloor |
749 | Derivative, Average Exchange Rate Floor | N/A | Average floor rate on a group of foreign currency derivatives for example, but not limited to, floors or collars. | DerivativeAverageExchangeRateFloor1 |
751 | Derivative, Average Floor Interest Rate | N/A | Average floor rate on a group of interest rate derivatives, such as interest rate floor or collars. If market rates fall below the floor rate, a payment or receipt is triggered on the contract. | DerivativeAverageFloorInterestRate |
752 | Derivative, Average Floor Price | N/A | The average floor rate on a group of price risk derivatives such as floors or collars. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate falls below the floor rate on the contract. | DerivativeAverageFloorPrice |
753 | Derivative, Average Foreign Currency Option Strike Price | N/A | The average strike price on a group of foreign currency option contracts such as put options or call options. | DerivativeAverageForeignCurrencyOptionStrikePrice |
754 | Derivative, Average Forward Exchange Rate (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The average contractual rate at which a foreign currency can be purchased or sold under the terms of a group of foreign currency derivative contracts. | DerivativeAverageForwardExchangeRate |
755 | Derivative, Average Forward Exchange Rate | N/A | Average contractual rate at which a foreign currency can be purchased or sold. | DerivativeAverageForwardExchangeRate1 |
756 | Derivative, Average Forward Interest Rate | N/A | Average stated rate on a group of interest rate forward or futures contracts. | DerivativeAverageForwardInterestRate |
759 | Derivative, Average Swaption Interest Rate | N/A | Average fixed interest rate that will be received or paid upon exercise of a group of interest rate swaption contracts. | DerivativeAverageSwaptionInterestRate |
762 | Derivative, Cap Interest Rate | N/A | Cap rate on an interest rate derivative such as an interest rate cap or collar. If market rates exceed the cap rate, a payment or receipt is triggered on the contract. | DerivativeCapInterestRate |
763 | Derivative, Cap Price | N/A | The cap rate on a price risk derivative such as a cap or collar. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate exceeds the cap rate on the contract. | DerivativeCapPrice |
768 | Derivative, Exchange Rate Cap (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Cap rate on a foreign currency derivative such as a cap or a collar. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate exceeds the cap rate on the contract. | DerivativeExchangeRateCap |
769 | Derivative, Exchange Rate Cap | N/A | Cap rate on a foreign currency derivative for example, but not limited to, a cap or a collar. | DerivativeExchangeRateCap1 |
770 | Derivative, Exchange Rate Floor (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Floor rate on a foreign currency derivative such as a floor or a collar. A payment or receipt is triggered if the market rate falls below the floor rate on the contract. | DerivativeExchangeRateFloor |
771 | Derivative, Exchange Rate Floor | N/A | Floor rate on a foreign currency derivative for example, but not limited to, a floor or a collar. | DerivativeExchangeRateFloor1 |
772 | Derivative, Fixed Interest Rate | N/A | Fixed interest rate related to the interest rate derivative. | DerivativeFixedInterestRate |
773 | Derivative, Floor Interest Rate | N/A | Floor rate on an interest rate derivative such as an interest rate floor or collar. If market rates falls below the floor rate, a payment or receipt is triggered on the contract. | DerivativeFloorInterestRate |
775 | Derivative, Foreign Currency Option Strike Price | N/A | The strike price on the foreign currency option contract such as a put option or a call option. | DerivativeForeignCurrencyOptionStrikePrice |
776 | Derivative, Forward Exchange Rate (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The contractual rate at which a foreign currency can be purchased or sold under the terms of a foreign currency derivative contract. | DerivativeForwardExchangeRate |
777 | Derivative, Forward Exchange Rate | N/A | Contractual rate at which a foreign currency can be purchased or sold. | DerivativeForwardExchangeRate1 |
778 | Derivative, Forward Interest Rate | N/A | Stated rate on an interest rate forward or futures contract. | DerivativeForwardInterestRate |
781 | Derivative, Higher Fixed Interest Rate Range | N/A | High end of the range of fixed interest rates when a range is presented for a group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeHigherFixedInterestRateRange |
782 | Derivative, Higher Range of Basis Spread on Variable Rate | N/A | High end of the range of percentage points added to the reference rate to compute the variable rate on the group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeHigherRangeOfBasisSpreadOnVariableRate |
783 | Derivative, Higher Variable Interest Rate Range | N/A | High end of the range of variable interest rates when a range is presented for a group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeHigherVariableInterestRateRange |
784 | Derivative Instruments and Hedges, Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | Fair value of liability arising from contracts that meet the criteria of being accounted for as derivative instruments, financial instrument or contract used to mitigate a specified risk (hedge), energy marketing activities (trading activities), expected to be settled after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. Examples of energy marketing activities include, but are not limited to, trading of electricity, coal, natural gas and oil using financial instruments, including, but not limited to, forward contracts, options and swaps. | DerivativeInstrumentsAndHedgesLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
793 | Derivative Liability, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement Deduction | debit | Fair value of financial liability or contract with one or more underlyings, notional amount or payment provision or both, and the contract can be net settled by means outside the contract or delivery of an asset, not subject to a master netting arrangement, deducted from derivative liabilities. | DerivativeLiabilityNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementDeduction |
794 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Collateral, Right to Reclaim Cash | debit | Amount of right to receive cash collateral under master netting arrangements that have not been offset against derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedCollateralRightToReclaimCash |
796 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Gross Including Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement | credit | Amount, before effects of master netting arrangements, of derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned. Includes liabilities not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedGrossIncludingNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangement |
797 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Not Offset, Policy Election Deduction | debit | Amount of derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned, elected not to be offset, deducted from derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedNotOffsetPolicyElectionDeduction |
798 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement Deduction | debit | Amount of derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned, not subject to a master netting arrangement, deducted from derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementDeduction |
799 | Derivative Liability, Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase, Securities Loaned, Offset Against Collateral, Net of Not Subject to Master Netting Arrangement, Policy Election | credit | Amount, after effects of master netting arrangements, deduction of liabilities not subject to a master netting arrangement and elected not to be offset, of derivative liabilities, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and securities loaned, offset against a right to receive collateral. | DerivativeLiabilitySecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToResellSecuritiesLoanedOffsetAgainstCollateralNetOfNotSubjectToMasterNettingArrangementPolicyElection |
801 | Derivative, Lower Fixed Interest Rate Range | N/A | Low end of the range of fixed interest rates when a range is presented for a group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeLowerFixedInterestRateRange |
803 | Derivative, Lower Variable Interest Rate Range | N/A | Low end of the range of variable interest rates when a range is presented for a group of interest rate derivatives. | DerivativeLowerVariableInterestRateRange |
805 | Derivative, Nonmonetary Notional Amount, Flow Rate | N/A | Nominal flow rate used to calculate payments on a derivative instrument. | DerivativeNonmonetaryNotionalAmountFlowRate |
809 | Derivative, Price Risk Option Strike Price | N/A | The strike price on the price risk option contract such as a put option or a call option. | DerivativePriceRiskOptionStrikePrice |
810 | Derivative, Swaption Interest Rate | N/A | Fixed interest rate that will be received or paid upon exercise of the interest rate swaption contract. | DerivativeSwaptionInterestRate |
812 | Derivative, Swap Type, Average Variable Price | N/A | Average variable price rate related to the group of price risk swap derivatives. | DerivativeSwapTypeAverageVariablePrice |
814 | Derivative, Swap Type, Variable Price | N/A | Variable price rate related to the price risk swap derivative. | DerivativeSwapTypeVariablePrice |
815 | Derivative, Variable Interest Rate | N/A | Variable interest rate in effect as of the balance sheet date related to the interest rate derivative. | DerivativeVariableInterestRate |
817 | Development Wells Drilled, Net Nonproductive | N/A | The number of nonproductive development wells (dry wells) drilled in the geographic area. A dry well (hole) is a well found to be incapable of producing either oil or gas in sufficient quantities to justify completion as an oil or gas well. The number of wells drilled refers to the number of wells (holes) completed at any time during the fiscal years, regardless when drilling was initiated. | DevelopmentWellsDrilledNetNonproductive |
818 | Development Wells Drilled, Net Productive | N/A | The number of productive developmental wells drilled in the geographic area. A productive well is a well that is not a dry well. The number of wells drilled refers to the number of wells (holes) completed at any time during the fiscal years, regardless when drilling was initiated. | DevelopmentWellsDrilledNetProductive |
819 | Direct Premiums Earned | credit | Amount, before premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of premiums earned. | DirectPremiumsEarned |
820 | Direct Premiums, Life Insurance in Force (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount, before premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of life insurance in force premiums. | DirectPremiumsLifeInsuranceInForce |
822 | Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Entity’s Share of Equity Method Investees’ Standardized Discounted Future Net Cash Flows (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | The enterprise’s share of the investees’ standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows for the period, in the aggregate and by each geographic area for which quantities are disclosed. This information is excluded from the enterprise’s standardized measure and is disclosed separately if the financial statements of the reporting enterprise include investments that are accounted for by the equity method. | DiscountedFutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesEntitysShareOfEquityMethodInvesteesStandardizedDiscountedFutureNetCashFlows |
833 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Accrued Income Tax Payable, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as income tax obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationAccruedIncomeTaxPayableNoncurrent |
838 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Consideration | debit | Amount of consideration received or receivable for the disposal of assets and liabilities, including discontinued operation. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationConsideration |
842 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Revenue, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as deferred revenue attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredRevenueNoncurrent |
843 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Deferred Tax Asset, Current | debit | Amount classified as deferred tax assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationDeferredTaxAssetCurrent |
850 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Goodwill, Current | debit | Amount classified as goodwill attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGoodwillCurrent |
851 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Goodwill, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as goodwill attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationGoodwillNoncurrent |
852 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Intangible Assets | debit | Amount classified as intangible assets, excluding goodwill, attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationIntangibleAssets |
853 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Intangible Assets, Current | debit | Amount classified as intangible assets, excluding goodwill, attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationIntangibleAssetsCurrent |
857 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Inventory | debit | Amount classified as inventory attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInventory1 |
858 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Inventory, Noncurrent | debit | Amount classified as inventory attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationInventoryNoncurrent |
859 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Long Lived Assets (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | Amount classified as long lived assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationLongLivedAssets |
860 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Long Lived Assets, Current (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | Amount classified as long lived assets attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationLongLivedAssetsCurrent |
867 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Pension Plan Benefit Obligation, Current | credit | Amount classified as defined benefit plan benefit obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPensionPlanBenefitObligationCurrent |
868 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Pension Plan Benefit Obligation, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as defined benefit plan benefit obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPensionPlanBenefitObligationNoncurrent |
869 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Postretirement Plan Benefit Obligation, Current | credit | Amount classified as defined benefit non-pension postretirement plan obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPostretirementPlanBenefitObligationCurrent |
870 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Postretirement Plan Benefit Obligation, Noncurrent | credit | Amount classified as defined benefit non-pension postretirement plan obligations attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of beyond one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPostretirementPlanBenefitObligationNoncurrent |
874 | Disposal Group, Including Discontinued Operation, Property, Plant and Equipment, Current | debit | Amount classified as property, plant and equipment attributable to disposal group held for sale or disposed of, expected to be disposed of within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. | DisposalGroupIncludingDiscontinuedOperationPropertyPlantAndEquipmentCurrent |
881 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Distributions Declared, Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of cash distributions declared to unit-holder of a limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberDistributionsDeclaredPerUnit |
883 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Unit Distribution | N/A | Number of units distributed for payment of a unit distribution to unit-holder of a limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberUnitDistribution |
884 | Distribution Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, Unit Distribution, Dilution Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of dilution resulting from the issuance of additional unit for payment of unit distribution to unit-holder of a limited liability company (LLC). | DistributionMadeToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCMemberUnitDistributionDilutionPerUnit |
887 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Distributions Declared, Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of cash distributions declared to unit-holder of a limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDistributionsDeclaredPerUnit |
888 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Distributions Paid, Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of cash distributions paid to unit-holder of a limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerDistributionsPaidPerUnit |
890 | Distribution Made to Limited Partner, Unit Distribution, Dilution Per Unit | N/A | Per unit of ownership amount of dilution resulting from the issuance of additional unit for payment of unit distribution to unit-holder of a limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToLimitedPartnerUnitDistributionDilutionPerUnit |
891 | Distribution Made to Member or Limited Partner, Cash Distributions Declared (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | The equity impact of cash distributions declared to a common shareholder or unit-holder by a LLC or LP. | DistributionMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerCashDistributionsDeclared |
893 | Distribution Made to Member or Limited Partner, Distributions Declared, Per Unit (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Per-share or per-unit cash distributions declared to a common shareholder or unit-holder by an LLC or LP. | DistributionMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerDistributionsDeclaredPerUnit |
894 | Distribution Made to Member or Limited Partner, Distributions Paid, Per Unit (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Per-share or per-unit cash distributions paid to a common shareholder or unit-holder by an LLC or LP. | DistributionMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerDistributionsPaidPerUnit |
895 | Distribution Made to Member or Limited Partner, Share Distribution, Dilution Per Share (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Per-share or per-unit amount of dilution resulting from the issuance of additional shares or units in payment of stock or unit distribution to common unit-holders of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | DistributionMadeToMemberOrLimitedPartnerShareDistributionDilutionPerShare |
897 | Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Taxable | credit | Amount of operating dividend income on securities subject to state, federal and other income tax. | DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxable |
898 | Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Advantaged | credit | Amount of operating dividend income on securities subject to tax benefits. Excludes operating dividend income on securities exempt from state, federal and other income tax. | DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxAdvantaged |
899 | Dividend Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Exempt | credit | Amount of operating dividend income on securities exempt from state, federal and other income tax. | DividendIncomeSecuritiesOperatingTaxExempt |
903 | Due to Affiliate (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Amount of payable due to an entity that is affiliated with the reporting entity by means of direct or indirect ownership. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | DueToAffiliate |
904 | Due to Employees (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Amounts due to employees, not to include stockholders or officers. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | DueToEmployees |
905 | Due to Officers or Stockholders (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Amounts due to recorded owners or owners with a beneficial interest of more than 10 percent of the voting interests or officers of the company. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | DueToOfficersOrStockholders |
906 | Due to Other Related Parties, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | The aggregate obligations owed to related parties other than affiliates, officers or stockholders (for example, owner’s immediate families or employee pension trusts) at the financial statement date. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | DueToOtherRelatedPartiesCurrent |
908 | Electrical Transmission Revenue | credit | Revenue from the bulk transport of high voltage power, typically over longer distances, between generating plants and distribution systems. | ElectricalTransmissionRevenue |
909 | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Estimated Quantity of Shares to be Repurchased in Following Period, Maximum | N/A | Maximum number of shares to be repurchased in accordance with a policy to use treasury stock to satisfy share-award conversions. | EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationEstimatedQuantityOfSharesToBeRepurchasedInFollowingPeriodMaximum |
910 | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Estimated Quantity of Shares to be Repurchased in Following Period, Minimum | N/A | Minimum number of shares to be repurchased in accordance with a policy to use treasury stock to satisfy share-award conversions. | EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationEstimatedQuantityOfSharesToBeRepurchasedInFollowingPeriodMinimum |
911 | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Nonvested Awards, Compensation Not yet Recognized, Share-based Awards Other than Options | debit | Unrecognized cost of unvested share-based awards, other than options, awarded to employees as compensation. | EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationNonvestedAwardsTotalCompensationCostNotYetRecognizedShareBasedAwardsOtherThanOptions |
912 | Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Nonvested Awards, Compensation Not yet Recognized, Stock Options | debit | Unrecognized cost of unvested options awarded to employees as compensation. | EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationNonvestedAwardsTotalCompensationCostNotYetRecognizedStockOptions |
914 | Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Weighted Average Purchase Price of Shares Purchased | N/A | Weighted average purchase price of capital shares purchased through an employee stock ownership plan. | EmployeeStockOwnershipPlanESOPWeightedAveragePurchasePriceOfSharesPurchased |
915 | Energy Marketing Contract Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | Fair value of liability arising from energy marketing activities (trading activities), expected to be settled after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. Examples of energy marketing activities include, but are not limited to, trading of electricity, coal, natural gas and oil using financial instruments, including, but not limited to, forward contracts, options and swaps. | EnergyMarketingContractLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
916 | Entity-Wide Revenue, Major Customer, Percentage (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Percentage of revenue generated from a single external customer that accounts for 10 percent or more of an entity’s revenues. | EntityWideRevenueMajorCustomerPercentage |
917 | Environmental Costs Recognized, Capitalized | debit | Amount of costs recognized in the balance sheet for known or estimated future costs arising from requirements to perform activities to remediate one or more sites. | EnvironmentalCostsRecognizedCapitalized |
918 | Environmental Costs Recognized, Capitalized in Period | debit | Amount of environmental remediation costs capitalized. These expenditures may relate to long-lived improvements in operating facilities. | EnvironmentalCostsRecognizedCapitalizedInPeriod |
920 | Environmental Exit Costs, Reasonably Possible Additional Loss | debit | Estimate of reasonably possible loss exposure in excess of amount accrued for remediation, site restoration, postclosure, monitoring commitments, or other exit costs associated with the sale, disposal or abandonment of a particular property resulting from unanticipated contamination of the assets. | EnvironmentalExitCostsReasonablyPossibleAdditionalLoss |
922 | Equity Contributions to Finance Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of proceeds of equity contributions, such as contributions from affiliates or members of senior management, used to finance a leveraged buyout transaction. | EquityContributionsToFinanceLeveragedBuyout |
923 | Equity Financing for Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Total equity financing of leveraged buyout transaction including the sale of equity and equity contributions from shareholders. | EquityFinancingForLeveragedBuyout |
924 | Equity Issuance, Amount Per Share (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The amount per share assigned to the consideration received for equity securities issued by a development stage enterprise during a specific stock issuance since its inception. | EquityIssuanceDollarAmountPerShare |
925 | Equity Issuance, Number of Equity Securities Issued for Cash (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The number of equity securities issued for cash by a development stage enterprise during a specific issuance since inception. | EquityIssuanceNumberOfEquitySecuritiesIssuedForCash |
926 | Equity Issuance, Number of Equity Securities Issued for Noncash Considerations (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The number of equity securities issued for noncash considerations by a development stage enterprise during a specific issuance since inception. | EquityIssuanceNumberOfEquitySecuritiesIssuedForNoncashConsiderations |
927 | Development Stage Entities, Equity Issuance, Per Share Amount (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Amount per share or per unit assigned to the consideration received of equity securities issued for development stage entities. | EquityIssuancePerShareAmount |
928 | Equity Issuance, Amount (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | The total dollar amount assigned to the consideration received for equity securities issued during a specific stock issuance. | EquityIssuanceTotalDollarAmount |
935 | Excess Capital to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | The amount of excess Total Capital divided by risk weighted assets which are assets that are weighted for credit risk according to a formula used by the Reserve Bank. | ExcessCapitalToRiskWeightedAssets |
936 | Excess Stock, Shares Authorized | N/A | Maximum number of excess stock shares permitted to be issued. | ExcessStockSharesAuthorized |
937 | Excess Stock, Shares Issued | N/A | Number of excess stock shares of an entity that have been sold or granted to shareholders. | ExcessStockSharesIssued |
938 | Excess Stock, Shares Outstanding | N/A | Number of shares of excess stock held by shareholders. | ExcessStockSharesOutstanding |
939 | Excess Tangible Capital | credit | Tangible Capital, which, generally includes outstanding stock plus retained earnings, in excess of the minimum amount of tangible capital required. | ExcessTangibleCapital |
940 | Excess Tangible Capital Required for Capital Adequacy to Tangible Assets | N/A | The amount of excess Tangible Capital, which generally includes outstanding stock plus retained earnings, divided by tangible assets (assets with physical existence) as defined in the regulations. | ExcessTangibleCapitalRequiredForCapitalAdequacyToTangibleAssets |
942 | Excess Tier One Leverage Capital | credit | The amount by which the company’s Tier 1 Leverage Capital exceeds the minimum required for capital adequacy purposes. | ExcessTierOneLeverageCapital |
943 | Excess Tier One Leverage Capital to Average Assets | N/A | The amount of excess Tier 1 Leverage Capital divided by average assets as defined in the regulations. | ExcessTierOneLeverageCapitalToAverageAssets |
944 | Excess Tier One Risk Based Capital | credit | The amount by which the company’s Tier 1 Risk Based Capital exceeds the minimum required for capital adequacy purposes. | ExcessTierOneRiskBasedCapital |
945 | Excess Tier One Risk Based Capital to Risk Weighted Assets | N/A | The amount of excess Tier 1 Risk Based Capital (which consists of the types of financial capital considered the most reliable and liquid, primarily Shareholders’ equity. Examples of Tier 1 capital are common stock or unit, preferred stock or unit that is irredeemable and noncumulative, and retained earnings) divided by risk-weighted assets which are assets that are weighted for credit risk according to a formula used by the Reserve Bank. | ExcessTierOneRiskBasedCapitalToRiskWeightedAssets |
949 | Exploratory Wells Drilled, Net Nonproductive | N/A | The number of nonproductive exploratory wells (dry wells) drilled in the geographic area. A dry well (hole) is a well found to be incapable of producing either oil or gas in sufficient quantities to justify completion as an oil or gas well. The number of wells drilled refers to the number of wells (holes) completed at any time during the fiscal years, regardless when drilling was initiated. | ExploratoryWellsDrilledNetNonproductive |
