The digital reporting standard for business and government
The non-profit community improving U. S. reporting through a free, open standard
The non-profit community improving U. S. reporting through a free, open standard
The XBRL US Standardized Statement Taxonomy normalizes core concepts for commercial and industrial company balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Learn how you can query normalized data in our Public Filings Database and use a web-based Python notebook to run a XULE expression and generate the normalized output (XML or JSON) of your favorite company financials created with the 2024 US GAAP Taxonomy.
Looking for resources to help students and colleagues understand the most significant development in accounting since double entry?
The XBRL US Academic Subcommittee is sharing materials designed to provide an overview of standardized data, generate discussion about its benefits as a research tool and get deep in the data with case studies, tools and scripts for analyzing data submitted to US and European regulators.
To meet the goals of climate initiatives worldwide requires governments to understand the impact of industry on the environment. This can only be accomplished through standardized, digital data that is concretely understood, timely, and consistently prepared to foster a shared understanding of the current state of climate risk and to monitor changes going forward.
Get quick introductions to the basics of the open data exchange standard for business reporting and XULE – an open-source syntax created to help developers get the most out of XBRL without re-engineering their tech stack.
Create a free account at to get started (an XBRL US Web account will not work as a login). Participants will receive a Professional Education XBRL Achievement for each module completed.
Public company accountants, financial service professionals, data providers, technologists, federal regulators and a growing number of industry groups view XBRL as an important component of transparency in the markets. These organizations support the business reporting standard by collaborating on XBRL US initiatives with other like-minded organizations and individuals. Learn about membership options for individuals and organizations and get started today.
The national consortium for
the business reporting standard