Posted on Thursday, June 28, 2018

Investors, analysts, data providers, issuers & other stakeholders are encouraged to attend

XBRL US announced today that the annual XBRL Investor Forum 2018: Powering Fintech, will feature Securities and Exchange Commissioner Robert J. Jackson, as keynote speaker. Commissioner Jackson, who was sworn in as SEC Commissioner on January 11, 2018, came to the Commission from NYU School of Law, and prior to that from Columbia Law School. Commissioner Jackson’s academic work has focused on corporate governance and the use of advanced data science techniques to improve transparency in securities markets.

“We are honored to have Commissioner Jackson provide a keynote address at this year’s Investor Forum, which will focus on the role of technology and standards in facilitating better information flow in the capital markets,” said Campbell Pryde, President and CEO of XBRL US.

The event is hosted by Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business in the Newman Conference Center, 55 Lexington Avenue, with sponsorship by CFA Institute and CFA Society New York. The half-day event is free to the public, but registration is required.

The program will also cover sessions on:

  • Alternative data sets, which have taken a bigger role in investment strategy, compiling data from various sources such as financial transactions, customer tracking, geolocation, satellite imagery, public records, internet searches, and big data mining.
  • SEC and FDIC case studies of structured data implementations, challenges, successes and ongoing opportunities.
  • The role of data in the capital markets and the impact of recent trends and developments such as legislative and regulatory issues, fintech, data quality, and data ownership.
  • Open source and commercial tools illustrated through analytical examples.
  • Pros and cons of computer-readable earnings announcements.

Other speakers confirmed to date are from Calcbench, the Council of Institutional Investors, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, idaciti, Novaworks LLC, SavaNet LLC, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, TagniFi, and XBRL US.

This event is free to attend but registration is required. To learn more and register:

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Thursday, July 31, 2025