950 | Exploratory Wells Drilled, Net Productive | N/A | The number of productive exploratory wells drilled in the geographic area. A productive well is a well that is not a dry well. The number of wells drilled refers to the number of wells (holes) completed at any time during the fiscal years, regardless when drilling was initiated. | ExploratoryWellsDrilledNetProductive |
952 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Accounts Receivable (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisAccountsReceivable |
953 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Cash and Cash Equivalents (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisCashAndCashEquivalents |
954 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Equity Method Investments (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisEquityMethodInvestments |
955 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Federal Funds Sold and Securities Borrowed or Purchased under Agreements to Resell (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesBorrowedOrPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
956 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Investment in Federal Home Loan Bank Stock (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisInvestmentInFederalHomeLoanBankStock |
957 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Loans Receivable (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisLoansReceivable |
958 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Notes Receivable (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisNotesReceivable |
959 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Premiums Receivable (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisPremiumsReceivable |
960 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Retained Interest (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisRetainedInterest |
961 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Servicing Rights (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisServicingRights |
962 | Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Trading Account Assets (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisTradingAccountAssets |
963 | Fair Value Assumptions, Exercise Price | N/A | Agreed upon price for the exchange of the underlying asset. | FairValueAssumptionsExercisePrice |
964 | Fair Value Assumptions, Expected Dividend Payments | N/A | Amount of dividends expected to be paid to holders of the underlying shares or contracted instruments over the term of the instruments life. | FairValueAssumptionsExpectedDividendPayments |
965 | Fair Value Assumptions, Expected Dividend Rate | N/A | Expected dividends to be paid to holders of the underlying shares or financial instruments (expressed as a percentage of the share or instrument’s price). | FairValueAssumptionsExpectedDividendRate |
968 | Fair Value Assumptions, Weighted Average Expected Dividend | N/A | Weighted average expected dividend for an entity using a valuation technique with different dividend rates during the contractual term. | FairValueAssumptionsWeightedAverageExpectedDividend |
970 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Accounts Payable | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableAccountsPayable |
971 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Accounts Receivable | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableAccountsReceivable |
972 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Accrued Liabilities | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableAccruedLiabilities |
973 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Borrowings | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableBorrowings |
974 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Cash and Cash Equivalents | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableCashAndCashEquivalents |
975 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Cash Surrender Value (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableCashSurrenderValue |
976 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Commitments | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableCommitments |
977 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Cost Method Investments | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableCostMethodInvestments |
978 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Debt Instrument | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableDebtInstrument |
979 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Deposits | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableDeposits |
980 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Equity Method Investments | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableEquityMethodInvestments |
981 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Federal Funds Purchased | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableFederalFundsPurchased |
982 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Federal Funds Sold and Securities Borrowed or Purchased under Agreements to Resell | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesBorrowedOrPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell |
983 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableFederalHomeLoanBankBorrowings |
984 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Guarantees | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableGuarantees |
985 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Investment in Federal Home Loan Bank Stock | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableInvestmentInFederalHomeLoanBankStock |
986 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Investments | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableInvestments |
987 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Liabilities Related to Investment Contracts | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableLiabilitiesRelatedToInvestmentContracts |
988 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Loans Receivable | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableLoansReceivable |
989 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Stock | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableMandatorilyRedeemablePreferredStock |
990 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Mortgage-backed Securities Available-for-sale (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableMortgageBackedSecuritiesAvailableForSale |
991 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Mortgage-backed Securities Held-to-maturity | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableMortgageBackedSecuritiesHeldToMaturity |
992 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Notes Receivable | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableNotesReceivable |
993 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Premiums Receivable | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticablePremiumsReceivable |
994 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Retained Interest (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableRetainedInterest |
995 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Securities Loaned or Sold under Agreements to Repurchase | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableSecuritiesLoanedOrSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
996 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased |
997 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Senior Debt Obligations | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableSeniorDebtObligations |
998 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Servicing Rights (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | Servicing asset or liability for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableServicingRights |
999 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Subordinated Debt Obligations | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableSubordinatedDebtObligations |
1000 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Trading Account Assets | debit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableTradingAccountAssets |
1001 | Fair Value, Estimate Not Practicable, Trading Liabilities | credit | This item represents a financial instrument (as defined) for which it is not practicable to estimate fair value. Such disclosure may be for an individual financial instrument or a class of financial instruments. | FairValueEstimateNotPracticableTradingLiabilities |
1002 | Fair Value, Financial Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Cash Surrender Value (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position asset caption which represents a class of assets, or which may include an individual asset, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueFinancialAssetsMeasuredOnRecurringBasisCashSurrenderValue |
1004 | Fair Value Inputs, Control Premium | N/A | Percentage above fair value that an investor seeking to acquire control of an entity will pay, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsControlPremium |
1014 | Fair Value Inputs, Price Earnings Ratio Multiple | N/A | Ratio of an entity’s stock price to its earnings per share. Price earnings (P/E) ratio is used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsPriceEarningsRatioMultiple |
1015 | Fair Value Inputs, Price Per Square Foot | N/A | Cost of construction of real property stated is a price per square foot, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsPricePerSquareFoot |
1016 | Fair Value Inputs, Price Per Square Meter | N/A | Cost of construction of real property stated is a price per square meter, used as an input to measure fair value. | FairValueInputsPricePerSquareMeter |
1018 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Accounts Payable (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisAccountsPayable |
1019 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Borrowings (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisBorrowings |
1020 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Commitments (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisCommitments |
1021 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Federal Funds Purchased (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisFederalFundsPurchased |
1022 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisFederalFundsPurchasedAndSecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
1023 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisFederalHomeLoanBankBorrowings |
1024 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Guarantees (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisGuarantees |
1025 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Investment Contracts (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisInvestmentContracts |
1026 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Stock (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisMandatorilyRedeemablePreferredStock |
1028 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Securities Loaned or Sold under Agreements to Repurchase (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisSecuritiesLoanedOrSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
1029 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisSecuritiesSoldNotYetPurchased |
1031 | Fair Value, Liabilities Measured on Recurring Basis, Trading Liabilities (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents a certain statement of financial position liability caption which represents a class of liabilities, or which may include an individual liability, measured at fair value on a recurring basis. | FairValueLiabilitiesMeasuredOnRecurringBasisTradingLiabilities |
1033 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity, Issuances | credit | Amount of issuances of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquityIssues |
1034 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity, Purchases | credit | Amount of purchases of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity measured using unobservable inputs that reflect the entity’s own assumption about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquityPurchases |
1037 | Fair Value, Measurement with Unobservable Inputs Reconciliation, Recurring Basis, Instruments Classified in Shareholders’ Equity, Transfers out of Level 3 | debit | Amount of transfers of financial instrument classified in shareholders’ equity out of level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. | FairValueMeasurementWithUnobservableInputsReconciliationRecurringBasisInstrumentsClassifiedInShareholdersEquityTransfersOutOfLevel3 |
1043 | Fair Value, Option, Disclosures Related to Election, Items Existing at Effective Date, Derivative Financial Instruments, Assets (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | This element represents a financial asset or liability (as defined) for which the fair value option is elected and which item existed at the effective date (as defined). | FairValueOptionDisclosuresRelatedToElectionItemsExistingAtEffectiveDateDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsAssets |
1044 | Fair Value, Option, Disclosures Related to Election, Items Existing at Effective Date, Derivative Financial Instruments, Liabilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | This element represents a financial asset or liability (as defined) for which the fair value option is elected and which item existed at the effective date (as defined). | FairValueOptionDisclosuresRelatedToElectionItemsExistingAtEffectiveDateDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilities |
1045 | Fair Value, Option, Disclosures Related to Election, Items Existing at Effective Date, Servicing Rights (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | This element represents a financial asset or liability (as defined) for which the fair value option is elected and which item existed at the effective date (as defined). | FairValueOptionDisclosuresRelatedToElectionItemsExistingAtEffectiveDateServicingRights |
1046 | Fair Value, Option, Disclosures Related to Election, Items Existing at Effective Date, Trading Account Assets (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | This element represents a financial asset or liability (as defined) for which the fair value option is elected and which item existed at the effective date (as defined). | FairValueOptionDisclosuresRelatedToElectionItemsExistingAtEffectiveDateTradingAccountAssets |
1047 | Fair Value, Option, Disclosures Related to Election, Items Existing at Effective Date, Trading Liabilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | This element represents a financial asset or liability (as defined) for which the fair value option is elected and which item existed at the effective date (as defined). | FairValueOptionDisclosuresRelatedToElectionItemsExistingAtEffectiveDateTradingLiabilities |
1059 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Affordable Housing Program, Principal Outstanding | debit | Principal amount outstanding of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) relating to the Affordable Housing Program (AHP). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesAffordableHousingProgramPrincipalOutstanding |
1061 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Branch of FHLB Bank, Interest Rate | N/A | Discloses the single interest rate [if] applicable to the advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank, by branch, as of the Balance Sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankInterestRate |
1062 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Branch of FHLB Bank, Interest Rate, Range from | N/A | Discloses the lowest interest rate applicable to any of the advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank, by branch, as of the Balance Sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankInterestRateRangeFrom |
1063 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Branch of FHLB Bank, Interest Rate, Range to | N/A | Discloses the highest interest rate applicable to any of the advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank, by branch, as of the Balance Sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankInterestRateRangeTo |
1064 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Branch of FHLB Bank, Weighted Average Interest Rate | N/A | Describes the weighted average interest rate applicable to the specific advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank, by branch, as of the Balance Sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesBranchOfFHLBBankWeightedAverageInterestRate |
1065 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Commitment Fees | credit | Amount of unearned commitment fees on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesCommitmentFees |
1066 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Discount | credit | Amount of unamortized discount on outstanding advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesDiscount |
1067 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Discount on Affordable Housing Program | credit | Amount of unamortized discount on outstanding Affordable Housing Program (AHP) advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesDiscountOnAffordableHousingProgram |
1068 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, after Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateAfterRollingYearFive |
1069 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date within the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1070 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, in Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date within the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateInRollingYearFive |
1071 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, in Rolling Year Four | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date within the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateInRollingYearFour |
1072 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, in Rolling Year Three | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date within the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateInRollingYearThree |
1073 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Call Date, in Rolling Year Two | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next call date within the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextCallDateInRollingYearTwo |
1074 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, after Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateAfterRollingYearFive |
1075 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date within the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1076 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, in Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date within the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateInRollingYearFive |
1077 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, in Rolling Year Four | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date within the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateInRollingYearFour |
1078 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, in Rolling Year Three | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date within the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateInRollingYearThree |
1079 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Earlier of Contractual Maturity or Next Put or Convert Date, in Rolling Year Two | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with the earlier of contractual maturity or next put or convert date within the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesEarlierOfContractualMaturityOrNextPutOrConvertDateInRollingYearTwo |
1080 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Fixed Rate | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with fixed interest rate. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFixedRate |
1081 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Fixed Rate, after One Year | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with fixed interest rate maturing more than one year after the latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFixedRateAfterOneYear |
1082 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Fixed Rate, under One Year | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with fixed interest rate maturing within one year of the latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFixedRateUnderOneYear |
1083 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Floating Rate | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with floating interest rate. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFloatingRate |
1084 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Floating Rate, after One Year | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with floating interest rate maturing more than one year after the latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFloatingRateAfterOneYear |
1085 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Floating Rate, under One Year | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) with floating interest rate maturing within one year after the latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesFloatingRateUnderOneYear |
1086 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, General Debt Obligations, Disclosures, Collateral Pledged (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | States the amount of the collateral pledged in support of Federal Home Loan Bank advances outstanding as of the Balance Sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesGeneralDebtObligationsDisclosuresCollateralPledged |
1087 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, General Debt Obligations, Disclosures, Collateral Pledged | debit | Amount of the collateral pledged in support of federal home loan bank advances outstanding. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesGeneralDebtObligationsDisclosuresCollateralPledged1 |
1088 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, General Debt Obligations, Disclosures, Repayment and Penalties | debit | Amount of repayments and penalties incurred in the satisfaction or roll-over of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) advance. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesGeneralDebtObligationsDisclosuresRepaymentAndPenalties |
1089 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Index Amortizing | debit | Par amount of index amortizing advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesIndexAmortizing |
1091 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Interest Rate on Affordable Housing Program Subsidized Loans | N/A | Interest rate of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) on Affordable Housing Program (AHP) subsidized loans. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesInterestRateOnAffordableHousingProgramSubsidizedLoans |
1092 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, after Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryAfterRollingYearFive |
1095 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, Due in Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of advances from Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1100 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1101 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, in Rolling Year Five | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryInRollingYearFive |
1102 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, in Rolling Year Four | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryInRollingYearFour |
1103 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, in Rolling Year Three | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryInRollingYearThree |
1104 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Maturities Summary, in Rolling Year Two | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesMaturitiesSummaryInRollingYearTwo |
1105 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Outstanding, Greater than One Billion Dollars Per Borrower, Amount | debit | Amount of advances outstanding made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) in excess of one billion U.S. dollars per borrower. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesOutstandingGreaterThanOneBillionDollarsPerBorrowerAmount |
1106 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Outstanding, Greater than One Billion Dollars Per Borrower, Number of Borrowers | N/A | Number of borrowers with Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) advances outstanding greater than one billion U.S. dollars. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesOutstandingGreaterThanOneBillionDollarsPerBorrowerNumberOfBorrowers |
1107 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Outstanding, Greater than One Billion Dollars Per Borrower, Percent | N/A | Percentage of advances outstanding made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) that are in excess of one billion U.S. dollars per borrower to the total advances outstanding. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesOutstandingGreaterThanOneBillionDollarsPerBorrowerPercent |
1108 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Par Value | debit | Par amount of advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesParValue |
1109 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Premium | debit | Amount of unearned premiums on outstanding advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesPremium |
1110 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRate |
1111 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Index Amortizing | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on index amortizing advances made by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank). | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateIndexAmortizing |
1112 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing after Rolling Year Five | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingAfterRollingYearFive |
1113 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing in Next Twelve Rolling Months | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingInNextTwelveRollingMonths |
1114 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing in Rolling Year Five | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingInRollingYearFive |
1115 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing in Rolling Year Four | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingInRollingYearFour |
1116 | Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing in Rolling Year Three | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingInRollingYearThree |
1117 | Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Weighted Average Interest Rate, Maturing in Rolling Year Two | N/A | Weighted average interest rate on advances made and reported by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FederalHomeLoanBankAdvancesWeightedAverageInterestRateMaturingInRollingYearTwo |
1118 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Consolidated Obligations | credit | Amount of joint and several obligations consisting of consolidated obligation bonds and discount notes issued by Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks). | FederalHomeLoanBankConsolidatedObligations |
1119 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Consolidated Obligations, Bonds | credit | Amount of joint and several obligations consisting of bonds issued by Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks). | FederalHomeLoanBankConsolidatedObligationsBonds |
1120 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Consolidated Obligations, Discount Notes | credit | Amount of joint and several obligations consisting of discount notes issued by Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks). | FederalHomeLoanBankConsolidatedObligationsDiscountNotes |
1121 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Leverage Capital, Actual | credit | Amount of leveraged capital of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankLeverageCapitalActual |
1122 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Leverage Capital, Required | credit | Minimum amount of leverage capital required for Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankLeverageCapitalRequired |
1123 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Leverage Ratio, Actual | N/A | Leverage ratio of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), calculated per regulations of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankLeverageRatioActual |
1124 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Regulatory Capital, Actual | credit | Amount of regulatory capital of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankRegulatoryCapitalActual |
1125 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Regulatory Capital Ratio, Actual | N/A | Regulatory capital ratio of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), calculated per regulations of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankRegulatoryCapitalRatioActual |
1126 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Regulatory Capital, Required | credit | Minimum amount of regulatory capital required for Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankRegulatoryCapitalRequired |
1127 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Risk-Based Capital, Actual | credit | Amount of risk-based capital of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankRiskBasedCapitalActual |
1128 | Federal Home Loan Bank, Risk-Based Capital, Required | credit | Minimum amount of risk-based capital required for Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank), set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). | FederalHomeLoanBankRiskBasedCapitalRequired |
