Home Forums The XBRL API API question /api/v1/network/relationship/search

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    • #192054
      Arthur Olevskiy

      Hi David,

      I’m trying to figure out with /api/v1/network/relationship/search endpoint and get Balance Sheet network.role-description. I was trying different ways, unfortunately all attempts wasn’t successful. However, I have find this endpoint useful.

      Can you point me how I can get Balance Sheet data using this endpoint, please.

      Thanks in advance.

    • #192055
      Arthur Olevskiy

      CIK 0000769397
      DTS ID 27599

    • #192057
      David Tauriello

      Hi Arthur –

      Try a known, good query like /relationship/search?dts.id=306447&network.link-name=presentationLink&network.role-description=balance%20sheet&stringmatch=network.role-description(like)&fields=network.role-description,relationship.id.sort(ASC),relationship.tree-sequence.sort(ASC),relationship.target-name

      be sure the stringmatch parameter exists in the dts.id you’re calling (or try ‘statement’ to list all in the report – this may take a minute or two).

      and see also https://xbrl.us/forums/topic/how-to-get-specific-statement-from-report/

    • #192076
      Arthur Olevskiy

      Hi David,

      Thank you so much.

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