Invites issuers, accounting professionals and XBRL providers to explanatory webinars
XBRL US expressed strong support for the Securities and Exchange Commission order announced last week permitting public companies to submit their periodic financial filings using Inline XBRL, a technical specification developed and maintained by XBRL International (XBRL US is a jurisdiction of XBRL International). Inline XBRL allows filers to submit a single document, eliminating the need for companies to submit two separate documents each quarter, one in HTML and one in XBRL format. The SEC noted in their release that inline XBRL is “expected to decrease filing preparation costs, improve the quality of structured data, and by improving data quality, increase the use of XBRL data by investors and other market participants.”
“XBRL US has advocated for the use of Inline XBRL for many years,” said Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US, “We look forward to working with issuers and the XBRL community as they explore how inline XBRL can improve the filing practice.”
XBRL US will hold two free, educational webinars to help issuers, accounting firms and XBRL tool and service providers gain insights into the new technology and how the SEC anticipates inline XBRL working in practice.
For issuers: SEC Discussion on Inline XBRL for Public Company Filers
When: Wednesday, June 22, 3:00 PM ET (60 minutes)
For vendors: Open Discussion with the SEC on Inline XBRL for Tool and Service Providers
When: Thursday, June 23, 10:30 AM ET (60 minutes)
Note: XBRL US members will have access to the replay and detailed write-up after the event.
Speakers for both programs will include:
- Mike Willis, Assistant Director Office of Structured Disclosure, Division of Economics and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Walter Hamscher, Senior IT Program Manager, Office of Structured Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Matthew F. Slavin, Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
- John Turner, CEO, XBRL International
- Paul Warren, Technical Director, XBRL International
For more information about the inline XBRL specification: http://specifications.xbrl.org/spec-group-index-inline-xbrl.html