I’m not clear on what you are trying to return, and as far as I know, there’s no intersection of concept
and relationship
in the API currently. Please see the diagram on p. 20 of the documentation – https://xbrl.us/xbrl-api-documentation.
In the A query, you cannot get relationship
details from the concept
endpoint, so those parameters should be removed from the ‘fields’ portion of the query. And with B, you cannot get concept
details from the relationship
endpoint, so those shouldn’t be included as ‘fields’ to return.
Maybe you’re trying to use the relationship
endpoint to get concepts included in a specific part of the filer’s report – ?
A query like this will return details for Apple: /relationship/search?network.id=37096851,37096836&relationship.target-is-abstract=false&network.link-name=presentationLink&fields=network.id.sort(ASC),relationship.tree-sequence.sort(ASC),relationship.*
If you look at relationship.target-name
in the fields returned, these are the concepts included for the disclosures listed in network.role-description