Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.

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Integix for FERC

Integix is Ez-XBRL’s cloud-based XBRL authoring platform. With its patented technology and built in powerful set of features and functionality, Integix is the ideal choice for FERC filers. Import or integrate your excel data directly in our platform to create your FERC compliant XBRL Forms. With our Advanced Templates, Smart Tagging, and AI-enabled features, you […more]

browse products & services with similar features: ToolFor FERC Filersweb-based training24/7 technical supportinline XBRLversion controllocal rule checkingonline collaborationreport comparisonExcel interfaceEz-XBRL



Contexxia revolutionizes the way SEC filings can be analyzed. Contexxia helps users discover new and changed content in 10-K and 10-Q SEC filings, provides insights into accounting data reported in financial statements and footnotes and highlights past, present and future events that may affect a company’s performance. Leveraging our patented Natural Language Processing techniques, a […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy comparisondata reportingfinancial information analysisdata analysisEz-XBRL


Cognitive Quant Platform

Cognitive Quant platform brings together Behavioral Science, Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence to help investors overcome cognitive biases, deliver unique risk insights, and enable rational investment decisions. It features: Behavioral Science-driven UX Design to help overcome cognitive biases AI & NLP-enabled Stock Screener incorporating both quantitative and qualitative insights Unique Risk Insights leveraging xBRL, […more]

browse products & services with similar features: financial information analysisdata analysisCognitive Quant
