Posted on Monday, May 24, 2021

SEC Commissioner Allison Herren Lee’s speech, Living in a Material World: Myths and Misconceptions about “Materiality”, addressed, among other topics, the importance of the investor in determining what is “material” and should be disclosed, including ESG-related data. The commissioner’s talk concluded with these remarks:

“We must not operate under the false assumption that the securities laws already effectively elicit the information investors need. We must not be diverted by mistaken views regarding the SEC’s rulemaking authority. And we must not be persuaded to ignore scientific evidence or other decision-useful data on the grounds that it intersects with issues of political or social concern. I hope we can dispense with these misnomers as we continue the important debate on how best to craft a rule proposal on climate and ESG risks and opportunities.”

Read the speech.

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SEC Commissioner Allison Herren Lee’s speech, Living in a Material World: Myths and Misconceptions about “Materiality”, addressed, among other topics, the importance of the investor in determining what is “material” and should be disclosed, including ESG-related data. The commissioner’s talk concluded with these remarks:

“We must not operate under the false assumption that the securities laws already effectively elicit the information investors need. We must not be diverted by mistaken views regarding the SEC’s rulemaking authority. And we must not be persuaded to ignore scientific evidence or other decision-useful data on the grounds that it intersects with issues of political or social concern. I hope we can dispense with these misnomers as we continue the important debate on how best to craft a rule proposal on climate and ESG risks and opportunities.”

Read the speech.

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