Are data standard requirements for municipal bond issuers as outlined in the FDTA just a “solution in search of a problem”? Hear from government entities and data users about how they analyze government financial data today. Learn about their wish list on how to improve the usefulness of data used for peer analysis and policy setting. Explore approaches taken and under consideration in Florida, Michigan and Utah to find out why governments and data users are interested in leveraging a standardized data approach to bring greater efficiencies to the preparation, extraction and analysis of government reported data.
- Victoria LaPonzina, Financial Administrator, Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Accounting & Auditing, Bureau of Financial Reporting, State of Florida
- Stephanie Leiser, Fiscal Health Project Lead, Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy
- David Stringfellow, Deputy State Auditor, Chief Economist & Data Scientist, Office of the State Auditor, State of Utah
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