2:00 PM ET Tuesday, January 5, 2016 (60 minutes)
XBRL US Webinar || Watch replay of this webinar || Presentation as PDF

Hear from government and data standards experts in this practical 60-minute webinar on how agencies can leverage structured data required through the DATA Act to map to internal systems and perform more timely, accurate analysis. Explore case studies from the FDIC and SEC reporting.

Topics include:

Event Partner:
  1. Framing the Discussion – why this is important for agencies
  2. The Broker – deep dive into how it works
  3. Performing Analysis – what will government agencies be able to do with structured data?
  4. Case Study: FDIC example on mapping and analysis
  5. Case Study: Public company financial analysis


  • Herschel Chandler, Managing Principal, Information Unlimited, Inc, data standard expert
  • Kaitlin Devine, Product Owner of the DATA Act, U.S. Department of Treasury
  • Marcel Jemio, Solutions Architect, Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Mark Montoya, Senior Business Analyst, FDIC
  • Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US

This program is conducted through a partnership with the AGA, the member organization for financial professionals in government, and XBRL US, the national consortium for the business reporting standard.

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