Altova just published the free Company Financials App for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 8.1/10 that lets you explore and analyze US public company high-level financial reports automatically extracted from XBRL filings in the SEC’s EDGAR database. You can search by company name or stock ticker symbol and view the financial reports of the last four quarters or last four years, as well as charts of annual or quarterly data reaching back several years.
In addition, various financial ratios, such as current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, return on assets, return on equity, debt/equity ratio, capitalization ratio, asset turnover, free cash flow and many others, are calculated and displayed for the last four quarters or last four years.
This cross-platform mobile app for Android, iOS, and Windows was developed using Altova MobileTogether 2.0 – a powerful framework for building data-centric mobile apps.