On March 14, 2018 the Securities and Exchange Commission published a proposal: Investment Company Liquidity Disclosures which builds off the final rule adopted in October 2016 for new forms N-PORT and NCEN. In that final rule, they opted for XML formatting instead of XBRL. XBRL US had submitted a comment letter at the time, advocating the use of XBRL since much of the reported data was financial in nature.
The new publication proposes requiring the disclosure of additional narratives by investment companies and asks the question:
Do investors have a reason to access, reuse, or compare the narrative information? If so, would investors’ ease of access and usability of the information improve if the information were provided in a structured format (e.g., XML, XBRL, Inline XBRL)? If so, which structured format would be most useful and why?
Read the release: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-03-19/pdf/2018-05511.pdf