Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2020

XBRL US announced today that the annual XBRL US Investor Forum 2020, Ready for Anything - Using Data in Perilous Times, will feature two keynote speakers, Commissioner Allison Herren Lee from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission; and Wes Bricker, Vice Chair - US and Mexico Assurance Leader, PwC US, and Chair, XBRL International Board. This year’s forum, which will take place on November 18, 2020, will emphasize the importance of standards to establish an infrastructure that enables rapid response and meets the demand for timely, detailed information during crisis situations.

This year the event will be held at CFA Society New York, at 1540 Broadway, and is sponsored by Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business, CFA Institute, and CFA Society New York. The half-day event is free to the public, but registration is required. Register here:

"Access to timely and accessible data can have a positive impact on the usefulness of business reporting," said Wes Bricker PwC Vice Chair, US and Mexico Assurance Leader, and Chair of XBRL International. "This program will address how through digitization and standardization, we can promote an information environment that can lead to better decision making for participants in the capital markets."    

The program will include sessions on legal entity identifiers, what investors need from issuers, and how standards in place today have helped stakeholders have access to critical, time-sensitive information. Attendees will also learn about free tools that can be leveraged today to access standardized data.

When: Wednesday, November 18, from 1 PM to 5:30 PM

Where: CFA Society New York, 1540 Broadway, 10th Floor, New York, NY

How: Learn more and register at

This event is free to attend but registration is required.

Upcoming XBRL US Events

Domain Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Communications & Services Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Center for Data Quality Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Global Climate Reporting: Corporate Roundtable
Thursday, March 20, 2025

GovFin 2025: Designing a Digital Future
Thursday, July 31, 2025