Join this second session with the SEC to address questions related to Inline XBRL. XBRL tool and service providers as well as public company accountants should attend this session for an open Q&A session with SEC staff from the Office of Structured Disclosure as well as XBRL International technologists. You’ll have an opportunity to ask more technical and business questions and learn from questions posed by other providers. Areas the call will likely cover include:
- Details about the requirements
- Technical insights into the new inline viewer and how it will work in the SEC EDGAR system
- Specification questions about Inline XBRL
- Where to obtain additional guidance
Speakers confirmed:
- Mike Willis, Assistant Director Office of Structured Disclosure, Division of Economics and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Walter Hamscher, Senior IT Program Manager, Office of Structured Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- John Turner, CEO, XBRL International
- Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
Got questions for the SEC about inline XBRL? Send them to info@xbrl.us
Note: XBRL US members will have access to the replay and detailed write-up after the event. Learn about membership options for yourself and/or organization.