The Securities and Exchange Commission published a rule proposal on “Updated Disclosure Requirements and Summary Prospectus for Variable Annuity and Variable Life Insurance Contracts” that would require the use of Inline XBRL. The proposal notes:
“We are proposing to require the use of the Inline XBRL format for the submission of certain required disclosures in the variable contract statutory prospectus. The proposed amendments are intended to harness technology to allow investors (directly and through their investment professionals), data aggregators, financial analysts, Commission staff, and other data users to efficiently analyze and compare the available information about variable contracts, as required by their particular needs and circumstances. This aspect of our proposal is in keeping with our ongoing efforts to implement reporting and disclosure reforms that take advantage of the benefits of advanced technology to modernize the investment company reporting regime and to, among other things, help investors and other market participants better assess different products.”
Comments are due by February 15, 2019.
Read the proposal.