XBRL US submitted a comment letter to the Financial Stability Board, in response to their Thematic Peer Review on Implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Feedback from stakeholders was invited to gauge awareness and implementation, as well as challenges and impediments to adoption of the LEI around the world.
According to the Global LEI Foundation, there are over 172,000 LEIs in the United States. The XBRL US letter notes that the biggest impediments to adoption are the need to change processes, and the costs of obtaining and renewing LEIs.
Read the FSB release: http://www.fsb.org/2018/08/fsb-launches-thematic-peer-review-on-implementation-of-the-legal-entity-identifier-and-invites-feedback-from-stakeholders/
Read the letter: XBRL US Letter RE FSB Peer Review On LEI 9-21-18 FINAL