1:00 PM ET Monday, November 4, 2019 (4 1/2 hours)
XBRL US Meeting
hosted by Baruch College
|| Newman Vertical Campus Conference Center
Featuring FASB Chairman Russell G. Golden as Keynote Speaker
Data standards are rapidly being recognized as the critical driver in new markets and new types of tools. Blockchain and artificial intelligence applications need clean, consistent, automated data to enable deployment. And municipal investors and analysts are waking to the realization that they can, and should, have granular, actionable financials from state and local governments.
This half-day forum provides practical information about how data standards are disrupting the information ecosystem, how you can leverage it, and where it’s headed.
This event is hosted by Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business in the Newman Conference Center – 55 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY. The program was developed by XBRL US, and is held in sponsorship with CFA Institute and CFA Society New York. The event is free to attend but registration is required.
This event will be preceded by the Annual General Meeting for XBRL US Members, which is closed to the public.
Preliminary Agenda | |
12:30 - 1:00 PM | Registration Check-in |
1:00 – 1:10 PM | Welcome & Introductions
1:10 – 1:40 PM | Keynote Presentation: Russell G. Golden, Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Introduction: Arthur Fliegelman, Chair, Financial Reporting & Analysis Group, CFA Society of New York |
1:40 - 2:10 PM | Data Standards for Municipal Securities
Florida and California are on the road to standardized financial data for all local governments. Is this the next frontier for structured data? Learn more in this session about how standards could impact the world of municipal securities. Speakers:
Moderated by Liz Sweeney, Principal, Nutshell Associates, LLC (moderator) |
2:10 - 2:40 PM | Modernizing Regulatory Disclosures
Funds, public companies, foreign private issuers, and NRSROs are required to report financial data to the Securities and Exchange Commission in structured format. The SEC has proposed that other reporting entities such as variable annuity and variable life insurance companies report in structured format. This session will address what’s required, what’s pending, and what investors are interested in seeing in structured format in the future. Speakers:
Moderated by Mike Schlanger, Vice Chair, XBRL US Board of Directors, and Vice President Solution Sales, Toppan Merrill |
2:40 - 3:10 PM | Rethinking Quarterly Financials
Earnings announcements and 10-Q filings are submitted to the SEC every quarter. Do quarterly submissions encourage short-termism? Does the earnings announcements provide a different value than the 10-Q? Do one or both impose an unnecessary burden on issuers? Get perspectives on these issues from the view of preparers and investors in this discussion panel. Speakers:
3:10 - 3:40 PM | Modernizing Disclosures from Utilities
In June 2019, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced a plan to adopt XBRL as the standard for filing Commission Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3-Q electric, 3-Q natural gas, 6, 6-Q, 60, and 714. Attend this session for a conversation with FERC Energy Industry Analyst, Robb Hudson, in a conversation about how and why the Commission chose to adopt data standards. Learn about limitations in FERC’s legacy system that standards are expected to resolve, expectations for the new standards implementation, how the FERC taxonomy is being built, and the future of standards in utilities reporting. Speakers:
3:40 - 3:50 PM | Break |
3:50 - 4:20 PM | Blockchain, Smart Contracts & XBRL
Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized ledger that offers a unique method to establish trust among “untrusted” parties. Blockchain technology can support digital contracts. Data standards are a critical component driving the implementation of the blockchain. Join this session to hear Sandra Ro, fintech entrepeneur, and head of the Global Blockchain Business Council, provide insights into the intersection of blockchain and data standards. Speaker: Sandra Ro, CEO, Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) |
4:20 - 4:50 PM | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & XBRL
Recent legislative activities point to increasing momentum in the use of data standards for U.S. business’ and government. Passage of the OPEN Government Data Act. The bipartisan reintroduction of the Financial Transparency Act. Florida and California bills for local government standards. The GREAT Act for grants reporting. The convergence of uniform, consistent financial data standards paves the way for Artificial Intelligence and RegTech applications that are more meaningful and effective. Attend this session to get the fundamentals of AI and machine-learning - deriving information and making decisions by identifying patterns in large volumes of data. Learn about the integral role of data standardization in FinTech and RegTech apps. Speakers:
4:50 - 5:30 PM | Data Like Never Before
The promise of standards is to improve efficiencies and timeliness, and to reduce costs. But XBRL can also give investors access to information that is much more detailed and is often buried in the footnotes of financial statements. Data standards are also an important component to enabling technology processes like blockchain and AI. Participate in this session to find out how data standards support new technologies and allow access to information not easily accessible. Speakers:
5:30 – 6:30 PM |
Networking Reception |
Upcoming XBRL US Events