8 AM - 2 PM PDT Monday, May 23, 2016 (6 hrs. / 4.5 CPE)
Training hosted by Certent || Hotel Nikko - San Francisco || Register for this free event

Join Certent for a morning of CPE learning, and upgrade your XBRL knowledge. Our experts will deepen your skills and bring you the latest information on XBRL.

You will learn:

  • Implications for your company’s filings from the recently released changes to the taxonomy.
  • How to correctly address specific XBRL challenges such as the treatment of negative values on your financial statements (i.e., "reverse negate" or "signage").
  • A host of formatting and other Microsoft Excel and Word tips to upgrade your financial document production process and increase productivity.
  • The latest tools available to automate linking, formatting and filing your financial disclosure documents.

Breakfast and lunch provided free to all attendees.

Program:   Group-Live
Prerequisites: None Required
Advance Preparation: None
Credits: 4.5 CPE credit
Subject Area: Accounting
Level: Basic
Cost: Free
