XBRL APIs are standardized tools to manipulate (extract, process, and create) any XBRL content, such as data in instance documents, databases, or taxonomies. The APIs are designed to make it easier and simpler to work with XBRL-formatted data produced with any taxonomy that conforms to the global specification; to encourage the development of applications and the use of XBRL data; and to conduct comparative analysis.
Attend this 60 minute webinar to learn about the APIs and how you can participate in a beta test of the APIs. The webinar will discuss how the APIs can be used with corporate data submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The APIs can however, be used with any XBRL-formatted data or taxonomy. Content to be covered:
- Goals of standardized XBRL APIs
- Access for Beta Users
- Demonstration of the APIs and how to access
- Review API documentation
- Beta User Commitment
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