Attend this session for a step by step review of the workflow changes for SEC filers and vendors who help them prepare their XBRL financials. Get a detailed comparison of the current conventional XBRL process compared to the inline XBRL process. Which steps have changed? What’s stayed the same? How does your SEC submission change when transitioning to Inline XBRL - Instance document, Schema, Labels and Definitions, Calculation, Presentation. What challenges or benefits do changes in transitioning to inline XBRL introduce, and how can you prepare for them? Session will also cover how to manage quality in your workflow.
Speakers include:
- Patrick Loughry, XBRL Subject Matter Expert, Toppan Merrill; Chair, XBRL US Earnings Release Subcommittee
- Scott Theis, CEO, Novaworks LLC; Chair, XBRL US Domain Steering Committee
This event is free to attend, with an option to participate and earn 1 CPE for $49 ($39 XBRL US Members) – look for details in the registration confirmation.
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