The XBRL API (Application Program Interface) is a set of endpoints developed to help data users access timely, highly granular, structured XBRL data. This standardized API allows developers and data utilities, with limited XBRL knowledge, to learn a single interface to access data from any database that contains XBRL data. The XBRL API is a free open source tool – any data provider can offer their users the XBRL APIs to extract information from their dataset. If you have a commercial database and are interested in learning how you can incorporate the APIs into your offering, review the documentation provided and contact us at info@xbrl.us.
Anyone can use free spreadsheet templates and documentation to understand query structure and retrieve data with the XBRL API. Power User Individual Members and all XBRL US Organizational Members can use the XBRL API to query our Database of Public Filings - a Postgres resource of filings submitted to the SEC since 2009.
Not an XBRL US Member, yet? Maybe it's time to consider joining for yourself or your organization.
Features: data reporting • financial information analysis • data analysis •
Additional details: https://xbrl.us/xbrl-api