1129 | Federal Home Loan Bank Stock and Federal Reserve Bank Stock | debit | Amount of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) and Federal Reserve Bank stock. | FederalHomeLoanBankStockAndFederalReserveBankStock |
1131 | Fees and Commissions, Credit and Debit Cards | credit | Amount of income earned from credit card services (including late, over limit, and annual fees) and debit card services (including interchange fees, annual fees and other fees). Excludes interest income earned on credit card balances and transactions. | FeesAndCommissionsCreditAndDebitCards |
1132 | Fees and Commissions, Credit Cards | credit | Income earned from credit card services including late, over limit, and annual fees. This item excludes interest income earned on credit card balances and transactions. | FeesAndCommissionsCreditCards |
1135 | Fees and Commissions, Fiduciary and Trust Activities | credit | Income from services rendered by trust departments or by any consolidated subsidiaries acting in a fiduciary capacity, including fees earned for (1) acting as an agent for fiduciary placement and loans and (2) custody or investment advisory services when such fees are not separately billed to the customer. This item excludes commissions and fees received for the accumulation or disbursement of funds deposited to Individual Retirement or Keogh plan accounts when such are not handled by the reporting entity’s trust department. | FeesAndCommissionsFiduciaryAndTrustActivities |
1140 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Claim Liability, Significant Components of Change, Accretion of Discount | credit | This element represents the amount of the change in the claim liability related to financial guarantee insurance contracts arising from the accretion of the discount of the claim liability. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsClaimLiabilitySignificantComponentsOfChangeAccretionOfDiscount |
1141 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Fourth Rolling Quarter | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the fourth rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedFourthRollingQuarter |
1142 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Next Rolling Quarter | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the next rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedNextRollingQuarter |
1143 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1144 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1145 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 11 Through 15 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the eleventh through fifteenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear11Through15 |
1146 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 16 Through 20 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the sixteenth through twentieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear16Through20 |
1147 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 21 Through 25 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the twenty-first through twenty-fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear21Through25 |
1148 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 26 Through 30 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the twenty-sixth through thirtieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear26Through30 |
1149 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 31 Through 35 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the thirty-first through thirty-fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear31Through35 |
1150 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year 36 Through 40 | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the thirty-sixth through fortieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYear36Through40 |
1151 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYearFive |
1152 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYearFour |
1153 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year Six Through Ten | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the sixth through tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYearSixThroughTen |
1154 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYearThree |
1155 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedRollingYearTwo |
1156 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Second Rolling Quarter | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the second rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedSecondRollingQuarter |
1157 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Future Expected Premium Revenue to be Recognized, Third Rolling Quarter | credit | Amount of premium revenue under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be recognized in the third rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsFutureExpectedPremiumRevenueToBeRecognizedThirdRollingQuarter |
1158 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts Premium Receivable New Business Written | credit | Amount of new business written on financial guarantee insurance contracts. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivableNewBusinessWritten |
1159 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Fourth Rolling Quarter | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the fourth rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedFourthRollingQuarter |
1160 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Next Rolling Quarter | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the next rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedNextRollingQuarter |
1161 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1162 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1163 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 11 Through 15 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the eleventh through fifteenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear11Through15 |
1164 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 16 Through 20 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the sixteenth through twentieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear16Through20 |
1165 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 21 Through 25 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the twenty-first through twenty-fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear21Through25 |
1166 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 26 Through 30 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the twenty-sixth through thirtieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear26Through30 |
1167 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 31 Through 35 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the thirty-first through thirty-fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear31Through35 |
1168 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year 36 Through 40 | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the thirty-sixth through fortieth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYear36Through40 |
1169 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYearFive |
1170 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYearFour |
1171 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year Six Through Ten | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the sixth through tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYearSixThroughTen |
1172 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYearThree |
1173 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedRollingYearTwo |
1174 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Second Rolling Quarter | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the second rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedSecondRollingQuarter |
1175 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premium Receivable, Premium Expected to be Collected, Third Rolling Quarter | debit | Amount of premium receivables under financial guarantee insurance contracts expected to be collected in the third rolling quarter following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumReceivablePremiumExpectedToBeCollectedThirdRollingQuarter |
1176 | Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts, Premiums Receivable, New Business Written (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of new business written during the period on financial guarantee insurance contracts where premium is received over the contract period. | FinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContractsPremiumsReceivableNewBusinessWritten |
1177 | Financial Instruments Owned and Pledged as Collateral, Amount Eligible to be Repledged by Counterparty | debit | Fair value of financial instrument held by the entity for its own account (proprietary securities) for trading or investment purposes that are carried at fair value and pledged to counterparties as collateral for financing transactions where counterparty has the right to re-pledge such. | FinancialInstrumentsOwnedAndPledgedAsCollateralAmountEligibleToBeRepledgedByCounterparty |
1178 | Financial Instruments Owned and Pledged as Collateral, Amount Not Eligible to be Repledged by Counterparty | debit | Fair value of financial instrument held by the entity for its own account (proprietary securities) for trading or investment purposes that are carried at fair value and pledged to counterparties as collateral for financing transactions where counterparty does not have the right to re-pledge such. | FinancialInstrumentsOwnedAndPledgedAsCollateralAmountNotEligibleToBeRepledgedByCounterparty |
1180 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Number of Stockholders | N/A | Number of stockholders holding financial instruments subject to mandatory redemption. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionNumberOfStockholders |
1181 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Past Contractual Redemption Date, Due to Outstanding Activity | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock past the contractual redemption date due to outstanding activity. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionPastContractualRedemptionDateDueToOutstandingActivity |
1182 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Past Contractual Redemption Date, Due to Regulatory Action | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock past the contractual redemption date due to regulatory action. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionPastContractualRedemptionDateDueToRegulatoryAction |
1183 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Redeemable in Year Five | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock maturing in year five following the date of the latest balance sheet. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionRedeemableInYearFive |
1184 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Redeemable in Year Four | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock maturing in year four following the date of the latest balance sheet. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionRedeemableInYearFour |
1185 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Redeemable in Year Three | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock maturing in year three following the date of the latest balance sheet. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionRedeemableInYearThree |
1186 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Redeemable in Year Two | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock maturing in year two following the date of the latest balance sheet. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionRedeemableInYearTwo |
1187 | Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, Redeemable within One year | credit | Amount of mandatorily redeemable capital stock maturing within one year following the date of the latest balance sheet. | FinancialInstrumentsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionRedeemableWithinOneYear |
1188 | Financing Receivable, Allowance for Credit Losses, Individually Evaluated for Impairment (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | The valuation allowance for financing receivables that are expected to be uncollectible that were individually evaluated for impairment. | FinancingReceivableAllowanceForCreditLossesIndividuallyEvaluatedForImpairment |
1192 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Number of Contracts (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Number of financing receivables that have been modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsNumberOfContracts1 |
1193 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Number of Contracts | N/A | Number of financing receivables that have been modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsNumberOfContracts2 |
1194 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Post-Modification Recorded Investment (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of investment in financing receivables (after modification) modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsPostModificationRecordedInvestment1 |
1195 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Post-Modification Recorded Investment | debit | Post-modification amount of investment in financing receivables modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsPostModificationRecordedInvestment2 |
1196 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Pre-Modification Recorded Investment (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of investment in financing receivables (before modification) modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsPreModificationRecordedInvestment1 |
1197 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Pre-Modification Recorded Investment | debit | Pre-modification amount of investment in financing receivables modified by troubled debt restructurings. | FinancingReceivableModificationsPreModificationRecordedInvestment2 |
1198 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Subsequent Default, Number of Contracts (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Number of financing receivables that have been modified by troubled debt restructurings within the previous 12 months and for which there was a payment default. | FinancingReceivableModificationsSubsequentDefaultNumberOfContracts |
1199 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Subsequent Default, Number of Contracts | N/A | Number of financing receivables that have been modified by troubled debt restructurings within the previous 12 months and for which there was a payment default. | FinancingReceivableModificationsSubsequentDefaultNumberOfContracts1 |
1200 | Financing Receivable, Modifications, Subsequent Default, Recorded Investment (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of investment related to financing receivables modified by troubled debt restructurings within the previous 12 months, for which there was a payment default. | FinancingReceivableModificationsSubsequentDefaultRecordedInvestment |
1202 | Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life acquired. | FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAcquired |
1218 | Floor Brokerage | debit | Broker-dealers often use other brokers to execute trades on their behalf. The trading broker-dealer becomes a customer of the executing broker-dealer and pays a floor brokerage fee. Such fees are paid periodically either directly to the executing broker-dealer or through a clearing house. | FloorBrokerage |
1221 | Foreign Currency Exchange Rate, Remeasurement | N/A | Foreign exchange rate used to remeasure amounts denominated in a currency other than functional currency into functional currency. | ForeignCurrencyExchangeRateRemeasurement1 |
1222 | Foreign Currency Exchange Rate, Translation | N/A | Foreign exchange rate used to translate amounts denominated in functional currency to reporting currency. | ForeignCurrencyExchangeRateTranslation1 |
1224 | Foreign Earnings Repatriated | credit | Amount of foreign earnings repatriated from subsidiaries outside the country of domicile. | ForeignEarningsRepatriated |
1225 | Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer’s Equity, Redeemable Stock, Redemption Requirements, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | For freestanding forward contracts that are indexed to, and potentially settled in an entity’s own stock, that has redemption requirements, amount of redemption requirements for all issues of capital stock that are redeemable at fixed or determinable prices on fixed or determinable dates in each of the five years following the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. | ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquityRedeemableStockRedemptionRequirementsAmount |
1226 | Forward Contract Indexed to Issuer’s Equity, Settlement Alternatives, Shares, at Fair Value | N/A | Number of shares as a settlement alternative for each freestanding forward contract. | ForwardContractIndexedToIssuersEquitySettlementAlternativesSharesAtFairValue |
1227 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling after Year Five | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
1228 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearFive |
1229 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearFour |
1230 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearThree |
1231 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearTwo |
1232 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1233 | Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of minimum sublease rentals for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing to be received by the seller-lessee in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | FutureMinimumSubleaseRentalsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1234 | Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves, Cash Inflows | debit | Amount of estimated future accumulated cash inflow from the sale of proved oil and gas reserves. | FutureNetCashFlowsRelatingToProvedOilAndGasReservesCashInflows |
1237 | Gain Contingency, Patents Allegedly Infringed upon, Number | N/A | Number of entity’s patents that another entity has allegedly infringed. | GainContingencyPatentsAllegedlyInfringedUponNumber |
1238 | Gain Contingency, Patents Found Infringed upon, Number | N/A | Number of entity’s patents that another entity was found to have infringed. | GainContingencyPatentsFoundInfringedUponNumber |
1239 | Gain Contingency, Patents Found Not Infringed upon, Number | N/A | Number of entity’s patents that another entity was found not to have infringed. | GainContingencyPatentsFoundNotInfringedUponNumber |
1242 | Gas and Oil Acreage, Developed, Gross (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Developed acres are acres spaced or assigned to productive wells. Gross acreage is an acre in which a working interest is owned. | GasAndOilAcreageDevelopedGross |
1243 | Gas and Oil Acreage, Developed, Net (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Developed acres are acres spaced or assigned to productive wells. Net acres is the sum of the fractional interest owned based on working interests or other economic arrangements. | GasAndOilAcreageDevelopedNet |
1244 | Gas and Oil Acreage, Undeveloped, Gross (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Undeveloped acreage is considered to be those lease acres on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil and gas regardless of whether or not such acreage contains proved reserves. Gross acreage is an acre in which a working interest is owned. | GasAndOilAcreageUndevelopedGross |
1245 | Gas and Oil Acreage, Undeveloped, Net (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Undeveloped acreage is considered to be those lease acres on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil and gas regardless of whether or not such acreage contains proved reserves. Net acres is the sum of the fractional interest owned based on working interests or other economic arrangements. | GasAndOilAcreageUndevelopedNet |
1246 | Gas and Oil Area, Developed, Gross | N/A | Area spaced or assigned to productive wells in which a working interest is owned. | GasAndOilAreaDevelopedGross |
1247 | Gas and Oil Area, Developed, Net | N/A | Fractional interest owned based on working interests or other economic arrangements of area spaced or assigned to productive wells. | GasAndOilAreaDevelopedNet |
1248 | Gas and Oil Area, Undeveloped, Gross | N/A | Lease area in which a working interest is owned and on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil and gas regardless of whether or not such area contains proved reserves. | GasAndOilAreaUndevelopedGross |
1249 | Gas and Oil Area, Undeveloped, Net | N/A | Fractional interest owned based on working interests or other economic arrangements of lease area on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of commercial quantities of oil and gas regardless of whether or not such area contains proved reserves. | GasAndOilAreaUndevelopedNet |
1250 | Gas Imbalance Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable to an underproduced working interest owner when an overproduced working interest owner has sold gas in excess of the party’s ownership percentage. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | GasImbalancePayable |
1251 | Gas Purchase Contract, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value of contract to purchase gas. | GasPurchaseContractFairValueDisclosure |
1252 | Gas Purchase Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable for purchases of natural gas. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | GasPurchasePayable |
1253 | General and Administrative Expense Ratio | N/A | Ratio of non-life general and administrative expenses to non-life net premiums earned. | GeneralAndAdministrativeExpenseRatio |
1254 | General Fair Value Hedge Information, Minimum R Square, Percentage | N/A | The correlation coefficient between the hypothetical instrument and the hedged item used in determination of the effectiveness of a hedging relationship. | GeneralFairValueHedgeInformationMinimumRSquarePercentage |
1260 | Goodwill, Impairment Loss, Net of Tax | debit | Amount after tax of loss recognized that results from the write-down of an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. | GoodwillImpairmentLossNetOfTax |
1263 | Ground Leases, Gross | debit | Gross long-term land leases capitalized as part of real property. | GroundLeasesGross |
1264 | Ground Leases, Net | debit | Net long-term land leases which are capitalized as part of real property. | GroundLeasesNet |
1269 | Hedging Liabilities, Noncurrent | credit | Fair value of liability arising from a financial instrument or contract used to mitigate a specified risk (hedge), expected to be settled after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. | HedgingLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
1278 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Next Rolling Twelve Months, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesNextRollingTwelveMonthsFairValue |
1279 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Remainder of Fiscal Year, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRemainderOfFiscalYearFairValue |
1280 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling after Ten Years, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities maturing after the tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingAfterTenYearsFairValue |
1281 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Six Through Ten, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities maturing in the sixth through tenth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearSixThroughTenFairValue |
1282 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Rolling Year Two Through Five, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities maturing in the second through fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesRollingYearTwoThroughFiveFairValue |
1283 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Single Maturity Date, Amortized Cost Basis | debit | Amount of investment in held-to-maturity debt securities with a single maturity date, after other than temporary impairment (OTTI) accretion. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesSingleMaturityDateAmortizedCostBasis |
1284 | Held-to-maturity Securities, Debt Maturities, Single Maturity Date, Fair Value | debit | Fair value of investment in held-to-maturity debt securities with a single maturity date. | HeldToMaturitySecuritiesDebtMaturitiesSingleMaturityDateFairValue |
1285 | Held-to-maturity, Securities in Unrealized Loss Positions, Qualitative Disclosure, Other, Loan to Collateral Value, Ratio | N/A | This item represents the loan to collateral ratio of the underlying assets in the security, represented as a percentage, which was considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the held-to-maturity investments are not other-than-temporarily impaired. | HeldtomaturitySecuritiesInUnrealizedLossPositionsQualitativeDisclosureOtherLoanToCollateralValueRatio |
1286 | Immediate, Terminal Funding Annuities, Interest Rate, High End | N/A | Maximum interest rate in the range of interest rates used to calculate future benefits to be paid to or on behalf of policyholders and related expenses less the present value of future net premiums using assumptions such as estimates of expected investment yields, mortality, morbidity, terminations and expenses, applicable at the time the insurance contracts are made and cost of settling insured claims and cost incurred in the claim settlement process of immediate terminal funding annuities. | ImmediateTerminalFundingAnnuitiesInterestRateHighEnd |
1287 | Immediate, Terminal Funding Annuities, Interest Rate, Low End | N/A | Minimum interest rate in the range of interest rates used to calculate future benefits to be paid to or on behalf of policyholders and related expenses less the present value of future net premiums using assumptions such as estimates of expected investment yields, mortality, morbidity, terminations and expenses, applicable at the time the insurance contracts are made and cost of settling insured claims and cost incurred in the claim settlement process of immediate terminal funding annuities. | ImmediateTerminalFundingAnnuitiesInterestRateLowEnd |
1288 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with No Related Allowance, Average Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of average investment of impaired financing receivables for which there is no related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithNoRelatedAllowanceAverageRecordedInvestment |
1292 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with No Related Allowance, Unpaid Principal Balance | debit | Amount of unpaid principal balance of impaired financing receivables for which there is no related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithNoRelatedAllowanceUnpaidPrincipalBalance |
1297 | Impaired Financing Receivable, with Related Allowance, Unpaid Principal Balance | debit | Unpaid principal balance of impaired financing receivables for which there is a related allowance for credit losses. | ImpairedFinancingReceivableWithRelatedAllowanceUnpaidPrincipalBalance |
1299 | Impairment Effect on Earnings Per Share, Pretax | N/A | Pretax earnings per share or per unit impact arising from asset impairment. | ImpairmentEffectOnEarningsPerSharePretax |
1300 | Incentive Fee, Amount Paid (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount paid to managing member or general partner for incentive rights held. | IncentiveFeeAmountPaid |
1304 | Income Tax Examination, Range of Possible Losses (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The estimated range of reasonably possible losses resulting from an adverse position taken by a taxing authority. | IncomeTaxExaminationRangeOfPossibleLosses |
1310 | Incremental Effect on Balance Sheet, Asset Line Item Balance, Application of FAS 158 Recognition Provisions | debit | Balances of individual asset line items in the year-end statement of financial position that are incrementally affected by the recognition provisions of FAS 158 in the year of initial application. | IncrementalEffectOnBalanceSheetAssetLineItemBalanceApplicationOfSFAS158RecognitionProvisions |
1311 | Incremental Effect on Balance Sheet, Asset Line Item Balance, before Additional Minimum Pension Liability (AML) Adjustment and Application of FAS 158 Recognition Provisions | debit | Balances of individual asset line items in the year-end statement of financial position that are incrementally affected, before the adjustment to additional minimum pension liability (AML) and before the adjustment to adopt FAS 158, by the recognition provisions of FAS 158 in the year of initial application. | IncrementalEffectOnBalanceSheetAssetLineItemBalanceBeforeAdditionalMinimumPensionLiabilityAMLAdjustmentAndApplicationOfSFAS158RecognitionProvisions |
1314 | Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill), Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, that lack physical substance, having a projected indefinite period of benefit. | IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwillFairValueDisclosure |
1319 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of amortization expense for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination expected to be recognized in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1320 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized during the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths |
1321 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1322 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination expected to be recognized in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFive |
