Public company preparers and accounting firm representatives as well as tool and service providers should all attend this webinar to learn about the SEC's recent order to allow voluntary public company filing of financials using Inline XBRL. The move by the SEC is expected to decrease filing preparation costs, improve the quality of structured data, and by improving data quality, increase the use of XBRL data by investors and other market participants. Inline XBRL, a technical specification developed and maintained by XBRL International, allows filers to submit a single document that effectively combines the HTML and XBRL versions of financials.
You’ll learn:
- Specifics about the new SEC order and its impact on filers
- How to use the new SEC inline viewer
- How Inline XBRL will work within the SEC’s EDGAR system
- Where to get additional guidance
- Who’s using Inline XBRL today
- Mike Willis, Assistant Director Office of Structured Disclosure, Division of Economics and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Walter Hamscher, Senior IT Program Manager, Office of Structured Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Matthew F. Slavin, Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- John Turner, CEO, XBRL International
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