Can regulators build an efficient, cost-effective data standards program that establishes a long-term infrastructure that allows for rapid response to changing reporting needs?
Attend this 60 minute session to learn how government regulators set the stage for building a successful data model by assessing scope, defining functional requirements, engaging stakeholders early in the process, and considering issues that need to be addressed upfront to make sure that the final standards program meets the needs of reporting entities, regulators, data intermediaries and users. Find out how U.S. regulators use data standards through case studies presenting programs instituted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Hear from the FERC why they chose to develop a data standards program, and what they expect to gain once utilities are reporting in machine-readable format.
- Joe Luczka, Director, KPMG LLP
- Robb Hudson, Energy Industry Analyst, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- Scott Theis, President and CEO, Novaworks LLC
This event is free to attend, with an option to participate and earn 1 CPE for $49 ($39 XBRL US Members) – look for details in the registration confirmation.