We're now including details on these results pages
as part of Approved Rules and Guidance
Certain axes in the US GAAP taxonomy should only have certain members as shown in the US GAAP taxonomy. This rule tests whether these axes have inappropriate members.
Axis with Inappropriate Members was initially approved by the DQC September, 2016. |
Assets equal liabilities plus shareholders’ equity.
Element Values Are Equal was initially approved by the DQC November, 2015. |
Dates that end after reporting period end dates are limited to subsequent events, forecasts and Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding.
Context Dates After Period End Date was initially approved by the DQC November, 2015. |
Document and entity information, footnotes, tables, and accounting policy concepts must use reporting period dates that are consistent with the fiscal period focus of the filing (e.g. Q1, Q2, Q3 or FY).
DEI and Block Tag Date Contexts was initially approved by the DQC November, 2015. |
Evaluates whether a calculation relationship in the company’s extension is a reversal of the calculation defined in the US-GAAP taxonomy used for the filing.
Reversed Calculation was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017. |
This rule evaluates whether a fact expressed with no dimensions is equal to the same fact expressed in a table with dimensions.
Dimensional Equivalents was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017. |
The US GAAP Taxonomy is designed so that the majority of elements have a positive value. This rule tests that the values for a given list of elements are negative when a precondition is met for another element.
Negative Values with Dependence was initially approved by the DQC September, 2016. |
Elements that should not be reported with negative values. Documentation includes a list of elements tested.
Negative Values was initially approved by the DQC November, 2015. |
Identifies the balance type of the elements in the calculation linkbase that are children of the operating cash flow elements in the US GAAP taxonomy, specifically the elements NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities or NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations and determines whether their effective calculation weights are accurate. The effective calculation weight is the calculation weight of the child element relative to operating cash flow element irrespective of the level the child element exists at in the calculation hierarchy.
Incorrect Calculation Weights in Operating Cash Flows was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017. |
This rule tests whether a presentation child element of IncomeStatementAbstract and StatementOfStockholdersEquityAbstract from the US-GAAP taxonomy is used as a child of any of the following elements in the company’s calculation linkbase:
Accrual Items used in Investing/Financing Cash flow Reconciliation was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017. |
NOTE: As these are real-time, the most recent quarter should not be considered as indicative of a trend.
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