Since 2015, the Data Quality Committee has developed freely-available rules for US GAAP and IFRS Taxonomies. Filings required by the US SEC and the European Securities Market Authority (ESMA) are scanned for data quality issues and the results are posted below. The list uses the XBRL API to retrieve this data from our Database of Public Filings, where we're also storing the as-filed public company XBRL submissions to the US SEC's EDGAR system and European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reports cataloged by XBRL International.

Click any company name for details, including an explanation for errors noted and the effective date of implementation as established by the DQC for all filings. Enter a company's name in the text field below and click Search to display the entity's historic data quality results (if you get an error, you might need to encode some characters - AT&T for example, should be queried as AT%26T).

For SEC filings, login to add a checkbox option that displays results for DQC Rules effective after the filing date (proposed DQC Rules) and get XBRL US SEC Filer Member Ruleset results as an error type in the dropdown menu. Public companies should consider SEC Filer Membership.

XBRL US Members and public company personnel should check filings prior to submission and resolve these errors.

See the queries used to return this data.
