Recognizing individual contributions to the development and use of a durable reporting standard
XBRL US Members and others play critical roles in establishing, maintaining and implementing the business reporting standard across the reporting supply chain. As the XBRL standard grows, so does the number of individuals with significant experience through professional education activities, data production and use, governance, and documentation that guides taxonomy development and implementation.
Click on the category links below to learn about each facet of achievements, find out who has earned XBRL Achievements in each category, or browse the list at right to learn specific criteria and see who has earned these professional distinctions.
Professional Education
Committee Membership
Specification & Guidance
Why is this program important?
Momentum behind the adoption of financial data standards is on the rise, with recent implementations and development programs initiated in municipalities, surety insurance, public utilities reporting and other domains. Businesses, governments, investors and other data consumers are indebted to the XBRL US community for their work in developing and expanding the use of the standard. This program is designed to recognize the work and dedication of our members.
As new standards programs come under consideration, it is imperative that individuals with the right skill set can be easily identified and called upon to participate in implementations.
Ensuring that individuals with the right expertise in XBRL and standards participate in new standards programs is critical to the success of XBRL.
We encourage our members to post their XBRL Achievements; and we encourage organizations working on new programs to ensure that they work with individuals who have demonstrated qualifications in the XBRL standard.
How does the program work?
Achievements are earned through XBRL US by meeting established criteria outlined on the pages linked at right. XBRL Achievements are distributed using the Open Badges Specification. XBRL US Members can manage and share your XBRL professional development efforts, leadership and talents on social network profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, X, etc.) and on free platforms designed to showcase achievements - see https://badgr.com, for exmple.
Who earns XBRL Achievements?
Anyone with a valid XBRL US Web Account can qualify to participate in the program. We're sharing general information about XBRL US Member involvement in one or more broad categories of work related to development, maintenance and implementation.
Want to learn more about an Achievement Leader or other program specifics? Send a note to info@xbrl.us.
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