Get Connected to Tools, Data, Educational Resources and Trends
Investors, analysts, accountants, developers and regulators use XBRL to get better, faster and more affordable financial data. Timely, highly detailed financial data is available in computer-readable format, covering thousands of public companies with multiple years of history.
Individual Members get tools to explore XBRL data, information to learn about critical trends affecting your investments and your business, and greater insights into XBRL creation best practice.
There are three options for Individual Membership listed at right - each of these annual options include:
- Use the XBRL API with free resources we've developed and collected to conduct private, non-commercial research using our copy of public company data submitted to the SEC, FERC and more. Our Public Filings Database is updated with new reports as they're published - no need to wait for monthly or quarterly .zip files to be posted.
- Use the Tools for SEC Filers to identify changes in a new release of the US GAAP Taxonomy. Identify definition changes, deprecated elements and new elements that will directly affect an XBRL financial statement.
- Receive and maintain XBRL Achievements for Professional Education, XBRL Data, Committee Membership and Specification and Guidance activities
- AICPA member-pricing for their 12 CPE XBRL Fundamentals online training
- Registration discounts for all XBRL US CPE webinars and live events
- Newsletters and priority communications covering regulatory and industry trends, events and issues.
- LinkedIn access to a growing network of professionals in our private member group
NOTE: Individual and Power Users Members can request to attend/observe XBRL US Committees and Working Groups, but are restricted from contributing or casting votes.
Looking for more? Learn more about XBRL US Membership benefits for you and your team.
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