SEC Launches Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub).
The FinHub will serve as a resource for public engagement on the SEC's FinTech-related issues and initiatives, such as distributed ledger technology (including digital assets), automated investment advice, digital marketplace financing, and artificial intelligence/machine learning.
FinHub activities include: 1) Provide a portal for industry and the public to engage directly with SEC staff on innovative ideas and technological developments; 2) Publicize information regarding the SEC's activities and initiatives involving FinTech on the FinHub page; 3) Engage with the public through publications and events, including a FinTech Forum focusing on distributed ledger technology and digital assets planned for 2019; 4) Act as a platform and clearinghouse for SEC staff to acquire and disseminate information and FinTech-related knowledge within the agency; and 5) Serve as a liaison to other domestic and international regulators regarding emerging technologies in financial, regulatory, and supervisory systems.
Read the announcement: https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-240
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