1323 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of amortization expense for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination expected to be recognized in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseRollingYearFour |
1324 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of amortization expense for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination expected to be recognized in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseRollingYearThree |
1325 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of amortization expense for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination expected to be recognized in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseRollingYearTwo |
1326 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Year Five | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized during the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseYearFive |
1327 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Year Four | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized during the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseYearFour |
1328 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Year Three | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized during the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseYearThree |
1329 | Intangible Assets Arising from Insurance Contracts Acquired in Business Combination, Amortization Expense, Year Two | debit | Amount of amortization expense expected to be recognized during the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for intangible assets arising from insurance contracts acquired in a business combination. | IntangibleAssetsArisingFromInsuranceContractsAcquiredInBusinessCombinationAmortizationExpenseYearTwo |
1332 | Interest Accrual Rate Associated with Amortization Method of Present Value of Future Insurance Profits | N/A | States the assumed long-term market interest rate used in the determination of the present value of future profits on long-duration contracts acquired in a business combination. | InterestAccrualRateAssociatedWithAmortizationMethodOfPresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfits |
1334 | Interest and Dividend Income, Securities, Operating | credit | Amount of operating dividend and interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securities. | InterestAndDividendIncomeSecurities |
1342 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial | credit | Interest and fee income related to commercial loans including industrial and agricultural, real estate (commercial and residential, construction and development), trade financing, and lease financing. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercial |
1343 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Commercial and Residential, Real Estate | credit | Interest and fee income from commercial and residential real estate loans. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansCommercialAndResidentialRealEstate |
1346 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer | credit | Interest and fee income generated from consumer loans. Consumer loans are loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures. Such loans include residential mortgages, home equity lines-of-credit, automobiles and marine transport loans, credit card transactions, and others. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumer |
1347 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer, Home Equity | credit | Interest and fee income from home equity lines-of-credit extended to individuals (borrowers). Such loans are generally secured by the borrower’s equity in her or his home. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerHomeEquity |
1348 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer Installment, Automobiles, Marine, and Other Vehicles | credit | Interest and fee income generated by automobile, marine, and other vehicle loans made to individuals. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerInstallmentAutomobilesMarineAndOtherVehicles |
1349 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Consumer Installment, Credit Card | credit | Interest and fee income from credit card balances due from individuals. Such loans are considered revolving credit arrangements. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansConsumerInstallmentCreditCard |
1351 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Foreign | credit | Interest and fee income generated by commercial and consumer loans, made by foreign branches of the reporting entity, which may include loans to foreign governments, foreign banks and other financial institutions, commercial and industrial entities, and citizens of not domiciled in the same country as the reporting entity. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansForeign |
1353 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Lease Financing | credit | Interest and fee income generated by direct lease financing which consists of an institution owning and leasing personal property for the use of its customers at the customers’ specific request. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansLeaseFinancing |
1355 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Real Estate Construction | credit | Interest and fee income from loans used for real estate development and construction costs. Such loans are referred to as “Construction” loans or mortgages. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansRealEstateConstruction |
1356 | Interest and Fee Income, Loans, Trade Financing | credit | Interest and fee income generated by trade financing. Trade financing is a specialized area of commercial lending frequently used by businesses that engage in international activities. Such financing includes open account financing, sales on consignment, documentary collections, advances against collections, letters of credit, bankers’ acceptances, factoring, and forfeiting. | InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansTradeFinancing |
1357 | Interest and Fee Income, Nonmortgage Loans and Leases Held-for-sale | credit | Amount of interest and fee income earned from loans held-for-sale, including interest earned from direct financing and sales-type leases held-for-sale, but excluding mortgage loans held-for sale. | InterestAndFeeIncomeNonmortgageLoansAndLeasesHeldForSale |
1359 | Interest and Fee Income, Other Loans Held-for-sale | credit | Interest and fee income from other loans considered to be held-for-sale not otherwise specified in the existing taxonomy. | InterestAndFeeIncomeOtherLoansHeldForSale |
1361 | Interest-bearing Deposits, at Carrying Value (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Cash on deposit with financial institutions, classified as a cash equivalent, that earns interest, either at a fixed or market rate. | InterestBearingDepositsAtCarryingValue |
1362 | Interest-bearing Domestic Deposit, Checking | credit | Amount of interest-bearing domestic checking deposit liabilities. | InterestBearingDomesticDepositChecking |
1363 | Interest-bearing Domestic Deposit, Other | credit | Amount of other interest-bearing domestic deposit liabilities. | InterestbearingDomesticDepositOther |
1371 | Interest Expense, Commercial Paper | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on commercial paper. | InterestExpenseCommercialPaper |
1372 | Interest Expense, Demand Deposit Accounts | debit | Interest expense incurred on demand deposit accounts that represent borrowings rather than outstanding drafts. | InterestExpenseDemandDepositAccounts |
1374 | Interest Expense, Federal Funds Purchased | debit | Gross expenses on the purchase of Federal funds at a specified price with a simultaneous agreement to sell the same to the same counterparty at a fixed or determinable price at a future date. | InterestExpenseFederalFundsPurchased |
1377 | Interest Expense, Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank Advances, Short-term | debit | Interest expense incurred during the reporting period on short-term borrowings associated with Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank advances. | InterestExpenseFederalHomeLoanBankAndFederalReserveBankAdvancesShortTerm |
1378 | Interest Expense, Foreign Deposits | debit | Interest expense on all foreign deposits. | InterestExpenseForeignDeposits |
1381 | Interest Expense, Long-term Debt and Capital Securities | debit | Total interest expense on long-term debt and capital securities. | InterestExpenseLongTermDebtAndCapitalSecurities |
1382 | Interest Expense, Medium-term Notes | debit | Interest expense on medium-Term notes. | InterestExpenseMediumTermNotes |
1384 | Interest Expense, Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) Deposits | debit | Interest expense incurred on the amount of Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW). Interest-bearing transaction account that combines the payable on demand feature of checks and investment feature of savings accounts. A NOW account is functionally an interest paying checking account. | InterestExpenseNegotiableOrderOfWithdrawalNOWDeposits |
1385 | Interest Expense, NOW Accounts, Money Market Accounts, and Savings Deposits | debit | The aggregate interest expense incurred on the following for deposits in domestic offices: (1) transaction accounts (NOW, and telephone and preauthorized transfer accounts), (2) money market deposits and (3) savings deposits. | InterestExpenseNOWAccountsMoneyMarketAccountsAndSavingsDeposits |
1393 | Interest Expense, Short-term Borrowings Excluding Federal Funds and Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase | debit | The aggregate interest expense incurred on short-term borrowings including commercial paper, Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank advances and other short term borrowings. | InterestExpenseShortTermBorrowingsExcludingFederalFundsAndSecuritiesSoldUnderAgreementsToRepurchase |
1395 | Interest Expense, Time Deposits | debit | The aggregate interest expense incurred on time deposits, including certificates of deposits, in domestic offices. | InterestExpenseTimeDeposits |
1396 | Interest Expense, Time Deposits, $100,000 or More | debit | Interest expense incurred on time deposits, including certificates of deposits, of $100,000 or more in domestic offices. | InterestExpenseTimeDeposits100000OrMore |
1397 | Interest Expense, Time Deposits, Less than $100,000 | debit | Interest expense incurred on time deposits, including certificates of deposits, less than $100,000 in domestic offices. | InterestExpenseTimeDepositsLessThan100000 |
1399 | Interest Expense, Trust Preferred Securities | debit | The amount of interest incurred to a trust which has issued trust-preferred securities. In order to issue trust preferred securities, a sponsor forms a trust by investing a nominal amount of cash to purchase all of the voting common stock of the trust. The trust issues nonvoting, mandatorily redeemable preferred securities to outside investors in exchange for cash. The proceeds received from the issuance of the preferred securities, together with the cash received for issuing the common stock to the sponsor, is then loaned to the sponsor in exchange for a note which has the same terms as the trust preferred securities. Trust preferred securities possesses characteristics of both equity and debt issues and are generally issued by bank holding companies. | InterestExpenseTrustPreferredSecurities |
1400 | Interest Income and Fees, Bankers Acceptances, Certificates of Deposit and Commercial Paper | credit | Interest and fee income derived from banker’s acceptances, certificates of deposit and commercial paper. | InterestIncomeAndFeesBankersAcceptancesCertificatesOfDepositAndCommercialPaper |
1403 | Interest Income, Federal Funds Sold | credit | Interest income on federal funds sold. Federal funds sold represent the excess federal funds held by one commercial bank which it lends to another commercial bank, usually at an agreed-upon (federal funds) rate of interest. Such loans generally are of short-duration (overnight). | InterestIncomeFederalFundsSold |
1405 | Interest Income, Foreign Deposits | credit | Interest income generated from amounts on deposit with foreign entities located outside the United States of America. | InterestIncomeForeignDeposits |
1406 | Interest Income, Money Market Deposits | credit | Interest earned on funds deposited in US domestic money market accounts. | InterestIncomeMoneyMarketDeposits |
1409 | Interest Income, Purchased Receivables | credit | Interest earned from receivables purchased; for instance, receivables purchased through a factoring arrangement. | InterestIncomePurchasedReceivables |
1411 | Interest Income, Securities, Corporate Debt, Operating | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on corporate debt securities. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesCorporateDebtOperating |
1413 | Interest Income, Securities, Other US Government | credit | Interest income on securities issued by US government agencies not including US Treasury Securities. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesOtherUSGovernment |
1415 | Interest Income, Securities, State and Municipal | credit | Interest income, including any amortization and accretion (as applicable) of discounts and premiums, derived from debt securities issued by municipal governments, local taxing districts and US state government agencies. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesStateAndMunicipal |
1417 | Interest Income, Securities, Operating, Tax Advantaged | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on securities subject to tax benefits. Excludes operating interest income on securities exempt from state, federal and other income tax. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesTaxAdvantaged |
1419 | Interest Income, Securities, US Treasury | credit | Interest income on US treasury securities. US treasury securities are negotiable debt obligations of the US government, secured by its full faith and credit and issued at various schedules and maturities. The income from treasury securities is exempt from state and local, but not federal, taxes. There are three types of securities issued by the US treasury (bonds, bills, and notes), which are distinguished by the amount of time from the initial sale of the bond to maturity. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesUSTreasury |
1420 | Interest Income, Securities, US Treasury and Other US Government | credit | Amount of operating interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, on U.S. Treasury securities and other U.S. government securities. | InterestIncomeSecuritiesUSTreasuryAndOtherUSGovernment |
1422 | Interest Receivable and Other Assets | debit | Carrying amount of interest earned but not received (also called accrued interest or accrued interest receivable) and carrying amounts of assets not separately disclosed. | InterestReceivableAndOtherAssets |
1424 | Inventory, Noncurrent, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of inventory expected to be realized or consumed after one year or normal operating cycle, if longer. | InventoryNoncurrentFairValueDisclosure |
1425 | Inventory, Parts and Components (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Carrying amount as of the balance sheet date for elements of machinery or equipment held for the purpose of replacing similar parts in the course of repair or maintenance. | InventoryPartsAndComponents |
1426 | Inventory, Raw Materials and Purchased Parts (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of items purchased for use as components of a finished product or pieces of machinery and equipment plus any items in their natural and unrefined state. This element may be used when the reporting entity combines raw materials and purchased parts into an aggregate amount. | InventoryRawMaterialsAndPurchasedParts |
1427 | Derivative, Nonmonetary Notional Amount | N/A | Aggregate notional amount of derivative expressed in nonmonetary units. For example, the number of barrels specified in a fuel oil forward purchase contract. | DerivativeNonmonetaryNotionalAmount |
1428 | Derivative, Notional Amount | N/A | Aggregate notional amount specified by the derivative(s). Expressed as an absolute value. | DerivativeNotionalAmount |
1430 | Investment Foreign Currency, Contract, Foreign Currency Amount | N/A | The amount of foreign currency that the entity has contractually agreed, or for which it has the option, to buy or sell with respect to the contract being described. | InvestmentForeignCurrencyContractForeignCurrencyAmount |
1431 | Investment Foreign Currency, Contract, Reporting Currency Amount at Date of Origin | N/A | The reporting currency amount (for example, US dollars) conversion, as of the date of origin, of the foreign currency amount that the entity is obligated or for which it has the option to buy or sell with respect to the contract being described. | InvestmentForeignCurrencyContractReportingCurrencyAmountAtDateOfOrigin |
1432 | Investment Interest Rate | N/A | The interest rate for investments that have an interest rate. For fixed rate investments, this indicates the fixed interest rate. If the investment has a variable interest rate, the rate stated here may be the rate that is currently relevant. In this case the “Investment, Interest Rate is Current Rate for Variable Rate Investment Flag”, “Investment, Interest Rate is Discount Rate at Purchase Flag”, “Investment, Interest Rate Reflects Current Yield Flag” should be used. If one of these flags are not appropriate to explain the interest rate that is indicated, then a new flag should be added or an explanation should be included in “Investment, Additional Information”. | InvestmentInterestRate |
1433 | Investment Interest Rate Range End | N/A | The highest interest rate in the aggregated short-term debt instruments. | InvestmentInterestRateRangeEnd |
1434 | Investment Interest Rate Range Start | N/A | The lowest interest rate in the aggregated short-term debt instruments. | InvestmentInterestRateRangeStart |
1435 | Investment Options, Exercise Price | N/A | Exercise price of the option. | InvestmentOptionsExercisePrice |
1436 | Investment Repurchase Agreement, Amount to be Received | credit | Amount to be received on the repurchase date. | InvestmentRepurchaseAgreementAmountToBeReceived |
1437 | Investment Advisory, Management and Administrative Fees | credit | Amount of revenue from providing investment advisory, asset management and administrative services, including, but not limited to, distribution and shareholder services, accounting, tax, legal, regulatory filing, share registration, and shareholder correspondence activities. | InvestmentAdvisoryManagementAndAdministrativeFees |
1441 | Investment in Physical Commodities, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value of investment held in physical commodities, for example, but not limited to, gold, silver, platinum, crude oil, coal, sugar, rice, wheat. | InvestmentInPhysicalCommoditiesFairValueDisclosure |
1444 | Investment Owned, Balance, Other Measure | N/A | Quantity of the investment. Indicate the measure in the unit of measure. This is commonly used for investments other than securities. For example, if the investment is gold, the balance would be the number of ounces and the unit of measure would indicate “ounces”. | InvestmentOwnedBalanceOtherMeasure |
1446 | Investment Owned, Balance, Shares | N/A | Balance held at close of period in number of shares. | InvestmentOwnedBalanceShares |
1447 | Investment Owned, Loaned for Short Sales, at Fair Value | debit | The aggregate value of investments loaned for short sales. This is not required to be disclosed under Regulation S-X but is commonly reported by Funds. | InvestmentOwnedLoanedForShortSalesAtFairValue |
1448 | Investment Owned, Other than Securities, Loaned for Short Sales, at Fair Value (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | The aggregate value of non-security investments loaned for short sales. This is not required to be disclosed under Regulation S-X but is commonly reported by Funds. | InvestmentOwnedOtherThanSecuritiesLoanedForShortSalesAtFairValue |
1449 | Investment Owned, Restricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date of Balance Sheet | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment at date of related balance sheet. | InvestmentOwnedRestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateOfBalanceSheet |
1450 | Investment Owned, Restricted, Cost | debit | The cost of the restricted investment. | InvestmentOwnedRestrictedCost |
1451 | Investment Owned, Subject to Option, Balance, Other Measure | N/A | The quantity of the investment that is subject to option. | InvestmentOwnedSubjectToOptionBalanceOtherMeasure |
1452 | Investment Owned, Subject to Option, Price | N/A | The option price of the investment that is subject to option. | InvestmentOwnedSubjectToOptionPrice |
1454 | Investment Owned, Unrealized Depreciation (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents the excess of the cost (face amount, notional amount) of an investment (security, contract) over its fair value which deficiency has not been recognized in earnings of the entity. | InvestmentOwnedUnrealizedDepreciation |
1455 | Investment Owned, Unrestricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date of Purchase Price Agreement | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment of unrestricted investment of the same issue as the restricted investment during the preceding year at the date the purchase price was agreed. | InvestmentOwnedUnrestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateOfPurchasePriceAgreement |
1456 | Investment Owned, Unrestricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date When Enforceable Right to Acquire was Obtained | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment of unrestricted investment of the same issue as the restricted investment during the preceding year at the date on which an enforceable right to acquire the investments was obtained. | InvestmentOwnedUnrestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateWhenEnforceableRightToAcquireWasObtained |
1460 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, at Fair Value, Gross Reductions | credit | Gross reductions to the investment in and advance to the affiliate. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesAtFairValueGrossReductions |
1461 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Balance, Contracts (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Balance held at close of period in number of contracts. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesBalanceContracts |
1462 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Balance, Contracts | N/A | Number of contracts held with affiliates for management investment companies. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesBalanceContracts1 |
1463 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Balance, Other Measure | N/A | Mass of investment for management investment companies. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesBalanceOtherMeasure |
1464 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Balance, Principal Amount | debit | Amount of principal loans outstanding to affiliates for management investment companies. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesBalancePrincipalAmount |
1465 | Investments in and Advances to Affiliates, Balance, Shares | N/A | Number of shares of affiliates held for management investment companies. | InvestmentsInAndAdvancesToAffiliatesBalanceShares |
1469 | Investments in Power and Distribution Projects, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value of investments in power and distribution projects. | InvestmentsInPowerAndDistributionProjectsFairValueDisclosure |
1470 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, at Fair Value | credit | Value of the short position. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedAtFairValue |
1471 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Balance, Other Measure | N/A | Quantity of the investment. Indicate the measure in the unit of measure. This is commonly used for investments other than securities. For example, if the investment is gold, the balance would be the number of ounces and the unit of measure would indicate “ounces”. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedBalanceOtherMeasure |
1472 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Balance, Principal Amount | credit | For investments which are quantified by principal amount, the principle balance held at close of period. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedBalancePrincipalAmount |
1473 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Balance, Shares | N/A | Number of securities sold short (the short position) as of the end of the period. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedBalanceShares |
1474 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments of Largest Short Position, Other Measure (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | The number of the investments that represents the manager’s largest single short position. Indicate the measure in the unit of measure. This is commonly used for investments other than securities. For example, if the investment is gold, the balance would be the number of ounces and the unit of measure would indicate “ounces”. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsOfLargestShortPositionOtherMeasure |
1475 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments of Largest Short Position, Principal Amount (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | The principal amount of the investment that represents the manager’s largest single short position. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsOfLargestShortPositionPrincipalAmount |
1476 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments of Largest Short Position, Shares (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | The number of shares of the investment that represents the manager’s largest single short position. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsOfLargestShortPositionShares |
1477 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments Sold Short, Other Measure (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | The aggregate quantity of the investment that the manager sold short during the period. Indicate the measure in the unit of measure. This is commonly used for investments other than securities. For example, if the investment is gold, the balance would be the number of ounces and the unit of measure would indicate “ounces”. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsSoldShortOtherMeasure |
1478 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments Sold Short, Principal Amount (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | The aggregate principal amount of the investment that the manager sold short during the period. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsSoldShortPrincipalAmount |
1479 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments Sold Short, Shares (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | The aggregate number of shares of the investment that the manager sold short during the period. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedNumberOfInvestmentsSoldShortShares |
1481 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Restricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date of Balance Sheet | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment at date of related balance sheet. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedRestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateOfBalanceSheet |
1482 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Restricted, Cost | credit | The cost of the restricted investment. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedRestrictedCost |
1483 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Sale Proceeds | debit | The amount of proceeds received resulting from the short sale of a security. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedSaleProceeds |
1484 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Unrestricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date of Purchase Price Agreement | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment of unrestricted investment of the same issue as the restricted investment during the preceding year at the date the purchase price was agreed. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedUnrestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateOfPurchasePriceAgreement |
1485 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Unrestricted, Carrying Value Per Unit at Date When Enforceable Right to Acquire was Obtained | N/A | The carrying value per unit of investment of unrestricted investment of the same issue as the restricted investment during the preceding year at the date on which an enforceable right to acquire the investments was obtained. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedUnrestrictedCarryingValuePerUnitAtDateWhenEnforceableRightToAcquireWasObtained |
1486 | Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Value of Investments Sold Short (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | The market value of the investments sold short indicated in “Investment Sold, Not yet Purchased, Number of Investments Sold Short”. | InvestmentSoldNotYetPurchasedValueOfInvestmentsSoldShort |
1487 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Gross Ownership Amount of Plant in Service | debit | The period end amount owned by the reporting utility of a jointly owned utility plant in service. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantGrossOwnershipAmountOfPlantInService |
