Posted on Friday, November 10, 2017
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Today Altova® ( announced added support for a number of XBRL-related standards in Version 2020 of RaptorXML+XBRL Server. Adding to comprehensive support for numerous XBRL standards, the high-performance XBRL server now supports Data Types Registry (DTR) and Extensible Enumerations 2.0, and includes a complete XULE processor for ensuring your XBRL filings maintain consistency and are free from errors.

Altova is constantly updating the supported standards in RaptorXML+XBRL Server to give customers access to the latest trends as XBRL technologies continue to evolve and improve. New or updated support is now available for:

  • Data Types Registry (DTR). DTR is a centralized list of datatypes to be used in XBRL taxonomies. The DTR was created to promote consistency in taxonomies across different domains.
  • Extensible Enumerations 2.0. This standard provides XBRL Taxonomy editors with more flexibility for defining the allowed values for a concept.

XULE (from XBRL Rule) is a standard created by XBRL US for defining assertions and validation rules for XBRL files to query and check reports before they are filed to ensure data quality. The advantage of using XULE is that it can provide validation capabilities in addition to those in XBRL to enforce specific business rules. The standard has shown much promise in improving the data quality of SEC filings as part of the DQC (Data Quality Committee) rules in the United States.

To support organizations utilizing this important new standard, Altova has developed a XULE processor built into the RaptorXML+XBRL Server. Options let you execute XULE documents from the command line, with scripts, and via a number of server and engine APIs, including a powerful Python API. The server can process single XULE documents or rulesets containing multiple XULE documents stored in a ZIP archive.
Altova also added support for XULE in its XMLSpy product via a first-of-its-kind, interactive XULE editor that assists users with writing and testing XULE expressions.

These and many more features are available starting with Version 2020 of Altova’s line of developer tools and server software.
Both RaptorXML+XBRL Server and XMLSpy are Certified XBRL Software products. Read more about the importance of choosing certified XBRL tools:

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