Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.

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RDG Filings, Inc.

In today’s regulatory environment, companies want to know that their XBRL documents are expertly prepared and in line with the highest standards for compliance, quality, and usability. RDG Filings is an SEC Compliance company with over twenty years’ experience that offers full-service XBRL Tagging, on-demand Disclosure Management Software, full-service EDGAR Conversion, Financial Printing & Typesetting, […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creationconsultingtaxonomy validationtraining classesinstance creationFor EDGAR Filersinstance renderingtaxonomy comparisonXBRL reviewRDG Filings


EBA XBRL Add-in for Excel

The Altova EBA XBRL Add-in for Excel makes it easy for financial professionals at filing companies to generate XBRL instances compliant with European Banking Authority rules. Using this add-in, users can map their data to reports compliant with EBA XBRL Filing Rules without ever leaving Excel.

browse products & services with similar features: instance creationAltovadata reportinglocal rule checkingExcel interface


ThunderDome® Document Management Portal

EDGAR Control The exclusive, on-demand ThunderDome® Portal allows multi-user access to create, manage, edit, and file EDGAR documents with the SEC. The web-based portal creates significant efficiencies to users as it enable version control and collaboration while also eliminating the need to manually hand-mark EDGAR changes only to then wait for your provider to return […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creationtaxonomy validationinstance creationFor EDGAR Filersinstance renderingtaxonomy comparisonXBRL reviewRDG Filings