1488 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Net Ownership Amount | debit | The total period end amount of plant in service and construction in progress net of accumulated depreciation for the utility’s share of jointly owned electricity generation plant. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantNetOwnershipAmount |
1490 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Ownership Amount of Other Assets | debit | The period end ownership amount of other assets in a jointly owned utility plant. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantOwnershipAmountOfOtherAssets |
1491 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Ownership Amount of Plant Accumulated Depreciation | credit | The period end amount of accumulated depreciation in a jointly owned electricity generation plant. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantOwnershipAmountOfPlantAccumulatedDepreciation |
1492 | Jointly Owned Utility Plant, Proportionate Ownership Share | N/A | The proportionate share of interest (percent) in a jointly owned utility plant. | JointlyOwnedUtilityPlantProportionateOwnershipShare |
1493 | Land and Land Improvements | debit | Amount before accumulated deprecation and depletion of real estate held for productive use and additions or improvements to real estate held for productive use, examples include, but are not limited to, walkways, driveways, fences, and parking lots. Excludes land held for sale. | LandAndLandImprovements |
1494 | Land Subject to Ground Leases | N/A | Area of land subject to a ground lease. | LandSubjectToGroundLeases |
1495 | Lease Concessions (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of reduction of lease revenue that was offered to induce the lessee to enter into a lease agreement. | LeaseConcessions |
1496 | Lease Incentive, Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | This item represents an incentive or inducement contractually stipulated between parties to a lease whereby the lessor has committed to provide the entity (lessee) with a cash payment as inducement to enter the lease. | LeaseIncentivePayable |
1497 | Leasing Commissions Expense | debit | Amount of commissions expense incurred because the lessor of real estate obtained a lessee for a rental property through a real estate agent. | LeasingCommissionsExpense |
1498 | Leveraged Buyout, Closing Fees and Expense (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash paid for closing fees, debt issue costs, and other transaction expenses in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutClosingFeesAndExpense |
1499 | Leveraged Buyout, Consideration Paid for Outstanding Shares (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash paid to stockholders for outstanding shares and warrants in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutConsiderationPaidForOutstandingShares |
1500 | Leveraged Buyout, Prepayment Penalties on Retired Debt (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash paid for prepayment penalties on retired debt in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutPrepaymentPenaltiesOnRetiredDebt |
1501 | Leveraged Buyout, Redemption of Share-based Awards (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash paid to settle outstanding management options in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutRedemptionOfShareBasedAwards |
1502 | Leveraged Buyout, Repayment of Existing Debt (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of cash used to pay off existing debt in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutRepaymentOfExistingDebt |
1503 | Leveraged Buyout, Uses of Cash in Leveraged Buyout Transaction (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Total uses of cash in a leveraged buyout transaction. | LeveragedBuyoutUsesOfCashInLeveragedBuyoutTransaction |
1505 | Leveraged Leases, Net Investment in Leveraged Leases Disclosure, Deferred Taxes Arising from Leveraged Leases | credit | Taxes arising from arrangements meeting the criteria for classification as leveraged leases due to timing differences between accounting and tax income recognition. | LeveragedLeasesNetInvestmentInLeveragedLeasesDisclosureDeferredTaxesArisingFromLeveragedLeases |
1506 | Liabilities and Partners’ Capital (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | Total of all partners’ capital and liability items in a publicly listed limited partnership or master limited partnership. | LiabilitiesAndPartnersCapital |
1511 | Liabilities for Guarantees on Long-Duration Contracts, Incurred Benefits (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of guaranteed minimum benefit expense incurred during the period presented, resulting in an increase to the liability for expected guaranteed minimum benefits in excess of projected account values. | LiabilitiesForGuaranteesOnLongDurationContractsIncurredBenefits |
1513 | Liabilities for Guarantees on Long-Duration Contracts, Reinsurance Recoverable | debit | Amount of guaranteed minimum benefits the ceding insurer expects to recover on insurance policies ceded to other insurance entities as of the balance sheet date. | LiabilitiesForGuaranteesOnLongDurationContractsReinsuranceRecoverable |
1515 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities | credit | The amount of trade accounts payable included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseAccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilities |
1516 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Aircraft Obligations and Deferred Gains | credit | The amount of aircraft obligations and deferred gains included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseAircraftObligationsAndDeferredGains |
1518 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Balance at Bankruptcy Effective Date (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of liabilities subject to compromise at the bankruptcy date. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseBalanceAtBankruptcyEffectiveDate |
1519 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Capital Lease Obligations and Accrued Interest | credit | The amount of capital lease obligations and related accrued interest included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseCapitalLeaseObligationsAndAccruedInterest |
1521 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Early Contract Termination Fees | credit | The amount of early contract termination fees included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseEarlyContractTerminationFees |
1522 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Employee and Deemed Claims | credit | The amount of employee and related claims included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseEmployeeAndDeemedClaims |
1523 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, End of Period (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of liabilities subject to compromise at the end of the reporting period. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseEndOfPeriod |
1529 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Provision for Expected and Allowed Claims | credit | The amount of the provision for expected and allowed claims included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseProvisionForExpectedAndAllowedClaims |
1530 | Liabilities Subject to Compromise, Retained Obligation of Divested Businesses | credit | The amount of retained obligations related to divested businesses included in liabilities subject to compromise. | LiabilitiesSubjectToCompromiseRetainedObligationOfDivestedBusinesses |
1534 | Liability for Asbestos and Environmental Claims, Net | credit | Carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of reserves for the costs of settling insured claims and costs incurred in the claims settlement process attributable to asbestos and environmental claims, net of estimated reinsurance recoveries. | LiabilityForAsbestosAndEnvironmentalClaimsNet |
1537 | Liability for Catastrophe Claims, Carrying Amount | credit | The amount of estimated liability as of the balance sheet date for the specific conflagration, earthquake, windstorm, explosion, or similar event. | LiabilityForCatastropheClaimsCarryingAmount |
1538 | Liability for Future Policy Benefit by Product Segment, Discounted Liability Amount | credit | Monetary amount by product segment of present value of future benefits to be paid to or on behalf of policyholders and related expenses less the present value of future net premiums using assumptions such as estimates of expected investment yields, mortality, morbidity, terminations and expenses, applicable at the time the insurance contracts are made and unpaid claim costs relating to insurance contracts including estimates of costs relating to incurred but not reported claims based on the estimated ultimate cost of settling the claims (including effects of inflation and other societal and economic factors), using past experience adjusted for current trends and any other factors that would modify past experience. | LiabilityForFuturePolicyBenefitByProductSegmentDiscountedLiabilityAmount |
1539 | Liability for Future Policy Benefit by Product Segment, Interest Rate, Year of Issue | N/A | The assumed interest rate used to determine present value of future benefits to be paid to or on behalf of policyholders and related expenses less the present value of future net premiums using assumptions such as estimates of expected investment yields, mortality, morbidity, terminations and expenses, applicable at the time the insurance contracts are made and unpaid claim costs relating to insurance contracts including estimates of costs relating to incurred but not reported claims based on the estimated ultimate cost of settling the claims (including effects of inflation and other societal and economic factors), using past experience adjusted for current trends and any other factors that would modify past experience in the year the policy went into force. | LiabilityForFuturePolicyBenefitByProductSegmentInterestRateYearOfIssue |
1543 | Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claims Adjustment Expense, Reinsurance Recoverables, Deduction (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | The known and estimated amount that is recoverable on unpaid claims through reinsurance as of the beginning of the year. | LiabilityForUnpaidClaimsAndClaimsAdjustmentExpenseReinsuranceRecoverablesDeduction |
1545 | Life Insurance in Force, Assumed | credit | Amount of life insurance issued and outstanding assumed from other entities. Includes, but not limited to, dividends and adjustments to face value. | LifeInsuranceInForceAssumed |
1546 | Life Insurance in Force, Ceded | debit | Amount of life insurance issued and outstanding ceded to other entities. Includes, but not limited to, dividends and adjustments to face value. | LifeInsuranceInForceCeded |
1547 | Life Insurance in Force, Gross | credit | Amount before contracts ceded to other entities and contracts assumed by the entity of life insurance issued and outstanding. Includes, but not limited to, dividends and adjustments to face value. | LifeInsuranceInForceGross |
1548 | Life Insurance in Force, Net | credit | Amount after contracts ceded to other entities and contracts assumed by the entity of life insurance issued and outstanding. Includes, but not limited to, dividends and adjustments to face value. | LifeInsuranceInForceNet |
1549 | Life Insurance in Force, Percentage Assumed to Net | N/A | Percentage of assumed life insurance issued and outstanding contracts to life insurance issued and outstanding after contracts ceded to other entities and contracts assumed by the entity. Includes, but not limited to, dividends and adjustments to face value. | LifeInsuranceInForcePercentageAssumedToNet |
1550 | Life Insurance in Force Premiums, Percentage Assumed to Net (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | N/A | Percentage of assumed life insurance in force premiums to net premiums. | LifeInsuranceInForcePremiumsPercentageAssumedToNet |
1551 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing after Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingAfterRollingYearFive |
1552 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing after Year Five | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingAfterYearFive |
1553 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1554 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInNextTwelveMonths |
1555 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1556 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInRollingYearFive |
1557 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInRollingYearFour |
1558 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInRollingYearThree |
1559 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInRollingYearTwo |
1560 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Year Five | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInYearFive |
1561 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Year Four | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInYearFour |
1562 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Year Three | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInYearThree |
1563 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Carrying Amount, Maturing in Year Two | debit | Amount of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodCarryingAmountMaturingInYearTwo |
1564 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing after Rolling Year Five | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingAfterRollingYearFive |
1565 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing after Year Five | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingAfterYearFive |
1566 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1567 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Next Twelve Months | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInNextTwelveMonths |
1568 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1569 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Rolling Year Five | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInRollingYearFive |
1570 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Rolling Year Four | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInRollingYearFour |
1571 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Rolling Year Three | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInRollingYearThree |
1572 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Rolling Year Two | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInRollingYearTwo |
1573 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Year Five | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInYearFive |
1574 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Year Four | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInYearFour |
1575 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Year Three | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInYearThree |
1576 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Face Value, Maturing in Year Two | debit | Face value of the life insurance policies underlying the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodFaceValueMaturingInYearTwo |
1577 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing after Rolling Year Five | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingAfterRollingYearFive |
1578 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing after Year Five | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingAfterYearFive |
1579 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Next Rolling Twelve Months | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1580 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Next Twelve Months | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInNextTwelveMonths |
1581 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Remainder of Fiscal Year | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1582 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Rolling Year Five | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInRollingYearFive |
1583 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Rolling Year Four | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInRollingYearFour |
1584 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Rolling Year Three | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInRollingYearThree |
1585 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Rolling Year Two | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInRollingYearTwo |
1586 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Year Five | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInYearFive |
1587 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Year Four | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInYearFour |
1588 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Year Three | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInYearThree |
1589 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Maturing in Year Two | N/A | Number of life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodNumberOfContractsMaturingInYearTwo |
1590 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid after Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidAfterRollingYearFive |
1591 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid after Year Five | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidAfterYearFive |
1592 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1593 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Next Twelve Months | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInNextTwelveMonths |
1594 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1595 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInRollingYearFive |
1596 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInRollingYearFour |
1597 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInRollingYearThree |
1598 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInRollingYearTwo |
1599 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Year Five | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInYearFive |
1600 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Year Four | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInYearFour |
1601 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Year Three | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInYearThree |
1602 | Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Premiums to be Paid in Year Two | debit | Amount of life insurance premiums to keep the life settlement contracts accounted for under the investment method in force anticipated to be paid in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LifeSettlementContractsInvestmentMethodPremiumsToBePaidInYearTwo |
1603 | Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Authorized | N/A | Maximum number of preferred units of ownership permitted to be issued of a limited liability company (LLC). | LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitAuthorized |
1604 | Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Issuance Value | credit | Stated value of preferred units of ownership issued by a limited liability company (LLC). | LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitIssuanceValue |
1605 | Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Issued | N/A | Number of preferred units issued of limited liability company (LLC). | LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitIssued |
1606 | Limited Liability Company (LLC) Preferred Unit, Outstanding | N/A | Number of preferred units of ownership outstanding of a limited liability company (LLC). | LimitedLiabilityCompanyLLCPreferredUnitOutstanding |
1611 | Loans and Leases Receivable, Allowance, Covered | credit | Amount of allowance for loan and lease losses covered by loss sharing agreements. | LoansAndLeasesReceivableAllowanceCovered |
1612 | Loans and Leases Receivable, Gross, Carrying Amount, Covered | debit | Aggregate gross carrying amount of loans and leases receivable covered by loss sharing agreements. | LoansAndLeasesReceivableGrossCarryingAmountCovered |
1618 | Loans to Finance Leveraged Buyout (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Proceeds from term loans used to finance a leveraged buyout transaction (excludes subordinated notes and shareholder loans). | LoansToFinanceLeveragedBuyout |
1619 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Discount Rate | N/A | Percentage discount rate used to calculate present value of an expected stream of future payments, which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeDiscountRate |
1620 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Discount Rate, High End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Percentage discount rate at the high end of a range of reasonable estimates used to calculate present value of an expected stream of future payments, which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeDiscountRateHighEnd |
1621 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Discount Rate, Low End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Percentage discount rate at the low end of a range of reasonable estimates used to calculate present value of an expected stream of future payments, which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeDiscountRateLowEnd |
1622 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Estimated Average Investment Yield | N/A | Estimated average rate of return on investments which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeEstimatedAverageInvestmentYield |
1623 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Estimated Investment Yield, High End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Estimated rate of return on investments at the high end of a range of reasonable estimates which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeEstimatedInvestmentYieldHighEnd |
1624 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Estimated Investment Yield, Low End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Estimated rate of return on investments at the low end of a range of reasonable estimates which is included in the calculation of the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeEstimatedInvestmentYieldLowEnd |
1625 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Lapse Rate | N/A | Anticipated rate of future terminations of contracts in force as of the balance sheet date, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeLapseRate |
1626 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Lapse Rate, High End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Anticipated rate of future terminations of contracts in force as of the balance sheet date at the high end of the range of reasonable estimates, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeLapseRateHighEnd |
1627 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Lapse Rate, Low End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Anticipated rate of future terminations of contracts in force as of the balance sheet date at the low end of the range of reasonable estimates, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeLapseRateLowEnd |
1628 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Mortality Rate | N/A | Actuarially determined death rate of policyholders, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeMortalityRate |
1629 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Mortality Rate, High End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Actuarially determined death rate of policyholders at the high end of the range of reasonable estimates, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeMortalityRateHighEnd |
1630 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Mortality Rate, Low End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Actuarially determined death rate of policyholders at the low end of the range of reasonable estimates, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeMortalityRateLowEnd |
1631 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Other Rate | N/A | Anticipated rate for an assumption not otherwise specified in the taxonomy, which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeOtherRate |
1632 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Volatility Rate | N/A | Percentage rate that is indicative of an expected degree of movement against a base line index, and which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeVolatilityRate |
1633 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Volatility Rate, High End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Percentage rate at the high end of the range of reasonable estimates that is indicative of an expected degree of movement against a base line index, and which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeVolatilityRateHighEnd |
1634 | Long-Duration Contracts, Assumptions by Product and Guarantee, Volatility Rate, Low End (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Percentage rate at the low end of the range of reasonable estimates that is indicative of an expected degree of movement against a base line index, and which is included in determining the amount of the specified guaranteed benefit obligation as of the balance sheet date. | LongDurationContractsAssumptionsByProductAndGuaranteeVolatilityRateLowEnd |
1635 | Long-term Contract for Purchase of Electric Power, Amount of Long-term Debt or Lease Obligation Outstanding | credit | Under long-term contracts with public utility districts, cooperatives or other organizations, a utility company receives a portion of the output of a production plant constructed and financed by the district or cooperative. The utility has only a nominal or no investment at all in the plant but pays a proportionate part of the plant’s costs, including debt service. | LongTermContractForPurchaseOfElectricPowerAmountOfLongTermDebtOrLeaseObligationOutstanding |
1636 | Long-term Contract for Purchase of Electric Power, Annual Minimum Debt Service Payment Required | debit | Under long-term contracts with public utility districts, cooperatives or other organizations, a utility company receives a portion of the output of a production plant constructed and financed by the district or cooperative. The utility has only a nominal or no investment at all in the plant but pays a proportionate part of the plant’s costs, including debt service. If the utility is obligated to pay certain minimum amounts which cover debt service requirements whether or not the plant is operating, the amount can be disclosed here. | LongTermContractForPurchaseOfElectricPowerAnnualMinimumDebtServicePaymentRequired |
1637 | Long-term Contract for Purchase of Electric Power, Estimated Annual Cost | debit | Estimated annual cost to purchase electricity under a long-term contract from a production plant constructed and financed by a public utility district, cooperative, or other organization. | LongTermContractForPurchaseOfElectricPowerEstimatedAnnualCost |
1638 | Long-term Contract for Purchase of Electric Power, Interest Included in Contract Charges | debit | The allocable portion of interest included in charges under a long-term contract to purchase electric power. | LongTermContractForPurchaseOfElectricPowerInterestIncludedInContractCharges |
1639 | Long-term Contract for Purchase of Electric Power, Share of Plant Output Being Purchased | N/A | Share of plant output being purchased under a long-term contract to purchase electricity from a production plant constructed and financed by a public utility district, cooperative, or other organization. | LongTermContractForPurchaseOfElectricPowerShareOfPlantOutputBeingPurchased |
1640 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Including Current Maturities | credit | Amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligations including current maturities. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsIncludingCurrentMaturities |
1641 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal after Year Five | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalAfterYearFive |
1642 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Five | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFive |
1643 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Four | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the fourth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearFour |
1644 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Four and Five | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the fourth and fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongtermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsFourAndFive |
1645 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Years Two and Three | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the second and third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearsTwoAndThree |
1646 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Three | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the third fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearThree |
1647 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Year Two | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the second fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInYearTwo |
1648 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Maturities, Repayments of Principal Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1649 | Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations, Repayments of Principal in Next Twelve Months | credit | Principal amount of long-term debt and capital lease obligation maturing in the next fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationsRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextTwelveMonths |
1650 | Long-term Debt, Components, Bonds Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of bonds payable as of the balance sheet date, including the current portion, which originally required full repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsBondsPayable |
