Driven by a shared mission to improve the usability of XBRL data, members of the Center for Data Quality have contributed funding and other resources to support the Data Quality Committee’s initiative to help corporate issuers improve the quality and usability of their XBRL financial data filed with the SEC.

Members of the Center for Data Quality

American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)

Broadridge Financial Solutions

Certent - an insightsoftware company


Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)


Novaworks, LLC

RDG Filings

Toppan Merrill


The Committee develops freely available guidance and validation rules for public companies to prevent or detect inconsistencies or errors in XBRL submissions to the SEC. Proposed guidance and rules are subject to public comment before final publication. The Committee holds periodic meetings to update the SEC staff on its progress.

Get Involved

Join the Center for Data Quality.  Center members fund the work of the Data Quality Committee, and are eligible to have their commercial software applications DQC certified when they have incorporated the rules into their XBRL preparation tools. Certification verifies that their tool is in compliance and can successfully run the DQC rules. Learn more about Center participation.

Have a Say in the Guidance and Validation Rules. Proposed guidance and associated validation rules are published for public review and comment for a 45 day period. Comments are reviewed and incorporated where appropriate.

Improve the Quality of Your XBRL Submission. Once the Committee approves final guidance and rules, they are made freely, publicly available for use.

Member Participation

Members must adhere to the mission and intent of the DQC mission, to improve the usability and effectiveness of XBRL data across all filings. Members must adhere to the definitions set by the DQC. Members of the DQC committee and subcommittees must behave in an ethical and collaborative manner. Members must not use information obtained in DQC meetings to solicit customers from competitors or use information shared in confidence to cause financial harm to others.

This policy is not intended to restrict competition, but members are expected to collaborate on rules, identify issues and inform the committee when issues are identified.

Members must not use information derived from DQC participation to suggest that the quality of work of other members does not meet DQC standards prior to publication and acceptance in the marketplace. For example, it should not be implied that there are data quality issues in a filing where an issue identified by a rule has not been corrected prior to the effective date of the rule.
