Posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Today Altova® ( announced new features in the 2.0 release of MobileTogether, its paradigm shifting mobile development framework for multi-platform, data- centric apps.

What’s revolutionary about MobileTogether? Using your in-house developers with no mobile development experience necessary, you can create sophisticated, native apps for all platforms in record time: anywhere from a couple days to a few weeks.

 New in Version 2.0

The 2.0 version of MobileTogether opens doors to a whole new market of developers who need to build customer-facing, cross platform native apps that mobilize essential business and data-centric processes.

In addition to instant deployment of in-house and enterprise mobile apps, MobileTogether 2.0 now gives developers a new option called AppStore deployment, which lets them submit the resulting app directly to the app stores on all major platforms.

The existing Instant Deployment process is still available, and is ideal for prototyping of apps as well as being well suited for in-house or enterprise apps. Developers simply deploy a completed app from MobileTogether Designer to MobileTogether Server. Users will have instant access to the app when they connect to your server using the universal MobileTogether Mobile App, which they download for free from their app store of choice. There is a native MobileTogether app for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8.

The new option is AppStore deployment, which is ideal for customer facing apps or apps where strong brand recognition is desired. If a customer prefers to deploy a single app with a custom name, splash screen, and home screen logo, they can compile the code generated by MobileTogether (for one or all platforms) and submit it to the respective app store(s). This option still saves an incredible amount of time, because the developer only needs to create one app design in MobileTogether Designer.

Though building apps in MobileTogether is easy by design, sometimes a jumpstart proof-of-concept helps a customer get moving in the right direction. To that end, for a limited time, Altova is offering App Jumpstart services where we will build your first app with you.  App Jumpstart hours are provided when a customer purchases a MobileTogether Server license. For instance, the purchase of a 10 device server license includes 1 App Jumpstart hour – a value of $160 when purchasing a $500 license!

“We have designed MobileTogether to address the most frequently cited barriers to mobilizing enterprise and data-centric business processes: time to market and lack of mobile development expertise,” said Alexander Falk, CEO and President of Altova. “Instead of requiring months of dedicated developer time, MobileTogether lets you turn out native apps for every platform – at the speed of business – using your existing in-house development team. No other mobile development environment lets you do this, and we are pretty excited about it. The new features in MobileTogether 2.0 make it even more easy and flexible to fit every app development scenario.”

Other New Features in MobileTogether 2.0:

  • Support for additional back end data formats including: REST and SOAP Web services, JSON, and Firebird databases
  • New MobileTogether Server licensing option allows customers to purchase per-core licenses for MobileTogether Server, in addition to purchasing per-device licenses. This enables customers to select the server licensing option that is best suited for their app deployment scenario.
  • Parallel processing of multiple solutions allows users to run more than one solution at a time, enabling them to switch back and forth between them as needed.
  • Signature/sample drawing control adds support for in-app signatures and simple drawings.
  • Windows 10 support
  • And much more

You can learn more about MobileTogether and download the free MobileTogether Designer at

About Altova
Altova® is a software company specializing in tools that assist developers with data management, software and application development, mobile development, and data integration. The creator of XMLSpy® and other award-winning products, Altova is a key player in the software tools industry and the leader in XML solution development tools. The company offers a complete line of desktop developer software for XML, SQL, and UML; high-performance workflow automation server products; and a cross-platform mobile development platform. Altova focuses on its customers’ needs by offering a product line that fulfills a broad spectrum of requirements for software development teams. With over 4.9 million users worldwide, including 91% of Fortune 500 organizations, Altova is honored to serve clients from one-person shops to the world’s largest organizations. Altova is committed to delivering standards-based, platform-independent solutions that are powerful, affordable and easy-to-use. Founded in 1992, Altova is headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts and Vienna, Austria.


Altova, MobileTogether, MissionKit, XMLSpy, MapForce, FlowForce, RaptorXML, StyleVision, UModel, DatabaseSpy, DiffDog, SchemaAgent, and Authentic are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Altova GmbH in the United States and other countries. The names of and references to other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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