Posted on Monday, May 24, 2010

Seeks research on economic impact of open standards on risk, operations, communication

Washington, May 24 - XBRL US, the nonprofit XML standard setter for business information reporting in the United States, has issued a Call for Papers to academic institutions inviting papers on the economic impact of free and open standards on the flow of business information. The call specified three areas of impact: market transparency and risk, data quality and operational efficiencies, and investor communications.

A three-person panel will select papers for presentation at the 2010 XBRL US National Conference to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 8-10, 2010, and for publication in XBRLglobal, a quarterly journal and educational initiative launched earlier this year. Members of the selection panel are:

  • Alfred R. Berkeley III, Pipeline Systems Chairman, former NASDAQ president, XBRL US board chair 2008-2009 and current XBRL US board member.
  • Nancy Gardner, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Thomson Reuters Markets, and current XBRL US board member.
  • Jeffrey Diermeier, former President and CEO of CFA Institute and global chief investment officer, UBS Global Asset Management, and XBRL US board member, 2008.

The XBRL US Board of Directors, in their last quarterly meeting, approved a recommendation from President and CEO Mark Bolgiano to create a new membership class for individual full-time academics to participate in XBRL US Labs, the research and development arm of the organization, citing the importance of U.S. universities as centers for knowledge sharing.

"As XBRL moves from being an emerging technology to a mainstream business practice, it will be important to determine economic effects, current and future," said Nancy Gardner, one of the three panelists judging papers, “We want to encourage people in our best universities, and all centers of learning, research, and innovation, to explore the impact of the open standards movement, and particularly, the best ways for those impacts to be measured.”

Papers must be submitted by October 1, 2010. Inquiries should be sent to


XBRL US is the non-profit consortium for XML business reporting standards in the U.S and it represents the business information supply chain. Its mission is to support the implementation of XML business reporting standards through the development of taxonomies for use by U.S. public and private sectors, with a goal of interoperability between sectors, and by promoting XBRL adoption through marketplace collaboration. XBRL US has developed taxonomies for U.S. GAAP, credit rating and mutual fund reporting under contract with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. XBRL US Labs, the research and development arm of XBRL US, leverages the XBRL US platform, methodologies and people to address the quality of taxonomies and the harmonization of XBRL with other XML standards.

Contact: Michelle Savage, Vice President, Communication, 917-747-1714,

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