2:00 PM ET Wednesday, November 4, 2015 (5 hours)
XBRL US Meeting hosted by Baruch College || Newman Conference Center || Watch program replay

Baruch CollegeNYSSACFA Institute

Regulators from the SEC and the Office of Financial Research (within U.S. Treasury) and investment analysts from Bloomberg, the CFA Institute, Credit Suisse and S&P/Capital IQ spoke at this free 1/2 day forum hosted by Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business in the Newman Conference Center - 151 E. 25th Street, on how they use structured (XBRL) data for improved analysis. Experts provided step-by-step instruction on how to build databases and conduct analysis using toolkits that leverage XBRL financial data.

Get the analyst viewpoint on structured data and how it factors into the future of financial analysis from Keynote speakers Sandra Peters, Head of Financial Reporting Policy at the CFA Institute and Hal Schroeder, Board Member, the FASB gave the analyst point of view on structured data and how it factors into the future of financial analysis.

Preliminary Agenda || Watch program replay
1:30 – 2:00 PM Registration Check-in
2:00 – 2:10 PM Welcome & Introductions - Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US; Eric Linder, Vice Chairman, NYSSA Corporate Reporting and Analysis Committee
2:10 – 2:30 PM Sandra Peters, CPA, CFA, Head, Financial Reporting Policy Group, CFA Institute
2:30 – 3:10 PM Who's Using Corporate XBRL Data?
Hear from a panel of data providers and analysts about how technology changes the way analysis is performed, how they’re using corporate XBRL data, what issues they’ve encountered and what they’re doing to improve the process.

  • Emil Efthimides, global regulatory monitor, Bloomberg
  • David Coluccio, VP, Product & Content, S&P Capital IQ
  • Amit Varshney, CFA, FRM, HOLT, Credit Suisse
  • Mohini Singh, ACA, Director, Financial Reporting Policy Group, CFA Institute
  • Moderated by Glenn Doggett, Director, Standards of Practice, CFA Institute
3:10 – 3:40 PM Building an XBRL Database
Learn how to build an XBRL database using the freely available Data Acquisition Toolkit that includes instructional information on where to find and how to load XBRL data, and code to develop a database. Learn about open source databases that you can use as a model to build your own.
Speaker: Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
3:40 – 4:10 PM Comparing Financial Fundamentals
This session will provide techniques and tips on how to create consistent, comparable data through normalization and manipulation of XBRL-formatted data.
Speaker: Alex Rapp, co-Founder, Calcbench
4:10 – 4:40 PM Analyzing Corporate Data
Learn about a set of public (free) tools designed to jumpstart the process of analyzing public company data in XBRL format. Speakers will walk attendees through worksheets and APIs that can be customized to analyze pensions, leases and other topics.

  • Alexander Falk, President and CEO, Altova
  • Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
4:40 – 5:20 PM More Structured Data for Investors?
U.S. regulators are investigating the use of structured data beyond public company reporting to improve transparency and functionality, and reduce costs for investors. Learn the status of SEC rule proposals, find out about an initiative for derivatives reporting and other reporting domains where more structured data will be made available to analysts.

  • Mike Willis, Assistant Director, Office of Structured Disclosure, Division of Economics and Risk Analysis, Securities and Exchange Commission
  • David vun Kannon, Senior Standards Specialist, Office of Financial Research at U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Moderated by Campbell Pryde, CEO, XBRL US
5:20 – 5:50 PM Hal Schroeder, Board Member, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Mr. Schroeder was formerly Partner at Carlson Capital, L.P., a Dallas-based money manager with assets under management of over $6 billion.

5:50 – 7:00 PM Networking Reception
Sponsored by: BDO and Calcbench

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