1651 | Long-term Debt, Components, Bonds Payable, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Current portion of carrying amount of bonds payable as of the balance sheet date (excluding noncurrent portions). | LongTermDebtComponentsBondsPayableCurrent |
1652 | Long-term Debt, Components, Bonds Payable, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of bonds payable as of the balance sheet date, net of the amount due in the next twelve months or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsBondsPayableNoncurrent |
1653 | Long-term Debt, Components, Commercial Loans (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of commercial loans, excluding mortgages and lease obligations, as of the balance sheet date, including the current portion, which originally required full repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsCommercialLoans |
1654 | Long-term Debt, Components, Commercial Loans, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Current portion of carrying amount of commercial loans as of the balance sheet date (excluding noncurrent portions) excluding mortgage loans. | LongTermDebtComponentsCommercialLoansCurrent |
1655 | Long-term Debt, Components, Commercial Loans, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of commercial loans as of the balance sheet date excluding mortgage loans and net of the amount due in the next twelve months or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsCommercialLoansNoncurrent |
1656 | Long-term Debt, Components, Convertible Debt (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of convertible debt as of the balance sheet date, including the current portion, which originally required full repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsConvertibleDebt |
1657 | Long-term Debt, Components, Credit Facilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Amounts outstanding under credit facilities (lines of credit and letters of credit) classified as long-term debt as of the balance sheet date (including both current and noncurrent portions). | LongTermDebtComponentsCreditFacilities |
1658 | Long-term Debt, Components, Credit Facilities, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Current portion of amount outstanding under credit facilities (lines of credit and letters of credit) as of the balance sheet date (excluding noncurrent portions). | LongTermDebtComponentsCreditFacilitiesCurrent |
1659 | Long-term Debt, Components, Credit Facilities, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of amounts outstanding under credit facilities (lines of credit and letters of credit) as of the balance sheet date, net of the amount due in the next twelve months or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsCreditFacilitiesNoncurrent |
1660 | Long-term Debt, Components, Mortgage Loans (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of mortgage loans as of the balance sheet date, including the current portion, which originally required full repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsMortgageLoans |
1661 | Long-term Debt, Components, Mortgage Loans, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Current portion of carrying amount of mortgage loans as of the balance sheet date (excluding noncurrent portions). | LongTermDebtComponentsMortgageLoansCurrent |
1662 | Long-term Debt, Components, Mortgage Loans, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of mortgage loans as of the balance sheet date, net of the amount due in the next twelve months or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company. | LongTermDebtComponentsMortgageLoansNoncurrent |
1663 | Long-term Notes Payable, Current and Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Including the current and noncurrent portions, aggregate carrying amount of all types of notes payable, as of the balance sheet date, with initial maturities beyond one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer. | LongTermDebtComponentsNotesPayable |
1664 | Long-term Debt, Components, Other Debt (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying amount of other forms of debt classified as long-term as of the balance sheet date (including both current and noncurrent portions). | LongTermDebtComponentsOtherDebt |
1665 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1666 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingAfterYearFive |
1667 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFive |
1668 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFour |
1669 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four and Five | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the fourth and fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFourAndFive |
1670 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearThree |
1671 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwo |
1672 | Long-term Debt, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two and Three | credit | Amount of long-term debt payable, sinking fund requirements, and other securities issued that are redeemable by holder at fixed or determinable prices and dates maturing in the second and third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwoAndThree |
1674 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Next Rolling Twelve Months (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1675 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Remainder of Fiscal Year (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1676 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling after Year Five (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingAfterYearFive |
1677 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Five (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFive |
1678 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Four (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearFour |
1679 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Three (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearThree |
1680 | Long-term Debt of Registrant, Maturities, Repayments of Principal in Rolling Year Two (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount of long-term debt of the registrant maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet presented. | LongTermDebtOfRegistrantMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalInRollingYearTwo |
1681 | Long-term Purchase Commitment, Minimum Energy Volume Required | N/A | Energy volume that must be purchased within the specified time period of the agreement to avoid penalties or unfavorable effects on pricing, among other adverse consequences. | LongTermPurchaseCommitmentMinimumEnergyVolumeRequired |
1682 | Long-term Purchase Commitment, Minimum Mass Required | N/A | Mass of goods that must be purchased within the specified time period of the agreement to avoid penalties or unfavorable effects on pricing, among other adverse consequences. | LongTermPurchaseCommitmentMinimumMassRequired |
1683 | Long-term Purchase Commitment, Minimum Volume Required | N/A | Volume that must be purchased within the specified time period of the agreement to avoid penalties or unfavorable effects on pricing, among other adverse consequences. | LongTermPurchaseCommitmentMinimumVolumeRequired |
1685 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, after Rolling Year Five | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueAfterRollingYearFive |
1686 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1687 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1688 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Rolling Year Five | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInRollingYearFive |
1689 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Rolling Year Four | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInRollingYearFour |
1690 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Rolling Year Three | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInRollingYearThree |
1691 | Loss Contingency Accrual, Product Liability, Rolling Year Two | credit | Undiscounted amount of the accrual for damages arising from third-party use of the entity’s product or process expected to be paid in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | LossContingencyAccrualProductLiabilityDueInRollingYearTwo |
1692 | Loss Contingency, Claims Dismissed, Number | N/A | Number of claims dismissed. | LossContingencyClaimsDismissedNumber |
1693 | Loss Contingency, Claims Settled, Number | N/A | Number of claims settled. | LossContingencyClaimsSettledNumber |
1694 | Loss Contingency, Damages Paid, Value | credit | Amount of damages paid to the plaintiff in the legal matter. | LossContingencyDamagesPaidValue |
1695 | Loss Contingency, Number of Defendants | N/A | Number of defendants named in a legal action. | LossContingencyNumberOfDefendants |
1696 | Loss Contingency, Number of Plaintiffs | N/A | Number of plaintiffs that have filed claims pertaining to a loss contingency. | LossContingencyNumberOfPlaintiffs |
1697 | Loss Contingency, Patents Allegedly Infringed, Number | N/A | Number of another entity’s patents that the entity has allegedly infringed. | LossContingencyPatentsAllegedlyInfringedNumber |
1698 | Loss Contingency, Patents Found Infringed, Number | N/A | Number of another entity’s patents that the entity was found to have infringed. | LossContingencyPatentsFoundInfringedNumber |
1699 | Loss Contingency, Patents Found Not Infringed, Number | N/A | Number of another entity’s patents that the entity was found not to have infringed. | LossContingencyPatentsFoundNotInfringedNumber |
1704 | Loss Contingency, Settlement Agreement, Consideration (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of consideration the entity has agreed to pay to settle a legal matter. | LossContingencySettlementAgreementConsideration1 |
1707 | Malpractice Insurance, Annual Coverage Limit | debit | Annual coverage limit provided by the insurance arrangement for malpractice claims. | MalpracticeInsuranceAnnualCoverageLimit |
1708 | Malpractice Insurance, Coverage Floor | debit | Amount at the low end of the range in which the insurance begins to cover losses and costs associated with malpractice claims. | MalpracticeInsuranceCoverageFloor |
1709 | Malpractice Insurance, Deductible (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of risk retained by the entity before the insurance arrangement begins to provide coverage. | MalpracticeInsuranceDeductible |
1711 | Malpractice Insurance, Maximum Coverage Per Incident | debit | Maximum coverage per malpractice claim provided by the insurance arrangement. | MalpracticeInsuranceMaximumCoveragePerIncident |
1712 | Malpractice Insurance, Percentage of Ownership in Captive Insurer | N/A | State the entity’s ownership interest in the captive insurer. | MalpracticeInsurancePercentageOfOwnershipInCaptiveInsurer |
1713 | Malpractice Insurance, Percentage of Premiums Paid to Captive Insurer | N/A | Amount of the premiums paid by the entity to a partially-owned captive insurer. Express as a percentage of total premiums received by the captive insurer from all sources. | MalpracticeInsurancePercentageOfPremiumsPaidToCaptiveInsurer |
1714 | Malpractice Loss Contingency, Accrual Not Recognized, Estimate of Possible Loss | credit | Amount of estimated possible loss for a loss contingency for malpractice claims that is reasonably possible to occur but does not meet the loss recognition criteria. | MalpracticeLossContingencyAccrualNotRecognizedEstimateOfPossibleLoss |
1715 | Malpractice Loss Contingency, Settlement of Claims (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amounts paid during an accounting period for malpractice claims, including costs associated with litigation or claims settlements. | MalpracticeLossContingencySettlementOfClaims |
1716 | Management Fee, Amount Paid (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount paid to managing member or general partner for management of the day-to-day business functions of the limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | ManagementFeeAmountPaid |
1719 | Market Data Revenue | credit | Amount of revenue from market data services, including, but not limited to, information about current quotes and most recent prices for a specific security. | MarketDataRevenue |
1720 | Maximum Future Earnings from Closed Block Assets and Liabilities (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | The carrying amount of closed block liabilities in excess of the carrying amount of closed block assets at the date of demutualization (adjusted to eliminate the impact of related amounts in accumulated other comprehensive income). | MaximumFutureEarningsFromClosedBlockAssetsAndLiabilities |
1722 | Merchant Discount Fees | credit | Amount of earnings on fees charged to merchants for the cardholder’s use of a credit card. Excludes interest income earned on credit card balances, transactions and credit card services including late, over limit, and annual fees. | MerchantDiscountFees |
1723 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
1724 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearFive |
1725 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearFour |
1726 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearThree |
1727 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Due in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsDueInRollingYearTwo |
1728 | Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of minimum lease payments for sale-leaseback transactions accounted for using the deposit method or as a financing due in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1730 | Minimum Net Capital Required (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | Total minimum net capital required to be maintained to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequired |
1731 | Minimum Net Capital Required | credit | Amount of minimum net capital required to be maintained to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequired1 |
1732 | Minimum Net Capital Required for Broker-Dealer Subsidiary (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | The minimum amount of net capital required to be maintained by the company’s broker-dealer subsidiary to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequiredForBrokerDealerSubsidiary |
1734 | Minimum Net Capital Required for Entity (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | The minimum amount of net capital required to be maintained by the entity to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequiredForEntity |
1735 | Minimum Net Capital Required for Entity | credit | Minimum amount of net capital required to be maintained by the entity to engage in securities transactions. | MinimumNetCapitalRequiredForEntity1 |
1737 | Minimum Remaining Terms of Leases and Concessions on Undeveloped Acreage (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Information about the leases or concessions that will expire on undeveloped acreage controlled by the enterprise. | MinimumRemainingTermsOfLeasesAndConcessionsOnUndevelopedAcreage |
1738 | Minimum Rents (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | credit | This element represents the minimum amount of rents earned during the period from lessees based on the terms of contractual arrangements. | MinimumRents |
1741 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Delinquent Principal or Interest, Acquired from Affiliates | debit | Amount of principal due on loans that have been delinquent, which may exclude loans having interest delinquent for three months or less, as of the balance sheet date that were acquired from controlled and other affiliates. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateDelinquentPrincipalOrInterestAcquiredFromAffiliates |
1742 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Face Amount of Mortgages | debit | Amount of the contractual principal due at the origination of the mortgage loan (face amount). | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateFaceAmountOfMortgages |
1744 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Federal Income Tax Basis | debit | Amount of the federal income tax basis of mortgage loans on real estate. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateFederalIncomeTaxBasis1 |
1745 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Interest Rate | N/A | The stated interest rate on the mortgage loan receivable or the weighted average interest rate on a group of loans. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateInterestRate |
1746 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Maximum Interest Rate in Range | N/A | The highest stated interest rate within the mortgage loans included in the loan grouping. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateMaximumInterestRateInRange |
1748 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Number of Loans | N/A | Indicates the number of mortgages under each classification. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateNumberOfLoans |
1749 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Periodic Payment Terms, Balloon Payment Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The required large, lump sum payment amount on final maturity date. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstatePeriodicPaymentTermsBalloonPaymentAmount |
1751 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Principal Amount of Delinquent Loans | debit | Amount of principal due on loans that have been delinquent, which may exclude loans having interest delinquent for three months or less, as of the balance sheet date. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstatePrincipalAmountOfDelinquentLoans |
1752 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Prior Liens (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of any prior liens on the real estate that secures the mortgage loan. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstatePriorLiens |
1753 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Prior Liens | credit | Amount of prior lien on the real estate that secures the mortgage loan. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstatePriorLiens1 |
1754 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Renewed and Extended, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Carrying amount of mortgage loans on real estate that were renewed or extended. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateRenewedAndExtendedAmount |
1755 | Mortgage Loans on Real Estate, Renewed and Extended, Amount | debit | Amount of mortgage loan on real estate that was renewed or extended. | MortgageLoansOnRealEstateRenewedAndExtendedAmount1 |
1758 | Multiemployer Plans, Accumulated Benefit Obligation | credit | Amount of accumulated benefit obligation attributable to the pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansAccumulatedBenefitObligation |
1759 | Multiemployer Plans, Collective-Bargaining Arrangement, Percentage of Contributions | N/A | Percentage of contributions required by a collective bargaining arrangement to contributions required by all collective bargaining arrangements related to a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansCollectiveBargainingArrangementPercentageOfContributions |
1760 | Multiemployer Plans, Collective-Bargaining Arrangement, Percentage of Employer’s Contributions | N/A | Percentage of contributions required by a collective bargaining arrangement to all contributions required of an employer related to a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansCollectiveBargainingArrangementPercentageOfEmployersContributions |
1761 | Multiemployer Plans, Collective-Bargaining Arrangement, Percentage of Employer’s Participants | N/A | Percentage of employee participants subject to a collective bargaining arrangement to all of the employer’s participants in a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansCollectiveBargainingArrangementPercentageOfEmployersParticipants |
1762 | Multiemployer Plans, Collective-Bargaining Arrangement, Percentage of Participants | N/A | Percentage of employee participants subject to a collective bargaining arrangement to all participants in a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansCollectiveBargainingArrangementPercentageOfParticipants |
1764 | Multiemployer Plans, Plan Assets | debit | Amount of plan assets attributable to the pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansPlanAssets |
1765 | Multiemployer Plans, Plan Contributions | debit | Amount of contributions made to the multiemployer plan by all employers who participate in the plan. A multiemployer plan is a pension or postretirement benefit plan to which two or more unrelated employers contribute where assets contributed by one participating employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers. | MultiemployerPlansPlanContributions |
1767 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, General Account Value | credit | Value of the general accounts corresponding to the specified product, guarantee type and subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeGeneralAccountValue |
1768 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Net Amount at Risk | credit | Net amount at risk, representing the guaranteed benefit in excess of the current account balance corresponding to the specified product, guarantee type and subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeNetAmountAtRisk |
1769 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Net Amount at Risk at Annuitization (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | Net amount at risk, representing the guaranteed benefit in excess of the current account balance corresponding to the specified product, guarantee type and subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeNetAmountAtRiskAtAnnuitization |
1770 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Net Amount at Risk in Event of Death (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | The portion of the specified guaranteed benefit amount in excess of the sum of the current account balance amounts assuming death of the insureds, corresponding to the specified guarantee or subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeNetAmountAtRiskInEventOfDeath |
1772 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Separate Account Value at Annuitization (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | Estimated value of the separate accounts as of the date benefit payments are to commence. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeSeparateAccountValueAtAnnuitization |
1773 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Separate Account Value in Event of Death (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | credit | Value of the separate accounts assuming death of the insured, corresponding to the specified product, guarantee type and subset of the guarantee. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeSeparateAccountValueInEventOfDeath |
1774 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Weighted Average Attained Age (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Weighted average attained age of all policyholders or contract holders in the specified guarantee type and subset of guarantee class. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeWeightedAverageAttainedAge |
1775 | Net Amount at Risk by Product and Guarantee, Weighted Average Period Remaining (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | Weighted average amount of time in years until annuitization or benefit payment is expected to occur. | NetAmountAtRiskByProductAndGuaranteeWeightedAveragePeriodRemaining |
1776 | Net Credit Losses During Period on Loans Managed or Securitized or Asset-backed Financing Arrangement (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | This is the sum of charge-offs (credit losses) on loans managed or securitized during the period. | NetCreditLossesDuringPeriodOnLoansManagedOrSecuritized |
1779 | Noncash Commission and Closing Costs | debit | The expense related to real estate commissions and closing costs that are not paid in cash. Is an adjustment to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method. | NoncashCommissionAndClosingCosts |
1789 | Nonfinancial Liabilities Fair Value Disclosure | credit | Fair value of obligations not classified as financial liabilities. Includes, but is not limited to, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, commitments, obligations, and other liabilities. | NonfinancialLiabilitiesFairValueDisclosure |
1790 | Noninterest-bearing Domestic Deposit, Other | credit | Amount of other noninterest-bearing domestic deposit liabilities. | NoninterestbearingDomesticDepositOther |
1796 | Noninterest Expense Printing and Fulfillment | debit | Amounts expended for printing of marketing and compliance communications and fulfillment services. | NoninterestExpensePrintingAndFulfillment |
1801 | Non-Recourse Debt | credit | Amount of debt for which creditor does not have general recourse to the debtor but rather has recourse only to the property used for collateral in the transaction or other specific property. | NonRecourseDebt |
1802 | Notes Payable, Related Parties, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | The amount for notes payable (written promise to pay), due to related parties. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | NotesPayableRelatedPartiesCurrent |
1803 | Notes Receivable by Owner to Limited Liability Company (LLC) | debit | Amount of an agreement for an unconditional promise by an owner to pay limited liability company (LLC) a definite sum of money at a future date. | NotesReceivableByOwnerToLimitedLiabilityCompanyLLC |
1804 | Notional Amount of Foreign Currency Derivatives (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Aggregate notional amount of foreign currency exchange rate derivatives. Notional amount refers to the number of currency units specified in the foreign currency derivative contract. | NotionalAmountOfForeignCurrencyDerivatives |
1805 | Notional Amount of Foreign Currency Derivative Sale Contracts (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Aggregate notional amount of foreign currency derivatives to sell a foreign currency. Notional amount refers to the number of currency units specified in the foreign currency derivative contract. | NotionalAmountOfForeignCurrencyDerivativeSaleContracts |
1807 | Number of Aircraft Operated | N/A | Number of aircraft operated by the carrier. | NumberOfAircraftOperated |
1808 | Number of Operating Segments | N/A | Number of operating segments. An operating segment is a component of an enterprise: (a) that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same enterprise), (b) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the enterprise’s chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance, and (c) for which discrete financial information is available. An operating segment may engage in business activities for which it has yet to earn revenues, for example, start-up operations may be operating segments before earning revenues. | NumberOfOperatingSegments |
1809 | Number of Properties Subject to Ground Leases | N/A | Number of separate real estate development properties located on land subject to ground leases. | NumberOfPropertiesSubjectToGroundLeases |
1810 | Number of Reportable Segments | N/A | Number of segments reported by the entity. A reportable segment is a component of an entity for which there is an accounting requirement to report separate financial information on that component in the entity’s financial statements. | NumberOfReportableSegments |
1811 | Number of Reporting Units | N/A | Number of reporting units tested for impairment of goodwill. A reporting unit is an operating segment or one level below an operating segment. | NumberOfReportingUnits |
1812 | Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Outstanding | credit | Amount outstanding, before the effects of recovery, of obligation under the joint and several liability arrangement. | ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountOutstanding |
1813 | Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Receivable | debit | Amount of receivable from other entities recognized in the balance sheet resulting from the joint and several liability arrangement. | ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountReceivable |
1814 | Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement, Amount Recognized | credit | Amount of joint and several liability recognized in the balance sheet. | ObligationWithJointAndSeveralLiabilityArrangementAmountRecognized |
1816 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Available Amounts to be Received | N/A | Total available amounts expected to be received from each oil producing property. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsAvailableAmountsToBeReceived |
1817 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Daily Production | N/A | Amount of daily production of the applicable energy source. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsDailyProduction |
1818 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Fixed Price | N/A | The delivery price committed to in the contract. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsFixedPrice |
1819 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Remaining Contractual Volume | N/A | Total amount of product committed to be supplied under existing contracts or agreements. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsRemainingContractualVolume |
1820 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Reserves or Supplies Subject to Priorities or Curtailments | N/A | Significant oil and gas supplies subject to priorities or curtailments which may affect quantities delivered to certain classes of customers, such as customers receiving services under low priority and interruptible contracts. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsReservesOrSuppliesSubjectToPrioritiesOrCurtailments |
