The interactive quarterly timeline graphs below show changes in the total number of errors identified by the Data Quality Committee (DQC) in public company financial reports accepted into the SEC's EDGAR database.

Check out company-specific data quality filing results.

Generally, application of the DQC's freely-available, open-source rules and guidance has resulted in reduction of issues since the collaborative effort of industry stakeholders - filers, filing agents, data providers, academics, standard-setters and member associations - was launched in 2015. An increase in issues identified by each rule commonly corresponds to complexities associated with the annual filling period and/or subsequent revisions to the rule.

Hover over any of the bars to get totals by quarter. To view any chart in full screen, place your cursor over the x-axis (bottom), then click the full screen icon in the lower right corner of the graph. Depending on your connection speed, it may take a minute or two for these real-time graphs to load. Browse more graphs: page 1 || page 2 || page 3 || page 4 || page 5.

This rule identifies the calculation children of an element in the calculation linkbase of the US GAAP taxonomy and compares the set of elements to the calculation children of a second element used in the company’s extension calculation linkbase. The rule creates a set of elements from the US GAAP taxonomy and compares the set to the children of the element in the extension taxonomy and flags an error if the two sets intersect. The rule identifies inappropriate calculation children in the company’s extension filing.

Movement of Concepts between Calculation Trees was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule tests whether certain elements in the calculation linkbase are descendants of a parent concept.

Inappropriate Calculation Descendant was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule tests whether the descendants of both the elements NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations and NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities in the companies extension taxonomy have no value defined for the balance attribute.

Calculation Descendants with No Balance Type was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule identifies filings where at least one element in a defined list does not appear as a root node in any cash flow calculation trees defined by the filer. The rule identifies a cash flow calculation tree (extended link role) by assuming the same role is used for the presentation tree.

Required Calculation Parent Element in the Cash Flow Statement was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule identifies when a single calculation tree has not been used to represent the increase or decrease in cash for the period.

Single Calculation Tree for Change in Cash Flows was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule evaluates whether the following elements are not represented as after tax items:

  1. IncomeLossIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
  2. IncomeLossAttributableToParent
  3. IncomeLossIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest

Before Tax Items was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

This rule identifies facts with a given axis and member that cannot be tagged with a value irrespective of the line item used.

Member Values was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

The FASB has defined certain dimensions that cannot be included with a table. This rule checks that a defined list of table axis combinations do not appear in the company’s extension taxonomy.

Excluded Members from an Axis was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

The FASB has defined certain dimensions that cannot be included with a table. This rule checks that a defined list of table axis combinations do not appear in the company’s extension taxonomy.

Excluded Dimensions from a Table was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

The FASB has defined certain situations where a member or multiple members must used with an axis. This rule defines the axis and the member or members that must be present.

Required Member on An Axis was initially approved by the DQC October, 2017.

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NOTE: As these are real-time, the most recent quarter should not be considered as indicative of a trend.
