XBRL US is excited to partner with the Data Coalition’s RegTech22 Data Summit!
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This in-person and virtual event will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 in Washington D.C. The half day summit will focus on applying data innovation with regulatory technologies to improve the customer experience in government. Join with fellow data leaders from federal regulatory agencies to discuss key considerations and opportunities in RegTech solutions.
Data Coalition's RegTech22 Data Summit, presented by Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN), will bring together government, industry, non-profit, and academic experts to discuss key innovations in regtech in the year ahead, answer questions, and more! Join in-person or virtually to engage in the discussion, share your ideas and innovations, learn about models and approaches, and hear from data leaders from federal regulatory agencies. Additional details about the agenda and speaker can be found here.
As a partner of this program, the XBRL US community is eligible for a special discount! Contact XBRL US for the code to secure your free ticket.
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