2:00 PM ET Wednesday, April 13, 2022 (60 Minutes)
XBRL US Webinar || Watch / listen to replay

Join XBRL US in a deep dive session on the newly completed Taxonomy from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which has been updated to respond to comments received from FERC filers and software providers. During this session, we will focus on:

  • Taxonomy comments received and how they have been addressed
  • Updates to the business/validation rules used by the FERC to test XBRL reports submitted by issuers
  • Revisions to Forms 2 and 6 regarding the FERC waiver and how to implement it
  • Updates to resolve data type, inconsistencies, and spelling issues that cause rendering problems
  • Handling mismatch between paper and taxonomy instructions

In addition, we will focus on ways you can validate and render your own FERC filing.

All XBRL US Members - including future FERC Filer Members - can earn 1 CPE without cost for participating in this event