The XBRL US Data Quality Committee (DQC) has published its 10th Ruleset for a 45-day review period, closing September 16, 2019. This Ruleset contains automated checks for inconsistent preparation of data related to variable interest entities; and for situations where values reported covering a duration of time do not sum to the value that should represent the total of those values over time. The DQC has also finalized approved Ruleset 9, which contains non-negative rules for IFRS filers, and checks for calculation relationships between sibling/parent elements, to identify situations that contradict with relationships for US GAAP filers.
Attend this 60-minute session for a review of both rulesets and a discussion with an SEC filer member of the Data Quality Committee (DQC) on why she chose to join, what kind of recommendations she makes, and why issuers should review and use the rules.
- Bonnie Grassman, Director, Compliance Services at Certent
- Heather Krupa, CPA, Controller at Global Water Resources
- Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
This event is free to attend, with an option to participate and earn 1 CPE for $49 ($39 XBRL US Members) – look for details in the registration confirmation.