1821 | Oil and Gas Delivery Commitments and Contracts, Significant Supplies Dedicated or Contracted to Entity | N/A | Significant oil and gas supplies dedicated or contracted to the enterprise that can be used to fulfill existing contracts or agreements. | OilAndGasDeliveryCommitmentsAndContractsSignificantSuppliesDedicatedOrContractedToEntity |
1823 | Oil and Gas Quantities Received under Long-term Supply Agreements with Governments or Authorities | N/A | The net quantity of oil and/or gas received under long-term supply, purchase, or similar agreements and contracts, including such agreements with governments or authorities, as of the end of the period if the enterprise participates in the operation of the properties in which the oil or gas is located or otherwise serves as the “producer” of those reserves, as opposed, for example, to being an independent purchaser, broker, dealer or importer. | OilAndGasQuantitiesReceivedUnderLongTermSupplyAgreementsWithGovernmentsOrAuthorities |
1824 | Oil and Gas Sales Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable to third parties for oil and gas that has been sold but not delivered. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | OilAndGasSalesPayable |
1825 | Open Option Contracts Written, Exercise Price | N/A | The exercise price of the open option contracts written on the investment. | OpenOptionContractsWrittenExercisePrice |
1826 | Open Option Contracts Written, Number of Contracts | N/A | The number of contracts written for the open option contracts written on the investment. | OpenOptionContractsWrittenNumberOfContracts |
1827 | Open Option Contracts Written, Number of Shares | N/A | The number of shares for the open option contracts written on the investment. | OpenOptionContractsWrittenNumberOfShares |
1828 | Open Option Contracts Written, Premiums | credit | Represents the premiums earned on the open option contracts held by the fund. This item is not required to be disclosed in Regulation S-X but is commonly reported by some funds. | OpenOptionContractsWrittenPremiums |
1829 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Four and Five Years | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fourth and fifth fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInFourAndFiveYears |
1830 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
1831 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFive |
1832 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFour |
1833 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Four and Five | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the fourth and fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearFourAndFive |
1834 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearThree |
1835 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearTwo |
1836 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Rolling Year Two and Three | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the second and third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInRollingYearTwoAndThree |
1837 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Due in Two and Three Years | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the second and third fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsDueInTwoAndThreeYears |
1838 | Operating Leases, Future Minimum Payments, Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of required minimum rental payments for operating leases having an initial or remaining non-cancelable lease term in excess of one year due in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | OperatingLeasesFutureMinimumPaymentsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
1842 | Operating Lease, Rent Expense (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Rent expense for each period for which an income statement is presented for minimum lease payments, contingent rentals, and sublease rentals. | OperatingLeasesRentExpense |
1843 | Option Indexed to Issuer’s Equity, Redeemable Stock, Redemption Requirements, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | For freestanding option contracts indexed to, and potentially settled in, a company’s own stock that has redemption requirements, the amount of redemption requirements for all issues of capital stock that are redeemable at fixed or determinable prices on fixed or determinable dates in each of the five years following the date of the latest statement of financial position presented. | OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityRedeemableStockRedemptionRequirementsAmount |
1845 | Option Indexed to Issuer’s Equity, Strike Price | N/A | Exercise or strike price stated in the contract for options indexed to the issuer’s equity shares. | OptionIndexedToIssuersEquityStrikePrice1 |
1846 | Order Flow Fees | debit | The amount of expense in the period for the cost of other broker-dealers’ executions of orders. | OrderFlowFees |
1847 | Origination and Purchases of Mortgage Banking Assets (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The value of mortgage-based securitized assets that were created through the writing and securitizing new loans and through purchasing previously securitized assets. | OriginationAndPurchasesOfMortgageBankingAssets |
1848 | Origination of Loan to Purchase Common Stock | credit | Cash outflow for origination of loan for purchasing common stock. | OriginationOfLoanToPurchaseCommonStock |
1850 | Other Accrued Liabilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable arising from transactions not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | OtherAccruedLiabilities |
1852 | Other Commitment, Due after Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing after the fifth fiscal year following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueAfterFifthYear |
1854 | Other Commitment, Due in Fourth and Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the fourth and fifth fiscal years following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInFourthAndFifthYear |
1857 | Other Commitment, Due in Second and Third Year | credit | Minimum amount of other commitment maturing in the second and third fiscal years following the latest fiscal year for commitments not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. Excludes commitments explicitly modeled in this taxonomy, including but not limited to, long-term and short-term purchase commitments, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, supply commitments, registration payment arrangements, leases, debt, product warranties, guarantees, environmental remediation obligations, and pensions. | OtherCommitmentDueInSecondAndThirdYear |
1860 | Other Commitments, Future Minimum Payments, Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of other commitments maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year ended. | OtherCommitmentsFutureMinimumPaymentsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
1861 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Costs Arising During Period ,Tax (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | debit | Tax effect on the cost of benefit improvement resulting from a plan amendment that occurred during the period. The cost has not been recognized in net periodic benefit cost pursuant. A plan amendment includes provisions that grant increased benefits based on service rendered in prior periods. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostsArisingDuringPeriodTax |
1862 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Additional Minimum Pension Liability, Tax Effect (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Tax effect of the change in the additional minimum pension liability. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAdditionalMinimumPensionLiabilityTaxEffect |
1868 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, before Tax (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | debit | Pre tax reclassification adjustment for losses realized upon the write-down of securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeBeforeTax |
1869 | Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, Tax (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | Tax effect on the reclassification adjustment for losses realized upon the write-down of securities. | OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeTax |
1870 | Other Deferred Compensation Arrangements, Liability, Noncurrent (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Aggregate carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the liabilities for deferred compensation arrangements payable after one year (or the operating cycle, if longer) other than those specified elsewhere in the taxonomy. For an unclassified balance sheet, represents the entire liability. | OtherDeferredCompensationArrangementsLiabilityNoncurrent |
1871 | Other Employee Related Liabilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for employer-related costs not otherwise specified in the taxonomy. For classified balance sheets, used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, used to reflect the total liabilities (regardless of due date). | OtherEmployeeRelatedLiabilities |
1872 | Other Expense, Capitalization to Deferred Acquisition Cost (DAC) (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Represents the total amount of operating expenses resulting from the amortization or adjustments of amounts capitalized as deferred policy acquisition costs. | OtherExpenseCapitalizationToDeferredAcquisitionCostDAC |
1877 | Other Investment Not Readily Marketable, Fair Value | debit | Value of the other investment not readily marketable determined by management based upon fair value methods, including pricing of similar securities and valuation techniques, that was used to record the investment for financial reporting purposes. | OtherInvestmentNotReadilyMarketableFairValue |
1878 | Other Investment Not Readily Marketable, Quoted Value | debit | Value of the other investments measured by quoted price. | OtherInvestmentNotReadilyMarketableQuotedValue |
1882 | Other Nonrecurring Gain | credit | Amount of gain that is infrequent in occurrence or unusual in nature. | OtherNonrecurringGain |
1883 | Other Postretirement Benefits Payable (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | The total amount of the entity’s obligation as of the balance sheet date under any other retirement plan(s), such as one or more defined contribution plans. | OtherPostretirementBenefitsPayable |
1885 | Other Real Estate, Additions | debit | Additions of other real estate not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations may also be included in real estate owned. This excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure. | OtherRealEstateAdditions |
1886 | Other Real Estate, Covered | debit | Carrying amount of other real estate covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateCovered |
1887 | Other Real Estate, Covered, Additions | debit | Additions of other real estate covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateCoveredAdditions |
1888 | Other Real Estate, Covered, Disposals | credit | Disposals of other real estate covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateCoveredDisposals |
1889 | Other Real Estate, Covered, Improvements | debit | Improvements made to other real estate covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateCoveredImprovements |
1892 | Other Real Estate, Non Covered | debit | Carrying amount of other real estate not covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateNonCovered |
1893 | Other Real Estate, Non Covered, Additions | debit | Additions of other real estate not covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateNonCoveredAdditions |
1894 | Other Real Estate, Non Covered, Disposals | credit | Disposals of other real estate not covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateNonCoveredDisposals |
1895 | Other Real Estate, Non Covered, Improvements | debit | Improvements made to other real estate not covered by loss sharing agreements not separately disclosed, including, but not limited to, real estate investments, real estate loans that qualify as investments in real estate, and premises that are no longer used in operations that may also be included in real estate owned. Excludes real estate assets taken in settlement of troubled loans through surrender or foreclosure by banks. | OtherRealEstateNonCoveredImprovements |
1896 | Other Research and Development Expense | debit | Amount of other research and development expense. | OtherResearchAndDevelopmentExpense |
1897 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Available-for-sale Securities, Portion Recognized in Earnings, Net, Qualitative Disclosures, Loan to Collateral Value | N/A | This item represents the loan to collateral ratio of the underlying assets in the security, represented as a percentage, which was considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the available-for-sale investments are other than temporarily impaired and only the amount of impairment related to credit loss was recognized in earnings. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsAvailableforsaleSecuritiesPortionRecognizedInEarningsNetQualitativeDisclosuresLoanToCollateralValue |
1898 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Held-to-maturity Securities, Portion Recognized in Earnings, Net, Qualitative Disclosures, Loan to Collateral Value | N/A | This item represents the loan to collateral ratio of the underlying assets in the security, represented as a percentage, which was considered as one of the potential factors in reaching a conclusion that the held-to-maturity investments are other than temporarily impaired and only the amount of impairment related to credit loss was recognized in earnings. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsHeldtomaturitySecuritiesPortionRecognizedInEarningsNetQualitativeDisclosuresLoanToCollateralValue |
1902 | Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Reclassification Adjustment of Noncredit Portion Included in Net Income, Held-to-maturity Securities, before Tax | credit | Amount before tax of reclassification adjustment for other than temporary impairment (OTTI) related to factors other than credit loss on a previously impaired investment on held-to-maturity security. | OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsReclassificationAdjustmentOfNoncreditPortionIncludedInNetIncomeHeldtomaturitySecuritiesBeforeTax |
1906 | Partners’ Capital Account, Distribution Per Unit of Limited Partner Interest | N/A | The amount of the distribution per unit of limited partner interest. | PartnersCapitalAccountDistributionPerUnitOfLimitedPartnerInterest |
1914 | Partners’ Capital Account, Treasury Units, Value (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | Cumulative impact on total partners’ capital of units issued that have been repurchased. | PartnersCapitalAccountTreasuryUnitsValue |
1916 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units | N/A | The number of each class of partnership units outstanding at the balance sheet date. Units represent shares of ownership of the general, limited, and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnits |
1919 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Sale of Units | N/A | Total units issued during the year due to the sale of units. All partners include general, limited and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsSaleOfUnits |
1920 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Sold in Private Placement | N/A | The number of units sold in a private placement of each class of partners’ capital account. Units represent shares of ownership of the general, limited, and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsSoldInPrivatePlacement |
1921 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Sold in Public Offering | N/A | The number of units sold in a public offering of each class of partners’ capital account. Units represent shares of ownership of the general, limited, and preferred partners. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsSoldInPublicOffering |
1923 | Partners’ Capital Account, Units, Treasury Units Reissued | N/A | Units that were previously issued and then were repurchased and classified as treasury units. This element represents the number of these units which were reissued during the period. | PartnersCapitalAccountUnitsTreasuryUnitsReissued |
1927 | Payment for Incentive Fee | credit | Amount paid for incentive rights held by the managing member or general partner, of limited liability company (LLC) or limited partnership (LP). | PaymentForIncentiveFee |
1932 | Payments for Lease Commissions | credit | Amount of cash outflow for lease commissions incurred. | PaymentsForLeaseCommissions |
1957 | Payments to Acquire Management Contract Rights | credit | The cash outflow from amounts paid for the rights to manage the property. | PaymentsToAcquireManagementContractRights |
1958 | Payments to Acquire Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) categorized as Available-for-sale | credit | The cash outflow for the purchase of securities issued by a governmental agency or corporation (for example, GNMA or FHLMC) or by private issuers (for example, banks and mortgage banking enterprises) secured by and repaid from underlying mortgages, which were designated as available for sale when acquired. | PaymentsToAcquireMortgageBackedSecuritiesMBSCategorizedAsAvailableForSale |
1959 | Payments to Acquire Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) categorized as Held-to-maturity | credit | The cash outflow for the purchase of securities issued by a governmental agency or corporation (for example, GNMA or FHLMC) or by private issuers (for example, banks and mortgage banking enterprises) secured by and repaid from underlying mortgages, which were designated as held to maturity when acquired. | PaymentsToAcquireMortgageBackedSecuritiesMBSCategorizedAsHeldToMaturity |
1963 | Payments to Acquire Partners Interest in Real Estate Partnership, Net of Cash Acquired | credit | The cash outflow from the purchase of ownership in a partnership, the purpose of which is to construct, sell, hold or invest in real estate. | PaymentsToAcquirePartnersInterestInRealEstatePartnershipNetOfCashAcquired |
1967 | Payments to Acquire Residential Real Estate | credit | The cash outflow from the acquisition of residential property intended to generate income for the owner. | PaymentsToAcquireResidentialRealEstate |
1968 | Payments to Acquire Trust Preferred Investments | credit | The cash outflow for the purchase of trust preferred securities, which possess characteristics of both equity and debt securities. | PaymentsToAcquireTrustPreferredInvestments |
1969 | Payments to Acquire US Government Securities Pledged under Bond Indenture | credit | The cash outflow from the purchase of US Government Securities Pledged Under Bond Indenture. | PaymentsToAcquireUSGovernmentSecuritiesPledgedUnderBondIndenture |
1971 | Payments to Fund Policy Loans | credit | The initial funding or additional funding of loans receivable to policy holders principally secured by the benefits under the policy. | PaymentsToFundPolicyLoans |
1975 | Pension and Other Postretirement and Postemployment Benefit Plans, Noncurrent Liabilities (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | For classified balance sheets this represents the noncurrent liability recognized in the balance sheet that is associated with the defined benefit pension plans and other postretirement defined benefit plans. (The current liability will be separate, but it will normally be small, if there is even any at all.) For unclassified balance sheets, this represents the entire liability recognized in the balance sheet that is associated with the defined benefit plans. | PensionAndOtherPostretirementAndPostemploymentBenefitPlansNoncurrentLiabilities |
1976 | Planned Major Maintenance Activities, Effect of Change on Prior Period Per Share Amounts, Diluted Earnings Per Share (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | For any periods retrospectively adjusted, the amount of the effect of the change in permitted major maintenance activities on affected diluted earnings per share amounts. | PlannedMajorMaintenanceActivitiesEffectOfChangeOnPriorPeriodPerShareAmountsDilutedEarningsPerShare |
1977 | Policy Charges, Insurance (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | An amount that an insurer adds to a policy’s premium, or deducts from a policy’s cash value or contract holder’s account, as compensation for services rendered; may include fees. | PolicyChargesInsurance |
1981 | Policyholder Benefits and Claims Incurred, Net, Other | debit | Amount, after effect of policies assumed or ceded, of expense related to provision for benefits and costs incurred for other insurance contracts. | PolicyholderBenefitsAndClaimsIncurredOther |
1983 | Policyholders’ Surplus | credit | Amount of policyholders’ surplus excluded from calculating deferred taxes. | PolicyholdersSurplus |
1984 | Postage Expense | debit | Amount of expense associated with postage. | PostageExpense |
1987 | Premiums Earned, Net, Accident and Health | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of accident and health premiums earned. | PremiumsEarnedNetAccidentAndHealth |
1988 | Premiums Earned, Net, Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of financial guarantee premiums earned. | PremiumsEarnedNetFinancialGuaranteeInsuranceContracts |
1989 | Premiums Earned, Net, Life | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of life premiums earned. | PremiumsEarnedNetLife |
1991 | Premiums, Net, Life Insurance in Force (Deprecated 2014-01-31) | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded to other entities and premiums assumed by the entity, of life insurance in force premiums. | PremiumsNetLifeInsuranceInForce |
1998 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Next Rolling Twelve Months | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsNextRollingTwelveMonths |
2000 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Remainder of Fiscal Year | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRemainderOfFiscalYear |
2001 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Rolling after Year Five | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRollingAfterYearFive |
2002 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Rolling Year Five | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRollingYearFive |
2003 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Rolling Year Four | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRollingYearFour |
2004 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Rolling Year Three | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRollingYearThree |
2005 | Prescription Drug Subsidy Receipts, Rolling Year Two | debit | Amount of the prescription drug subsidy receipts to be received in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | PrescriptionDrugSubsidyReceiptsRollingYearTwo |
2011 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Decrease (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | debit | Amount of decrease in present value of future insurance profits, including but not limited to amortization, impairment and unrealized investment loss. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsDecrease |
2012 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Impairment Write-down | debit | Amount of impairment recognized in the income statement reducing the present value of future profits asset below amortized carrying value. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsImpairmentWritedown1 |
2015 | Present Value of Future Insurance Profits, Unrealized Investment Losses | debit | Amount of unrealized investment loss recognized in the income statement from the decrease in the present value of future profits asset. | PresentValueOfFutureInsuranceProfitsUnrealizedInvestmentLosses1 |
2016 | Pressure Maintenance Operations | N/A | The number of pressure maintenance operations in each geographic area as of the date listed. | PressureMaintenanceOperations |
2023 | Proceeds from Collection of Other Loans Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from collection of repayments from borrowers on loans that are held with the intention to resell in the near future; includes loans that are not mortgages. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfOtherLoansHeldForSale |
2024 | Proceeds from Collection of Policy Loans | debit | The cash inflow associated with the collection of policy loans receivable. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfPolicyLoans |
2025 | Proceeds from Collection of Retained Interest in Securitized Receivables categorized as Available-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from the collection of a retained interest in a receivable securitized via a structured process whereby interests in loans and other receivables are packaged, underwritten, and sold in the form of asset-backed securities, categorized as available-for-sale. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfRetainedInterestInSecuritizedReceivablesCategorizedAsAvailableForSale |
2026 | Proceeds from Collection of Retained Interest in Securitized Receivables categorized as Held-to-maturity | debit | The cash inflow from the collection of a retained interest in a receivable securitized via a structured process whereby interests in loans and other receivables are packaged, underwritten, and sold in the form of asset-backed securities, categorized as held to maturity. | ProceedsFromCollectionOfRetainedInterestInSecuritizedReceivablesCategorizedAsHeldToMaturity |
2027 | Proceeds from Construction Loans Payable | debit | The cash inflow from borrowings to finance the cost of construction. | ProceedsFromConstructionLoansPayable |
2030 | Proceeds from Distributions Received from Real Estate Partnerships | debit | The cash inflow from earnings received from real estate partnerships. | ProceedsFromDistributionsReceivedFromRealEstatePartnerships |
2031 | Proceeds from Divestiture of Real Estate Partnership | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of interest in partnership during the period. | ProceedsFromDivestitureOfRealEstatePartnership |
2039 | Proceeds from Issuance of Trust Preferred Securities | debit | The cash inflow from issuance of preferred stocks by a business trust or other special purpose entity, mainly established by a bank holding entity, to third party investors. The trust’s assets are deeply subordinated debentures of the bank holding entity. Most trust preferred securities are subject to a mandatory redemption upon the repayment of the debentures. | ProceedsFromIssuanceOfTrustPreferredSecurities |
2046 | Proceeds from Maturities, Prepayments and Calls of Securities, Operating Activities | debit | Cash received from maturities, prepayments and calls of trading securities and other securities, classified as operating. | ProceedsFromMaturitiesPrepaymentsAndCallsOfSecuritiesOperatingActivities |
2054 | Proceeds from Sale of Donor Restricted Assets | debit | Amount of receipts from contributions and investment income with restrictions stipulated by the donor for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, or improving property, plant, equipment, or other long-lived assets, or establishing, or increasing a permanent endowment or term endowment. | ProceedsFromSaleOfDonorRestrictedAssets |
2056 | Proceeds from Sale of Land (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of real estate asset held for productive use. | ProceedsFromSaleOfLand |
2057 | Proceeds from Sale of Land Held-for-investment | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of land held for investment; excludes sales of land held as inventory or productive use. | ProceedsFromSaleOfLandHeldforinvestment |
2060 | Proceeds from Sale of Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) categorized as Available-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of securities issued by a governmental agency or corporation (for example, GNMA or FHLMC) or by private issuers (for example, banks and mortgage banking enterprises) secured by and repaid from underlying mortgages, which were designated as available for sale when acquired. | ProceedsFromSaleOfMortgageBackedSecuritiesMBSCategorizedAsAvailableForSale |
2067 | Proceeds from Sale of Other Real Estate Held-for-investment | debit | The cash inflow associated with the sale of other real estate held for investment not otherwise defined in the taxonomy. | ProceedsFromSaleOfOtherRealEstateHeldforinvestment |
2068 | Proceeds from Sale of Property Held-for-sale | debit | The cash inflow from the sale of formerly productive land held for sale, anything permanently fixed to it, including buildings, structures on it, and so forth. | ProceedsFromSaleOfPropertyHeldForSale |
2072 | Proceeds from Sale of Trust Assets to Pay Expenses | debit | Amount of cash inflows from the sale of trust assets to pay trust expenses. | ProceedsFromSaleOfTrustAssetsToPayExpenses |
2073 | Proceeds from Secured Lines of Credit | debit | The cash inflow from a contractual arrangement with the lender, including letter of credit, standby letter of credit and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a specific amount at any point in time with either short term or long term maturity that is collateralized (backed by pledge, mortgage or other lien in the entity’s assets). | ProceedsFromSecuredLinesOfCredit |
2078 | Proceeds from Unsecured Lines of Credit | debit | The cash inflow from a contractual arrangement with the lender, including letter of credit, standby letter of credit and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a specific amount at any point in time with either short term or long term maturity that is uncollateralized (where debt is not backed by the pledge of collateral). | ProceedsFromUnsecuredLinesOfCredit |
