Rule ID: DQC_0162 for US GAAP and IFRS - comment period closes August 31, 2023.
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Rule function

This rule identifies where the filer has used an invalid or inconsistent trading symbol. The rule checks that the trading symbol does not include invalid characters, identifies if the symbol is not applicable, and the symbol is upper case.

The rule flags an error if the trading symbol includes the characters such as " , * ,&, @,%, !, ^,# and $. The rule also checks if the text used to indicate if a trading symbol is not applicable is appropriate. If any of the following strings are used 'N/A', 'n/a', '-', 'NONE', 'NOT APPLICABLE' then an error message is displayed. The rule will flag if any of the letters comprising the symbol are lower case. Finally the rule checks that if the symbol NA is used then the cik of the filing must be 0001872302.

Problem solved by the rule

The rule is intended to ensure that filers use consistent trading symbols from filing to filing and that inappropriate symbols are not used so that users of the data can effectively search for filings based on the trading symbol.

Example rule message

The filer has used an invalid trading symbol of N/A. If a trading symbol is not applicable then use the no trading symbol flag element 'dei:NoTradingSymbolFlag'. The trading symbol cannot contain special characters such as ",@,*,&,!,$, %,#,^ or Invalid Tickers such as N/A, n/a, -, NONE, NOT APPLICABLE and should be entered as an upper-case value.

The properties of this dei:TradingSymbol fact are:

Period: 2023-01-01 to 2023-03-31

Rule Element ID: 10084
Rule version: 22.0.0RC1

For Developers

The Global Rule Logic document contains general guidelines for implementation of rules.

The rule message template contains text and parametric reference to arguments of the rule operation, using the syntax ${parameter} to indicate that insertion of a parameter’s value is to occur.

Message template

The filer has used an invalid trading symbol of {$TradingSymbol}. If a trading symbol is not applicable then use the no trading symbol flag element 'dei:NoTradingSymbolFlag'. The trading symbol cannot contain special characters such as {$InvalidCharacters.join(', ')} or Invalid Tickers such as {$InvalidTickers.join(', ')} and should be entered as an upper-case value.

The properties of this {$TradingSymbol.concept} fact are:

Period: {$TradingSymbol.period}
Dimensions: {$TradingSymbol.dimensions.join(', ','=')}

Rule Element ID: {$rule_id}
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}

Test Case Index

The rule element id is used to identify unique elements or combinations of elements tested in the rule.

Rule Element ID Element
DQC.US.0162.10084 TradingSymbol
DQC.IFRS.0162.10084 TradingSymbol

View: as part of public exposure version v22/docs/DQ || Return to current approved version.