1:00 PM EDT Wednesday, September 27, 2017 (60 Minutes)
XBRL US Webinar || Register for Free Webinar

Attend this one-hour session to learn about the U.S. Department of Energy's mission to reduce the soft costs of solar financing by streamlining data collection and analysis through standards. Find out how you can participate in developing the solar data standards that will become the industry norm. The Orange Button Taxonomy is a digital dictionary of terms that is now out for public review. All stakeholders are encouraged to review the data fields and definitions and let us know if definitions are correct and if terms are missing.

Join these speakers to find out how you can participate and have a say:

  • Tom Tansy, Chairman, SunSpec Alliance
  • Michelle Savage, VP, Communication, XBRL US
  • Aaron Smallwood, Senior Director, Technical Services, Smart Electric Power Alliance