2079 | Proceeds from Unsecured Notes Payable | debit | The cash inflow from borrowings supported by a written promise to pay an obligation that is uncollateralized (where debt is not backed by the pledge of collateral). | ProceedsFromUnsecuredNotesPayable |
2080 | Production and Distribution Costs | debit | Amount of expense related to the production and distribution of goods or services to customers and clients. | ProductionAndDistributionCosts |
2084 | Productive Gas Wells, Number of Wells, Gross | N/A | The total number of producing gas wells and gas wells capable of production, in which the entity owns an undivided working interest. | ProductiveGasWellsNumberOfWellsGross |
2085 | Productive Gas Wells, Number of Wells, Net | N/A | The total number of producing gas wells and gas wells capable of production, in which the entity owns a fractional working interest. | ProductiveGasWellsNumberOfWellsNet |
2086 | Productive Gas Wells, Number of Wells with Multiple Completions, Gross | N/A | The total number of productive gas wells and gas wells capable of production which access multiple reservoirs through one well bore, in which the entity owns an undivided working interest. | ProductiveGasWellsNumberOfWellsWithMultipleCompletionsGross |
2087 | Productive Gas Wells, Number of Wells with Multiple Completions, Net | N/A | The total number of productive gas wells and gas wells capable of production which access multiple reservoirs through one well bore, in which the entity owns a fractional working interest. | ProductiveGasWellsNumberOfWellsWithMultipleCompletionsNet |
2088 | Productive Oil Wells, Number of Wells, Gross | N/A | The total number of producing oil wells and oil wells capable of production, in which the entity owns an undivided working interest. | ProductiveOilWellsNumberOfWellsGross |
2089 | Productive Oil Wells, Number of Wells, Net | N/A | The total number of producing oil wells and oil wells capable of production, in which the entity owns a fractional working interest. | ProductiveOilWellsNumberOfWellsNet |
2090 | Productive Oil Wells, Number of Wells with Multiple Completions, Gross | N/A | The total number of productive oil wells and oil wells capable of production which access multiple reservoirs through one well bore, in which the entity owns an undivided working interest. | ProductiveOilWellsNumberOfWellsWithMultipleCompletionsGross |
2091 | Productive Oil Wells, Number of Wells with Multiple Completions, Net | N/A | The total number of productive oil wells and oil wells capable of production which access multiple reservoirs through one well bore, in which the entity owns a fractional working interest. | ProductiveOilWellsNumberOfWellsWithMultipleCompletionsNet |
2092 | Product Warranty Accrual, Current (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Carrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for estimated claims under standard and extended warranty protection rights granted to customers. For classified balance sheets, represents the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer); for unclassified balance sheets, represents the total liability. | ProductWarrantyAccrualCurrent |
2095 | Program Rights Obligations | credit | Total amount of obligations related to rights to programming, including, but not limited to, feature films and episodic series, acquired under license agreements. | ProgramRightsObligations |
2097 | Program Rights Obligations, Noncurrent | credit | Amount of obligations related to rights to programming, including, but not limited to, feature films and episodic series, acquired under license agreements that will be paid after one year. | ProgramRightsObligationsNoncurrent |
2100 | Property, Plant and Equipment, Gross, Excluding Capital Leased Assets | debit | Gross amount of long-lived physical assets excluding assets held under lease agreements used in the normal conduct of business and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and computer equipment. | PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGrossExcludingCapitalLeasedAssets |
2104 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserve, Extension and Discovery (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of increase in quantity of proved reserve of oil and gas resulting from the extension of the proved acreage of previously discovered reservoir or discovery of new field with proved reserve or of new reservoir of proved reserve in old field, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReserveExtensionAndDiscoveryEnergy |
2105 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserve, Improved Recovery (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of increase in quantity of proved reserve of oil and gas resulting from application of improved recovery techniques, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReserveImprovedRecoveryEnergy |
2106 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserve, Net (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of proved reserve of oil and gas, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReserveNetEnergy |
2108 | Proved Developed and Undeveloped Reserve, Purchase of Mineral in Place (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of increase in quantity of proved reserve of oil and gas resulting from purchase of mineral in place, stated in a unit of energy. For example, but not limited to, barrel of oil equivalents (BOE) or one thousand cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Mcfe). | ProvedDevelopedAndUndevelopedReservePurchaseOfMineralInPlaceEnergy |
2116 | Proved Developed Reserves (BOE) (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved developed reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities do not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. Measured in barrel of oil equivalent (BOE). | ProvedDevelopedReservesBOE |
2117 | Proved Developed Reserves (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of interests in proved developed reserves of crude oil, including condensate and natural gas liquids, natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas. | ProvedDevelopedReservesBOE1 |
2119 | Proved Undeveloped Reserve (BOE) (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved undeveloped reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities do not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. Measured in barrel of oil equivalent (BOE). | ProvedUndevelopedReserveBOE |
2120 | Proved Undeveloped Reserves (Energy) | N/A | Energy measure of proved undeveloped reserves of crude oil, including condensate and natural gas liquids, natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas. | ProvedUndevelopedReserveBOE1 |
2121 | Proved Undeveloped Reserves (BOE) (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved undeveloped reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other nonrenewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities do not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. Measured in barrel of oil equivalent (BOE). | ProvedUndevelopedReservesBOE |
2122 | Proved Undeveloped Reserves (Volume) (Deprecated 2011-01-31) | N/A | Net quantities of an enterprise’s interests in proved undeveloped reserves of either crude oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), natural gas, synthetic oil and gas, or other renewable natural resource that is intended to be upgraded into synthetic oil and gas as of the beginning and the end of the year. “Net” quantities of reserves include those relating to the enterprise’s operating and nonoperating interests in properties. Quantities of reserves relating to royalty interests owned are included in “net” quantities if the necessary information is available to the enterprise. “Net” quantities does not include reserves relating to interests of others in properties owned by the enterprise. The unit of measure for reserve quantities is defined as “barrels” for oil and synthetic oil reserves or “cubic feet” or “cubic meters” for natural gas and synthetic gas reserves. | ProvedUndevelopedReservesVolume |
2125 | Public Utilities, Amount of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction, Equity Costs Capitalized Only for Rate-making Purposes | credit | Amount of costs of debt and equity financing capitalized for setting rates but not capitalized for financial statement purposes. | PublicUtilitiesAmountOfAllowanceForFundsUsedDuringConstructionEquityCostsCapitalizedOnlyForRateMakingPurposes |
2126 | Public Utilities, Approved Debt Capital Structure, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s approved debt to capital, including debt and equity. | PublicUtilitiesApprovedDebtCapitalStructurePercentage |
2127 | Public Utilities, Approved Equity Capital Structure, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s approved equity to capital, including debt and equity. | PublicUtilitiesApprovedEquityCapitalStructurePercentage |
2128 | Public Utilities, Approved Return on Equity, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s approved return on equity. | PublicUtilitiesApprovedReturnOnEquityPercentage |
2129 | Public Utilities, Inventory | debit | The period end amount for a type of inventory held by the utility in a schedule of inventories. | PublicUtilitiesInventory |
2131 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Amortization of Present Value of Regulated Asset for Plant Abandonment | debit | Amortization of the present value amount of future cost recoveries related to plant abandonment in regulated industries. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentAmortizationOfPresentValueOfRegulatedAssetForPlantAbandonment |
2132 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Common | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to regulated assets common to business units. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentCommon |
2133 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Construction Work in Progress | debit | Period end amount of construction work in progress in public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentConstructionWorkInProgress |
2134 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Distribution | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to utility distribution. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentDistribution |
2135 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Equipment | debit | Period end book value of equipment owned (but not classified elsewhere) by the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentEquipment |
2136 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Fuel | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to fuels owned by the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentFuel |
2138 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Land | debit | Period end book value of land owned by the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentLand |
2140 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Other Property, Plant and Equipment | debit | Period end book value of other property, plant and equipment (PPE) owned (but not classified elsewhere) by the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentOtherPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
2142 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Transmission | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to utility transmission owned by public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentTransmission |
2143 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Transmission and Distribution | debit | Period end amount of property, plant and equipment (PPE) related to transmission and distribution owned by public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentTransmissionAndDistribution |
2144 | Public Utilities, Property, Plant and Equipment, Vehicles | debit | Period end book value of vehicles owned by the public utility. | PublicUtilitiesPropertyPlantAndEquipmentVehicles |
2145 | Public Utilities, Requested Debt Capital Structure, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s requested debt to capital, including debt and equity. | PublicUtilitiesRequestedDebtCapitalStructurePercentage |
2146 | Public Utilities, Requested Equity Capital Structure, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s requested equity to capital, including debt and equity. | PublicUtilitiesRequestedEquityCapitalStructurePercentage |
2147 | Public Utilities, Requested Return on Equity, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of public utility’s requested return on equity. | PublicUtilitiesRequestedReturnOnEquityPercentage |
2151 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Fourth and Fifth Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the fourth and fifth fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInFourthAndFifthYear |
2154 | Purchase Obligation, Due in Second and Third Year | credit | Minimum amount of purchase arrangement maturing in the second and third fiscal years following the latest fiscal year. Includes, but not limited to, recorded and unrecorded purchase obligations, long-term purchase commitments, and short-term purchase commitments. | PurchaseObligationDueInSecondAndThirdYear |
2157 | Ratio of Indebtedness to Net Capital | N/A | Indebtedness divided by net capital. | RatioOfIndebtednessToNetCapital1 |
2158 | Real Estate Accumulated Depreciation, Depreciation Expense (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of depreciation expense for the period. | RealEstateAccumulatedDepreciationDepreciationExpense |
2168 | Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation, Life Used for Depreciation (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The estimated economic life on which depreciation in the latest income statement was computed, typically stated in number of years (such as 5 or 4.5). | RealEstateAndAccumulatedDepreciationLifeUsedForDepreciation |
2172 | Real Estate Owned, Amount of Loss at Acquisition | debit | Amount of reduction to fair value of loan related to real estate owned (REO) at time of acquisition. | RealEstateOwnedAmountOfLossAtAcquisition1 |
2174 | Real Estate Owned, Valuation Allowance, Valuation Increase | credit | Amount of gain recognized in the income statement for an increase in valuation of real estate owned (REO). | RealEstateOwnedValuationAllowanceValuationIncrease |
2175 | Real Estate, Write-down or Reserve, Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | The amount of any write-down or reserve provided in the period on a real estate investment. | RealEstateWriteDownOrReserveAmount |
2176 | Receivables, Change in Method of Calculating Impairment, Recorded Investment | debit | Amount of receivables for which the allowance for credit losses had previously been measured under a general allowance for credit losses methodology, and are now identified as troubled debt restructurings. | ReceivablesChangeInMethodOfCalculatingImpairmentRecordedInvestment |
2177 | Reclassification to Wells, Facilities, and Equipment Based on Determination of Proved Reserves (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Previously capitalized costs of the drilling of wells that were reclassified as part of the costs of the enterprise’s wells and related equipment and facilities at the time that proved reserves were found. | ReclassificationToWellsFacilitiesAndEquipmentBasedOnDeterminationOfProvedReserves |
2178 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Next Rolling Twelve Months | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the next rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInNextRollingTwelveMonths |
2179 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Remainder of Fiscal Year | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the remainder of the fiscal year following the latest fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRemainderOfFiscalYear |
2180 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Rolling after Year Five | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing after the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRollingAfterYearFive |
2181 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Rolling Year Five | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the fifth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRollingYearFive |
2182 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Rolling Year Four | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the fourth rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRollingYearFour |
2183 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Rolling Year Three | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the third rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRollingYearThree |
2184 | Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Due in Rolling Year Two | credit | Amount of the recorded unconditional purchase obligation maturing in the second rolling twelve months following the latest balance sheet. For interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported on a rolling approach, from latest balance sheet date. | RecordedUnconditionalPurchaseObligationDueInRollingYearTwo |
2185 | Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock, Value of Shares Subscribed but Unissued (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Value of a new issue of convertible redeemable preferred stock that has been applied for by investors. The shares have not yet been issued. | RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStockValueOfSharesSubscribedButUnissued |
2186 | Redeemable Preferred Stock, Value Shares Subscribed but Unissued (Deprecated 2009-01-31) | credit | Value of a new issue of redeemable preferred stock applied for by investors. The shares have not yet been issued. | RedeemablePreferredStockValueSharesSubscribedButUnissued |
2189 | Regulatory Assets, Fair Value Disclosure | debit | Fair value portion of capitalized costs of regulated entities that are not expected to be recovered through revenue sources. | RegulatoryAssetsNoncurrentFairValueDisclosure |
2191 | Reinsurance Effect on Claims and Benefits Incurred, Net Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | The net amount of the provision for the period for claims and benefits incurred on contracts directly written, assumed, and ceded. | ReinsuranceEffectOnClaimsAndBenefitsIncurredNetAmount |
2192 | Reinsurance Premiums for Insurance Companies, by Product Segment, Amount Assumed from Other Companies (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Amount of premiums assumed from other companies. | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentAmountAssumedFromOtherCompanies |
2193 | Reinsurance Premiums for Insurance Companies, by Product Segment, Amount Ceded to Other Companies (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | debit | Amount of premiums ceded to other companies. | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentAmountCededToOtherCompanies |
2195 | Reinsurance Premiums for Insurance Companies, by Product Segment, Net Amount (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | credit | Net amount of gross premiums, less premiums ceded to other companies, plus premiums assumed from other companies; which represents the net amount of premium revenue on the income statement. | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentNetAmount |
2196 | Reinsurance Premiums for Insurance Companies, by Product Segment, Percentage of Amount Assumed to Net (Deprecated 2013-01-31) | N/A | Percentage of amount of premiums assumed from other companies to net amount of premiums. | ReinsurancePremiumsForInsuranceCompaniesByProductSegmentPercentageOfAmountAssumedToNet |
2198 | Reinsurance Recoverables, Allowance | credit | Amount of valuation allowance for reinsurance recoverables. Examples include, but are not limited to, settled and unsettled claims, incurred but not reported losses, loss adjustment expense, premium paid, policy benefits and policy reserves. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesAllowance |
2199 | Reinsurance Recoverables, Gross | debit | Amount before valuation allowance recoverable under reinsurance contracts. Examples include, but are not limited to, settled and unsettled claims, incurred but not reported losses, loss adjustment expense, premium paid, policy benefits and policy reserves. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesGross |
2200 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Paid and Unpaid Losses | debit | Amount after valuation allowance recoverable under reinsurance contracts, including, but not limited to, settled and unsettled claims, incurred but not reported losses, loss adjustment expense, policy benefits and policy reserves. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnPaidAndUnpaidLosses |
2201 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Paid Losses | debit | Amount after valuation allowance of reinsurance recoverables on paid losses. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnPaidLosses |
2202 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Paid Losses, Allowance | credit | Amount of valuation allowance for reinsurance recoverables on paid losses. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnPaidLossesAllowance |
2203 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Paid Losses, Gross | debit | Amount before valuation allowance of reinsurance recoverables on paid losses. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnPaidLossesGross |
2204 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Unpaid Losses | debit | Amount after valuation allowance of reinsurance recoverables for losses reported to the ceding insurer but not yet paid, amounts expected of incurred losses and settlement expenses, which have not yet been reported to the ceding insurer. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnUnpaidLosses |
2205 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Unpaid Losses, Allowance | credit | Amount of valuation allowance for reinsurance recoverables for losses reported to the ceding insurer but not yet paid, and for amounts expected based upon statistical projections and other measures of incurred losses and loss settlement expenses which have not yet been reported to the ceding insurer. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnUnpaidLossesAllowance |
2206 | Reinsurance Recoverables on Unpaid Losses, Gross | debit | Amount before valuation allowance of reinsurance recoverables for losses reported to the ceding insurer but not yet paid, and for amounts expected based upon statistical projections and other measures of incurred losses and loss settlement expenses which have not yet been reported to the ceding insurer. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesOnUnpaidLossesGross |
2207 | Reinsurance Recoverables, Percentage of Total (Deprecated 2015-01-31) | N/A | Percentage of total reinsurance recoverables. | ReinsuranceRecoverablesPercentageOfTotal |
2208 | Reinsurance Retention Policy, Excess Retention, Amount Reinsured | debit | Amount of risk reinsured in excess of stated retention per company policy. | ReinsuranceRetentionPolicyExcessRetentionAmountReinsured |
2209 | Reinsurance Retention Policy, Excess Retention, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of risk reinsured in excess of stated retention per entity policy. | ReinsuranceRetentionPolicyExcessRetentionPercentage |
2210 | Reinsurance Retention Policy, Reinsured Risk, Percentage | N/A | Percentage of risk reinsured on insurance products per entity policy. | ReinsuranceRetentionPolicyReinsuredRiskPercentage |
2212 | Related Party Tax Expense, Due from Affiliates, Current | debit | The amount of any current tax-related balances due from affiliates as of the date of each statement of financial position presented. | RelatedPartyTaxExpenseDueFromAffiliatesCurrent |
2213 | Related Party Tax Expense, Due from Affiliates, Deferred | debit | The amount of any deferred tax-related balances due from affiliates as of the date of each statement of financial position presented. | RelatedPartyTaxExpenseDueFromAffiliatesDeferred |
2215 | Related Party Tax Expense, Due to Affiliates, Deferred | debit | The amount of any deferred tax-related balances due to affiliates as of the date of each statement of financial position presented. | RelatedPartyTaxExpenseDueToAffiliatesDeferred |
2218 | Related Party Transaction, Rate | N/A | Identify the stated interest rate per the agreement, for example, leasing and debt arrangements between related parties. | RelatedPartyTransactionRate |
2219 | Related Party Transaction, Revenues from Transactions with Related Party (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | credit | Revenues, net of returns and allowances, realized from sales and other transactions (excluding transactions that are eliminated in consolidated or combined financial statements) with related party during the period. | RelatedPartyTransactionRevenuesFromTransactionsWithRelatedParty |
2221 | Repayments of Annuities and Investment Certificates | credit | The cash outflow for an insurance contract under which the policy holder make a lump sum payment or a series of payments in exchange for periodic payments to the policyholder beginning immediately or at some future date. | RepaymentsOfAnnuitiesAndInvestmentCertificates |
2224 | Repayments of Financial Services Obligations | credit | The cash used to settle the borrowing issued by the entity involved in financial services operations. | RepaymentsOfFinancialServicesObligations |
2227 | Reporting Unit, Amount of Fair Value in Excess of Carrying Amount | debit | Amount of fair value of reporting unit in excess of carrying amount. | ReportingUnitAmountOfFairValueInExcessOfCarryingAmount |
2229 | Repurchase Agreement Counterparty, Amount at Risk | credit | The amount at risk under repurchase agreements is defined as the excess of carrying amount (or market value, if higher than the carrying amount or if there is no carrying amount) of the securities or other assets sold under agreement to repurchase, including accrued interest plus any cash or other assets on deposit to secure the repurchase obligation, over the amount of the repurchase liability (adjusted for accrued interest). | RepurchaseAgreementCounterpartyAmountAtRisk |
2230 | Repurchase Agreement Counterparty, Weighted Average Maturity of Agreements (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | This equals the weighted average maturity (weighted by amount of the agreement) of all repurchase agreements with this counterparty. | RepurchaseAgreementCounterpartyWeightedAverageMaturityOfAgreements |
2231 | Required Net Capital under Commodity Exchange Act | credit | Amount of net capital required to be maintained under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) minimum financial requirements, pursuant to the Commodity Exchange Act, less the market value of certain commodity options. | RequiredNetCapitalUnderCommodityExchangeAct1 |
2232 | Resale Agreement Counterparty, Amount at Risk | credit | The amount at risk under resale agreements (reverse repurchase agreements) is defined as the excess of the carrying amount of the resale agreements over the market value of assets delivered pursuant to the agreements by the counterparty to the registrant (or to a third party agent that has affirmatively agreed to act on behalf of the registrant) and not returned to the counterparty, except in exchange for their approximate market value in a separate transaction. | ResaleAgreementCounterpartyAmountAtRisk |
2233 | Resale Agreement Counterparty, Weighted Average Maturity of Agreements (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | This equals the weighted average maturity (weighted by amount of the agreement) of all resale agreements with this counterparty. | ResaleAgreementCounterpartyWeightedAverageMaturityOfAgreements |
2234 | Reserves, Proportional Interest of Net Proved Reserve Quantities of Proportionately Consolidated Investees (Deprecated 2012-01-31) | N/A | The proportional interest of net proved oil reserve quantities of proportionately consolidated investees. | ReservesProportionalInterestOfNetProvedReserveQuantitiesOfProportionatelyConsolidatedInvestees |
2235 | Reserves, Proportional Interest of Net Proved Reserve Quantities of Proportionately Consolidated Investees | N/A | Proportional interest of net proved oil reserve quantities of consolidated investees. | ReservesProportionalInterestOfNetProvedReserveQuantitiesOfProportionatelyConsolidatedInvestees1 |
2236 | Reserves, Share of Equity Method Investee’s Net Proved Oil and Gas Reserves | N/A | The proportional interest of net proved oil reserve quantities of equity investees. | ReservesShareOfEquityMethodInvesteesNetProvedOilAndGasReserves |
2237 | Restricted Investments, at Fair Value | debit | The aggregate value of all restricted investments. | RestrictedInvestmentsAtFairValue |
2238 | Restricted Investments Exempt from Registration, at Fair Value | debit | The aggregate value of all restricted investments which are exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A. | RestrictedInvestmentsExemptFromRegistrationAtFairValue |
2239 | Restricted Investments Exempt from Registration, Percent of Net Assets | N/A | The percent of net assets of the aggregate value of all restricted investments exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A. | RestrictedInvestmentsExemptFromRegistrationPercentOfNetAssets |
2240 | Restricted Investments Not Exempt from Registration, at Fair Value | debit | The aggregate value of all restricted investments which are not exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A. | RestrictedInvestmentsNotExemptFromRegistrationAtFairValue |
2241 | Restricted Investments Not Exempt from Registration, Percent of Net Assets | N/A | The percent of net assets of the aggregate value of all restricted investments not exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A. | RestrictedInvestmentsNotExemptFromRegistrationPercentOfNetAssets |
2242 | Restricted Invest |