Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.

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Calcbench Platform

Calcbench has harnessed the XBRL data standard to collect rich and detailed information on every filer with the SEC. The Calcbench platform is a faster, smarter, better, more versatile, and more accurate way for you to do your job. Calcbench tracks all types of corporate disclosures—10-Q, 10-K, 8-K, earnings releases, proxy statements — whether they are displayed […more]

browse products & services with similar features: Calcbenchfinancial information analysisdata analysis


TagniFi Datasets

Timely and accurate standardized balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement data. Standardized footnote data including inventory, PP&E, leases, pensions, stock options, segments, and more. End-of-day price and volume data. Available as split-adjusted and dividend-adjusted for your analysis. Learn about these and other datasets changing how people use financial data.

browse products & services with similar features: data reportingfinancial information analysisdata analysisTagniFi


ThunderDome® Document Management Portal

EDGAR Control The exclusive, on-demand ThunderDome® Portal allows multi-user access to create, manage, edit, and file EDGAR documents with the SEC. The web-based portal creates significant efficiencies to users as it enable version control and collaboration while also eliminating the need to manually hand-mark EDGAR changes only to then wait for your provider to return […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creationtaxonomy validationinstance creationFor EDGAR Filersinstance renderingtaxonomy comparisonXBRL reviewRDG Filings
