1 PM ET Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (3.5 hours)
XBRL US Web Conference || Watch now

Attend this year's AGM to hear from regulators and reconnect with colleagues in the XBRL community

This year, XBRL US members drove positive change in government reporting, SEC data quality, and expansion of machine-readable data for public companies, investment management companies and public utilities. Learn about programs to drive greater standardization in the private and public sectors in presentations from member leads of the Domain Steering Committee, Communication Steering Committee, Regulatory Modernization Working Group, Standard Government Reporting Working Group, Data Quality Committee, and from XBRL US management.

During this year's AGM we also hosted a panel of regulators from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) with updates on regulatory activities and an open Q&A. Members in attendance had the chance to participate in the discussion with individuals fostering transparency and accountability in these federal agencies.

All XBRL US Members are welcome to be a part of the discussion about initiatives and programs - send a note to membership@xbrl.us to learn more.