Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.
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Altova MapForce, a graphical data mapping, conversion and integration tool, supports using XBRL taxonomies as the data source or target structure for any mapping. Mappings to XBRL taxonomies can be used to extract financial data from back-end accounting systems for reporting and disclosure, while mappings from XBRL taxonomies with associated instance files can be used […more]
browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy validation • instance creation • Altova • taxonomy comparison • data analysis • data import
EDGARsuite provides a total software solution for SEC filings of all types, including financial filings in XBRL, inline XBRL (iXBRL), HTML and ASCII. All required XBRL taxonomies are supported, including US-GAAP, Mutual Fund Risk/Return, IFRS, and others. The product includes templates for simple small-company filings, as well as all features required for large and complex […more]
browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creation • Advanced Computer Innovations • taxonomy validation • instance creation • For EDGAR Filers • instance rendering • data management • data reporting • web-based training • HTML composition • inline XBRL
The eFINForms is a web-based application and user-friendly enterprise system that does not require the end user to interact with XBRL or Tagging to the Taxonomy. Our software will contain your previous years Form Submissions provided by FERC, which can be rolled over to create the next Form Filing with ease. It will pre-populate previous […more]
browse products & services with similar features: Tool • For FERC Filers • web-based training • 24/7 technical support • inline XBRL • version control • local rule checking • Systrends
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