Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.

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Accuracy is everything. ActiveDisclosure from Donnelley Financial Solutions is a leading financial reporting solution used to draft, collaborate on and finalize SEC disclosures. Leveraging the Microsoft Office® productivity suite, ActiveDisclosure helps streamline content creation, review and distribution improving efficiency, governance and the overall quality of all financial reports, while providing priority access to a vast […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creationconsultingCenter for Data Quality Certifiedtraining classestaxonomy validationFor EDGAR Filersinstance creationinstance renderingfiling preparationdata managementtaxonomy comparisonfinancial information analysisDonnelley Financial Solutions



Altova XMLSpy is the industry’s best selling XML editor for modeling, editing, transforming, and debugging XML-related technologies. The XMLSpy XBRL taxonomy editor uses the same editing paradigm as the popular graphical XMLSpy XML Schema editor, providing a graphical view of XBRL taxonomies and intelligent taxonomy editing features. Support for editing and validation based on XBRL […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy validationAltovataxonomy comparison



Contexxia revolutionizes the way SEC filings can be analyzed. Contexxia helps users discover new and changed content in 10-K and 10-Q SEC filings, provides insights into accounting data reported in financial statements and footnotes and highlights past, present and future events that may affect a company’s performance. Leveraging our patented Natural Language Processing techniques, a […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy comparisondata reportingfinancial information analysisdata analysisEz-XBRL
