3:00 PM EDT Thursday, July 28, 2016 (60 Minutes)
XBRL US Webinar || Watch / listen to replay || Review Public Exposure materials

Attend this free webinar to learn about a new set of rules available from the Data Quality Committee for public comment through August 31. SEC registrants, accounting professionals and filing agents as well as tool and service providers should attend to learn about five new draft rules that have been developed, as well as proposed additions to the DQC's previously issued rule to detect inappropriate negative values.

You'll also learn how previously finalized Data Quality Committee rules have helped public company filers improve the quality of their filings.


  • Review of newly proposed rules and explanation of public comment period
  • Review of quality improvements in XBRL Filings


  • Mike Starr, Chair, XBRL US Data Quality Committee; Vice President, Governmental and Regulatory Affairs, Workiva
  • Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US

The program is free to attend, with an option to receive an advance copy of the presentation and participate to earn 1 CPE for $49 (the price is $39 for XBRL US Members). If you're not yet an XBRL US member, maybe it's time to consider joining for yourself or your organization.