1PM ET Tuesday, April 6, 2021 (90 minutes)
Webinar hosted by FASB || Register to attend

Registration is open for an upcoming Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB webcast
IN FOCUS: 2021 GAAP and SEC Reporting Taxonomy Improvements and SEC Update.
The discussion will include the following:

  • Discussion of XBRL data in use
  • An update from the SEC staff
  • Overview of the 2021 Taxonomy including discussion of:
    • The application of the Taxonomy for final SEC rules for Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Statistical Disclosures for Banks
    • Improvement in modeling in the areas of:
      • Asset Acquisitions
      • Reorganizations
  • Updates to Taxonomy Implementation Guides, including Accounting Changes, Dimensional Modeling for Disclosures of Consolidated and Nonconsolidated Entities, Financial Instruments-Debt Securities, and Financing Receivable and Current Expected Credit Loss Disclosures
  • Additional validation rules included in the 2021 XBRL US DQC Rules Taxonomy.

Speakers: Louis Matherne, FASB Chief of Taxonomy Development, and other FASB Taxonomy staff; Todd Castagno, Head of Global Valuation, Accounting & Tax - Research Division, Morgan Stanley; Julie Marlowe, Assistant Director, Office of Structured Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; and Mike Willis, Associate Director, Office of Data Science and Innovation, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Recommended CPE: Participants in the live broadcast (which is offered free of charge to those who preregister) will be eligible for up to 1.8 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credits. (Please note that CPE credit is not available for group viewing of the live broadcast.)

Participants will have the opportunity to email questions to the panelists before and during the event.