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Monday, December 3, 2018

White Paper: XBRL US Center for Data Quality, an industry initiative for the common good

XBRL US white paper “XBRL US Center for Data Quality, an industry initiative for the common good”, details timeline, milestone and accomplishments to date including significant reduction in errors, greater engagement with regulators and expanding usage of XBRL data.


XBRL US Letter re: SEC Rule Proposal on Financial Disclosures About Guarantors & Issuers of Guaranteed Securities

XBRL US white paper “XBRL US Center for Data Quality, an industry initiative for the common good”, details timeline, milestone and accomplishments to date including significant reduction in errors, greater engagement with regulators and expanding usage of XBRL data.

SEC Posted Request For Comment on Collection of Interactive Data

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) posted a request for comment on the proposed collection of interactive data. Comments are due January 25, 2019.  In the Request for Comment, the SEC states “We estimate that 10,229 respondents per year will each submit an average of 4.5 responses per year for an estimated total of 46, […more]


Forbes Article “The Four Letters Transforming the Municipal Bond Market and Govt Financing”

Barnet Sherman of Neighborly authors “The Four Letters Transforming the Municipal Bond Market and Government Financing”  in Forbes on XBRL for municipal reporting. Read the article.    

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

SEC Publishes Rules To Be Reviewed Per Regulatory Flexibility Act Including XBRL Requirements

On November 27, 2018, the SEC published in the Federal Register, a “List of Rules to Be Reviewed Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act”. Included in the list of rules to be reviewed are the rules requiring the use of XBRL for public companies, mutual funds and credit rating agencies. Comments are due by December […more]

XBRL US Introduces Proposed API Standard, Streamlining Access to Structured Financial Data

Analysts, commercial providers & investors invited to December 12 webinar to learn more XBRL US announced today the launch of a free API (Application Program Interface) standard in a Proposed Release, to create, extract and analyze XBRL formatted, computer-readable data. The API is designed to work with any XBRL database or taxonomy. The XBRL API […more]


Monday, November 26, 2018

XBRL US Submits Comment Letter RE: SEC Municipal Conference

XBRL US submitted a comment letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to their December 6, 2018 conference, The Road Ahead: Municipal Securities Disclosures in an Evolving Market. Our letter explained the work of the XBRL US State & Local Working Group to develop financial data standards for municipal reporting and urged the […more]

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

SEC Staff Find IFRS Filers Have Higher Custom Tag Rate Than US GAAP Filers

Staff in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Economic Risk and Analysis (DERA) analyzed XBRL submissions by IFRS filers to review custom tag rates. The purpose of the analysis was to determine whether IFRS filers, in their first year of required XBRL submissions, were being consistent in their use of custom tags with other […more]

Monday, November 19, 2018

SEC Posts Draft EDGAR Filer Manual

The Securities and Exchange Commission has posted a draft EDGAR manual. The changes outlined in the draft manual, if approved, are scheduled to take effect on December 17, 2018 and January 28, 2019 for non-rule based changes or on the rule effective date for changes related to SEC rules. See SEC Final Rules posted on […more]

Thursday, November 1, 2018

XBRL US Announces RDG Filings 2019 Support for Center for Data Quality

XBRL US announced today that RDG Filings, a full service XBRL preparation and provider of disclosure management tools, has renewed their membership in the XBRL US Center for Data Quality for 2019. The Center for Data Quality is an industry-driven collaborative with a mission to address the public’s concerns about the quality and usability of […more]